The Dark Knight Rises The Dark Knight Rises Info Hunters Thread

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That sucked.

Haha I'll never forget when that went down. The guy made everyone wait a full day before he uploaded the video, and then the video was just the Fresh Prince singing over Rick Astley.

I remember some guy on the imdb boards actually found his MySpace, address, and posted a video with his gun collection saying he was going to come to his house and kill him.

I was enraged, but it really was trolling at its finest. When people are actually finding your address and threatening to kill you, you've turned trolling to an artform.
This "press release" is the worst trolling debacle since the Spiderman 3 junior book thread, or the devious WizardCon footage rickroll of 2007.
Jesus, now that's a trip down memory lane... but personally, and strangely, I don't think I've been this disappointed since the virals were hyped to be a theatrical trailer and lead to that "sitting ducks" website. Also, that poster which was a brick wall with a Batman logo on it even earlier. I know I'm gonna get hate for saying that, though, as when WB (through the Joker persona) trolls you, it can be called a good thing, I guess :oldrazz:
The fact that they're willing to mislead fans should count against their credibility no matter what - the fact that they it was "just fans on twitter" that were fooled doesn't mean their quality of character isn't any worse than if it had been non-fans not on twitter.
Quality of character, sure. But that's not the same as journalistic integrity. If they published misleading stories on their actual website, then I'd agree. But they didn't. They teased on Twitter a fluff piece they were gonna publish, and did it in the way that would attract the most hits. That's business, they're not trying to make friends. So "quality of character" is irrelevant. Sensationalism is standard in the media. That's how Entertainment Tonight gets their ratings (by teasing the same story for a week before actually showing it, then it turns out to be what we've already seen), that's how studios sell movies (often by misrepresenting them). That's just...typical.

I think you and I both agree that they're scum, and that they haven't actually posted any lies - but I think their sleazy behavior should count against whatever they report, simply because it's hard to trust a messenger known to be sketchy. Not saying we should never believe them, but I do think we should take a critical eye to whatever they say (regarding news or just twitter pre-announcements).
They've given absolutely no reason to doubt the things they report as news, so I'm not gonna do so.

True, but it also doesn't automatically discount the merit or worth of those who DON'T have degrees, as I think you've done. Nor does it mean a degree automatically means you're credible.

In any given field, some of the best workers are self-taught or self-made. We should judge a journalist not on his degree, but on his behavior and publications.
I'm not discounting anyone. I posted earlier that I like Collider. I think they are honest. They just get things wrong sometimes because they aren't trained to discern and verify things the same way professionals are. And that's all I'm doing - pointing out the distinction between amateurs and professionals, because that's basically what you're asking. Who you prefer is up to you. All I know is when CBM or Collider says "our sources say," and The Wrap says "our sources say" something different, I know which one I'm gonna believe. Every. Single. Time.
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No news!!! What the living ****! Bahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!:argh:

Hehe, oh well.....:oldrazz:
You guys wanna have some viral fun and show just how spiteful we Batfans can be?

If so, feel free to partake in...


Operation: Wrap It Up


1. Click this link.

2. Fill in any fake name and e-mail you like.

3. In the Subject box, enter: HOT 'Dark Knight Rises' Scoop - Spy Footage of Early Plate Shooting in New York

4. In the Message box, enter: The rumors that Christopher Nolan and company were shooting some early plate shots for 'The Dark Knight Rises' in New York are true. Helicopters circulating skyscrapers in a taped off area were captured on yesterday camera, and the video was posted online. Apparently, the area was said to be in use for filming the movie 'Magnus Rex,' which is believed to be the working title for Nolan's latest Batman film. Check out the video at this link:

5. Laugh.


That's all there is to it. Copy, paste, and enjoy a particularly cold dish, if you catch my drift. ;) :up: :hehe:

(Would be quite funny to get a massive movement going...also quite scary...:wow:)
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Haha I'll never forget when that went down. The guy made everyone wait a full day before he uploaded the video, and then the video was just the Fresh Prince singing over Rick Astley.

I remember some guy on the imdb boards actually found his MySpace, address, and posted a video with his gun collection saying he was going to come to his house and kill him.

I was enraged, but it really was trolling at its finest. When people are actually finding your address and threatening to kill you, you've turned trolling to an artform.

If something like that when down with the Dark Knight Rises, you'd have to laugh at least a little. You know when that guy saw the photo of the guy's gun collection, it made him warm and fuzzy inside. LOL That IS an art-form.
EDIT: Probably right...
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yeah... I dont think the mods will like it if you want to troll another site. Remember what happen last time? :doh:

Kane, I was just merely making a humorous suggestion. It was meant to be fairly tongue in cheek. No different than any of the crazy GIFs or memes posted recently. And really, no one needs to go through with it...

