Days of Future Past The INTERVIEWS Thread (Cast and crew)


Apr 9, 2005
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thought we need this topic too, to have all the interviews (videos and articles) on the same thread, for those interested and to avoid multiple pages on the other topics.


Oct. 14: Shawn Ashmore about whether Bobby Drake could be bac

Oct. 28: Daniel Cudmore On X-Men And The Halo Web Series

Dec. 4 - Patrick Stewart on 'Star Trek: TNG,' returning to 'X-Men

Dec. 4 - Hugh Jackman Is 'In Discussions' About 'X-Men' Sequel

Dec. 6 - Ian McKellen discuss X-men: Days of future past, and possible 3D and 48fps

- Dec. 11 - Alan cumming wants to come back as Nightcrawler

Dec. 27: James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart talk returning to “X-Men” in “Days of Future Past”

Jan. 5: Nicholas Hoult Talks 'Mad Max: Fury Road' and 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

Jan. 7: Famke Janssen Won't Confess To 'Wolverine' Cameo, Hopes For More 'X-Men' Movies

Jan. 9:Nicholas Hoult Excited For More 'X-Men,' Not As Much For More Beast

Jan. 11: Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar Nomination Day Was 'Full Of Surprises'
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I hope they don't use 48fps!

And I'm okay with 3D, like or not. It would help the movie earn more money at the box-office and if it does, people wouldn't call the movie a flop or people keep asking on why there hasn't been a X-Men movie that grossed more than $500 million at the worldwide box-office.
Alan cumming wants to come back as Nightcrawler

We recently heard that Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen and possibly Hugh Jackman, James Marsden and Halle Berry will also return for the upcoming sequel to "X-Men: First Class," called "X-Men: Days of Future Past."

ComingSoon now caught up with Alan Cumming to find out if 20th Century Fox reached out to him to reprise his Nightcrawler role. "I haven’t gotten the call. Someone told me that Nightcrawler doesn't appear in the story, but I don't know, I think they would have called by now," he said. "I really like ['X2'] and everyone really responded to Nightcrawler, and enough time has elapsed that I would like to go back to [the franchise]."

It would be interesting to see Nightcrawler return since "X-Men: First Class" featured both of the character's parents, who are Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) And Azazel (Jason Flemyng).

thanks for posting. didnt remember this topic, lol

and first topic updated. ;)
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Great to hear he's up for returning.Check on X3 wiki page and you will discover yes Alan disliked the makeup but he was willing to return for X3.The team behind X3 decided to drop Nightcrawler because his role In script was relativly small and they didn't want to pay money for makeup for a relativly small role for Nightcrawler.

I also like how well Alan speaks of X2 as a film.
I hope he doesn't comeback and if he's going to comeback, this is not perfect timing because I don't think they could give him his proper comeback, especially with the return of the other bigger characters from the original trilogy.
James McAvoy's quotes from Totalfilm mag:

The Scottish actor recently spoke with Total Film in their latest mag’ issue, where he modestly discussed the 2014 sequel.

“I thought the biggest thing that X-Men: First Class gave the franchise was a real palpable sense of humor that wasn’t just for a couple of moments,” McAvoy admits. “It was running through the thing. And I hope that continues. I don’t know how easy it will be for me to be a part of that as my character’s going to be in a pretty [frick]ed up place. It’s a shame because I like the fact that Charles Xavier was witty and funny and a bit of a lecherous old guy trapped in a 30-year-old’s body.”

Although he played coy about Days of Future Past story details, James McAvoy did confirm that there will be an explanation as to why and how Prof. X will go bald, which the casting of Stewart, alone, affirms will occur. “[screenwriter] Simon Kinberg and I had a chat about it and we came up with a whole bunch of idea about how, why and where he might go bald. It’s got to be linked to the plot though. In the comics, he lost his hair as soon as his powers awakened, and we clearly didn’t follow the source material. It can’t just be that he looks in the mirror at the end of the film and goes ‘Oh [frick], I’m losing my hair’. Although that could be quite funny with all this **** going on... he goes ‘Arge, I’m really stressed...’”

