Days of Future Past The Official Nicholas Hoult/Beast Thread

I'm probably alone in this but this incarnation (visually) still doesn't look better than First Class beast to me at least. I know the articulation (or lack thereof) of the Beast make up/prosthetic was a letdown for most but on a pure visual sense I still really liked how he looked in First Class.

I know I'm alone in this but just thought it would be worth mentioning seeing as FC Beast gets very little love. :(

I do enjoy however that there does seem to be a clear evolution of the Beast look from FC to Last Stand. I like that he's looking progressively more humanoid.

My biggest gripe with the FC beast were the lips--you could tell very easily when they used computer animation to make his lips move, and it was completely unnecessary. One thing X3 did well was the Beast make-up; Kelsey Grammer definitely looked beastly and blue, but still had enough human features for him to express himself.


I remember cringing in the theater when I saw FC's Beast in the hanger bay. They just went overboard on everything, especially the lips. The only thing I'd change about the X3 version are his eyes--make them that yellow-orange. That's it.
X3 is still the definitive Beast IMHO. That was the best aspect of that whole film.
X3 is still the definitive Beast IMHO. That was the best aspect of that whole film.

I agree.

I think part of the thing is that Nicholas Hoult is thin and small-framed so building a Beast on top of that doesn't create a lot of bulk/width in the face and body. He might look better in DoFP though.
I just can't wait to see the present Beast if Kelsey Grammer is indeed coming back for a cameo role.

And yes X3's Beast look is the best. It looks so effortlessly done.
They're both so young, so it's inevitable that they'll be in completely different places in a few years, but I just adore them together. :atp:
Just noticed his Jacket has XMDOFP on the side haha

Edit: or am I just reading it wrong? :S
They're both so young, so it's inevitable that they'll be in completely different places in a few years, but I just adore them together. :atp:
This. I doubt it will last, and I don't even get heavy romance vibes from them, but it's nice they've each got someone to just hang out with that they seem to genuinely like. They look so cute and happy together.
They're just buddies.
Based on that photo, if there was ever a movie about Chris Martin from Coldplay, Hoult must play him.
Based on that photo, if there was ever a movie about Chris Martin from Coldplay, Hoult must play him.

Thank our stars that will never happen, but yeah I do see the resemblance.
WolfCop looks awesome, don't even lie. :o

Cult type horror films are the best.
I don't mind.

I watched all the videos/ads/featurettes for The Wolverine/First Class and I still enjoyed both movies.

Plus reading the reviews, helped me not to have too much expectations to the things that I wanted to see.
Doesn't my manicure look Fabulous!
So disappointed in his character here, probably the thing I didn't like the most about the movie. I thought the serum excuse for his ability to continue looking like a normal person was cheap. I know that it would be hell to have Hoult have makeup put on day in, day out, but for what we got in the movie, it just doesn't work. After x years spent at Charles Xavier's side and having seen Mystique accept her mutant appearance, Hank is still insecure about his. His character learned nothing from First Class.

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