And last time, the thread was closed because we wouldn't stop talking about the issue within this thread. Last I checked, that's all the last few pages have been.
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Sweet Tooth from The New Adventures of Batman

Andddddd ...

Perez Hilton

Kane, I was just merely making a humorous suggestion. It was meant to be fairly tongue in cheek. No different than any of the crazy GIFs or memes posted recently. And really, no one needs to go through with it...

And last time, the thread was closed because we wouldn't stop talking about the issue within this thread. Last I checked, that's all the last few pages have been.

I know, but you know how things can escalate.
It was just a precaution.
The rumor mill for TDKR has overwhelmingly got out of hand. It's downright ridiculous. JGL and Marion Cotillard haven't even been confirmed yet :dry:. All this about Talia, the Falcone Family, Strange, Black Mask, Sionis, fake press releases, and the countless number of speculated shooting locations is nauseating. I really hope WB formally clarifies all of this SOON.

I know, but you know how things can escalate.
It was just a precaution.

I know, I know. We start carrying semi-automatics, they buy automatics. We start wearing kevlar, they buy armor piercing rounds. And you're still posting common sense, in a place that is slowly losing it.

:up: :)
All right, this may seem like going out on a limb but just hear me out and consider what I'm saying.

Me and a good friend have been following news in the Batman department since BB, and there seem to be some major inconsistencies with how the news is coming out that makes me think that little errors like these are what the studio WANTS to happen.

Here is what we were discussing and this is really the only way I can break it down. If you don't like conspiracy theories, then you can flame me afterwards. Trust me though, I'm not a nut.


Right now the only new additions to the cast that we're aware of are Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway as Bane and Catwoman respectively. There has been no official confirmation regarding others, such as Marion Cotillard or Joseph Gordon Levitt.

On both fronts, these actors have been "in talks" for this motion picture for months and their names have been associated with the film for longer than that. Some people on these forums say because these actors have not denied being "in talks," that they likely are.

However, I say that means nothing. Who would deny being "in talks" for one of the biggest motion picture events of the decade? They're probably getting phone calls from people for even having their name attached to the movie.

On top of that, we also had the entire Robin Williams/Hugo Strange debacle.

Think about it for a second...who would deny to anyone that they're in talks to be in a Batman movie? Even if they already know they're not going to be in the movie, they can still further their careers from the situation. This is how negotiations work, and Hollywood agents are masters of politically arranging their clients in such a manner. It's how their system works.


This the biggest indicator to me that we have a real problem on our hands in regards to factual data.

With The Dark Knight, the film shot on location in Chicago and Hong Kong, as well as in the Cardington hangars. To film in a city like Chicago requires months of negotiations with the city government, chamber of commerce, agencies, contractors, etc. It's no small feat. Maybe if you're an indie film maker, but if you're shutting streets down and renting out (or blowing up) buildings, that's a different matter. It takes a lot of time.

It's an even larger feat to do something like this overseas. Whole scenes of The Dark Knight were removed from the script due to lighting issues in Hong Kong, and the tricky relations with the Chinese government eventually led to the movie not even being released in China.

Yet with The Dark Knight Rises, the movie will be shooting in New York, Los Angeles, the UK Hangars, Pittsburgh, Romania and India. That's THIS week, might I add. Before, we also had Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia and Detroit.

As it stands now, this film will be shooting in four countries and three American cities. That's insane. The negotiations alone would be enough to drive Nolan himself mad.

Basically, what I'm getting at is that all of this screams of misinformation tactics. What I'm wondering is if today's little incident was more than just a troll, but just another part of a major campaign to keep every aspect of this movie (location, characters, casting, story, etc.) as secret as possible.

If the movie is set to start shooting in May, and we have no clue where the movie is filming, then there's no way we can go and take on-set photos. If we don't know the fake title of the movie, we won't know where it is. If it has multiple fake titles, that makes it nearly impossible to guess.

The other thing to consider is that so many websites are trying to profit off of this movie that not only are they reporting anything and everything without verification, but some of them are starting to flat out make it up.

I hate to come off as a conspiracy theorist, but I've been suspicious about a lot of the news coming out since probably October. From where I'm sitting, there is so much BS floating around right now that it's quite possibly deliberate. WB has taken the security of this film to a whole new level; instead of keeping everything on lockdown (which you know they are) they're also flooding the news market with lies.

If you don't believe me, consider this:

If there have been two different fake scripts, if the real one were to leak we wouldn't believe it.
If there are fake press releases, we'll second-guess when a real one comes out.
If there are fifteen different possible shooting locations, we won't know which ones are the right ones.

I think it's possible that the "viral marketing" campaign for The Dark Knight Rises has already started. They're flooding the market with ********.

Either that, or the media is ruining it themselves and the studio is just sitting back and laughing.

