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The "World of Heroes" DC RPG Season V Signup/OOC Thread


Dark Lord of the RPG's
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score

Welcome to Season V of the World of Heroes DC Universe Role Playing Game!
Over the last few seasons we have witnessed the death and return of a hero.
We've seen the brutality of the Dark Alliance and the horror of a world almost over run.
The breaking of the Justice League and the redemption of a villian.

During the painful rebirthing of the JLA we were witness to the death of the world's most inspiring hero.

This season will be one of turmoil and adventure as heros struggled to reclaim lost lives, broken friendships and mourning, while the villians, suffering no such illusions, continue to plague the heros with deeds seen only in the worst nightmares of Arkhams darkest inmates.

This RPG is based off of post-Crisis on Infinite Earths and pre-Identity/Infinite Crisis.

If you want to take part in this, just fill in the application at the bottom of this post and we'll put your name and character on the first post here. First come, first serve.

This season on a trial basis only we are allowing two characters per person!


  • You can choose to be any superhero or supervillain in the DC Universe, as long as they:
Are to be established on Earth, as in, if Lobo is to be involved, he has to reside in a DCU Earth city...

Are NOT deities, gods, or people such as Shazam the Wizard. People like Superman and Captain Marvel are okay, though...

Are true to the personality and abilities of the character, such as NO Pre-Crisis Superman, no moving planets, sneezing away the Milky Way, no amnesia kiss... EVERYTHING is set POST-Crisis, and Post-Zero Hour, in the current continuity of the character you are/wish to play/playing.
  • You can reside in any city in the DC Universe; anywhere is fine, as long as it's on Earth. YOU CAN NOW ALSO TRAVEL OFF-PLANET...
  • This is a working environment, so you can travel to different places using your powers or vehicles. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're a teleporter or such.
  • Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off inanimate victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM.
    Don't be killing people without reason.
    Don't randomly kill NPC's.
  • You know your weaknesses and strengths, what you can do or can't. Black Canary will lose against Superman one on one, but may be able to use her allies to help her out or she can run away. (HA! Yeah ri-ght)
  • You should have a ‘home base of some sort, at least in the beginning when you’re not traveling...
  • Don’t kill a PC unless you have a plan to bring them back.
    Don’t kill your character when you quit the RPG, this rob's a person from playing that character.
  • If there is a problem between you and another player,
    or if you have question's please talk to one of the Gamemasters The list of Game masters is at the top of this post.
  • There should be MINIMAL cussing and swearing in posts.
    There will be NO By-passing the censors. This is a Hype rule, and NO exceptions will be made for the RPG.
  • No obscene topics!
What to do in the RPG-
  • Act like your character; ASSUME their traits and personality...
  • You can form super villain gang’s superhero teams, alliances, the works.
  • There can be a number of stories (or arcs) going on at once, using different people.
  • There are endless places to go and endless things to do: ENDLESS possibilities so get creative...
People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED a la DEW K. MOSI. As she said about the first thread...

For more of the ‘rules’ see- RPG Etiquette

Now here are the players and their characters (alphabetized in each group):

(Teams and Team logos coming soon)

Arsenal/Roy Harper
Green Lantern
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN
"You'd think by his username..."

trustyside-kick *
Messenger(s): PENDING
“Under the sea…under the sea…”

Batman/Bruce Wayne
Messenger(s): AIM
"Promises... no, VOWS to post more... Better keep his word"

Black Canary/Dinah Laurel Lance
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN
"All three of the assistant gamemaster's love mistress"
"...Even though SF forgot to put her on the roster"

Booster Gold
Marty McFly wannabe

The Flash/Jay Garrick
Messenger(s): AIN, YIM, MSN
Golden Oldie

The Flash/Wally West
Messenger(s): MSN
“Green Man to Green Boy to Red Blur”

Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
Messenger(s): MSN

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Messenger(s): MSN

Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
Oh Snap!
**** kicker extrodinare

Jim Gordon
Keyser Soze*
Messenger(s): MSN
"Can he drive stick?"

Kid Flash/Bart Allen
Messenger(s): MSN
"...yeah, that was cheesy..."

Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz
Messenger(s): MSN

Mr. Miracle/Scott Free
Purple Man
Messenger(s): PENDING
“Lover of big women…”

Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Messenger(s): MSN

The Question
Messenger(s): AIM, MSN
“? Redux”

Rose Wilson/Ravager
Syn (Mercenary)
We have Slade and Rose. Between them, a buttload of fighting skills and only two eyes.

Superboy/Kon-El/Conner Kent
Eddie Brock Jr.
Messenger(s): AIM
"Finally we have a....name removed by the estate of Jerry Siegel...here's hoping he sticks with him.

Supergirl/Kara Zor-El/Linda Lee Kent
Messenger(s): MSN, AIM
"Gee.. didn't see that one coming.. No siree.."

Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent
Master Bruce *
Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN,
“Brought him back a bit to soon…”
"Did not."

Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandmark
Messenger(s): MSN



The Atomic Skull
Messenger(s): MSN, YIM
"GASP! A Superman villain?! Who would've thought..."

Jason Todd
trustyside-kick *
Messenger(s): AIM, MSN
“Hasn’t turned J.T into a squid…..YET”

Messenger(s): AIM, YIM, MSN,
"ALMOST mispelled his name, writing this...."


“Meet it as I set it down,
That one may smile, and smile, and still be a villain…”
Hamlet, Act 1

Johnny Blaze *
Messenger(s): AIM, MSN
No more orange font.

Captain Nazi
Messenger(s): MSN
Hile Harl!

Deathstroke the Terminator
Messenger(s): MSN
Never saw THAT one coming..:whatever:

Harvey Dent/Two Face
Messenger(s): MSN

The Question

The Joker
Keyser Soze*
Messenger(s): MSN
"What the... the dude plays The Joker and he doesn't have a caption? BLASPHEMY!"
“He’s not THAT important”

Lex Luthor
MST3K 4ever
Messenger(s): NONE PM or contact through OOC thread.
"Is he never evil?"
"Well...excluding the Marvel RPG, of course..."

