The "What did you think about the new X3 scene" poll


Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
I like polls, easier to get a read of the general reaction without going through pages of posts.
Ummm..Where's the poll? :p

Oh, there it is.... :D

i voted Great i loved every minute of it i want more :D:D i'm all excited now :D lol
Overall, "4"

Copied & pasted from the other thread:

I have very mixed feelings on this scene. I did enjoy it... but I enjoyed Fantastic 4 as well... and I enjoyed this scene in a Fantastic 4 kind of way... not an X-Men kind of way.

This is definatley not a Bryan Singer scene.

Colossus' effects were absolutley horrible.

And as I did see mentioned earlier, it was kind of awkward how the Sentinel's eyes came off as headlights (I got the feeling of a helicopter, or the hovering crafts from the future wars in the 'Terminator' movies), yet when the head fell off, the eyes were rectangular. And the fact that the head just kinda comes out of nowhere.

But with that said, overall, I did enjoy the scene.

The Fastball Special came off a lot better than I imagined it ever could have back in the days before this film started production, and everyone was asking for the Fastball Special. I always thought that seeing Hugh Jackman flying through the air would come off really bad. But it didn't. So I give credit where it's due.

Wolverine's attitude is friggin' brilliant. I love how he's lighting his cigar on the flames on the car hood, lmao.

Storm was done really well in that scene, I feel. Halle didn't come off as the Halle of X-Men and X2. Halle came off as Storm, a leader who is trying to train her team in a realistic combat situation. And Wolverine came off as the rebel who isn't gonna follow orders, but he's gonna do things his own way.

And as far as the cheesiness of it (which yes, although it's not overly campy, it is a bit campy), it can be forgiven because this is the Danger Room. It's hard for this scene to accuratley portray the tone of the movie, when this is really just a scene for the fans. I don't imagine it to have any large impact on the storyline. It's there for the fans. So just have some fun with it, you don't have to take it too seriously.

I've seen too much in the trailers thus far that points towards this being a very serious film in terms of tone and everything, with all of the dialogue that I've heard. I find it hard to believe that all of that dialogue in the trailers is gonna come off as serious in the trailers, but then cheesy in the movie. The Danger Room is really the only scene we've seen in the trailers that didn't have any dialogue with it, so it didn't really have a set tone in the trailers. So I'm not ready to make assumptions about this film, saying it's gonna be campy, and the X-Men version of Batman & Robin when this is a scene that doesn't relate to the plot, doesn't need to be serious, and wasn't a scene that implied a serious tone in the trailers, like the other scenes we've seen do.

All I can say is, please don't let those be the final effects for Colossus. If they are, I am going to be very disappointed.

Overall... the scene was good. It was better good than it was worse bad (if that makes any sense). It did come off as very Brett Ratner-ish, and you can tell that's not a Bryan Singer scene. But at the same time, it's got me looking forward to more of the scene.

Can't wait until May 26th.
I agree, it doesn't have the same serious/real tone that singer's movies did. Its unsettling to say the least but i have to keep forcing myself to think that the rest of the movie will not be as cheesy and generic.
I have to say it is different from Bryan Singer's films
X2 was just as different to X1 as X3 seems to be to X2...I bet the average person wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the final film..

TNC9852002 said:
X2 was just as different to X1 as X3 seems to be to X2...I bet the average person wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the final film..

you have a point there x2 was sooo much diffrent to X1 and X3 is sooo gonna be better than X2 :)
I'm pumped. It may not be quite what I wanted but I'm still going to enjoy the movie.
TNC9852002 said:
X2 was just as different to X1 as X3 seems to be to X2...I bet the average person wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the final film..


I disagree. the difference between X1 and X2 was more visual. The language wasn't that diferent and the overall tone/mood was similarly real/serious and not that cartoonish. I don't know, i just think that if the clip is a predictor for the film then It will basically be as bad as FF.
TNC9852002 said:
X2 was just as different to X1 as X3 seems to be to X2...I bet the average person wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the final film..


Well, from what I've seen in the trailers, X-Men 3 doesn't seem to be that different from Singer's films at all. And X2 was hardly different from X-Men, at least in terms of the tone and everything.

Overall, I don't think there will be much difference in the tones of the movies, like you said, no more than X2 was from X-Men.

