The Winter Soldier The Winter Soldier Thread

Hunter Rider

Staff member
Oct 24, 2004
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Since the brainwashed, bionic armed Bucky Barnes is going to be a main character in this film I think he deserves his own thread to discuss all aspects of the character and what fans are hoping for from him in this movie.

I think looks-wise he really doesn't require any meddling except maybe the domino mask being swapped out for militaristic goggles.

Obviously we don't know what the story is going to be yet but I hope whatever is at the center pits Cap, Winter Soldier and Crossbones against each other as opposed to Cap taking on a team-up. I am also really interested to see how Black Widow plays into things as her Russian background has barely been touched on in the MCU yet and I can really see it coming into play with Winter Soldier.

I think it's really important for this film to get away from the whole Clint x Natasha relationship and start building on the one between her and Bucky.
I think a Balaclava works best for Winter Soldier, or nothing at all. They could just use a lot of shadows and angles to hide his face.

Then again they can just not do that. They can reveal who the Winter Soldier is right away, and the rest of the time is devoted to finding out how he came to be and suspense about how Cap will react once he finds out.

I hope he doesn't have the long hair, though.
I personally love the Clint/Natasha relationship, but I personally don't feel building any romantic relationship for her has a place in this film. I hope the focus remains on Steve and Bucky and their relationship. Obviously Falcon has a role to play in this, and in Crossbones we have our villain, so that sounds like a good core there. I'm curious to see if there's a connection between Bucky and Crossbones in this story, since the Winter Soldier should at least be filling the villain roll in some capacity. Are they working together? I do hope these aren't just random plot threads, though a story that pit the three against each other, like the OP suggested, would be very cool.

I just want a lot of Steve/Bucky feels.
Supposedly, the two share a rivalry. So I'm guessing the both work for the same guy (Zemo?), but aren't on the same side.

Also, allow me to reiterate my strong desire for the makers of the Winter Soldier to remain Soviets.
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I agree with keeping the Russians as the people behind him and with Black Widow involved I imagine they will.

Long hair is a must

I personally love the Clint/Natasha relationship, but I personally don't feel building any romantic relationship for her has a place in this film. I hope the focus remains on Steve and Bucky and their relationship. Obviously Falcon has a role to play in this, and in Crossbones we have our villain, so that sounds like a good core there. I'm curious to see if there's a connection between Bucky and Crossbones in this story, since the Winter Soldier should at least be filling the villain roll in some capacity. Are they working together? I do hope these aren't just random plot threads, though a story that pit the three against each other, like the OP suggested, would be very cool.

I just want a lot of Steve/Bucky feels.

Well at the moment we don't know how big of a part Black Widow will play, but if she is more than a cameo and if there are plans for Winter Soldier to be in Avengers 2 then I think the romance angle may well be explored.

I'm really keen for there to be no connection between Winter Soldier and Crossbones, a three point battle between Cap, Crossbones and Winter Solider would be a fresh way to go for a CBM.
I also want his costume to be JUST like the ones in the comics. It's modern, they shouldn't change it.
I don't have strong feelings, but I could see them doing something a little different. It's basically modern tactical gear, so it shouldn't be hard to pull off. I do hope they don't give him only one sleeve. WS should be discreet. Same reason why I say no to the long hair.
Dark/black fatigues would probably do it costume-wise.
Or even just dark, smart clothes when he goes to make hits in cities.

I think the bionic arm has got to happen though. Even if we only find out about it late in the film.

I hope they get rid of that stupid domino mask. It hides nothing and and looks like a dorky throwback to the 60s. Give Bucky a cowl or a hood, or even some sunglasses.

As far as Bucky and Natasha are concerned, packing a romance for the secondary characters into a 2 hour movie in which the hero is going to have his own relationships to contend with seems like a bit much. Maybe they can allude to it as a backstory, but it shouldn't take the spotlight off of Steve. Quite frankly, I want the entire movie to focus on Steve and his reactions to the developments in his life (Bucky's survival, HYDRA, etc.). In other words, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, etc., are there to provide drama for the hero, not to be the center of the action. That's why they call 'em sidekicks.
Did you just suggest Sunglasses would be more effective at hiding his identity than a mask?

I'll give ya the cowl or hood, but those just wouldn't work with his look

but sunglasses?? c'mon now
why would a wetworks sniper type guy who works mostly at night, and from long distances, and quite often in rain and bad weather, wear sunglasses?
Did you just suggest Sunglasses would be more effective at hiding his identity than a mask?