Does not compute

Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Johnny Blaze *
Messenger(s): MSN
"Actually set a man named Johnny ablaze"
"Makes twy hot."
"...Commence jealousy."
“Now that he’s back…*bites lip*”

sCaReCRoW/Jonathan Crane
Messenger(s): AIM
“And cowering in fear of the Black Canary owned Gotham Underground.”

* Two Character player

~~ Reserve/Part time player

*** Player placed on notice;
These are people who have posted below or on the 7 post mark and/or have been absent from game play a week or longer.
After another week they will be taken off the roster and they can re-apply for their character again.


DC RPG Season V Application

Screen Name:

Character you would like to play:


Group your character is aligned with (if applicable):

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:




Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?):

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty):

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name?

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread?

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in (must be at least 3 paragraphs long and contain at least one line of dialogue):

For those who are new to Role-Playing...

The season starts 1-2 months after last seasons ender.​
The roster needs a slight update.
Yeah..I'm tired so I took off some people...couldn't rememebr who you were playing though and didn't want to get yelled at.

Make me a list of what needs to be changed and I or one of the GM's will get to it tomorrow. ;)
How come I'm the only person on the roster list without a funny comment underneath my name? :(

And do we need to post up new profiles even if we are already-existing members? And if so, how long does this sample post need to be? Sorry, I wasn't around when all this was being discussed.
I haven't got a comment either, Keyser... :(

I'm also playing Jesse Quick this season.
Keyser Soze said:
How come I'm the only person on the roster list without a funny comment underneath my name? :(

And do we need to post up new profiles even if we are already-existing members? And if so, how long does this sample post need to be? Sorry, I wasn't around when all this was being discussed.

A paragraph or so is what I believe the GMs wanted. My question is, if the season isn't starting for awhile, can I postpone putting up my app until later?
Season V not starting for a while? I thought when it said this season was starting a month after the end of Season IV, it meant a month in game-time.
I really probably shouldn't be listed as Superman's player for this season. Just sayin'.
Screen Name: Watchman

Character you would like to play: Jonathan Crane aka. The Scarecrow

Powers: No powers. Crane has developed a fear toxin that makes people hallucinate their greatest fears. Crane also has master his own form of the the crane style of self defense. His skinny frame makes him very nimble.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): None

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) My favorite DC villain

2) I've played him before so I have a good grasp on the character

3) I have stories to tell using him

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): I plan on making him an interesting and scary villain. Unlike last season when Crane joined a group of villains I'm going to make him more of a loner and less of a global threat villain.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: At least once. Depends on how much school work I have to do

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty):Book Antiqua but when some one is under the effect of the toxin I use iMpaCt and mess with the letters

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? AIM- KidEternity8

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? Been playing for one whole season

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

A large church stood silent in the night. In the attic of the church stood one lone figure. He coming Crane thought. They will be here soon but this time it will be different. All of his men were defeated and the Bat was finally making his way up. He presses a button on the large device that sits in the middle of the when suddenly a large brooding figure bursts into the room. Crane picks up the gun but it is knocked out of his hand. Batman leaps on top of Crane pinning him to the ground.

"It's over Crane!" a blade pops out of Crane's arm and he shoves it threw Batman's head.

"I don't think so Batman" the Batman falls limp to ground. "I've...I've DONE IT." The gas begins to leak from the device.

"Gotham bow to your new master. I am the lord of your fears....king of your nightmares HAHAHAHA...."

A loud bang on his cell door brings him back from dreamland. A guard bangs on his door and yells at him to shut up. He had to find a way out of here...it was time to spread the fear again.

Second app will be up later. During this season Scarecrow will be 10x more scary. I was running out of time typing this up.
Screen Name: SpeedballLives

Character you would like to play: Gog

Powers: Vast superhuman strength, speed and stamina, Invulnerability, Flight, Teleportation, Healing, Can traverse time and space, Matter and energy manipulation, Can grant temporary superpowers to others

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable):HA! Gog does not align himself with the foolish villains OR heroes of the past.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Gog needs revenge.

2) Gog can take great advantage of a world without Superman.

3) He's one of the better newer Superman villians

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?):
I plan to make the character a villian to everyone. Villian or Hero, they will be destroyed by his hands to make a better tomorrow.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: If possible, once a day at the least.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): "My name is GOG. Welcome to OBLIVION!"

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name?
I have AIM, and my screenname is GrnLantern007.

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread?
I was a member of the last season.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:
" I have learned from the mistakes of the past, and I plan to change it. It's your fault they died. ALL of you caused the death of those people, and I am here to avenge them.

If not for your foolish bickering and pointless fights, my parents would be alive. My brother and sister would be here beside me, cheering me on to obliterate you all right now. But they are gone, because you ALL were to busy handling your personal vendettas. The only one who even gave a damn was Superman, but he was too slow.

I find it quite funny that the fastest man on the Earth was trying to stop a man from making it snow inside of a bank as my home was turned to ash. A woman claiming to be a protector of the World was too busy bickering over the politics of her home country, when she should have been helping Superman evacuate Topeka.

I find you all at fault here. The Villains for causing the destruction, and the Heroes for failing to stop them once and for all.
Screen Name: SpeedballLives

Character you would like to play: Soranik Natu

Powers: She has a Green Lantern Power Ring, so all the powers that come with it.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable):The Green Lantern Corps, maybe the JLA later on

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) I would really like to play a Green Lantern this season.

2) Out of all of the new recruits in the comics, she is my favorite.

3) There could be some great interaction between Sinestro and Soranik.

