The Official Star Trek: Voyager thread

Dark Raven

It's not about what you deserve...
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
Discuss the 4th Star Trek series here.

I enjoyed this series, despite what some may say about it. It was still better than Enterprise. The only thing I felt a little let down by was the final scene of the very last episode. I think they should've shown them re-adjusting to life in the Alpha quadrant and had more of a winding down (like how they did with Deep Space Nine) instead of ending so suddenly as soon as the came out of that wormhole.

It would've been nice to see how everyone was doing and what they intended to do, even as an epilogue. That was a real missed opportunity. Now we'll never see what became of them unless they have another show set after the events of Voyager and DS9.
The show is pretty good, The Doctor is my favorite character on it by far...

I'd like a movie that combines TNG, DS9 and that'd be great. Imagine Janeway confronting the Female Changeling akin to Silence of the Lambs...Seven and Picard bonding over Borg stuff...Worf and Martok doing cool Klingon it'd be epic.
It's no secret that this is my least favorite Trek show, but it did have some compelling individual episodes, and two great characters in Tuvok and The Doctor. Tuvok IMO is one of the best representations of a Starfleet officer in all of Star Trek.
Seven of Nine is my favourite character. She's amazing. I love that they gave the 'logical, emotionless type' character to a woman.
Seven of Nine is my favourite character. She's amazing. I love that they gave the 'logical, emotionless type' character to a woman.

Star Trek has got kind of a Russ Meyer mentality; the more stern and emotionless a female character is, the more sexual her portrayal will be.
I liked Seven of Nine as well. Jeri Ryan also had a great singing voice which she showcased in a few episodes.

She did a great job portraying the emotionless type, considering she's quite different from that in all her other roles.

My least favourite character was Neelix.

The Doctor was another character I did like. It was good that he got his mobile emitter at the end of the 3rd season.
To be honest, I never really was that into 7 of 9; the purpose of the character as ratings viagra was just a bit too obvious and on the nose.
I liked Seven of Nine as well. Jeri Ryan also had a great singing voice which she showcased in a few episodes.

It's funny how many of the Star Trek actors are great singers.

Nichelle Nichols, Jeri Ryan, Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. They should have done a musical episode with the original cast and thought of a way to get Seven of Nine in there.
It's funny how many of the Star Trek actors are great singers.

Nichelle Nichols, Jeri Ryan, Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. They should have done a musical episode with the original cast and thought of a way to get Seven of Nine in there.

William Shatner was not a great singer. He basically spoke his words over bits of music. His songs are generally thought of as a laughing matter and not serious musical material. Even Leonard Nimoy isn't considered that great. He's passable, but not someone you'd really want to listen to. Jeri Ryan had a beautiful voice as did Nichelle Nichols.

James Darren (Vic Fontaine from DS9) on the other hand (and we're getting off subject - I've mentioned him in the Star Trek music thread btw) did have a great singing voice and him releasing albums were completely justified.
Robert Picardo was also a good singer in real life, and Brent Spiner and Gates McFadden were Broadway babies.

But come on, Raven, how could you dis this masterful interpretation? Better than Sinatra, Lennon and Pavarotti put together:

William Shatner was not a great singer. He basically spoke his words over bits of music. His songs are generally thought of as a laughing matter and not serious musical material. Even Leonard Nimoy isn't considered that great. He's passable, but not someone you'd really want to listen to. Jeri Ryan had a beautiful voice as did Nichelle Nichols.

James Darren (Vic Fontaine from DS9) on the other hand (and we're getting off subject - I've mentioned him in the Star Trek music thread btw) did have a great singing voice and him releasing albums were completely justified.

Ha, well Shatner's different yeah but he does some songs well. His version of Rocketman is really good IMO. He's a storyteller.
I'm currently at the end of Season 2. I like it, though I see why a lot of people dislike it. The episodes are either really good, or terrible IMO.

For instance, The 37's is one of my favorite episodes so far. It was very well-written, and a great season premier. The next episode titled, "Initiations" was very painful to watch. Didn't like it, though it was nice to see Aron Eisenberg (Nog from DS9 ) to make an appearance.

Here is a list of episodes I've seen so far that I really liked. The ones in bold are my favorite.

Season 1
  1. Caretaker
  2. Time and Again
  3. Phage
  4. Eye of the Needle
  5. Faces
  6. Jetrel

Season 2
  1. The 37's
  2. Projections
  3. Parturition
  4. Resistance
  5. Prototype
  6. Threshold (I know, I know... but it was a lot of fun!)
  7. Meld
  8. Death Wish
In Season 1 and 2 though, they're dealing with the Kazons too much. When the whole thing with Seska ends (I think it's at the beginning of Season 3) and all the Kazons are killed off, it gets better. It then feels like they're actually progressing through space and not still being chased by the same marauders.

