The Amazing Spider-Man 2 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Box Office Prediction Thread

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Mr. Dent

Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Seemed an appropriate time to make this...right before Iron Man takes Spidey's throne as Marvel's #1 highest grossing solo character at the movies. :oldrazz:
I'm gonna guess 3.4 billion worse case scenerio. Best case, beer in a can.
We're voting for lifetime gross, and overall right? International + domestic? That's what I put down lol.
Domestic - $250 million
Worldwide - $700 million

I think this perform lower than TASM1 but just $50 to $30 million short from TASM1's worldwide gross.
Domestic - $250 million
Worldwide - $700 million

I think this perform lower than TASM1 but just $50 to $30 million short from TASM1's worldwide gross.

You need to take into account the fact Jamie Foxx is in it, hot off of Django. He's sure to be promoted a lot. That's some added coin.
I'm gonna say worldwide between $860 million-$930 million.
That's a hard one to predict, imo.
I imagine it doing quite well again, with similar numbers (around 750M), or a slight increase (finishing with 830M max.).
If this is better received than TASM (like, 85%+ RT score, etc) then I'm going with this:

OW: $110m
DOM: $350m
INT: $530m
WW: $880m

That's sorta conservative (if the movie is as acclaimed as I pointed out). It also depends on if Sony releases the film internationally first like with other movies, which could effect the hype level domestically and thus the OW and overall legs.
You need to take into account the fact Jamie Foxx is in it, hot off of Django. He's sure to be promoted a lot. That's some added coin.

But after the reception of the first movie, I don't think this will perform better at the box-office. Though my prediction could always change especially when I see the trailer.
^ Don't think the first movie's reception is going to have much of an effect on this. It's Spider-Man, it's all but guaranteed to do $500m+ OS no matter what. As for state side, the movie wasn't really negatively viewed to the point it left a bad taste in peoples' mouths about Spider-Man (like with SM3), the movie just got panned for being a rehash and a lot of people didn't see the point in going to see it.

I think what we should keep in mind is that TASM had a bad release date, was sandwiched in between The Avengers and TDKR and was pretty much drowned out, was panned for being too much like the first Spider-Man, and was the first Spider-Man movie in 5 years after the last one was horribly received, and despite all of that it STILL made $750m+, with $480m from OS. TASM2 has a far better release date and is pretty much the headline CBM of the summer this time around. If it has actual good WOM then I can see it getting $550m+ OS and $350m+ DOM fairly easily.
Seemed an appropriate time to make this...right before Iron Man takes Spidey's throne as Marvel's #1 highest grossing solo character at the movies. :oldrazz:

Er how??

Even if IM3 makes a billion,it cant overtake Spidey
if it gets good reviews i think it will make 800.

if it gets the same reception that the first one did, i reckon 675.

@spiderdevil: i believe he means per movie - no spider-man movie has made over 900 million by itself.
It's hard to say before we see a teaser at least. But I still predict 800M WW if not then close to. I think it will surpass TASM, but not by huge leaps.
I was correct about the domestic market poll for the first film....let's see if I'll be correct on this poll :up:
If they build on the story, tighten up the villain arc and really go for the emotional punch that the first did so well (and ram up the action), easily over 850 million.
^ I wouldn't say easily over $850M, but I could see the film getting there WW with a better story, better villain arc and better development with everyone besides only just Peter and Gwen.
Why even factor story into it at all?

Reminder that Spider-Man 3 made ~$900 million.
Spider-Man 3's case was because people were so enthralled with Spider-Man 2.

Can we say people will watch the sequel, without a story being a factor, because of the first film? It wasn't a big of a deal as S-M 2 was.
The GA doesn't go to see CBMs for their story anyway, I don't see how a better story would factor in the box office.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say over 900. I predict that the trailer is gonna knock socks off- just send them absolutely flying!! This Spidey is gonna be more fun and action-packed than the last one, and that's going to draw people in. Plus I'll be seeing it at least four times, so... :woot:
The GA doesn't go to see CBMs for their story anyway, I don't see how a better story would factor in the box office.

I don't think that's very much true. A part of the GA does go to see CBMs because of their story. If that wasn't the case, Green Lantern would've been a blockbuster.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say over 900. I predict that the trailer is gonna knock socks off- just send them absolutely flying!! This Spidey is gonna be more fun and action-packed than the last one, and that's going to draw people in. Plus I'll be seeing it at least four times, so... :woot:

What if the trailer doesn't knock socks off? Lol.
Why even factor story into it at all?

Reminder that Spider-Man 3 made ~$900 million.
Like Anno said, SM3 made that much based off of the goodwill and hype created by SM2. TASM made so much less because SM3 was so poorly received, in addition to the other things surrounding its release. But the disappointment with SM3 is a big reason why it didn't gross more than $260m domestically even with 3D.

The GA doesn't go to see CBMs for their story anyway, I don't see how a better story would factor in the box office.
You're completely wrong about this. Reception on the story and overall quality of a CBM goes a long way in building hype, good WOM, and positivity around the franchise as a whole. The first trilogy would not have been as successful if the first two movies weren't so good. The Batman trilogy would not have been so successful if the first two movies weren't so good. The Iron Man and MCU franchise as a whole would not be so successful if not for Iron Man, Avengers, and arguable some of the other films weren't so good.
Like Anno said, SM3 made that much based off of the goodwill and hype created by SM2. TASM made so much less because SM3 was so poorly received, in addition to the other things surrounding its release. But the disappointment with SM3 is a big reason why it didn't gross more than $260m domestically even with 3D.

You're completely wrong about this. Reception on the story and overall quality of a CBM goes a long way in building hype, good WOM, and positivity around the franchise as a whole. The first trilogy would not have been as successful if the first two movies weren't so good. The Batman trilogy would not have been so successful if the first two movies weren't so good. The Iron Man and MCU franchise as a whole would not be so successful if not for Iron Man, Avengers, and arguable some of the other films weren't so good.

Three* :oldrazz:
Maybe. But TDKR grossed as much as did based off of TDK hype, no one can deny that. That's why I didn't include it, it wouldn't really be fair to say it stood on its own. Same with the other films I mentioned.
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