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?):
I plan to keep her the same as the comic version. Tough, brave, and somewhat hesitant to be a Green Lantern. She will believe the ring is cursed, but might have a change of heart when she sees Sinestro.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: With Soranik, I can make up my own adventures and not interfer with the main story,So I can post at least once a day.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty):Seagreen, System

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? AIM, GrnLantern007

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? I was here last season

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in: This is a story I’m going to use. When I post it, the ending will be very different and the story will be much longer.

Soranik Natu enters the atmosphere above the desert planet Monmeig.
As she enters, she witnesses the battle happening at the only city on the planet, Monmo.
Monmeig was once a very backwoods type of planet. Very few settlements, a population of about 5000. But that was before Nth metal was discovered in the crust of the planet. In only two years, more than 1 million settlers arrived, about half from the local system, another from the nearby system of Sarta. Both claimed the planet for themselves, leaving the original population stuck in the middle. The captital city was set up in about 1 year by the local system of Orakon. The Sartans worked from large camps near the north pole.
A war broke out between the systems, a war that has been contained on Monmeig.
"Ring, restate mission objectives please?"
~Lantern Natu, your objectives are simple. Protect the native population of Monmeig and attempt to end the land war begun by the Sartan and Orakonian Governments.~
"Thank you. Sounds like an easy task for a Lantern."
"You are welcome Lantern Natu. Yes, It does sound like a very simple task indeed."
Soranik thinks to herself "It would be easier if this ring wasn't cursed."
She enters the skies above Monmo. Sartan tanks role in from the north, shelling the city with blue laser cannon blast. The Okarons and the Natives blasting the tanks from large towers on the city walls.
Soranik starts out by creating a wall of green energy between the city and the tanks. She then swoops in and lifts each tank off the ground with a giant hand. She turns the tanks to fire at the ground, and another hand reaches in each tank and pulls out it's occupants. She places them on the desert floor, and crushes the tanks with the two hands formed from her ring.
"Now THAT'S the power of the Green Lanterns!"

She forms a large speaker cone in front of her mouth as she floats above the fearful combatants."This city is protected by the Green Lantern Corps. If the Sartan Government does not exit this planets atmosphere in 2 days time, there will be serious consequences. Now run back to your leader and leave."
The scared soldiers run to the north.

1.5 days later
The Sartan's leave the planet with haste and head back toward their system in hyperspace.
"They did that faster than I expected. Looks like my job here is done."
As she flies into outer space and back toward Oa, she thinks to herself "Maybe this old ring isn't so cursed after all."
Screen Name: Apprentice

Character you would like to play: Jesse Chambers, also known as the speed mistress Jesse Quick!

Powers: Jesse is able to access the speed force by reciting the mantra 3x2(9YZ)4A. This enables her to move at superhuman speeds that rival, but do not equal, the Flash's velocity. She also has limited super-strength.

Group your character is aligned with: None.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) I wanted a speedster.

2) Jesse is an old favourite.

3) She's the only prominent female speedster and I want to make her as cool as she should be.

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: My opening arc will, as said, take Jesse from zero to hero by use of a mystery stranger. I will push her through some trials that force her to adapt, and she will also experience some changes in terms of her powers.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): Size 2 Fixedsys

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? No, please contatc me through this thread or PMs.

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? I saw it.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

Jesse Chambers, at one point, had lived for speed. It was the one thing that had kept her focused, that had driven her to success, that had carried her across America, booted foot ahead of booted foot. Her blonde tresses had swept out behind her, tainting her crimson trail with a thick golden hue. She hadn't possessed speed...she had been speed. And, during these times, she was not Jesse Chambers, but the Mistress of Velocity...she was...

Jesse Quick!

"Maybe that was what went wrong, she mused, fingering the half-empty bottle before her, a sullen solemnity permeating the very air around her. She was slumped on a bar stool, her other hand supporting her head. "Maybe I was moving toofast."

"One of these days, Jess," the bartender muttered, "I'll understand somethin' that comes outta that cake 'ole o' yours."

"Maybe one day," she responded softly. "Another, Phil. It ain't like I've got any home to go to, anyway."
DC RPG Season V Application

Screen Name: Green Lantern

Character you would like to play: Roy Harper, Arsenal

Powers: Amazing aim, ability to use nearly anything with weaponlike proficiencey, grade A caliber smart ass

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): Checkmate, Outsiders

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) He's fun to play, gotta love guys with a sense of humor.

2) One of my favorite DC characters

3) I'm already playing him

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): I plan to expand upon storylines I've set up this season, and continue a partnership with Dick "Shortpants" Grayson. I also plan to hopefully make Arsenal worthy of the big leagues (;)) like his real comic counterpart.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As many as neccesary and as time permits to keep arcs flowing smoothly.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): Comic Sans This color.

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? Yahoo: slieken_elven_lord; MSN: [email protected]; AIM: LanternLight22

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? Honestly? I don't remember. I think Twy recomended it.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

NOTE: This will be Roy's first post of Season V:

It’s been two months. Two months since we found out that Dinah was alive. Two months since the Parasite was defeated in the battle of Metropolis. Two months since Dick ran off to Blüdhaven in search of who’s running the drug ring we discovered in Metropolis. Two months since I told him to call me if he needed my help, because I needed time to catch up with Dinah, and my daughter. Two months since Lian went ecstatic when she saw her Aunt Dinah. Two months since Lian said, “I told you so, Daddy. I knew she’d be back.” What else is the kid supposed to think? Ollie came back, Hal came back, I’ve come back, and hell, even she’s come back from the dead. The poor girl’s gotta be a bit jaded about the concept…

Roy looked up from his inner monologue to see Lian over playing with Dinah. He’d taken the last two months just to enjoy being a father again. It felt good, although his trigger fingers were getting somewhat restless, and he was starting to worry about Dick. He kept making himself give his partner one more day, mainly because every time he picked up the phone Lian shot him a disappointed look. He had also taken the time off to call Alan, and tell him that he was going on a temporary sabbatical from Checkmate, but if they needed him, he’d be more than willing to go a few rounds.

