The Dark Knight The Official Alfred Pennyworth Thread

The Man of Steel

Dec 3, 2007
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Not sure if he's gonna be any deferant in this movie, but I've got some idea's on what they could do with the character,
They could

#1 have him get sick in this movie
#2 have him help Batman out in a battle (not by fighting)
#3 have him and fox find the way to stop Joker
#4 have him save batman (in a really big way)
#5 have him die :-)O)

what do you guy's think?
I consider myself an unofficial founder of the SOCF.

A Godfather, if you will.
there is only one man that can say ''never'' and make it sound super-duper badass cool.

caine: nevah
Not sure if he's gonna be any deferant in this movie, but I've got some idea's on what they could do with the character,
They could

#1 have him get sick in this movie
#2 have him help Batman out in a battle (not by fighting)
#3 have him and fox find the way to stop Joker
#4 have him save batman (in a really big way)
#5 have him die :-)O)

what do you guy's think?

Stick to Metropolis.
I don't care much for Michael Caine in these movies but I know almost all the BB are gonna complain about me thinking everyone was bad or something.

Me neither i find him bland and slightly cliche one thing alfred should always be is a gentlemens, gentleman i hate caines cockney geezer routine when i think they could have got Ben kingsley or a multitude of old british actors who fit the criteria more it makes me weep.:cmad:
In there bid to get a steller all star cast in caines case i think they forgot to ask themsleves is he really right for this role?
I wasnt happy from the off he is a good acotr but i do think he is slightly overated and no way as good as Kingsley, mckellen or hopkins who would have all ROCKED as alfred.
Caine? Overrated? Ooooo...kkkkkk....
I'm not talking about Caine as Alfred. I'm talking about him as an actor, because I think Damiean sees him overrated in general. If I'm wrong, apologies.
Although I do love his Alfred, too.
Oh, in that case: Michael Caine? Overrated? Ooo....kkk...:p
"what is the point of all them push ups if you can't even lift a bloody log?"

i think Michael Gough fit the role better. he may have been a little old, but he was a perfect Alfred imo. (I just saw Batman Returns tonight in a local theater, and I thought he was great in it)
Michael Gough was great. But Caine's Alfred is more dynamic, so I like him more.
Michael Caine is the greatest thing to come out of Britian, evah. (lol, see what I did there :cwink:)

I think they should just keep him as the 'father figure' of Bruce. The part in BB when Bruce confronted Crane, and Alfred had him in the back of the car was really 'touching'. (Don't think that's the right word, but it's close enough).

In the latest issue of DETECTIE COMICS, Alfred joins Bruce, Dick, Tim, Talia and others in whipping ninja ass and saving the day. As dignified and wonderful as Michael Gough was, there's no way I could buy him as a dynamic Alfred. I assume Burton chose him because of his veneration of the old Hammer films and their casts, as well as his acting ability.

Caine, on the other hand, has that gentleman vibe, tinged with an edgy humor and toughness that makes you wonder if he couldn't just kick your ass himself. THAT Alfred I like. I love that people are always underestimating him in the comics, forgetting the character's military training, acting ability and score of other talents.

I think Michael Caine (one of my favorite actors, by the way) was an excellent choice. Not only can you picture him side by side with Bruce in a difficult situation and holding his own, his ability to let his love for Bruce shine through (in fact, something Gough did as well) makes his performance believable.

Just my 25 cents. Merry Christmas y'all.
Agreed, zenbird.
I like it when Alfred reminds everyone of his past training and experience (I mean, it's like James Bond retired and started working for the Waynes, or, to be more... realistic, it's as if Ian Fleming stopped writing novels and went to work for them). Michael Caine's version fleshes that out quite well, so I prefer him.
All I ever hear about is the accent. So his accent is different than the past Alfreds, so what? They're all interpretations from a written, non-auditory source, so who's to say what the "real" Alfred sounds like? Same goes for any character, such as Ra's. How did Timm & Co know he wasn't supposed to have a middle eastern accent when they cast David Warner? Or the subsequent Liam Neeson?

He was a gentleman and a father figure. He was comforting but tough, with a wry wit. That's Al.
Not sure if he's gonna be any deferant in this movie, but I've got some idea's on what they could do with the character,
They could

#1 have him get sick in this movie
#2 have him help Batman out in a battle (not by fighting)
#3 have him and fox find the way to stop Joker
#4 have him save batman (in a really big way)
#5 have him die :-)O)

what do you guy's think?

That was done in Batman & Robin....

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