World The Original Cyclops Slurpy.

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Originally posted by Daniella
I love all the pics ... :) :D :)

James is handsome in them , and personally my favorites are the two where is his playing Glenn Foy ... and I love him in Ally Mcbeal ( the nest episode I think is the one he sings You Are On My Mind ... )

I love the pics of him like Ciclops ... ( that's why he is my fave on the movei ( from men ) ...

Personnaly I think that he is the only one to play Cyke ... I don't know if i would like if it were another actor ...


glenn foy was the best thing that happened to ally, i luved his singing. i agree wiv u, there is no other actor that could play cyke better than he did. he was the one. :cyclops:
Originally posted by ILuvCyclops
agree wiv u, there is no other actor that could play cyke better than he did. he was the one. :cyclops:
Actually, I always thought Michael Beihn would make the perfect Cyclops. He just has that natural leader quality about him and he really nailed it in Navy Seals. But I guess he's getting on a bit now.
He was the guy in the first Terminator movie protecting Sarah Connor.
A thread for my boy!

I've heard very good things about Marsden's energy in the screentime that Cyclops does have.

So while we may bemoan that he doesn't have *enough* time, he's been twice described as "owning" the part of Scott Summers. ;>
Originally posted by Minisinoo
A thread for my boy!

I've heard very good things about Marsden's energy in the screentime that Cyclops does have.

So while we may bemoan that he doesn't have *enough* time, he's been twice described as "owning" the part of Scott Summers. ;>
And even though he doesn't get much screen time, it's a good thing they won't try to "force" him into extra scenes. I can perfectly understand why he would need to disappear for a while, plot-wise. To have him in those scenes would make him very awkward, since he has nothing to do. That's why it pleases me to hear he has parts he makes the most of. :)

Jim Caviezel was originally cast as Cyclops but dropped out. He would have been a great Cyclops in my opinion and more closer to Famke's age. Not that I'm complaining about Jimmy though!

Damn Liz, this thread seems to keep on going...and going...and--

Anyway, thanx for at of the positive feed back on my Jimmy Pics :)
If You keep this up I might have to post more ;) :D
Originally posted by Karategirlx2001
Damn Liz, this thread seems to keep on going...and going...and--
I know! I've never had a thread over 6 pages long! :D

I'm glad people are liking it. :)

Originally posted by MsNatchios
Jim Caviezel was originally cast as Cyclops but dropped out. He would have been a great Cyclops in my opinion and more closer to Famke's age. Not that I'm complaining about Jimmy though!

God he's good looking! Wasn't he in that movie (title slipped my mind) with Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman?
Originally posted by Quidam
God he's good looking! Wasn't he in that movie (title slipped my mind) with Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman?

Yeah I think it was called High Crimes. He was also in Angel Eyes with J-Lo and The Count of Monti Cristo.
This thread is the best ever. Jim Caviezel is hot but James Marsden is hotter
I agree with you ... James Marsden is hotter ... :D :D :D

I would love to see a scene of Cyclops in the pool of X - Mansion ... I would faint , but it would be for a very good reason ... or could be without a shirt ( actually putting a shirt ) on when he was getting out of gym or danger room ... :D ;) :p ;) :D

Does anyone know for certain yet if Marsden is signed for X3, or if it is still in negotiation?

I shall be MOST displeased if they attempt to go forward on what's likely to be the sequel without Cyclops.

For that matter, I'll be most displeased if the poor character (and poor actor) doesn't get some decent screentime!
From what we can see from the ending of X2, X3 will be largely based on Jean. So how can Scott not be there? They'll have to give him a bigger role, so he should be back. Marsden's only complaint from X1 and 2 was that he didn't get enough screen time, and if he does get more in X3, he's very unlikely to turn it down.

From what we can see from the ending of X2, X3 will be largely based on Jean. So how can Scott not be there?

Alas, it could be written that way.

(I know the whole forum is spoilers but...)
If they go with Dark Phoenix, and aren't afraid to rework the story and get enough good feedback about the J/L material in X2 (and decide to shave actor salaries), then despite what Singer said about the triangle being resolved in X2, Dark Phoenix could be written to have Jean turn to Wolverine, who might "understand" her dark side, and instead of Scott figuring as the love interest and call for the return of Jean to herself from Dark Phoenix, it could be Logan. It will depend entirely on how the Phoenix Saga is reinterpreted ... or if they even *go* with Dark Phoenix (it's not, actually, absolutely necessary, simply assumed given teh saga's popularity).

But in short, yes, he could still be squeezed out. Logan was *not* really a major player in the Dark Phoenix Saga, yet given his popularity to the franchise, can you really see them relegating him to second string in X3, especially with Singer at the helm (who by his own confession loves the character)? IF they did a Wolverine solo, they might permit him to take a lesser role in X3, but otherwise, I seriously doubt it. (This is the *studio's* thinking, btw, not a comment on Jackman's ego. He actually seems fairly level-headed, but he's an actor first and must think about his career -- as must Marsden.)

