The one thing we are all missing...


Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
I know there are a million threads out there already... but I want people to read this... We know all the facts... we know pretty much all the details... we know everything.... with that said... we are judging this movie only based on those facts and details of what we heard... nothing is going to change them... we have to accept that... the movie wasn't loyal to the comics... we have to accept that... but what we are missing is how these events will be portrayed... from every reviewer out there... this movie is filled with drama and is highly emotional... I think they will nail this thing down according to their storyline... what if they nail down Jean's Death, Xaviers death... Rogues reason to take the cure... we just have to wait and see how these events are portrayed before we trash it... so it did not go down the way we wanted too... but as long as the portrayal of this story arc is there... as long as it is a fitting ending... however insane or contradictory the ending may alreasy appear to be... we have to see how it is portrayed before we judge...
DroolingforGwen said:
I know there are a million threads out there already... but I want people to read this... We know all the facts... we know pretty much all the details... we know everything.... with that said... we are judging this movie only based on those facts and details of what we heard... nothing is going to change them... we have to accept that... the movie wasn't loyal to the comics... we have to accept that... but what we are missing is how these events will be portrayed... from every reviewer out there... this movie is filled with drama and is highly emotional... I think they will nail this thing down according to their storyline... what if they nail down Jean's Death, Xaviers death... Rogues reason to take the cure... we just have to wait and see how these events are portrayed before we trash it... so it did not go down the way we wanted too... but as long as the portrayal of this story arc is there... as long as it is a fitting ending... however insane or contradictory the ending may alreasy appear to be... we have to see how it is portrayed before we judge...

Good post. :up:
i needed to hear that. im going to take a leave of absence from this place for awhile. i'll see you all on the 27th.
Yea for rainbows and bears!...we need more positivity in this dark time.
On a lighter note, don't let the poor Juggernaut/Colossus dialouge ruin the entire movie for you... it's not like Darth Vaders "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO" killed ROTS... every Blockbuster film has stupid dialogue here and there,,,,
Darth vader's NOoooooooooooooooooo certainly didn't kill RotS, but it was the last nail in the coffin for Star Wars.
DroolingforGwen said:
I know there are a million threads out there already... but I want people to read this... We know all the facts... we know pretty much all the details... we know everything.... with that said... we are judging this movie only based on those facts and details of what we heard... nothing is going to change them... we have to accept that... the movie wasn't loyal to the comics... we have to accept that... but what we are missing is how these events will be portrayed... from every reviewer out there... this movie is filled with drama and is highly emotional... I think they will nail this thing down according to their storyline... what if they nail down Jean's Death, Xaviers death... Rogues reason to take the cure... we just have to wait and see how these events are portrayed before we trash it... so it did not go down the way we wanted too... but as long as the portrayal of this story arc is there... as long as it is a fitting ending... however insane or contradictory the ending may alreasy appear to be... we have to see how it is portrayed before we judge...

****ing yes!

You've made my day.

The past couple days have been painful, hearing what could happen (what's likely to happen...) in this movie, and how it's not what I think should happen.

But you are absolutley right. We can't judge how it will play out until we... um... see it play out.

I'm gonna jump back on the bandwagon. The glass is half full damnit!
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
****ing yes!

You've made my day.

The past couple days have been painful, hearing what could happen (what's likely to happen...) in this movie, and how it's not what I think should happen.

But you are absolutley right. We can't judge how it will play out until we... um... see it play out.

I'm gonna jump back on the bandwagon. The glass is half full damnit!

YES!!! Good for you!!!
Wesyeed said:
Darth vader's NOoooooooooooooooooo certainly didn't kill RotS, but it was the last nail in the coffin for Star Wars.

385 million bucks is a nail in the coffin? Most movies would kill to be in that coffin.
WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO RIDE THIS MOVIE ALL THE WAY... IF IT GOES DOWN WE GO DOWN WITH IT... but the fans decide its fate.... get ur asses in the theatres and ENJOY this movie... erase your mind before going in there.... I mean cmon... Supes is a month a way... and I really never liked a man showing his underwear.... this is THE movie this summer... ride the wave wherever it leads.... we have no choice...
And ROTS was great... the prequels were good... just horrible acting and too children oriented... but good enough to make 7-9...
Kurosawa said:
385 million bucks is a nail in the coffin? Most movies would kill to be in that coffin.

Well yeah, financially speaking but quality is what I'm talking abou.
DroolingforGwen said:
And ROTS was great... the prequels were good... just horrible acting and too children oriented... but good enough to make 7-9...

Rots was everything a star wars toy commercial should be.
DroolingforGwen said:
WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO RIDE THIS MOVIE ALL THE WAY... IF IT GOES DOWN WE GO DOWN WITH IT... but the fans decide its fate.... get ur asses in the theatres and ENJOY this movie... erase your mind before going in there.... I mean cmon... Supes is a month a way... and I really never liked a man showing his underwear.... this is THE movie this summer... ride the wave wherever it leads.... we have no choice...

I think we have plenty of autonomy to do whatever we want regarding this movie.
U know I am being sarcastic Weyseed... hey we got PoC 2 and a lot of good films this summer... but this movie is important... it will consume us for the next month like it is right now... but if u can get yourself away from the hype... give me some advice...
I'm not your father, If you want to go see it multiple times and support Ratner's vision, see it multiple times and support ratner's vision.
Wesyeed said:
Well yeah, financially speaking but quality is what I'm talking abou.

I don't agree but no big deal.
Wesyeed said:
I'm not your father, If you want to go see it multiple times and support Ratner's vision, see it multiple times and support ratner's vision.

Maybe you take things too seriously.... like i said... i was being sarcastic... and when did i start supporting Ratner's vision??? Just b/c my posts are positive doesn't mean I am going to love this movie no matter what...
DroolingforGwen said:
Maybe you take things too seriously.... like i said... i was being sarcastic... and when did i start supporting Ratner's vision??? Just b/c my posts are positive doesn't mean I am going to love this movie no matter what...

Uh huh, see? Another thread turning to the dark side already.
DroolingforGwen said:
Maybe you take things too seriously.... like i said... i was being sarcastic... and when did i start supporting Ratner's vision??? Just b/c my posts are positive doesn't mean I am going to love this movie no matter what...

I'm just paraphrasing Wolverine to basically say "do what you want to do" and nothing more.

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