The "World Of Heroes" DC RPG Season V


Time marches on, like it always does.

Next thing I know, I'm in my office in Star sitting across the desk from the short fat man.

"Are you sure you want me?"

"Who else would we get? I mean, you have all the things that we need. You're loud, outspoken, liberal. Everything he isn't."

I bite my lip and look out the window. This decision will change my life, all depends on how I play it.

"......What the hell? I'm in."

I stand up and shake the fat man's hand, he smiles as we start to walk out my office together.

"Smart man, Mister Queen, smart man."

The next day, and I'm walking into the press confrence. I told Roy, Connor, and Mia to watch. I only wish Dinah was awake to see it.

I grip the podium and stand infront of the mic.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I suppose you all came here to hear me gab for a little while."

The crowd laughs as I press on.

"Well, today. I'm here to gab about something else. America, and the state it's in. Once the greatest country in the world, our country has become shambles of it's former self. One reason why, is our leadership. I believe the halls of Washington have become filled with corrupt criminals and crooks. The worst of these is our Commander-In-Theif, Lex Luthor."

I pause for a moment, I slowly rub my neck before looking into the cameras.

"I guess, what I'm here to say is this....I, Oliver Queen, being of sound mind and incredible body, intend to run for president. Starting now, we begin a new chapter in America."

I smile as people gasp and clap. I can almost hear Roy, Connor, and Mia's combine words....

"Dad, you..."

"Dumb son..."

"Of a *****..."

The flashblub of the cameras go off as I flash a peace sign and smile.

"I'm Oliver Queen and I'm on a mission to save America."

I get a standing ovation from the crowd as I leave the stage.

It's good to be the king.​
Loomis smiled wider and picked up a large cake at his side. "And now it's time to celebrate, my flaming skulled compadre'! I've got the abilities of an entire army of supervillains at my disposal. Me! The Prankster! More power than even the Parasite or Amazo have ever dreamed of! AHAHAHAHA! For all you know, this recording might've been taped hours ago, and I might've already gone out and ruled the world by now, loser!"


As if to add a final insult, the Prankster hurled the cake at the camera, blocking any further video capture and turning the screen black. Sweat was pouring from Joe Martin's face and he was growling in white rage. An explosion of nuclear fire suddenly erupted within the sealed room in the Prankster's headquarters. Through sheer willpower, the Atomic Skull had overloaded the radiation dampeners and finally managed to bring his fiery visage to life again:


"We'll see about that."
"Good evening, ladies and germs!" The voice of Oswald Loomis was amplified many thousands of times over as it came through millions of speakers all through Metropolis with the power of Blackrock. "No, no, I'm afraid it's not your favorite Uncle Oswald, the Prankster, speaking tonight. No, this time it's a new scene-stealer: Noble!"

Coming down upon the city from the direction of the remains of Mount Swan, a golden glowing form rocketed to the center of Metropolis, lighting fire to trees and newspapers that were in his path. Showing no sign of the momentum he had built up, Noble came to a sudden and complete stop, the fire around him instantly extinguished to reveal the green-suited menace underneath.


"I come to you all, live, tonight, with the announcement that the alterations made to my own DNA, plus the new hardware wired into my nervous system, has made it mandatory for me to step up and take command of this planet." As Noble was making his statement, dozens of copies of himself had formed with the power of Riot and were spreading throughout the city, shaping bars and chains out of raw matter, using the Master Jailer's technology, and imprisoning every citizen they came across. "Yeah, I know that a lot of you folks are scoffing at me and just waiting until the Big Blue Boyscout shows up, and I must say that I can't wait!" Loomis raised his hand and opened the palm, creating a ball of green swirling energy. "The Kryptonite Man's mojo is something that I've simply been dying to try out."

"You're gonna have to wait a little longer, jackass!"


Screaming to the first copy of Noble in his sight, the Atomic Skull rode straight into him with his fist raised, breaking Loomis' nose, but also seperating him into two more copies from the impact and dispersing the force of the punch evenly amongst all of the copies.

