The unOFFICIAL DC Boards Lounge (with pics and beer)

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Oct 9, 2003
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Alright fellas. This has gone on long enough. Sometimes you want to go where everyone knows your username ya' know? I figure we, the proud posters of the DC Comics boards, possibly one of the tightest cliques on these forums deserve the right to lounge. I mean, who else has ASSHAT? (am i allowed to say that?)

Now we all know the catastrophe that was the Darth&Leaguer threads, but we have the opportunity and right to talk now about whatever is in our heads, unless it involves shoving things up a monkey's ass, but that's neither here nor there.

So let's start off with a cast of characters and just get a list of regulars who hang out here. Just post whatever and I'll add your name to our list.

Time to class this joint up a bit. The old couch is officially retired.

Am I right? So suit up, grab a cigar, a hooker, and a white russian and lounge out.

The Regulars:

-Aristotle (4th incarnation)
21, Kansas. Claims to have ginormous junk. BANNED

21, St. Louis, Missouri.
Resident functioning alcoholic.

-Manic (likes flamebird)
23, Union City
Average length, but thick

-Darthphere (representing ASSHAT)
22, Miami, FL

-Assassin (anti-everything)

-Sensieofcheese (overachiever)


-Anubis (only person in Egypt w/ internet)
27, Chicago.
Junk big enough to choke his momma.


-Leaguer (getting this started) BANNED


-TheCorpulent1 (watches TV and doesn't return PMs)
Resident sexy librarian.

-Mee (pissed at Corp for watching too much TV and not returning his PMs)

-KenshinAtrain (only person in lounge that owns a chair)

-SethCohen (fictional nerd)

MissWebb (unsatisfied with couches)

Hush (huSTLer)

Green Lantern
23, So Dak
12 Inches. AROUND. Think about it ladies.

20, Canada. Has homeless family living under his junk. Gets to name an STD after himself.

25, Oakland, depressingly little.

Wants something witty to be posted here.

The former mod who posts here.

Colossal Spoons
23, DE

Eternally 20ish
"The Friendliest Combat Maid Of All (And you guys needed one, bad)"

-Drakon (30% Marvel, 70% DC)
25, Right Behind You
Really, it's like I have TWO stumps. :awesome:

19, Eugene, Oregon
Max Bench Press- I don't think I've ever done one of those...
Junk- lacking
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Hi, I'm Aristotle, and I'm the fourth incarnation of myself.
No, I lost the password to the first two, and the third's just kind of a story how that one passed away.
Hello. I'm Manic, and I'm probably the only DC reader on Earth who wants more Flamebird.
I briefly hoped that Robin would change his color to predominantly reds and blacks, and take the name "Flamebird." They gave me the costume change, but by that point DC and I both realized that "Flamebird" probably wasn't. A rare example of truly impeccable judgment, on the part of both me and DC.
ASSHAT has officially entered this thread.
Hi, i'm Assassin, the reason why ASSHAT was formed, back in my hayday i was a real **** starter here, and the 1st and prob the only memeber of Anti-ASSHAT, back when the dc forums were fun.

Ass Ass has left the lounge!
I'm SenseiofCheese. You don't know me, but I watch you from the shadow and take notes.
Hi, i'm Assassin, the reason why ASSHAT was formed, back in my hayday i was a real **** starter here, and the 1st and prob the only memeber of Anti-ASSHAT, back when the dc forums were fun.

Ass Ass has left the lounge!
Don't flatter yourself AA.
Haha, hilarious, Assassin. Hi-****ing-larious.
Siriously, i know your SN but you're acting if we know each other, or you were part of it. I remember corp, darth, leaguer, and I would bicker, but you?

As it is, Assassin, I'm a founding member of ASSHAT, and I don't really recall you playing such a pivotal part.
Wow, look who thinks all high and mighty of himself.
Resident Egyptian God present. How long do we have before the thread gets closed?
As it is, Assassin, I'm a founding member of ASSHAT, and I don't really recall you playing such a pivotal part.

Pretty much fact.

EDIT: Also, Harlekin is an 03 member, that was a good year.
Hi, i'm Assassin, the reason why ASSHAT was formed, back in my hayday i was a real **** starter here, and the 1st and prob the only memeber of Anti-ASSHAT, back when the dc forums were fun.

Ass Ass has left the lounge!

The DC forums were fun back in the day because everything they were putting out was mother****ing gold, now, not so much.
Looks like this thread might not be a dud after all. whew.
Niner niner, Delta fox trot we have a 416 in progress, over.
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