While Fox’s Marvel Property Creative Consultant, Mark Millar, has alluded to X-Men: Days of Future Past finally featuring the giant robotic Sentinels, we’ve yet to receive confirmation; even after Total Film asked James McAvoy. The Wanted actor laughed before saying, “As a fan of the X-Men world and lexicon, I share lots of other fans’ hopes and dreams and I’d like to see Sentinels...”

In addition, Total Film also questioned two of James McAvoy’s X-Men: First Class co-stars, actress Rose Byrne and Banshee actor Caleb Landry Jones, about whether they’ll be reprising their roles in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Both thespians said they have yet to be contacted, but would “absolutely love” to return and show more of who their characters are, if asked. Anyhow, X-Men: Days of Future Past stars Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Hugh Jackman, Nicholas Hoult, Jason Flemyng with Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart. And reportedly scheduled to commence principal photography in Spring next year, Bryan Singer directs the anticipated X-Men: Days of Future Past time travel adaptation into theaters on July, 18 2014 in 2D and 3D!
It's good to finally hear from one of the First Class leads, particularly McAvoy. I'm really interested to see where they take Xavier in the sequel. I hope we hear more from the others soon and hope that Byrne and Jones not being contacted yet doesn't mean they're out.
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It's good to finally hear from one of the First Class leads, particularly McAvoy. I'm really interested to see where they take Xavier in the sequel. I hope we hear more from the others soon and hope that Byrne and Jones not being contacted yet doesn't mean they're out.

Sad to hear we've got to kiss those lovely locks goodbye but excited to hear that Charles will be in a bad place. I'm assuming JM is saying this based on what he knows about the script so far, and not just speculating. I hope that's the case anyway! It is honestly the first good news I have heard about this sequel, that they are taking Xavier's tragedies into account. I was 99.9% sure they were going to skip all of that "emotion BS" in favor of making a BIG ACTION MOVIE without character development (see: Avengers). If I wanted to see a Charles totally "okay" or "used to" being in a wheelchair, a Charles who has already dealt with the loss of his sister and best friend to the dark side, I'd just watch the old trilogy.

They ended XMFC with three (four?) characters in grief. They've got to deal with that in the sequel. I want to see some characters get legitimately, humanly angry at each other for what they've done. I still think this will turn into a Wolverinefest (ugh) but surely he can step OUT of the shot for a few minutes to give the new crew some emotion time.
Singer better put the spotlight on Charles, Eric, Beast and Mystique instead of Wolverine, because if he doesnt and Wolverine is the star, you can be sure I will be the first one to attack Singer on his twitter. and all the comicnews sites.

no joke
I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock In first Class actors saying they haven't been contracted.I am sure Patrich Stewert and Ian Mckellen's I know nothing
comments are because Bryan Singer told them to say nothing.Bryan Is often known for secrecacy on these films and he often succeeds In doing It.Now with Rose Byrne there Is question of Is Moira even In film.But,with Caleb Laundry Jones I am betting he was told to say nothing.

Now the Intresting things In interview

1:It appears SImon Kinberg Is film's sole screenwriter and Matthew Vaughn(and possibly Jane Goldman as the X-men films wiki page says) and story writer
2:James says Xavier going bald Is part of plot.That suggests the time travel In film could be cross between original DOFP storyline and Wolverine and the X-Men and has Xavier changes mind beween past and present and side effect Is losing hair In First Class era.While It's possibly Xavier overuses his powers trying to stop Magneto's assassination plot that It causes his hair loss.Xavier going bald as part of plot to me raises possibilty of Xavier switching minds as the time travel
3:Total Film apparently confirms Jason Flemying Is returning.the actor himself has hinted at that and with Vaughn still Involved somewhat as producer(although we don't know how much Involved he Is) that was likely.

