The Se7en thread


Nov 24, 2003
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Does this movie scare anyone else EVERY TIME you watch it? It's such an original horror movie, though its not just horror. It's got mystery, suspense, action, and noir in there somewhere. But what i mean by original horror film is that the movie has few jumps or surprises, but gives you and leaves you scared. I have seen the movie multiple times, and I still get chills at the last scene, and it stilll leaves me with a creepy feeling. Which is why I'm still awake at 2:40 writing this. Any thoughts on the movie?
The only reason it freaks me out is because it's disturbing how it can actually happen in real life.
Yeah, the thought that a "John Doe" actually may exist somewhere out there is scary as hell.
Se7en is a ****ing brilliant movie. It should be in everyone's DVD collection.
Yeah... but I only have the VHS. Are the alternate endings on the DVD any good? I haven't seen them.
Originally posted by Mr.Anderson
Is Eig8t actually going to be released? I heard it was to star Morgan Freeman, but not Brad Pitt. Anyone else heard anything?

Last I heard it was going to be Freman hunting down this killer who can read minds or something stupid like that.
I hope that it doesn't ever happen.
Originally posted by Mr.Anderson
Is Eig8t actually going to be released? I heard it was to star Morgan Freeman, but not Brad Pitt. Anyone else heard anything?

How the **** would that work? I mean Se7eN was called that because of the sins...what the **** is Eig8t gonna mean?
Originally posted by Mr.Anderson

eig8t. Its quite funny when you think about it.

I hope they do it, then they throw some crappy storyline about spiders, then they get sued by the eight legged freaks dudes, then the whole film gets forgotten since it sucked so bad and no one related it to Se7eN in any way. :o
Neo shoulda died by spiders damnit! :mad:

A tarantula bites into his sack and he dies from pain. :cool:
Ugh... I hope that never happens.

On a side note, Andrew Kevin Walker wrote 8mm after Seven, and it was about a deranged and perverted killer. Coincidence?
Love the film. Great performance by me. Of course, I wasn't credited since my blueprint, Kevin Spacey, said it was him, when it was actually I, his rvil clone, who was in it, just like in Usual Suspects and American Beauty and L.A. Confedential.:mad:
Originally posted by Max Shrek
Love the film. Great performance by me. Of course, I wasn't credited since my blueprint, Kevin Spacey, said it was him, when it was actually I, his rvil clone, who was in it, just like in Usual Suspects and American Beauty and L.A. Confedential.:mad:

You are frightening me hillbilly.
Dude, you didn't know I'm Kevin Spacey's evil clone? I've been saying that since June.:o
Originally posted by Max Shrek
Dude, you didn't know I'm Kevin Spacey's evil clone? I've been saying that since June.:o

I have been saying I am a rouge Istari, that has abandoned my mission since I was 12...doesn't make it true.
But the whole "Spacey" thing was a joke I've had with amny other people on the board. I don't believe it. It's just a joke.
OK, after doing some research, I have discovered that I was indeed joking around with you. It was a bit of a daunting task really. I had to peruse through the jumbled storehouse of my cognative mind. I found a few albums with refferences to jokes, and everything seems to check out.
I'm the Ol' Dirty Bastard's white step-cousin.
Originally posted by incurock31
Se7en is a ****ing brilliant movie. It should be in everyone's DVD collection.

I buy DVDs that I enjoy watching, reason I only have a few, because the few I own are great.

But Se7en? Hell no. I bought it, sure, but I couldn't stand to watch it, too scary. :( SO I returned it.
my sister is buying the platinum edition of it for christmas, i really appreciate that movie a lot more now. david fincher is a f**king genius!
Originally posted by Mr.Anderson
Revolutions spoiler.

Neo Died For all of us, like jesus. Besides, THE MATRIX IS NOT REAL. :D

Hey Neo would kick your ass.

Not outside the matrix! :mad:

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