Squeeling to a halt on his bike, Joe looked at the result of his actions.



Ten other Noble copies appeared floating around Martin, fists glowing and lips spread into wide malicious grins. "Not exactly the guest of honor, folks, but a welcome addition nevertheless."
And now The Joker is dead.

Jessica Taylor stopped typing, and reread the last six words she’d just typed. And now The Joker is dead. Even now, she couldn’t really believe it. Of course, it wasn’t for sure. The Joker was known for his near-death escapes. The only witness to comment on the death was Bruce Wayne, who had claimed that Batman saved him. And, of course, there was no body. But the man had been shot in the gut, and left to drown in a vat of poisonous chemicals. How could anyone survive that? No body had been found, because it had been carried through the vat’s drainage duct, and dumped into the river along with the rest of the waste.

But still, it was strange. A few short weeks ago, she had been faced with the prospect of writing The Joker’s biography. She’d even interviewed the notorious criminal face-to-face. And now here she was, writing his obituary. The Gotham Gazette had requested she write one up for them, because of the “unique insight” she had been briefly given into his twisted mind. They’d even hinted that, if she did this well, there might be a full-time job in it for her. But that wasn’t the only motivation behind her writing this. It was cathartic, a way for her to cleanse her soul of the darkness that had hung over her existence ever since The Joker had entered her life. She recalled his ominous words at the end of their last encounter, in the interview room at Arkham:

"I'll get out of here. I always do. And when I'm back on the streets, prowling in the shadows, I might decide to come after you. Then again, I might not…”

Even thinking of those words now, she shuddered. At the time, her back had been turned when he said it, but she could still picture, in her mind, the glee on his face as he made his taunting threat, the wicked glint in his cruel, cold eyes. It was a threat that gave her many sleepless nights, particularly after hearing of his escape from Arkham. She found herself wondering in quiet terror, is this it? Perhaps this is the night he’ll come for me.

Then again, he might not…

Yes, Jessica Taylor was glad to be rid of The Joker. For the past couple of weeks, she had been free to sleep easy. Her safety, now returned to her, was cherished, and she would never endanger it again. She returned to typing:

And with him dies the secret of his identity. Even now, after all the years he has haunted us, we know no more about him than we did on that fateful first day he appeared on our television screens, vowing to kill Henry Claridge at the stroke of midnight. It’s a mystery that will baffle investigators for decades to come. And that’s the way The Joker would have wanted it. His final parting joke to the world.

As Jessica struggled to think up a catchy closing sentence for her piece, she was interrupted by a knock on the door. Sighing in mild annoyance, she turned from the laptop and stood up. But she’d barely taken three steps towards the front door of her apartment when it was kicked open, and the figure from her nightmares limped inside.

The Joker.

“You’re alive!” she gasped in a haze of shock and panic.

“More or less,” he replied with a grin.

The Joker was looking worse for wear, that’s for sure. He really did have the look of someone who had clawed and scratched their way from death’s door. His green hair was long and unkempt, like it had been the first time Jessica had saw him, and hung about his head in thick, greasy strands. A second chemical bath had only served to heighten his ghoulish appearance. The black circles around his eyes were deeper, darker. His lips were redder, rawer. And his white skin had gone beyond the white of a clown, now taking on the sickly hue of a disease-ridden corpse.

“Here’s a riddle worthy of Nigma. Question: how does a criminal mastermind who got a shower of shrapnel sprayed into his gut manage to walk around? Answer: with great difficulty! HA!”

The laugh made him wince in pain and clutch his side. His chest was still a network of stitches, the second-rate work of a back-alley crime doctor. Slowly, he limped closer to Jessica.

“Anyhoo, Miss Taylor, I just stopped by to thank you, for inspiring me.”

Up until this point, Jessica had been frantically searching for a means of escape or defence. But she was backed into a corner. Now, she turned to face her tormentor, confusion in her eyes.

“Inspiring you?”

“Why, to tell my life story, of course!”

“You…you’re writing a book?”