However, THIS particular scene, you can tell isn't a Bryan Singer scene.

It's not neccesarily good, and it's not neccesarily bad. It just is what it is.

Overall, I enjoyed the scene.

Overall, from what I've seen of the trailers, I can tell (and yes, part of it is knowing what the situation is) that it's a different director. It's different.

But it's also the same. It's the same, but different.

I'm not saying it in a bad way, again. It is what it is.
2. With acting good enough for a B-movie, cheap spotlight for a sentinel, family channel music, and a cartoonish gag at the end, I was completely stricken with shock when I saw this. I label it bad, ...the clip... I haven't seen how it's going to be in the movie edited together properly so the scene itself can't really be judged.

I loved the way it looked though. Terminator would be proud.
ShakiraRocks said:
I disagree. the difference between X1 and X2 was more visual. The language wasn't that diferent and the overall tone/mood was similarly real/serious and not that cartoonish. I don't know, i just think that if the clip is a predictor for the film then It will basically be as bad as FF.

While I agree that this clip was a bit more F4'ish (which I don't think is horrible, as I did enjoy that movie), I don't think it's an indicator to the rest of the film.

Let us not forget, in the trailers, we never heard any dialogue or anything from the Danger Room sequence. I think it comes off the way it does because it's there for the fans. It's a fun action sequence for the non-fans. It will hardly tie into the plot.

We have, however, seen indication that the tone of the movie as a whole will be a lot more serious. And I think it will be.

I wouldn't go around making predictions one way or another about how this film will turn out, based upon 1 scene that won't hold any bearing on the actual storyline.
Strange ... this is not how I remember this scene. The music is different and it looks like they've switched something.
You'll know in approx. 1 week :) I've seen some clips , including this one and the Golden Gate sequence... but this clip is different to the one I've seen as a preview.

I got invited to a press-screening / preview of X³ and that'll be in approx one week.
mm hmmm, sure you did, and how was the bridge scene and the other scenes?
Wolverini said:
You'll know in approx. 1 week :) I've seen some clips , including this one and the Golden Gate sequence... but this clip is different to the one I've seen as a preview.

I got invited to a press-screening / preview of X³ and that'll be in approx one week.
Interesting! What's different about it?
I got invited to a Terminator 3 screening couple of years ago ;) It was near the Amsterdam Arena.

How was it different? Because the clip ( Sentinel one ) compared to this one just feel ... misplaced. Halle , in my version , was actually shouting at the others ... ( "Dont stop! Just keep on going!" ) in this one its just like : "Lets keep moving!". There was more drama in the version I saw. And no ... the previews I've seen arent on the Internet but in the cinema.

Remember those action clips Star Wars had on their website? Its the same with X³. This is one of them.
Wolverini said:
You'll know in approx. 1 week :) I've seen some clips , including this one and the Golden Gate sequence... but this clip is different to the one I've seen as a preview.

I got invited to a press-screening / preview of X³ and that'll be in approx one week.
:eek: NEE!:mad: :(
Retroman said:

Oh jawel Retro :) Dit gaat gebeuren in 1 week , misschien anderhalf maar dat word nog geregeld. Misschien mag ik weer iemand meenemen :O
Wolverini said:
You'll know in approx. 1 week :) I've seen some clips , including this one and the Golden Gate sequence... but this clip is different to the one I've seen as a preview.

I got invited to a press-screening / preview of X³ and that'll be in approx one week.

I just hate how wolvie suddenly appears out of nowhere behind the head.
You can definately see the difference between the directing styles but its not a bad thing regarding this scene. Considering whats happeningin the rest of the movie, this scene with the comedic moments offers some light hearted relief from the emotions that will play out both before and later on.

I honestly dont think the colossus are that bad, the quality of the clip on youtube isnt the best but you can still see sinews on the arms and face if you look close enough.

One thing i am really liking is that logan is finally acting like the logan from the comics, with the carefree rebellious attitude :up: Same goes for storm too.

People were having doubts as to how they would do the fastball special but they pulled it of very convincingly.

The only part i found a bit werid was at the end when the sentinel head falls down. Its not the fact that it comes out of nowhere because you dont actually see the sentinel anyway, just the eyes. It the fact that Logan comes out of nowhere lol.

Oh and i told you there would be a sentinel head in the danger room :p

Overall I give it a 4 :up:

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