Wolverine Is going to play an Important role In film.This defently Isn't a cameo.Hugh Jackman was confirmed before several of the first class actors
were.Now Bryan may have done It because the hOllywood reporter leaked Hugh was In talks but still.But If the james Interview Interview hints at the Xavier mind switch as time travel as I think It does.Wolverine will only be In the future scenes.That also hints at DOFP going back and forth between past and future and the mind switch happening midway through film.
Great interview with McAvoy. I don't entirely agree with him. The humor worked for the 60's setting, and while I don't want it to be totally dead serious, I feel like too much humor would feel out of place. I felt X2 had the best medium.
While I feel for Days of future past they will probally still have some humor for past part of film while the future part would mostly be dead serious.

X2 had the best tone of series for me.I just hope If the time travel In film Is xavier changing minds between James and Patrick It doesn't come off as james and Patrick doing bad Impressions of each other.
Great interview with McAvoy. I don't entirely agree with him. The humor worked for the 60's setting, and while I don't want it to be totally dead serious, I feel like too much humor would feel out of place. I felt X2 had the best medium.

Defently [sic].

Definetly [sic] can work too!

You can still look up reviews of X2 where the reviewers warn the reader that there are a lot of smart, laugh-out-loud moments in X2. Even X-men had a number of those.

And these are legitimate laugh-out-loud moments, not the "hey where did this Blue Muppet come from" funny-moments.
Thought the humor in X2 fell flat besides a few moments. Def not the films strong point.

Like Marvelrobbins said I think the Future will be dead serious and dark while the past scenes have some of the humor of FC. Should be a good balance so its not a total downer through the whole flick.
Thought the humor in X2 fell flat besides a few moments. Def not the films strong point.

Agree to disagree.

If you want humor that falls flat, look no further than Nolan's Batman series. Secondary characters saying random, supposedly funny stuff is not Nolan's strong suit. I've seen TDK and TDKR in theatres and no one's laughed at any of the jokes.
Catwoman got me to laugh as did the Joker. Bats not so much. But I agree that some of the oneliners are friggen horrible with minor characters, especially with the Cops. But The Joker in DK is one of the most entertaining viallins of all time and has quite a few hilarious moments to more then make up for it.

My problem with the X2 humor is most the team excluding Kurt seem to have the same one note jokes. Everyones personality is kinda in the same league. X3 and FC switched that up a bit, and for the better imo. The X Team needs to show the more diverse personalites. I liked the visual gags minus the Cat claw.
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I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock In first Class actors saying they haven't been contracted.I am sure Patrich Stewert and Ian Mckellen's I know nothing
comments are because Bryan Singer told them to say nothing.Bryan Is often known for secrecacy on these films and he often succeeds In doing It.Now with Rose Byrne there Is question of Is Moira even In film.But,with Caleb Laundry Jones I am betting he was told to say nothing.

Now the Intresting things In interview

1:It appears SImon Kinberg Is film's sole screenwriter and Matthew Vaughn(and possibly Jane Goldman as the X-men films wiki page says) and story writer
2:James says Xavier going bald Is part of plot.That suggests the time travel In film could be cross between original DOFP storyline and Wolverine and the X-Men and has Xavier changes mind beween past and present and side effect Is losing hair In First Class era.While It's possibly Xavier overuses his powers trying to stop Magneto's assassination plot that It causes his hair loss.Xavier going bald as part of plot to me raises possibilty of Xavier switching minds as the time travel
3:Total Film apparently confirms Jason Flemying Is returning.the actor himself has hinted at that and with Vaughn still Involved somewhat as producer(although we don't know how much Involved he Is) that was likely.

Wolverine Is going to play an Important role In film.This defently Isn't a cameo.Hugh Jackman was confirmed before several of the first class actors
were.Now Bryan may have done It because the hOllywood reporter leaked Hugh was In talks but still.But If the james Interview Interview hints at the Xavier mind switch as time travel as I think It does.Wolverine will only be In the future scenes.That also hints at DOFP going back and forth between past and future and the mind switch happening midway through film.