I'll give ya the cowl or hood, but those just wouldn't work with his look

but sunglasses?? c'mon now
why would a wetworks sniper type guy who works mostly at night, and from long distances, and quite often in rain and bad weather, wear sunglasses?

Actually, I wasn't even thinking of hiding Bucky's identity because Steve Rogers is the only living person who knows or cares who James Buchanan Barnes really is. The guy has been MIA since 1945; all of his friends and relatives from that time would be either dead or extremely old. If he's any good at all as an assassin he is an expert at avoiding detection, disabling surveillance cameras and not leaving any evidence of his activities.

The suggestion of sunglasses was inspired by the shades Hawkeye wore in some promo pictures. I always assumed that a marksman would wear shades that had some sort of technological enhancements, such as night vision capabilities. When it comes to hiding his face, why doesn't Bucky have a full mask anyway? Domino masks are not only ridiculous looking, but they just don't do the job. And that goes for Ms. Marvel, Nightwing, Green Lantern, a half dozen Robins and any other character who has one.
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yeah but...but....they look cool....
Eh, not IMO. The only place you should really see domino masks is in period pulp pieces. At least with a full cowl, you can pretend it provides some degree of meaningful disguise.
I hope they get rid of that stupid domino mask. It hides nothing and and looks like a dorky throwback to the 60s. Give Bucky a cowl or a hood, or even some sunglasses.
Yes, I agree. They do often use glasses to represent those stupid domino masks in movies. Maybe he'll just wear black war paint or something, similar to what they do in Arrow. Or, another cool route, would be to have some sensory goggles like Catwoman had in TDKR.

As far as Bucky and Natasha are concerned, packing a romance for the secondary characters into a 2 hour movie in which the hero is going to have his own relationships to contend with seems like a bit much. Maybe they can allude to it as a backstory, but it shouldn't take the spotlight off of Steve. Quite frankly, I want the entire movie to focus on Steve and his reactions to the developments in his life (Bucky's survival, HYDRA, etc.). In other words, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, etc., are there to provide drama for the hero, not to be the center of the action. That's why they call 'em sidekicks.
I actually think that Bucky will not only have a connection to Widow but also Fury. It would be cool if they took the idea from EMH that Winter Soldier was the assassin who took Fury's eye and killed his father and apply it to the MCU as a way to explore Fury's background. We know SHIELD will be heavily feature after all, and Jackson has said his character would be explored more in Cap 2. It would be a nice way of acknowledging Chris Yost's work on the series as well.

I really wanna see the domino mask
They never keep them for movie though lol.
Catwoman's goggles were dumb
a cowl on WS would be pretty dumb too
so why exactly is the domino mask such an outlandish idea?

the only above suggestion i could agree with would be the face paint
make him look like one of the soldiers in predator
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I want the domino mask... it wouldn't hide his secret identity well but it looks so cool!
I can't wait to see the first pic of Sebastian Stan in the Winter Soldier outfit and also what kind of haircut he will have. From his recent pics, it seems like he's growing it out a bit. But that doesn't mean he'll have long hair in the movie. They could decide to cut it short. Not sure which one I prefer.

Most of the Winter Soldier graphics have him with medium long hair. I think as long they don't go Loki-hair crazy and give him an extension, I will be okay with it. I guess the hair will also depend on what kind of mask or coverup (if any) they decide to give him.
I'd love him to have longer hair, but I wouldn't be devastated if he did not. Scruffy will do :woot:.

So, did you have to get in shape for the role, or is that just your natural physique?

[Laughs] No, that is not my natural physique. Boy, would I love it to be. I did have to get into shape. While I can, I gotta answer some of these funny questions. People weren’t in shape like that back then, no way. That’s so 21st Century. No one can be ripped like that in the 1950s. And for anyone that says that, I would say, go and look at Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke and The Long, Hot Summer. Just look at his physique in those films. That should answer the question. The play asks very specifically for—it’s gotta be physical. This is how I saw it and so did the director. At the same time, it became a great challenge to want to get into shape. But, it coincides with another little project where I have to be in shape, so why not kill two birds with one stone?

Captain America.

*thud* Excuse me while I swoon.

I am amazed Stan hasn't had more work in the last couple of years. The first moment I saw him in CA, I turned to my husband and said "Now THAT'S a movie star!"
He has been pretty busy just this past year alone with his recurring role in ONCE UPON A TIME where his Mad Hatter became an instant fan favorite. He was also in the Golden Globes nominated mini-series POLITICAL ANIMALS. The past three months, he was on Broadway. Of course the rest of his time seems to be well spent in the gym :funny:

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