“No! Don’t be stupid, girl! Why would I be so mundane? Haven’t you been watching the news, or reading about my handiwork since my latest escape from Arkham? I’ve been telling you all the story of my life!”

“I…I don’t understand…”

“Of course you don’t, with that feeble little mind of yours. Your view of life is too narrow to appreciate the masterpiece in storytelling I’ve crafted. It is fun, isn’t it, being a storyteller? It gives you so much power. Power to create worlds, or destroy them! Or the power to make the past whatever you want it to be, to reshape history as you see fit. And of course, the power of truth, the power to make people trust and believe whatever you say. I like to think of a storyteller as a kind of magician.”

The Joker stood upright, raising his hands in the air as if he were an actor on the stage, entering into a grand performance.

“A magician will show an audience his hands, spread his fingers wide open, to show them all that his hands are truly empty. He will then rotate his hands, and show the audience the back of his hands, to show them that nothing has been concealed. And then, to proof absolutely that nothing is hidden, the magician will tug at his sleeves, proving to the spectators that he’s not keeping anything up there. And then, out of nowhere, the magician dazzles his audience, producing a bunch of flowers or a flying dove out of nowhere. It’s magic! But it’s not really. Everyone in the crowd knows it’s not real. The magician is blatantly lying to them. But everyone plays along, and enjoys the show. Everything’s true if the magician says it’s true. Now, sit down, Miss Taylor…”

The Joker was grinning, but the request was laced with more than enough menace to make it a command that Jessica promptly obeyed, sitting back down on her computer chair.

“Are you watching closely?”

The Joker raised his hands in the air.

“I raise my hands, and tell you I had a tragic childhood, and a cruel, abusive father.”

A mother shoots her husband to save her young son’s life.

Are you watching closely?

“I spread open my fingers, and tell you that I was bullied and pushed around all my life.”

A terrified child cowers in a packed schoolbus, the violent laughter of every child on the bus circling all around him, until he finds himself laughing too.

Are you watching closely?

“I show you the backs of my hands, and tell you I was a hapless victim of society, a failure, a nobody, a bum.”

A talentless stand-up comedian stumbles through his routine, every joke laced with desperation, as if his life depended on a laugh.

Are you watching?

“I tug lightly at my sleeves, and tell you I was forced into a life of crime through no fault of my own, driven by the need to protect the woman I loved, only to be pushed to the brink of madness by her senseless death.”

A young man is told that his pregnant wife is dead, and is left a shattered wreck, a heartbroken, empty shell.


“Is it true? Does a magician really make flowers appear in his hand by magic? Does it really matter? Nobody cares whether the magic is real, it’s how the trick is performed that lingers in the memory. Oh, and what a performance this story has been! Oh, it will all appear random to the little people, and that’s fine. Why should I spoil the illusion, and let them know how I came to be the man I am today? As it is, I’m whatever they want me to be, my origins are limited only by the boundaries of imagination. And isn’t that a hell of a punchline? All this time, all these deaths, all to tell my life story…and it might not even be the real story! Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Oh, and one more thing…”

The Joker gave a flourish with his hands.

“Abra Kedabra!”

All of a sudden, Jessica’s ears were ringing from a deafening bang. She looked at The Joker, and it appeared as if he had produced a gun out of nowhere, as if by magic. Jessica looked down, and spotted the hole in her chest, blood pouring out of it. She began to cry, and before she knew it, she had toppled forward off the chair, and was lying on the ground.

The Joker kneeled down beside her, stroking her hair gently as her life slowly drained away. Her fading eyes wide with terror, she looked up at The Joker. His face would be the last she’d ever see. He leaned in closer, his grin widening, as he spoke to her one more time before she died.

“Get the joke?”


The explosion rang out into the night as Walton's Sporting Goods on 3rd Street became engulfed in flames.
Laughing as he hurled another T-bomb, Axel Walker, the second man to bear the title of Trickster, danced in the air in front of the burning storefront as he chided his opponent.

"You're gettin' old, James", chuckled Axel, "time cash it in!"