“TAG! You’re it! No tag backs, daddy.” Lian touched him hard on the arm as she ran by him. He smiled as he looked around.

Hmm, where did pretty bird get to?

He saw a figure crouched by a bush, hiding.

“AHHA!" Roy broke into a dead sprint towards the bush, and dived at Dinah, tackling her into the mud puddle left over from the last night’s rainstorm. “You’re it Tweety. No tag backs.” He grinned at her, and got up, wiping the mud off of his bare arms. “Lian, sweet heart, you ready for your lesson today?”

“Yeah! Yeah! Can we?”

“Yup, lets head back to Grandpa’s range, eh? Shoot some shafts at his easy targets today.”

“Roy, are you sure you should be teaching her archery? Do you really want her following your footsteps?”

“It’s not that Dinah, but she needs to be ready for things. All of her good friends, ‘uncles’, ‘aunts’ and family are in the hero game. Better she knows how to defend herself than me coming home one night to find her hurt or dead. Because its not like I exactly have a secret identity you know, the shades weren’t all that good, plus the whole me being a recovering addict…”

“Recovered, Roy. You’ve been clean since you were seventeen.”

“No, Dinah, it will always be recovering. Once you say that you’re recovered is when you’ll relapse again at any moment. I am not going to succumb to that, so for the rest of my life I’m a recovering junkie. Anyway, that got me into the press so fast that it was impossible to cover it up. Everyone knows that Speedy went on to be a DEA agent, and anyone with enough intelligence to look would be able to find out that that agent was Roy Harper. Frankly I’m amazed that you and Ollie still have secret identities. Especially Ollie, with his beard, I mean, Jesus how many blonde guys are walkin’ around with a Robin Hood beard?”

He looked at her, realizing once again that Dinah wasn’t as old as she once was, even though she had never been that much older than him anyway. He got a smirk on his face.

“What, what’s that look for?”

“Just thinkin. When Ollie came back, he was younger, even claims that physically, he may be younger than me. Heck, might be true. Then Hal comes back, says the same thing. Now you come back, and it’s obvious, you’re definitely around my age physically. Maybe I should try that whole dieing and coming back thing again, I obviously got the short end of the staff there. I came back the same as I died… How come everyone else makes like Ponce de Leon?”

Before she could answer, the familiar sound of “Disco Inferno” came from his pocket. Roy frantically dug for his cell. "Tricky Dicky, baby, whats up?”
Also note, I will have to edit a key point from the end of the season out of that ;) I had NO clue that Supes was gonna be the one croaking...
DC RPG Season V Application

Screen Name: Supergirl

Character you would like to play: Kara Zor-El, Linda Lee Kent, Supergirl

Powers: Superstrength, superspeed, flight, heat vision, x-ray vision, infrared vision, microscopic vision, telescopic vision, directional and telescopic hearing, near invulnerability, super breath from superstrong lungs.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): Teen Titans, Superman Family
Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) I've played her before, and people seemed to like it ;)
2) The original Kara is one of the best characters in DC history.

3) With Kal gone, it looks like she'll be needed :o

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): First off, I plan to explain where and why she disappeared. Secondly, I plan to bring her back for interaction with the New Titans, and to cope with Kal's death.
How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: At least once, maybe more if needed.
Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): Verdana Royal Blue

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? MSN: [email protected]
How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? I think I ran into the OOC thread all those seasons ago...
Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

Flying away from Mexico, tears rolled down Kara’s cheek.

I can’t deal with all this right now. My cousin just beat me bloody, but seems okay now, my boyfriend needs time to recover from getting zapped to the future and then deaged five years. I think I need some time off too. They’ll understand, they’ll have to.

With that she changed her flight path and rocketed straight up. Towards space. As she flew out of the atmosphere she rolled over and looked back at the blue and green globe that was her adopted home. That made her think of the home that she had barely known before her father had tried to send her to care for her cousin.

What is left of my home planet? Are there any relics that survived? Any pieces of home? Only one way to truly find out, but first I have to go to STAR Labs…

She turned around, and flew back down to the nearest STAR Labs complex.

“SUPERGIRL! What brings you to STAR Labs Dallas?”

“I need a lead suit, and I know most STAR complexes have them for easy access by my cousin.”

“Sure thing Sgirl, anything wrong?” He motioned to an intern. “Can you get Supergirl one of the lead suits?”

The intern ran off to get the suit and the director turned back to his guest.

“No, not really. Just need to go look at something, and want to cover my bases. Say, can you get a message to SL: Metropolis for me?”

“Yeah, what?”

“Have them tell my cousin that I’m fine. I just needed to find out who I really am.”

The intern returned with a lead suit with a visored hood.

“I’ll get an email off to them this afternoon. Good luck Supergirl.”

As she put on the suit, she turned back to him. “Thanks. For everything.”

She put the helmet on and stood tall for a moment before taking back off towards space.

That is part one of five of what will either be my first post, or my first two posts.
DC RPG Season IV Application

Screen Name: Master Bruce

Character you would like to play: Nightwing/Richard 'Dick' Grayson

Powers: None. A trained acrobat since childhood, He has an adeptly trained agility, but still humanly. He also utilizes a vast arsenal of offensive and defensive customised weaponry, such as gas pellets, grapnels, 'Wing-Ding' Batarangs, and primarily, a pair of shatterproof esrcrima sticks.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): Former leader of The Teen Titans, The Outsiders, and a reserve member of The Justice League Of America.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) He was my first character in... well, any RPG. And people still seem to like how I play him.

2) This season, I want to develop the character more than I have. All of my posts as him have been rather simplistic in comparison to my work on other RPG's. I want to give the character as much attention and effort as I do my other characters.