Jean would be the central character, and if Logan were given a big role ... where does that leave Scott? Can the film support equal time for two leading men? Possibly, but it's a difficult ticket to sell, and Hollywood isn't known for taking chances, especially not on a "sure thing," and Jackman/Wolverine is a "sure thing." Unfortunately, Marsden's career is not at a good place right now, after the failure of Ally, and He's been virtually ignored in the hype for X2 (interviews and such) ... and no one (much) has squawked (except Cyclops fans). From the POV of the franchise, they can do without Marsden far, far easier than without Jackman.

This isn't to say I agree, mind. ;) But I'm being cynically realistic about Hollywood mentality. The best hope to see more of Marsden in X3 (at this point) is if Preacher is made, and does decently. Personally, I have no wish to see them do Phoenix/Dark Phoenix unless Scott plays a major role. It was not a Wolverine story, and I don't want to see it become one ... which is, again, no comment on Jackman. But I'd rather see him get a Wolverine spinoff than take over X3 to the exclusion/severe reduction of Cyclops.
But Wolverine doesn't have to be the main character in X3. I can't say he's ever been a main character. There were only main plots (Logan/Magneto in X1, Logan/Xavier/Stryker in X2...) So why can't they make a plot for X3 that involves Scott? He can be a supporting character, and still get more screentime.

Wouldn't it be awkward, given the history between him and Jean, that he was completely cut from the future sequels? If Jean's believed dead, and comes back in X3, there has to be a reaction from Scott. They are engaged, after all. ;)

Ooo I like this thread. Having been on my last-minute-spoiler-fear hiatus from SHH, I'm now glad to return and find this thread. I think the TPTB will find from Marsden's preformance in X2 that he can handle a bigger role than they've been giving him. He might have less screen time than Jean and Wolvie in X2 but its serious quality time. That said Wolvie is still the "sure-thing" that's for sure. Regardless of his improvement in X2, Cyke is still going to be effected (atleast in the non-comic/cartoon fans) by the shody editing of X1, that left some "new" people siding with the Wolverine side of the love triangle. Jackmans' Wolverine is still going to be the strength from the Movie's makers perspective, but I think now they'll realise Marsden's Cyclops can hold his own if given the chance and he's edited well. I don't think its going to be one or the other for X3 and beyond. Especially if Storm goes there's more time for the original central cast. Singer has already said that several key characters have to be there and I'm sure Scott would have to be one. Singer only mentioned Halle specifically as one that may not return. I doubt Marsden will jump up and down and demand mroe money or anything ...and I'm sure that's the only thing that would cut him from X3...

Whats the chances that Phoenix (nice, phoenix ;) ) is a sideline story in X3, with something else being the main story (Sentinels, Legacy, Helllfire whatever) and then Dark Phoenix is the central story for X4 (since the TPTB seem to be talking up beyond X3 in the wake of all the good X2 reviews...). In order to allow for a gentle transformation in her dark side...
Well , I read the australian premiere thread and for what I understood they put an end on the love triangle between Scott - Jean - Logan... ( because of what he says to Cyke )

I don't think that Bryan will give more enphasys to it now ... Wolvie will always love her , but he knows that she chose Scott ... another thing is ... if they want to do more sequels than a third , it's impossible to continue the story without Jean and Scott being together ... how would they put Mr. Sinister , Cable and Aphocalypse ( sorry , I don't how to write ) ???

James didn't say that if he has a little screentime on X3 ( by the script ) he won't do it , did he ?

But Wolverine doesn't have to be the main character in X3. I can't say he's ever been a main character. There were only main plots (Logan/Magneto in X1, Logan/Xavier/Stryker in X2...) So why can't they make a plot for X3 that involves Scott? He can be a supporting character, and still get more screentime. Wouldn't it be awkward, given the history between him and Jean, that he was completely cut from the future sequels? If Jean's believed dead, and comes back in X3, there has to be a reaction from Scott. They are engaged, after all.

From a film-makers perspective, it's not just main plots, it's also stars and star power. Look at the difference that Halle's Oscar made. That's not a swipe at Halle, either, simply a point of fact. (Unlike some, I don't hate Halle Berry in the role, though she probably interests me the least.) Storm would have wound up like Cyclops after X1, otherwise. Cyke was better liked -- by far -- by film goers after X1, but Halle got more screentime than Jimmy in X2. Star power.

Jackman was considered the star of X1, along with Stewart and McKellen. He's in nearly every scene; when he's not, it's Stewart or McKellen. Jackman was the "leading man" (Hollywood terminology). He's actually LESS so in X2. But with a large ensemble cast, they're going to focus (ultimately) on a point character or two to "drive" the action. If X3 does go to Dark Phoenix, the female lead will be Janssen. They won't demote Jackman for Marsden, who (unfortunately) hasn't gotten enough good reviews. From what I've seen, reviews of his work even in X2 are mixed. That puts him in a bad position. He (and Paquin) are the only actors I've seen actively *panned* in a review of X2. Of course, some reviewers also complimented him ... but no one's panning Jackman.

