Days of Future Past The Official Nicholas Hoult/Beast Thread

So disappointed in his character here, probably the thing I didn't like the most about the movie. I thought the serum excuse for his ability to continue looking like a normal person was cheap. I know that it would be hell to have Hoult have makeup put on day in, day out, but for what we got in the movie, it just doesn't work. After x years spent at Charles Xavier's side and having seen Mystique accept her mutant appearance, Hank is still insecure about his. His character learned nothing from First Class.

He eventually get's there.....give him time.

see the new 2023
My problem with Beast in the movie is the actor. Actors can shine even if they are just there for like 20 minutes *cough* OT cast*cough*

He's just lacking in spark. Thats what I felt when I saw Jack the Giant Slayer last week on HBO.
I'm really not a fan of Beast, even if Nic is so easy on the eyes, he's role is just OK for me
It looked like Kelsey was wearing a mask. For a 30 second cameo, I guess it doesn't make sense for him to spend 4 hours in a makeup chair.

I did think Beast was the weakest character. He clearly had conflicted feelings about Mystique, but it didn't get explored. And the serum was just a lame plot device to keep him out of costume.
hoults didn't get much to do really, his subplot I think must have been cut along with some of the other middle chunk and beast wasn't really looked at as a character he was almost the hulk of this film, only used when needed

While When you look at a character like quicksilver who was giving so much character and humour for his small role and stole the show because they managed to do so much for him in a small amount of time and in the end you just wanted him in the whole film
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Hopefully he gets more to do in Apocalypse.
Anyone find it strange that he never really spoke while in Beast mode? Maybe the make-up didn't allow for his mouth to move convincingly.
Anyone find it strange that he never really spoke while in Beast mode? Maybe the make-up didn't allow for his mouth to move convincingly.

That's possible. Maybe something was cut or they just didn't feel like having him talk. But...

They did have Grammer talk though.
there were cut scenes of beast and mystique so yeah i assume most of his talking as beast scenes were cut out in the middle chunk
Beast spoke.

He told Logan "i have this, Go!" While riding a sentinel. It was a growly voice.
I missed his deadpan humor. He needs that in the next flick.
I missed his deadpan humor. He needs that in the next flick.

Yeah he needs to be jollier and wittier in next movie but still a hint of sadness with his appearance ala Hank in Whedon's Cure storyline.
Beast was totally wasted in this movie, more than any other (still living) character from FC. He was just basically there for a ride to turn blue and go berserk at other characters. He clearly still had feelings for Raven but that barely got touched on apart from a couple of lines. And I think they really missed an opportunity where his relationship with Charles is concerned. If you think about it he's been Charles' only loyal friend who stuck with him and looked after him all these years, it's the kind of stuff that should be moving. But the movie glosses over that completely.
With Kinberg's comments about using the original trilogy cast in Apocalypse, I would LOVE to see Grammer return properly
With Kinberg's comments about using the original trilogy cast in Apocalypse, I would LOVE to see Grammer return properly

Love to see something like this. Bring back Grammer, then make Apocalypse turn him into Dark Beast or something.

Would love to see Dark Beast at some point.
About a Boy is on HBO right now. Haven't seen it in ages. OMG, he was so tiny!!! :oldrazz:
Thumbs up for Hoult. His name rarely gets mentioned because the cast is so impressive, but he was very likable. I really like having him around.
Would love to see Dark Beast at some point.

I think Dark Beast is definitely the way to go in Apocalypse and for Nicholas Hoult to get a character arc. He was fine in this film, but he didn't get much of an arc and was just sort of 'there' in some parts and Dark Beast would help.
Thumbs up for Hoult. His name rarely gets mentioned because the cast is so impressive, but he was very likable. I really like having him around.
Agree. Love what he brought to the role in this flick.
So disappointed in his character here, probably the thing I didn't like the most about the movie. I thought the serum excuse for his ability to continue looking like a normal person was cheap. I know that it would be hell to have Hoult have makeup put on day in, day out, but for what we got in the movie, it just doesn't work. After x years spent at Charles Xavier's side and having seen Mystique accept her mutant appearance, Hank is still insecure about his. His character learned nothing from First Class.
in all fairness Charles wasn't setting the best example, when your own teacher/mentor has given up hope and has fallen, it's not exactly encouraging

I mean, even in the future, X3's Beast, hasn't fully accepted his mutant appearance and was still conflicted (and maybe the serum treatment used in this movie, finally explains his human appearance in x2) showing that maybe even up to that point he was still hiding his true natural

Beast was totally wasted in this movie, more than any other (still living) character from FC. He was just basically there for a ride to turn blue and go berserk at other characters. He clearly still had feelings for Raven but that barely got touched on apart from a couple of lines. And I think they really missed an opportunity where his relationship with Charles is concerned. If you think about it he's been Charles' only loyal friend who stuck with him and looked after him all these years, it's the kind of stuff that should be moving. But the movie glosses over that completely.
only friend? more like his enabler... he not only supplied him with the drugs, he just stood by and let him abuse them, he seem to acknowledge that he was going to far with it, but refused to confront him, or try to stop him
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I liked that there was no resolution to Beast's arc in this film. It picked up where FC left off in that he's still ashamed and hiding. The fact that there wasn't an acceptance in this film, like there was for Charles, leaves it open to come to a resolution in the next film.






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