3) Hey, somebody's gotta keep Roy in line. :o

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): Aside from staying as far away from Gotham as I can, due to me always going there every season, I want to explore Nightwing's world a little more than I have. He lost his city in one season, and has been too busy to reclaim it. Now, he's going to... Because he's anything but 'Batman's protege' anymore. I also plan to both continue and keep the comedic stylings of the Arsenal/Nightwing team very much alive.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: Yeah, this question is a little hard to answer, given that no one knows for sure. It just really depends on how fast the RPG moves. But I'd say at least once.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): Navy Verdana with Bold

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? Yahoo: allstarbatman, AOL: Allstarbatman, MSN: [email protected]

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? I was recruited a long time ago by word of post, back during Season II.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

The son of Batman.

He hated that title with a passion. Batman was anything but a father to him, or any of his other protegees. He was 'the law'. He was the symbol of everything that was right in the world. But a father? Even Bruce wouldn't admit that.

And now, he stood above his own city, with his own 'laws' to make. Sure, it layed in ruins. But that just gave him the challenge. He wasn't training under Batman's wing anymore. Oh no, those days were long gone. Now, he was his own man. With his own city. And his own goal: To show that.

Leaping from the sky, he landed on another rooftop, surveying the streets below.

Maybe I'll get lucky, tonight. 'Haven has been sorta quiet recently... Perhaps tonight is the night that it isn't. And even so...

"I'm ready for it.", He said to himself, as confident as he ever was. As prepared as he ever was.


And not as ''the son of Batman''.
DC RPG Season IV Application

Screen Name: Master Bruce

Character you would like to play: Superman :super:

Powers: Flight, super strength, super speed, invunerability (excluding kryptonite and magic), multiple forms of vision (x-ray, heat, microscopic), super hearing, and an artic breath.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): Leader/Founder of The Justice League Of America.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) LibrarianThorne asked me to fill in for this season. Given the praise he's given my career as an RPG, and the character he was offering, I couldn't decline an offer like this.

2) Superman is essential to the DC Universe in pretty much every way. He's too important... too iconic. You cannot have a successful DC Universe RPG without one, and I refused to let the character be sidelined for a season, due to that.

3) Besides that... Well, he's SUPERMAN. I play him in the One Universe RPG, yes... But the one I play is an inexperienced version of my own. This one has actual experience, and has already reached the iconic status that I hope to achieve with my OU version one day. So even if this is familiar ground that I'm treading on... it's new ground, all the same.

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): I hope, in my time playing the character, that I can remind people why he deserves the recognition he gets. He can fly, he can do all of these extraordinary things... But so can others in the DC Universe. There's more to Superman than his powers that make him such an icon, and I want to show that.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: LibrarianThorne was dedicated to this character. He was active, and he was amazing with it. The least I could do is honor that same dedication... So I'm gonna try to post as much as I can. That's all I can promise.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): Bold Blue Verdana for Superman, Blue Verdana Regular for Clark Kent. (Used with pretty much every RPG Superman. Why mess with tradition?)

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? Yahoo: allstarbatman, AOL: Allstarbatman, MSN: [email protected]

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? I was recruited a long time ago by word of post, back during Season II.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

Clark opened his eyes, as darkness greeted him suddenly. At first, he thought he had failed. At some point, maybe he had taken a wrong turn... Or maybe The Creator had changed his mind. But that's when he fully came to realisation of it. He was breathing. He was alive again. And the darkness...

Clark pushed forward, watching as a path of light greeted him behind whatever was concealing him in darkness. Letting the light fade, Clark sat up, taking in his surroundings. He was in the Fortress of Solitude. I did it. Clark's smile grew wider, as two more tears of joy greeted him again. He hadn't felt this happy since he had died. But now, he lived again. Maybe with luck... he would live forever. I've returned. I'm alive again!

He looked down at the buisness suit he adorned. If he was to return to his life... these clothes weren't nessacarily fitting. No, he needed something else. Something he couldn't wait to put on, once more. I just hope that it still fits.

Moments later, A red and blue blur streaked out of the crystal fortress, heading into the sky. To anyone who would have seen it, it would've been recogniseable, but impossible. He was dead, wasn't he? No. He wasn't. Not anymore. Clark held his head high, proudly... confident in his new chance at life.

He would bring peace to all, as he once promised himself, many years ago. A lifetime ago. Because now, he was truly free to keep that promise again. For he lived. As Clark Kent. As Kal-El. As the Last Son Of Krypton.


As Superman, once more, and forever.
Watchman said:
Screen Name: Watchman

Character you would like to play: Jonathan Crane aka. The Scarecrow

Powers: No powers. Crane has developed a fear toxin that makes people hallucinate their greatest fears. Crane also has master his own form of the the crane style of self defense. His skinny frame makes him very nimble.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): None

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) My favorite DC villain

2) I've played him before so I have a good grasp on the character

3) I have stories to tell using him

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): I plan on making him an interesting and scary villain. Unlike last season when Crane joined a group of villains I'm going to make him more of a loner and less of a global threat villain.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: At least once. Depends on how much school work I have to do

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty):Book Antiqua but when some one is under the effect of the toxin I use iMpaCt and mess with the letters

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? AIM- KidEternity8

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? Been playing for one whole season

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

A large church stood silent in the night. In the attic of the church stood one lone figure. He coming Crane thought. They will be here soon but this time it will be different. All of his men were defeated and the Bat was finally making his way up. He presses a button on the large device that sits in the middle of the when suddenly a large brooding figure bursts into the room. Crane picks up the gun but it is knocked out of his hand. Batman leaps on top of Crane pinning him to the ground.

"It's over Crane!" a blade pops out of Crane's arm and he shoves it threw Batman's head.

"I don't think so Batman" the Batman falls limp to ground. "I've...I've DONE IT." The gas begins to leak from the device.

"Gotham bow to your new master. I am the lord of your fears....king of your nightmares HAHAHAHA...."