Again MR you need to proofread what you write. Are you saying Simon Kinberg is the sole writer or NOT the sole writer? On paper he initially was but we know for a fact that Singer has helped write the script and with any luck some of Vaughn/Goldman's contributions have also stayed intact. I imagine all 4 will get script credit, or perhaps everyone but Singer.

Thought the humor in X2 fell flat besides a few moments. Def not the films strong point
Agreed. I'm actually having trouble remembering moments that really made me laugh. It definitely got a few "hehs" out of me but every humorous moment felt very much like a neon sign that said LAUGH HERE (same is true for X-Men 1). Nsync on the radio? LAUGH HERE! Logan teaching art? PREPARE TO LOL, folks! XMFC had a better handle on making the humorous moments organic and unexpected. Even little things like Sean telling Erik to "back right off" in the plane, a nice callback to when he pushed him off the satellite, and even that satellite scene itself the little line Charles says to Hank ("say nothing") is so great and well timed.

I hope Singer has matured enough as a director and has enough faith that his audience will get the humorous parts without being given a roadmap to them. And I do hope we get a little bit of light-heartedness from Charles. I want him to walk through the fire, but I can't see him completely shirking off everything he was before and turning into (BORING) oldCharles. Not yet.
But If the james Interview Interview hints at the Xavier mind switch as time travel as I think It does.Wolverine will only be In the future scenes.That also hints at DOFP going back and forth between past and future and the mind switch happening midway through film.

If Xavier is using his mind switch as the "time traveler", that doesn't mean Wolverine will only be in the future.

Let's not forget he's basically the same age in both timelines.
Agreed. I'm actually having trouble remembering moments that really made me laugh. It definitely got a few "hehs" out of me but every humorous moment felt very much like a neon sign that said LAUGH HERE (same is true for X-Men 1). Nsync on the radio? LAUGH HERE! Logan teaching art? PREPARE TO LOL, folks! XMFC had a better handle on making the humorous moments organic and unexpected. Even little things like Sean telling Erik to "back right off" in the plane, a nice callback to when he pushed him off the satellite, and even that satellite scene itself the little line Charles says to Hank ("say nothing") is so great and well timed.

There were a few scenes that got a laugh from me. I thought Nightcrawler had some great moments in X2 that completely fit his character when he would remind people what he was called in the circus. That got me to laugh, as did Colossos tossing the guy through the room and Wolverines reaction to Deathstrike.

I agree, the humor feels completely set up in X2. Not asking for full on laugh out loud humor, but it needs to be represented naturally. Which is what I dug about FC for the most part. The characters had more layers to their personality.

Overall It added something that wasnt really there in the previous films. Both films have their strengths and weaknesses. A good balance should work out solid for DOFP. :up:
Well there Is always chance of bringing In the bone clawed Wolverine pre adamanturam In first Class scenes.And Bryan Singer has talked about connecting dots between films.
And X2 did hint at Xavier and Magneto having more knowledge of Wolverine than they let on.Of course they would have to mind wipe Beast to make Beast's non knowledge of Wolverine In Last Stand.Of course Bryan has shown with First Class keeping contunity with that film Isn't priority with him.Of course It's possible time travel will wipe the Last
Stand from contunity anyway.I'm not sure If they want a bone clawed Wolverine with first Class cast.But,that Is way to keep true to DOFP story and also have some kind of
crossover between the trilogy and first Class casts.
1:It appears SImon Kinberg Is film's sole screenwriter and Matthew Vaughn(and possibly Jane Goldman as the X-men films wiki page says) and story writer.

I just hope Simon Kinberg is not ruining the script. Even if the movie has a good director, its not enough for the movie to be good if the screenwriter can't write a good story. For me, he was the reason why X3 sucked.:o
Simon Kinberg reportly did last work on first Class scrpt.

It was fox and rothman regime mostly to blame for Last Stand.Kinberg has been key member of team of both first Class and days of future past team.
I do not want humor in the movie.This is X-Men not rush hour,X2 is the best X-Men movie,more drama,the brightest and balanced.
Of course there will be humor in the movie. There is humor in X2. There is humor in First Class. There will be humor in Days of Future Past.

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