Welcome to Season V of the World of Heroes DC Universe Role Playing Game!
Over the last few seasons we have witnessed the death and return of a hero.
We've seen the brutality of the Dark Alliance and the horror of a world almost over run.
The breaking of the Justice League and the redemption of a villian.
During the painful rebirthing of the JLA we were witness to the death of the world's most inspiring hero.
This season will be one of turmoil and adventure as heros struggled to reclaim lost lives, broken friendships and mourning, while the villians, suffering no such illusions, continue to plague the heros with deeds seen only in the worst nightmares of Arkhams darkest inmates.
This RPG is based off of post-Crisis on Infinite Earths and pre-Identity/Infinite Crisis.
If you want to take part in this, just fill in the application at the bottom of this post and we'll put your name and character on the first post here. First come, first serve.
This season on a trial basis only we are allowing two characters per person!
- twylight - Gamemistress
- Johnny Blaze - Assistant Gamemaster
- byrd_man - Assistant Gamemaster(and Twy's sexy singer)
- Green Lantern Assistant Gamemaster(and Twys sexy cabana boy)
- Master Bruce - Assistant Gamemaster(and Twys personal love slave)
- Batnkevlar Founder & Advisor
- You can choose to be any superhero or supervillain in the DC Universe, as long as they:
Are to be established on Earth, as in, if Lobo is to be involved, he has to reside in a DCU Earth city...
Are NOT deities, gods, or people such as Shazam the Wizard. People like Superman and Captain Marvel are okay, though...
Are true to the personality and abilities of the character, such as NO Pre-Crisis Superman, no moving planets, sneezing away the Milky Way, no amnesia kiss... EVERYTHING is set POST-Crisis, and Post-Zero Hour, in the current continuity of the character you are/wish to play/playing.
- You can reside in any city in the DC Universe; anywhere is fine, as long as it's on Earth. YOU CAN NOW ALSO TRAVEL OFF-PLANET...
- This is a working environment, so you can travel to different places using your powers or vehicles. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're a teleporter or such.
- Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off inanimate victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM.
Don't be killing people without reason.
Don't randomly kill NPC's.
- You know your weaknesses and strengths, what you can do or can't. Black Canary will lose against Superman one on one, but may be able to use her allies to help her out or she can run away. (HA! Yeah ri-ght)
- You should have a home base of some sort, at least in the beginning when youre not traveling...
- Dont kill a PC unless you have a plan to bring them back.
Dont kill your character when you quit the RPG, this rob's a person from playing that character.
- If there is a problem between you and another player,
or if you have question's please talk to one of the Gamemasters The list of Game masters is at the top of this post.
- There should be MINIMAL cussing and swearing in posts.
There will be NO By-passing the censors. This is a Hype rule, and NO exceptions will be made for the RPG.
- No obscene topics!
- Act like your character; ASSUME their traits and personality...
- You can form super villain gangs superhero teams, alliances, the works.
- There can be a number of stories (or arcs) going on at once, using different people.
- There are endless places to go and endless things to do: ENDLESS possibilities so get creative...
For more of the rules see- RPG Etiquette
Now here are the players and their characters (alphabetized in each group):
(Teams and Team logos coming soon)
Arsenal/Roy Harper
Green Lantern
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN
"You'd think by his username..."
trustyside-kick *
Messenger(s): PENDING
Under the sea under the sea
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Messenger(s): AIM
"Promises... no, VOWS to post more... Better keep his word"
Black Canary/Dinah Laurel Lance
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN
"All three of the assistant gamemaster's love mistress"
"...Even though SF forgot to put her on the roster"
Booster Gold
Marty McFly wannabe
The Flash/Jay Garrick
Messenger(s): AIN, YIM, MSN
Golden Oldie
The Flash/Wally West
Messenger(s): MSN
Green Man to Green Boy to Red Blur
Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
Messenger(s): MSN
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Messenger(s): MSN
Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
Oh Snap!
**** kicker extrodinare
Jim Gordon
Keyser Soze*
Messenger(s): MSN
"Can he drive stick?"
Kid Flash/Bart Allen
Messenger(s): MSN
"...yeah, that was cheesy..."
Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz
Messenger(s): MSN
Mr. Miracle/Scott Free
Purple Man
Messenger(s): PENDING
Lover of big women
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Messenger(s): MSN
The Question
Messenger(s): AIM, MSN
? Redux
Rose Wilson/Ravager
Syn (Mercenary)
We have Slade and Rose. Between them, a buttload of fighting skills and only two eyes.
Superboy/Kon-El/Conner Kent
Eddie Brock Jr.
Messenger(s): AIM
"Finally we have a....name removed by the estate of Jerry Siegel...here's hoping he sticks with him.
Supergirl/Kara Zor-El/Linda Lee Kent
Messenger(s): MSN, AIM
"Gee.. didn't see that one coming.. No siree.."
Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent
Master Bruce *
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN,
Brought him back a bit to soon
"Did not."
Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandmark
Messenger(s): MSN
The Atomic Skull
Messenger(s): MSN, YIM
"GASP! A Superman villain?! Who would've thought..."
