The SHH Blues band...

jimmy rhoads said:
I play guitar.

The same goes for me. Been playing for roughly 3 years now. I've been composing riffs and instrumental pieces since 2004, and I'd be glad to help in your endeavor. :up:

[email protected]

E-mail me.
Well if anyone's got any samples of their stuff(bear in mind this is blues), please send them to if possible, My E-mail adress is earlier in this thread if you wanna compress it and send it for me?
I'm friggin telling ya'll you need to get jag in here to sing. From one singer looking to do the best for this band, you need to try and convince jag to do it. The man's voice was built for blues.
Once we have music, we'll go knocking at his door, so to speak.
BTW just a suggestion. The Hype is so ecclectic, why not make the band so as well? I would suggest pairing different people (since you've gotten so many people offering to help with this) and allow them to make different types of songs. Pair your blues cats with blues cats, your jazz cats with jazz cats, and rockers with rockers. Personally, I feel it would capture the Hype a little better then strictly blues.
Well I'm seeing who is up for what first, blues is very diverse with solo's etc, so I thought it would be good to go for that, giving everyone a chance to shine! Working on a track at a time, we'll see how many tracks we can get over the next few months maybe? But anyone, send me samples of your stuff, and we'll go from there! I'm awaiting basslines for songs, so If anyone has a self composed baseline, please send it to me:)
I'm no good at blues. Love the blues, but I don't have the soul for it, but I've got a pretty good ear for southern rock and classic rock in general. Once this blues thing is done, drop me a PM. I play guitar, sing, and keyboards a little bit.
well the thread will be updated as we get music for it and stuff, it could turn into a more rocky blues, see where it takes us, I've just invented a harmonica technique that's quite rocky or metally! lol
I play guitar, write lyrics and sing. I can play bass also but I wouldn't consider myself a bassist. But alas I have no digital recording equipment.
KingOfDreams said:
I play guitar, write lyrics and sing. I can play bass also but I wouldn't consider myself a bassist.

well if you wanna upload a blues-esque rift or something, that's cool, or e-mail or stream it to me, and let me put it up? Thanks
I just added to my post that I have no digital recording equipment. Not sure why I posted in this thread now that I think about it.
Does Kinko's have stuff at their shops that he can use?
Kinko's is a copy store...and I haven't heard of them having recording equipment.
They use to have stuff for business' to have meetings in store. I guess it has changed since FedEx took over.
Anyone wanna submit a blues bassline so we can start building on it?
I'm gonna submit some harmonica riffs soon, then people can play round them? Then I can re-structure the harmonica tune if necessary...(also BUMP!)

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