Where will Jimbo's arc be taken in The Dark Knight Rises?
I don't think anybody can deny that Oldman has been stupendous as Gordon, pretty much a flawless portrayal. Just look at Long Halloween, that IS Oldman as Jim.
I hope he finds out Bruce is Batman by the end of this film.
Gordon should have a lot to do in this movie, like in TDK. He's one of the few who knows the truth behind the Dent/Batman murders, and I'd like to see some repercussions of it all on his family. Maybe his wife left him after the events of TDK. Between him faking his death, and then them being abducted by Two Face, it was just too much for her.
I hope Gordon gets a scene with one of the new villains. I loved his short exchange with the Joker in the interrogation room. Plus his scenes with Dent were always terrific. Especially in the climax.
Truly adore Oldman in this role. He's perfect, no question.
Gordon should have a lot to do in this movie, like in TDK. He's one of the few who knows the truth behind the Dent/Batman murders, and I'd like to see some repercussions of it all on his family. Maybe his wife left him after the events of TDK. Between him faking his death, and then them being abducted by Two Face, it was just too much for her.
I hope he finds out Bruce is Batman by the end of this film.
I hope he finds out Bruce is Batman by the end of this film.
I was originally against Barbara leaving him, but you made it sound like something I'd like to see, Boom.
Year One's Gordon is the most like Oldman's Gordon to me. Alongside TIH. But especially Year One, he looks like he walked out of the comics. I still can't believe people complained about that casting.