I think some reviewers simply don't find the character of Cyke compelling (which is a script problem, not an actor problem). I will reserve my judgement until Friday, but I liked Marsden just fine in X1, and I've heard from those whose opinions I trust that he does an outstanding job in X2 with what little he has.

Anyway, my main point was just that I could see a way Dark Phoenix might be redone without Cyclops, or without a lot of Cyclops ... AND I hope they don't. But the thing is the producers will think like producers, not like comics fans (much less Cyclops fans). And if they think giving more time to Cyclops might hurt the film, or that he doesn't have a big enough fanbase, he won't get a bigger role in X3, regardless of "logic" or "should" or comic canon.

The best way to counteract that is to write letters to Singer and the studio, expressing disappointment that Cyke was underused in X2, and asking for more Cyclops in X3. Don't be rude, of course, but studios go by fan (and critic) response. Their bottom line is to sell movies. ;)

Grey Fyre said:
Whats the chances that Phoenix ... is a sideline story in X3, with something else being the main story ... and then Dark Phoenix is the central story for X4 (since the TPTB seem to be talking up beyond X3 in the wake of all the good X2 reviews...). In order to allow for a gentle transformation in her dark side...

This would make a lot of sense, imo, and would follow the comic much better. The problem will be TIME -- the time it takes to put out one of these films. Jackman has said/implied that he won't likely return after X3. His career doesn't need it, and doing more than 3 X-films could possibly result in typecasting. He does have to think about that.

That wouldn't necessary rule out a Dark Phoenix storyline for X4, as Logan really didn't have a big role in it, originally. But there's also Famke to worry about, for two reasons. First, she's my age -- pushing 40. If it takes 3 years to make the next X-film, she'll be 41ish at filming. Add another 3 years for X4, and she'll be 44ish. She's a *pretty* woman, make no mistake, and will age well, but they're still fighting time. However much people *****ed about the "young" Cyke in X1, that was actually a wise move. He has some "years" in him -- more than Jackman or Janssen. Jackman has raised the age issue himself -- really critical for Wolverine, who doesn't age. There will be a point past which Jackman simply can't play the role. Same for Janssen, and it'll come sooner than for Marsden. So agewise, I think X4 is probably the furthest they could go with these characters as main characters -- if they can go that far.

The other issue is just that I don't get the impression Janssen herself is that enamored of X-Men. For her, I suspect this movie has been a job, not a passion. She seems to like her costars, and Bryan, but that's probably what's holding her to continuing, along with the fact it's a paycheck. I don't think playing Jean is that high on her list of "roles to lust for." She may simply not be willing to go beyond X3, although who knows? If Dark Phoenix were tabled for X3 and built towards in X4, and she was offered lots of screen time and good billing (she's had crappy billing in X2), she could probably be lured.

Dany said:
I don't think that Bryan will give more enphasys to it now ...

Well, I hate to sound like an utter cynic but ... Bryan will look at the responses to X2 (fan and critic), listen to the producers, and then make his decisions. If fans seem content that the triangle is resolved, it'll stay resolved. But whatever was said before, if fans scream for more Jean and Logan, guess what? They'll get more Jean and Logan.

Again, the BEST way to counteract this is to write to Singer and the studio. They don't have time to read online posts from various message boards. (g) But if they get a lot of letters complaining that Cyclops was overlooked ... he won't be next time. (Just don't be rude; being rude in letters only ticks off people.) Writing a letter and mailing it takes far more effort than posting to a message board or writing email (especially these days), and studios and producers weight it more, accordingly.

James didn't say that if he has a little screentime on X3 ( by the script ) he won't do it, did he ?

Actually, he did imply it. After X1, he said that he was contracted to do X2, but then, "We'll see." This was coupled to a remark he made (probably tossed off but unfortunately for him, picked up and repeated in several places, which couldn't have endeared him to Bryan, et al.) that X1 "wasn't a great acting experience," as there wasn't a lot of character work to do.

So yes, he did imply after X1 that he'd be negotiating more time in X3. But his career was headed up at that point, and it's stalled since, so he may be singing a different tune now. Marsden is a fan of Marsden, not of Cyclops. ;) And that's not an insult to him -- he HAS to be. Acting is his job, and he has a wife and a kid to think about. If he has better roles offered to him that pay better, he'll take them, and I wouldn't blame him. He HAS seemed pretty enthusiastic about X2, but then, he's supposed to be and it's hard to guess what he really thinks. He is, after all, an actor. ;)

I know, I know -- I seem like a real cycnic, but our interests as fans aren't the same interests as those of studios and producers.

We're "geeks." ;) They figure they have our pocketbook. They're making movies to appeal to those who are looking in the newspaper, thinking, "Oh, what should we go see tonight?" They're a MUCH bigger slice of the pie than the hardcore X-fan. :) So if we want to make an impression and perhaps be listened to, we have to keep *their* perspective in mind, and act accordingly. They may listen if enough noise is made by fans, saying, "We liked X2, but we REALLY want to see more Cyclops!"
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