The Dark Knight The Perfect getaway

put them away, wouldnt it be get it right back out.
me? nooooo....but seriously, lets get crackin, i want the next priiiiiize...HahahAhAHAhahaHAHAHAha
What do we do when we find the quickest route?
people post but no one explains where these came from!!!

such is the way of the ninja i suppose
does anyone remember which thread has the most up to date detailed map that someone put together?
yea, if there is no explanation i will believe this to be planted by a good WB ninja :)
me? I wouldnt worry about that....a little help from a friend...lets find the route, then worry about where to submit
This guy works for them. How else would he know? You work for them, saw that we were struggling and threw us a bone. Right? That's the ONLY explaination!
im sure ull let us know where to submit once we find it ninja....
Where's that map that was put together?
me? I wouldnt worry about that....a little help from a friend...lets find the route, then worry about where to submit

I love you, Christopher Nolan's 2nd assistant's 3rd assistant.
haha, ninja fo real . . . hire me! I want to ninja too! :ninja:
Thanks for this :woot: !!!

Even if you are a WB ninja, i slaute you sir!!!
lets get cracking on that map, I would but I have work in an hour.

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