Trinity #4 and 5
I'm satisfied. It no longer has the drive or oomph it had at the beginning, and could stand to be less decompressed, but I'm satisfied. Still, I'm getting a bit more and more disenfranchised with Busiek's portrayal of Diana; I swear to Xander, I love all her glibness and lack of pretense here, but on the other hand we're just getting more "hurr hurr I'm an AMAZON and Amazons love fightin' all the time, HURR!" to the point where I'm simply have no confidence that we're ever going to get anything else out of her here.
The problem here is that the whole half-issue story thing actually hurts the book more than I think anyone could have anticipated. Tarot is sort of interesting but not nearly enough to have her crowding up space in a book that's supposed to be about DC's three biggest headliners.
That being said, I think people are being far too critical of the momentum here, and of the fight with Konvict. If we consider the half-issue situation, what we have here isn't actually five issues of the story but rather two and a half issues of story within the span of a little more than a month. That's actually getting a lot of story in a very short amount of time. I agree that we could be compressing the timeframe here a bit, maybe even fast-forwarding the days like 52 did, instead of taking every...single...detail...of every hour in bit by bit by bit. But I don't think Busiek's pacing here is unrealistic at all, and I've enjoyed the story, art, and [most of the] characterization that we've gotten. Now if we're back here in another month and still screwing around with Konvict or whatever then yeah, I'd start getting a bit antsy.
(7.9 out of 10 for issue #4)
(8.3 out of 10 for issue #5)