A loud bang on his cell door brings him back from dreamland. A guard bangs on his door and yells at him to shut up. He had to find a way out of here...it was time to spread the fear again.

Second app will be up later. During this season Scarecrow will be 10x more scary. I was running out of time typing this up.


SpeedballLives said:
Screen Name: SpeedballLives

Character you would like to play: Gog

Powers: Vast superhuman strength, speed and stamina, Invulnerability, Flight, Teleportation, Healing, Can traverse time and space, Matter and energy manipulation, Can grant temporary superpowers to others

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable):HA! Gog does not align himself with the foolish villains OR heroes of the past.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) Gog needs revenge.

2) Gog can take great advantage of a world without Superman.

3) He's one of the better newer Superman villians

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?):
I plan to make the character a villian to everyone. Villian or Hero, they will be destroyed by his hands to make a better tomorrow.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: If possible, once a day at the least.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): "My name is GOG. Welcome to OBLIVION!"

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name?
I have AIM, and my screenname is GrnLantern007.

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread?
I was a member of the last season.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:
" I have learned from the mistakes of the past, and I plan to change it. It's your fault they died. ALL of you caused the death of those people, and I am here to avenge them.

If not for your foolish bickering and pointless fights, my parents would be alive. My brother and sister would be here beside me, cheering me on to obliterate you all right now. But they are gone, because you ALL were to busy handling your personal vendettas. The only one who even gave a damn was Superman, but he was too slow.

I find it quite funny that the fastest man on the Earth was trying to stop a man from making it snow inside of a bank as my home was turned to ash. A woman claiming to be a protector of the World was too busy bickering over the politics of her home country, when she should have been helping Superman evacuate Topeka.

I find you all at fault here. The Villains for causing the destruction, and the Heroes for failing to stop them once and for all.


SpeedballLives said:
Screen Name: SpeedballLives

Character you would like to play: Soranik Natu

Powers: She has a Green Lantern Power Ring, so all the powers that come with it.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable):The Green Lantern Corps, maybe the JLA later on

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) I would really like to play a Green Lantern this season.

2) Out of all of the new recruits in the comics, she is my favorite.

3) There could be some great interaction between Sinestro and Soranik.

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?):
I plan to keep her the same as the comic version. Tough, brave, and somewhat hesitant to be a Green Lantern. She will believe the ring is cursed, but might have a change of heart when she sees Sinestro.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: With Soranik, I can make up my own adventures and not interfer with the main story,So I can post at least once a day.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty):Seagreen, System

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? AIM, GrnLantern007

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? I was here last season

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in: This is a story I’m going to use. When I post it, the ending will be very different and the story will be much longer.

Soranik Natu enters the atmosphere above the desert planet Monmeig.
As she enters, she witnesses the battle happening at the only city on the planet, Monmo.
Monmeig was once a very backwoods type of planet. Very few settlements, a population of about 5000. But that was before Nth metal was discovered in the crust of the planet. In only two years, more than 1 million settlers arrived, about half from the local system, another from the nearby system of Sarta. Both claimed the planet for themselves, leaving the original population stuck in the middle. The captital city was set up in about 1 year by the local system of Orakon. The Sartans worked from large camps near the north pole.
A war broke out between the systems, a war that has been contained on Monmeig.
"Ring, restate mission objectives please?"
~Lantern Natu, your objectives are simple. Protect the native population of Monmeig and attempt to end the land war begun by the Sartan and Orakonian Governments.~
"Thank you. Sounds like an easy task for a Lantern."
"You are welcome Lantern Natu. Yes, It does sound like a very simple task indeed."
Soranik thinks to herself "It would be easier if this ring wasn't cursed."
She enters the skies above Monmo. Sartan tanks role in from the north, shelling the city with blue laser cannon blast. The Okarons and the Natives blasting the tanks from large towers on the city walls.
Soranik starts out by creating a wall of green energy between the city and the tanks. She then swoops in and lifts each tank off the ground with a giant hand. She turns the tanks to fire at the ground, and another hand reaches in each tank and pulls out it's occupants. She places them on the desert floor, and crushes the tanks with the two hands formed from her ring.
"Now THAT'S the power of the Green Lanterns!"

She forms a large speaker cone in front of her mouth as she floats above the fearful combatants."This city is protected by the Green Lantern Corps. If the Sartan Government does not exit this planets atmosphere in 2 days time, there will be serious consequences. Now run back to your leader and leave."
The scared soldiers run to the north.

1.5 days later
The Sartan's leave the planet with haste and head back toward their system in hyperspace.
"They did that faster than I expected. Looks like my job here is done."
As she flies into outer space and back toward Oa, she thinks to herself "Maybe this old ring isn't so cursed after all."


Green Lantern said:
DC RPG Season V Application

Screen Name: Green Lantern

Character you would like to play: Roy Harper, Arsenal

Powers: Amazing aim, ability to use nearly anything with weaponlike proficiencey, grade A caliber smart ass

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): Checkmate, Outsiders

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) He's fun to play, gotta love guys with a sense of humor.

2) One of my favorite DC characters

3) I'm already playing him

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): I plan to expand upon storylines I've set up this season, and continue a partnership with Dick "Shortpants" Grayson. I also plan to hopefully make Arsenal worthy of the big leagues (;)) like his real comic counterpart.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As many as neccesary and as time permits to keep arcs flowing smoothly.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): Comic Sans This color.