What happened today though wasn't anything new. We're getting crap like this every week. If it's not a fake script, it's a new casting rumor. If it's not a casting rumor, it's a new confirmation. If it's not a confirmation, it's a new villain. If it's not a new villain, it's a fake press release. If not that, a fake interview.

I'm getting sick of this crap.

I've braced myself for the flames. Send them onward.
All right, this may seem like going out on a limb but just hear me out and consider what I'm saying.

Me and a good friend have been following news in the Batman department since BB, and there seem to be some major inconsistencies with how the news is coming out that makes me think that little errors like these are what the studio WANTS to happen.

Here is what we were discussing and this is really the only way I can break it down. If you don't like conspiracy theories, then you can flame me afterwards. Trust me though, I'm not a nut.


Right now the only new additions to the cast that we're aware of are Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway as Bane and Catwoman respectively. There has been no official confirmation regarding others, such as Marion Cotillard or Joseph Gordon Levitt.

On both fronts, these actors have been "in talks" for this motion picture for months and their names have been associated with the film for longer than that. Some people on these forums say because these actors have not denied being "in talks," that they likely are.

However, I say that means nothing. Who would deny being "in talks" for one of the biggest motion picture events of the decade? They're probably getting phone calls from people for even having their name attached to the movie.

On top of that, we also had the entire Robin Williams/Hugo Strange debacle.

Think about it for a second...who would deny to anyone that they're in talks to be in a Batman movie? Even if they already know they're not going to be in the movie, they can still further their careers from the situation. This is how negotiations work, and Hollywood agents are masters of politically arranging their clients in such a manner. It's how their system works.


This the biggest indicator to me that we have a real problem on our hands in regards to factual data.

With The Dark Knight, the film shot on location in Chicago and Hong Kong, as well as in the Cardington hangars. To film in a city like Chicago requires months of negotiations with the city government, chamber of commerce, agencies, contractors, etc. It's no small feat. Maybe if you're an indie film maker, but if you're shutting streets down and renting out (or blowing up) buildings, that's a different matter. It takes a lot of time.

It's an even larger feat to do something like this overseas. Whole scenes of The Dark Knight were removed from the script due to lighting issues in Hong Kong, and the tricky relations with the Chinese government eventually led to the movie not even being released in China.

Yet with The Dark Knight Rises, the movie will be shooting in New York, Los Angeles, the UK Hangars, Pittsburgh, Romania and India. That's THIS week, might I add. Before, we also had Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia and Detroit.

As it stands now, this film will be shooting in four countries and three American cities. That's insane. The negotiations alone would be enough to drive Nolan himself mad.

Basically, what I'm getting at is that all of this screams of misinformation tactics. What I'm wondering is if today's little incident was more than just a troll, but just another part of a major campaign to keep every aspect of this movie (location, characters, casting, story, etc.) as secret as possible.

If the movie is set to start shooting in May, and we have no clue where the movie is filming, then there's no way we can go and take on-set photos. If we don't know the fake title of the movie, we won't know where it is. If it has multiple fake titles, that makes it nearly impossible to guess.

The other thing to consider is that so many websites are trying to profit off of this movie that not only are they reporting anything and everything without verification, but some of them are starting to flat out make it up.

I hate to come off as a conspiracy theorist, but I've been suspicious about a lot of the news coming out since probably October. From where I'm sitting, there is so much BS floating around right now that it's quite possibly deliberate. WB has taken the security of this film to a whole new level; instead of keeping everything on lockdown (which you know they are) they're also flooding the news market with lies.

If you don't believe me, consider this:

If there have been two different fake scripts, if the real one were to leak we wouldn't believe it.
If there are fake press releases, we'll second-guess when a real one comes out.
If there are fifteen different possible shooting locations, we won't know which ones are the right ones.

I think it's possible that the "viral marketing" campaign for The Dark Knight Rises has already started. They're flooding the market with ********.

Either that, or the media is ruining it themselves and the studio is just sitting back and laughing.

What happened today though wasn't anything new. We're getting crap like this every week. If it's not a fake script, it's a new casting rumor. If it's not a casting rumor, it's a new confirmation. If it's not a confirmation, it's a new villain. If it's not a new villain, it's a fake press release. If not that, a fake interview.

I'm getting sick of this crap.

I've braced myself for the flames. Send them onward.

You just blew my mind.
I know, I know. We start carrying semi-automatics, they buy automatics. We start wearing kevlar, they buy armor piercing rounds. And you're still posting common sense, in a place that is slowly losing it.

:up: :)

Oh I see what you did there, am I right Fry?

What is it about Twitter and Facebook that makes people write like three-year-olds? It's like people use those sites as an excuse to act like illiterate morons.

Seriously. It's not hard to write out the word "you." It's not hard to use proper punctuation.
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