I liked Faces btw in Season 1, but felt it was too early in the series for that. It feels like B'Lanna hadn't developed enough as a character by that point to have that kind of story. Should've been in Season 3 onwards.
I think they were trying to make the series more serialized with the Kazons, but it didn't work. On DS9, it worked, because it was on a space station. With Voyager, they are always on the move, and it felt unnecessary. Maybe keep it semi-serialized with the characters on the ship, but that's it. I'm glad Season 2 is almost over.

The season 1 finale was terrible. Tuvok training the Maquis like they are children.
My favourite characters are Seven of Nine and the Doctor (like many others it seems). I think Janeway was a classic ST captain as well. I kinda liked Tuvok, but I've always thought they could've given the character more good moments. It was a bit amusing that Neelix always addressed him as "Mr. Vulcan" instead of his name.

I really enjoyed the interactions between Seven and the Doctor, i.e when he's trying to teach her to be "more human". The episode when they sing together is also pretty cool.

The concept of the Doctor's character is brilliant IMO. A hologram that's very self conscious and humourous, but of course still very serious about his work.

Seven of Nine also had some hilarious moments: When the Doctor's personality ended up in her body, when she got drunk by drinking like half a glass of wine (or champagne?), Seven playing table tennis, Seven ending up catching the brides bouqet at a wedding on the ship etc.

Not to forget this one that I posted in the petition thread:

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I loved the show, watched the entire run on it last year on Netflix when they added Trek tv shows to the streaming thing. we lost our UPN channel in the late 90s so I missed out on the last seasons and all of Enterprise, so it was good to get caught up. the whole cast was great loved Kate's Captain Janeway character, the Doctor, and the rest. I have to say the USS Voyager is probably one of the most stunning starship designs shown on a TV show or movie.
Isn't it the only ship that can land on a surface?
yup, and the one with the warp engines that swing up for warp mode (something that was not common on starships).
Plus it had that diamond-shaped saucer section which was unusual too.
With time VOY has grown on me. I dislike speaking in terms of fav shows, because they all have their moments and characters I like. What I did like about it was the fact that they were alone. They had to solve problems themselves which isn't all that easy. The thing I think should have been expanded on though was the Maquis/Starfleet situation. It was glossed over far too quickly IMO. I was also never a huge fan of 7 of 9, since I couldn't help feeling that it had a lot to do with that catsuit, but to be fair, Jeri Ryan did a good job. Thankfully.
Just being technical.

Yes, you are absolutely right!

With time VOY has grown on me. I dislike speaking in terms of fav shows, because they all have their moments and characters I like. What I did like about it was the fact that they were alone. They had to solve problems themselves which isn't all that easy. The thing I think should have been expanded on though was the Maquis/Starfleet situation. It was glossed over far too quickly IMO. I was also never a huge fan of 7 of 9, since I couldn't help feeling that it had a lot to do with that catsuit, but to be fair, Jeri Ryan did a good job. Thankfully.

I agree with that. There should have been more conflict between the two. Suddenly Chakotay is a submissive first officer who follows all the rules. Might as well have not had any Maquis to begin with. DS9 did a great job of showing the conflict between the Federation and the Bajorans. After a while, the tension eased up, but it felt natural, and NOT brushed off like it was nothing.
I thought the creators said once (could've been in a Star Trek magazine) that, somewhere along the way, they wanted to have less tension between the Starfleet and Maquis crew, because they wanted it to feel more unified, as if they had managed to put aside their differences in this extreme situation. I think they wanted a sense of progression, and not that they were continually at odds after all this time.

And the main reason for the Maquis' existence had been taken out of the equation. Weren't they there as resistance fighters against the Cardassians? But the Cardassians were nowhere in sight in the Delta Quadrant. The only one still around was Seska, who had infiltrated their ranks and posed as a Bajoran. However, after her story (together the Kazons) ended, it's not like the Maquis had any reason to put up a resistance against someone else, just for the sake of it.

I see that the Maquis just made the best of their situation and tried to work together, knowing that it was the only way to get home. In a sense, the whole Voyager crew were a little like a group of resistance fighters anyway, especially against the Borg, the Hirogen and others.
I didn't mean that they should have been at odds the whole time. That's not how group dynamic works. However, it takes time before two groups that has a history of being antagonistic (to say the least) can put the past behind them. By the time they had a way to contact the Alpha quadrant they would have been a united group, as they were shown to be. That's all I'm saying.

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