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? Yahoo: slieken_elven_lord; MSN: [email protected]; AIM: LanternLight22

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? Honestly? I don't remember. I think Twy recomended it.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

NOTE: This will be Roy's first post of Season V:

It’s been two months. Two months since we found out that Dinah was alive. Two months since the Parasite was defeated in the battle of Metropolis. Two months since Dick ran off to Blüdhaven in search of who’s running the drug ring we discovered in Metropolis. Two months since I told him to call me if he needed my help, because I needed time to catch up with Dinah, and my daughter. Two months since Lian went ecstatic when she saw her Aunt Dinah. Two months since Lian said, “I told you so, Daddy. I knew she’d be back.” What else is the kid supposed to think? Ollie came back, Hal came back, I’ve come back, and hell, even she’s come back from the dead. The poor girl’s gotta be a bit jaded about the concept…

Roy looked up from his inner monologue to see Lian over playing with Dinah. He’d taken the last two months just to enjoy being a father again. It felt good, although his trigger fingers were getting somewhat restless, and he was starting to worry about Dick. He kept making himself give his partner one more day, mainly because every time he picked up the phone Lian shot him a disappointed look. He had also taken the time off to call Alan, and tell him that he was going on a temporary sabbatical from Checkmate, but if they needed him, he’d be more than willing to go a few rounds.

“TAG! You’re it! No tag backs, daddy.” Lian touched him hard on the arm as she ran by him. He smiled as he looked around.

Hmm, where did pretty bird get to?

He saw a figure crouched by a bush, hiding.

“AHHA!" Roy broke into a dead sprint towards the bush, and dived at Dinah, tackling her into the mud puddle left over from the last night’s rainstorm. “You’re it Tweety. No tag backs.” He grinned at her, and got up, wiping the mud off of his bare arms. “Lian, sweet heart, you ready for your lesson today?”

“Yeah! Yeah! Can we?”

“Yup, lets head back to Grandpa’s range, eh? Shoot some shafts at his easy targets today.”

“Roy, are you sure you should be teaching her archery? Do you really want her following your footsteps?”

“It’s not that Dinah, but she needs to be ready for things. All of her good friends, ‘uncles’, ‘aunts’ and family are in the hero game. Better she knows how to defend herself than me coming home one night to find her hurt or dead. Because its not like I exactly have a secret identity you know, the shades weren’t all that good, plus the whole me being a recovering addict…”

“Recovered, Roy. You’ve been clean since you were seventeen.”

“No, Dinah, it will always be recovering. Once you say that you’re recovered is when you’ll relapse again at any moment. I am not going to succumb to that, so for the rest of my life I’m a recovering junkie. Anyway, that got me into the press so fast that it was impossible to cover it up. Everyone knows that Speedy went on to be a DEA agent, and anyone with enough intelligence to look would be able to find out that that agent was Roy Harper. Frankly I’m amazed that you and Ollie still have secret identities. Especially Ollie, with his beard, I mean, Jesus how many blonde guys are walkin’ around with a Robin Hood beard?”

He looked at her, realizing once again that Dinah wasn’t as old as she once was, even though she had never been that much older than him anyway. He got a smirk on his face.

“What, what’s that look for?”

“Just thinkin. When Ollie came back, he was younger, even claims that physically, he may be younger than me. Heck, might be true. Then Hal comes back, says the same thing. Now you come back, and it’s obvious, you’re definitely around my age physically. Maybe I should try that whole dieing and coming back thing again, I obviously got the short end of the staff there. I came back the same as I died… How come everyone else makes like Ponce de Leon?”

Before she could answer, the familiar sound of “Disco Inferno” came from his pocket. Roy frantically dug for his cell. "Tricky Dicky, baby, whats up?”

Supergirl said:
DC RPG Season V Application

Screen Name: Supergirl

Character you would like to play: Kara Zor-El, Linda Lee Kent, Supergirl

Powers: Superstrength, superspeed, flight, heat vision, x-ray vision, infrared vision, microscopic vision, telescopic vision, directional and telescopic hearing, near invulnerability, super breath from superstrong lungs.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): Teen Titans, Superman Family
Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) I've played her before, and people seemed to like it ;)
2) The original Kara is one of the best characters in DC history.

3) With Kal gone, it looks like she'll be needed :o

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): First off, I plan to explain where and why she disappeared. Secondly, I plan to bring her back for interaction with the New Titans, and to cope with Kal's death.
How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: At least once, maybe more if needed.
Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): Verdana Royal Blue

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? MSN: [email protected]
How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? I think I ran into the OOC thread all those seasons ago...
Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

Flying away from Mexico, tears rolled down Kara’s cheek.

I can’t deal with all this right now. My cousin just beat me bloody, but seems okay now, my boyfriend needs time to recover from getting zapped to the future and then deaged five years. I think I need some time off too. They’ll understand, they’ll have to.

With that she changed her flight path and rocketed straight up. Towards space. As she flew out of the atmosphere she rolled over and looked back at the blue and green globe that was her adopted home. That made her think of the home that she had barely known before her father had tried to send her to care for her cousin.

What is left of my home planet? Are there any relics that survived? Any pieces of home? Only one way to truly find out, but first I have to go to STAR Labs…

She turned around, and flew back down to the nearest STAR Labs complex.

“SUPERGIRL! What brings you to STAR Labs Dallas?”

“I need a lead suit, and I know most STAR complexes have them for easy access by my cousin.”

“Sure thing Sgirl, anything wrong?” He motioned to an intern. “Can you get Supergirl one of the lead suits?”

The intern ran off to get the suit and the director turned back to his guest.

“No, not really. Just need to go look at something, and want to cover my bases. Say, can you get a message to SL: Metropolis for me?”

“Yeah, what?”

“Have them tell my cousin that I’m fine. I just needed to find out who I really am.”

The intern returned with a lead suit with a visored hood.

“I’ll get an email off to them this afternoon. Good luck Supergirl.”

As she put on the suit, she turned back to him. “Thanks. For everything.”

She put the helmet on and stood tall for a moment before taking back off towards space.

That is part one of five of what will either be my first post, or my first two posts.


