The Official The Last Guardian Thread!!!

My biggest disappointment coming out of E3 was no news about this game. I have to keep hope alive that it'll still be released but with Tretton's comment it's harder now than ever. It will most definitely be a PS4 release at this point anyway.
I don't put up stuff from kotaku much . but I visited it tonight and saw this anfd it won't make people happy.
the last guardian

The Last Guardian is Not As High A Priority As Other Games

The Last Guardian IS in production. Though the game was absent from this year's E3, that's what we've been repeatedly assured of by Sony reps. Well, front man Fumito Ueda, creator of PS2 classics ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, stepped out from behind the curtain to reiterate that fact, but with a little caveat. Read… Today 6:00am

Disappointing to hear but kind of something everyone already knew. If it was a priority project there would be actual news about it or it would potentially have already been released.

Sony Promising The News We've "Been Waiting For" Tomorrow

“Finally, it’s coming to #TGS2013. Like before, SCEJA will have a press conference before the game show. I could only say: The news you’ve been waiting for, and the information beyond your expectation will both be revealed officially. So tomorrow, please do watch the live-stream and keep follow @PlayStation !Promise to bring surprise to you!”

My mind ran to this upon reading the headline and I excitedly exclaimed "No f**king way." Please, PLEASE let this be the day. Press conference is in like 15 hours.
Man, looking back over this thread and how it chronicles the last 4 years and this game is pretty weird.

I really, reeeeeally hope it's been moved to PS4. If the team were having technical issues then perhaps the increased power and easier development process meant they took it over after the last few stumbles. I'll still be excited if its for PS3 but it'll undoubtedly be coming out well past the PS4's release.

We here at Sony know there are a lot of Team Ico fans out there.

*crowd applauds politely*

We know you've been waiting a very long time to see what Fumito Ueda and his team have been working on.

*crowd applauds enthusiastically*

But more specifically, we know there is a certain game you want to hear about.

*crowd is now cheering*

Well, for several years in secrecy, Fumito Ueda, Team Ico, and a crack team at Sony have been retooling The Last Guardian. Today we are very pleased to announce...

*crowd is convulsing orgasmically*


...Killzone: The Last Guardian! Yes! In order to mitigate our losses of money we fruitlessly dumped into The Last Guardian and ensure that it could reach its maximum sales potential, we decided to piggyback it on one of our most popular brands. We took all the basic concepts and principles of The Last Guardian and rebuilt them inside the visceral, robust world of Killzone: Shadow Fall. You play as a small Helghan boy who must take up his dead father's rocket launcher and destroy the giant cat-bird monster that has been terrorizing the Helghan citizens.

This is just one example of the kind of sizzling east-meets-west brand synergy you can expect to see from Sony Computer Entertainment in the coming next generation.

*crowd is dead from rage-induced heart attacks*

Thank you and have a wonderful TGS!
The best part of the above post was the 100% Cerny use of 'in order to mitigate' :D
At this point I have to take that with a grain of salt. I'll believe it when I see it.
Well hopefully all will be seen in five and a half hours.
The Last Guardian is the most overrated game that's not even out.
No, you're wrong. Agent is the most overrated game that's not even out. Followed by Namco's Tekken X Street Fighter.
Agent? Who talks about Agent? Its not a title thats asked about every other month. Its not a game that people expect to appear at every single gaming conference and its not a game the developers/Sony have to constantly address bc of all the hype and buzz the community has generated around it. Agent is irrelevant and most people have forgotten about. How in the world is it overrated? Ditto on Tekken X SF which isnt a title that people and the gaming press are loud and vocal about
Hard for a game that no one has played to be over rated, no?

Going off the quality games Team ICO has delivered, I still think this one will be worth the wait, however long it is.

The fact that it hasn't been down right cancelled after so long has to mean they are on to something, right?
Maybe. I'd imagine Sony were in two minds about the project some years back and decided to persist.

And I think it's possible for games to be overrated before they come out. Look at the first Assassin's Creed.
Hard for a game that no one has played to be over rated, no?

Going off the quality games Team ICO has delivered, I still think this one will be worth the wait, however long it is.

The fact that it hasn't been down right cancelled after so long has to mean they are on to something, right?
It's an overrated game being developed by overrated developers of a highly overrated game
Nah, Ico isn't all that and not the masterpiece people build it up to be. I can easily think of dozens of PS2 games better than it yet its talked up to be like one of the very best. I personally thought it was boring
Well that takes care of one of the games they worked on, how about the other?
SoTC was better than Ico but overrated as well. If TLG was going to more along the same lines as them then Id be less likely to care about it. When listing off Sony's great exclusives, people tended to be loud and vocal about this being one of them. I never considered it to be that huge. We never saw much of this title to make that assessment and people went off their past games to do so, which as you can tell I didn't think were worthy of their high praise.
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Man, I sometimes forget, but you have some really horrible opinions
I do, but at least I can say I never posted any of that
yep I did and I stand by it. Im not bothered if you or anyone else agrees. Its how I felt about them and it is what it is.

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