Jason Todd
trustyside-kick *
Messenger(s): AIM, MSN
Hasnt turned J.T into a squid ..YET
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN,
"ALMOST mispelled his name, writing this...."
Meet it as I set it down,
That one may smile, and smile, and still be a villain
Hamlet, Act 1
Johnny Blaze *
Messenger(s): AIM, MSN
No more orange font.
Captain Nazi
Messenger(s): MSN
Hile Harl!
Deathstroke the Terminator
Messenger(s): MSN
Never saw THAT one coming..
Harvey Dent/Two Face
Messenger(s): MSN
The Question
The Joker
Keyser Soze*
Messenger(s): MSN
"What the... the dude plays The Joker and he doesn't have a caption? BLASPHEMY!"
Hes not THAT important
Lex Luthor
MST3K 4ever
Messenger(s): NONE PM or contact through OOC thread.
"Is he never evil?"
"Well...excluding the Marvel RPG, of course..."
Does not compute
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Johnny Blaze *
Messenger(s): MSN
"Actually set a man named Johnny ablaze"
"Makes twy hot."
"...Commence jealousy."
Now that hes back *bites lip*
sCaReCRoW/Jonathan Crane
Messenger(s): AIM
And cowering in fear of the Black Canary owned Gotham Underground.
(Teams and Team logos coming soon)
Arsenal/Roy Harper
Green Lantern
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN
"You'd think by his username..."
trustyside-kick *
Messenger(s): PENDING
Under the sea under the sea
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Messenger(s): AIM
"Promises... no, VOWS to post more... Better keep his word"
Black Canary/Dinah Laurel Lance
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN
"All three of the assistant gamemaster's love mistress"
"...Even though SF forgot to put her on the roster"
Booster Gold
Marty McFly wannabe
The Flash/Jay Garrick
Messenger(s): AIN, YIM, MSN
Golden Oldie
The Flash/Wally West
Messenger(s): MSN
Green Man to Green Boy to Red Blur
Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
Messenger(s): MSN
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Messenger(s): MSN
Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
Oh Snap!
**** kicker extrodinare
Jim Gordon
Keyser Soze*
Messenger(s): MSN
"Can he drive stick?"
Kid Flash/Bart Allen
Messenger(s): MSN
"...yeah, that was cheesy..."
Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz
Messenger(s): MSN
Mr. Miracle/Scott Free
Purple Man
Messenger(s): PENDING
Lover of big women
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Messenger(s): MSN
The Question
Messenger(s): AIM, MSN
? Redux
Rose Wilson/Ravager
Syn (Mercenary)
We have Slade and Rose. Between them, a buttload of fighting skills and only two eyes.
Superboy/Kon-El/Conner Kent
Eddie Brock Jr.
Messenger(s): AIM
"Finally we have a....name removed by the estate of Jerry Siegel...here's hoping he sticks with him.
Supergirl/Kara Zor-El/Linda Lee Kent
Messenger(s): MSN, AIM
"Gee.. didn't see that one coming.. No siree.."
Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent
Master Bruce *
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN,
Brought him back a bit to soon
"Did not."
Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandmark
Messenger(s): MSN
The Atomic Skull
Messenger(s): MSN, YIM
"GASP! A Superman villain?! Who would've thought..."
Jason Todd
trustyside-kick *
Messenger(s): AIM, MSN
Hasnt turned J.T into a squid ..YET
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN,
"ALMOST mispelled his name, writing this...."
Meet it as I set it down,
That one may smile, and smile, and still be a villain
Hamlet, Act 1
Johnny Blaze *
Messenger(s): AIM, MSN
No more orange font.
Captain Nazi
Messenger(s): MSN
Hile Harl!
Deathstroke the Terminator
Messenger(s): MSN
Never saw THAT one coming..

Harvey Dent/Two Face
Messenger(s): MSN
The Question
The Joker
Keyser Soze*
Messenger(s): MSN
"What the... the dude plays The Joker and he doesn't have a caption? BLASPHEMY!"
Hes not THAT important
Lex Luthor
MST3K 4ever
Messenger(s): NONE PM or contact through OOC thread.
"Is he never evil?"
"Well...excluding the Marvel RPG, of course..."
Does not compute
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Johnny Blaze *
Messenger(s): MSN
"Actually set a man named Johnny ablaze"
"Makes twy hot."
"...Commence jealousy."
Now that hes back *bites lip*
sCaReCRoW/Jonathan Crane
Messenger(s): AIM
And cowering in fear of the Black Canary owned Gotham Underground.
* Two Character player
~~ Reserve/Part time player
*** Player placed on notice;
These are people who have posted below or on the 7 post mark and/or have been absent from game play a week or longer.
After another week they will be taken off the roster and they can re-apply for their character again.
DC RPG Season V Application
Screen Name:
Character you would like to play:
Group your character is aligned with (if applicable):
Three reasons why you have chosen that character:
Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?):
How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:
Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty):
Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name?
How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread?
Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):
For those who are new to Role-Playing...