Master Bruce said:
DC RPG Season IV Application

Screen Name: Master Bruce

Character you would like to play: Nightwing/Richard 'Dick' Grayson

Powers: None. A trained acrobat since childhood, He has an adeptly trained agility, but still humanly. He also utilizes a vast arsenal of offensive and defensive customised weaponry, such as gas pellets, grapnels, 'Wing-Ding' Batarangs, and primarily, a pair of shatterproof esrcrima sticks.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): Former leader of The Teen Titans, The Outsiders, and a reserve member of The Justice League Of America.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) He was my first character in... well, any RPG. And people still seem to like how I play him.

2) This season, I want to develop the character more than I have. All of my posts as him have been rather simplistic in comparison to my work on other RPG's. I want to give the character as much attention and effort as I do my other characters.

3) Hey, somebody's gotta keep Roy in line. :o

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): Aside from staying as far away from Gotham as I can, due to me always going there every season, I want to explore Nightwing's world a little more than I have. He lost his city in one season, and has been too busy to reclaim it. Now, he's going to... Because he's anything but 'Batman's protege' anymore. I also plan to both continue and keep the comedic stylings of the Arsenal/Nightwing team very much alive.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: Yeah, this question is a little hard to answer, given that no one knows for sure. It just really depends on how fast the RPG moves. But I'd say at least once.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): Navy Verdana with Bold

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? Yahoo: allstarbatman, AOL: Allstarbatman, MSN: [email protected]

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? I was recruited a long time ago by word of post, back during Season II.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

The son of Batman.

He hated that title with a passion. Batman was anything but a father to him, or any of his other protegees. He was 'the law'. He was the symbol of everything that was right in the world. But a father? Even Bruce wouldn't admit that.

And now, he stood above his own city, with his own 'laws' to make. Sure, it layed in ruins. But that just gave him the challenge. He wasn't training under Batman's wing anymore. Oh no, those days were long gone. Now, he was his own man. With his own city. And his own goal: To show that.

Leaping from the sky, he landed on another rooftop, surveying the streets below.

Maybe I'll get lucky, tonight. 'Haven has been sorta quiet recently... Perhaps tonight is the night that it isn't. And even so...

"I'm ready for it.", He said to himself, as confident as he ever was. As prepared as he ever was.


And not as ''the son of Batman''.

Master Bruce said:
DC RPG Season IV Application

Screen Name: Master Bruce

Character you would like to play: Superman :super:

Powers: Flight, super strength, super speed, invunerability (excluding kryptonite and magic), multiple forms of vision (x-ray, heat, microscopic), super hearing, and an artic breath.

Group your character is aligned with (if applicable): Leader/Founder of The Justice League Of America.

Three reasons why you have chosen that character:

1) LibrarianThorne asked me to fill in for this season. Given the praise he's given my career as an RPG, and the character he was offering, I couldn't decline an offer like this.

2) Superman is essential to the DC Universe in pretty much every way. He's too important... too iconic. You cannot have a successful DC Universe RPG without one, and I refused to let the character be sidelined for a season, due to that.

3) Besides that... Well, he's SUPERMAN. I play him in the One Universe RPG, yes... But the one I play is an inexperienced version of my own. This one has actual experience, and has already reached the iconic status that I hope to achieve with my OU version one day. So even if this is familiar ground that I'm treading on... it's new ground, all the same.

Write two complete sentences using proper English grammar explaining what you plan to do with the character you've chosen (i.e. What are your goals? Will you be doing anything different with the character than is usually seen?): I hope, in my time playing the character, that I can remind people why he deserves the recognition he gets. He can fly, he can do all of these extraordinary things... But so can others in the DC Universe. There's more to Superman than his powers that make him such an icon, and I want to show that.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: LibrarianThorne was dedicated to this character. He was active, and he was amazing with it. The least I could do is honor that same dedication... So I'm gonna try to post as much as I can. That's all I can promise.

Color and font you plan on using for your characters speech (Might not be applicable but it makes the roster pretty): Bold Blue Verdana for Superman, Blue Verdana Regular for Clark Kent. (Used with pretty much every RPG Superman. Why mess with tradition?)

Do you have an Instant Messenger? Which one, and what is your screen name? Yahoo: allstarbatman, AOL: Allstarbatman, MSN: [email protected]

How did you find out about this game, Recruitment thread/word of post/seeing the RPG OOC/IC thread? I was recruited a long time ago by word of post, back during Season II.

Please provide a small sample post with original content in the style that you plan to write your character in:

Clark opened his eyes, as darkness greeted him suddenly. At first, he thought he had failed. At some point, maybe he had taken a wrong turn... Or maybe The Creator had changed his mind. But that's when he fully came to realisation of it. He was breathing. He was alive again. And the darkness...

Clark pushed forward, watching as a path of light greeted him behind whatever was concealing him in darkness. Letting the light fade, Clark sat up, taking in his surroundings. He was in the Fortress of Solitude. I did it. Clark's smile grew wider, as two more tears of joy greeted him again. He hadn't felt this happy since he had died. But now, he lived again. Maybe with luck... he would live forever. I've returned. I'm alive again!

He looked down at the buisness suit he adorned. If he was to return to his life... these clothes weren't nessacarily fitting. No, he needed something else. Something he couldn't wait to put on, once more. I just hope that it still fits.

Moments later, A red and blue blur streaked out of the crystal fortress, heading into the sky. To anyone who would have seen it, it would've been recogniseable, but impossible. He was dead, wasn't he? No. He wasn't. Not anymore. Clark held his head high, proudly... confident in his new chance at life.

He would bring peace to all, as he once promised himself, many years ago. A lifetime ago. Because now, he was truly free to keep that promise again. For he lived. As Clark Kent. As Kal-El. As the Last Son Of Krypton.


As Superman, once more, and forever.

Watchman, SpeedballLives, Green Lantern, Supergirl... You're all approved.

EDIT: DARN IT, TWY! :cmad:

...Oh, how I could I stay mad at you? :O

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