James Jesse, the original Trickster, ducked under the projectile as it went past him and blew up a car on the other side of the street.

"Night's still young, junior. And besides...", smirked James as he leaped and kicked Axel square in the jaw, "I'm looking good! I think I'll keep playing!"


The lightning bolt danced down from the darkening skies and struck in the middle of the park, barely missing hitting Tar Pit.

The walking pile of asphalt silently tossed a series of steaming hot balls of molten tar up into the sky at his attacker, the Weather Wizard.

"Get down here and fight, Mardon!"

"Don't think that's going to happen there, chief", replied the Weather Wizard as the temperature in the area began to drop quickly...


"I'm going to enjoy this, Lenny", stated the Top as he whirled in close to Cold and lifted him off his feet with a huge uppercut.

"This time, there won't be anyone to save you're sorry ass", continued Dillon with a sneer on his face, obviously irate, as he came in on Cold.
"You always were a second rate Rogue, Snart. It'll be good to finally put yo----"

Dillon's words were cut short as Captain Cold drew his foot around and swept the Top's ankles out from under him, causing him to fall right onto his chin.

"You know somethin', Dillon", said Cold as he stood and aimed his gun at his fallen enemy, "you talk too much."


"Hahahahahahahaha", laughed the Mirror Master as his glass form melted and cracked under the intense heat of the flame.

"Yer gonna have ta do better than that, Alice", smirked the other six McCullochs as they all gave Heat Wave the finger in unison.

"God damned, Scottish bastard", muttered Heat Wave as he loosed a spread of liquid flame that caught all of the Mirror Masters on fire, causing one to scream out in pain.

"Arrrrrrggggghhhhhh, it burrrrrrrnnnnsss!"

"Gotcha", smirked Heat Wave as he moved in to the McCulloch writhing around on the ground in agony.

"Don't worry, pops. It'll all be over soon", chuckled Heat Wave as he stood over the Mirror Master, his gun, with it's flames dripping from the barrel, aimed at his head...

Keystone City

I walk down the crowded halls of the Garrick house with the phone in my hand. Linda and the twins are in the guest bedroom. Jenni is in my room, passed out on the bed. Joan's downstairs watching T.V. leaving me to pace the hallways with my ear stuck to the phone.

"...Yeah...I know, I told Tim and Vic that, but they won't listen....."

I walk down the stairs and the living room with Joan. She turns around and looks at me.

"Bart, look."

I trail off from my conversation with Kara as I look at the T.V.

"Sources say that the Rogues started sometime in the last hour."

"Police are on the scene, but can do little good."

"Close to a quarter of Keystone is feeling the damage."

"...Umm, Kara. I'm gonna have to let you go, babe. Talk to ya later."

I hang up the phone, reaching for the little ring that Wally gave me.

"I better hurry up and get down there. Don't worry about Jenni, I can do this. But, if Wally or Jay come by, tell them where I've gone."

The ring pops open and in the blink of an eye, I'm gone from the house. Racing down the roads of Keystone at close the speed of light.


I zip onto the scene and pause for only a millasecond to survey my surroundings.

Chaos. That's the only word that describes it.

I push that aside as I go to work, I grab both Tricksters and use the force to sling them into theirselves, they smash together and fall to the ground.

"Kid Flash is here!"

I feel the area around me start to fill with static electricity, I move just in time to dodge the lightning bolt Weather Wizard sent my way.

"That's right, Rogues."

I speed and leap into the air, pushing off of the scrapheap that is Girder to make myself get high enough to tackle Weather Wizard, I grab him around the waist and pull him down onto the ground, taking his wand in the process.

"I'm back and better than ever!"
Luthor finishes making a speech in-front of the VFW in leaves the stage.

He says, "Not exactly the Gettysburg Address but not bad either." As he starts to shake hands with people back-stage

One of his advisors says to another advisor, "Well Brittany Spears will be happy to know that someone else bombed on stage worse than she did."

The other advisor says, "Tell me about it. Another bomb like this the cry for impeachement may start again."

Luthor walks over to the two advisors and ushers them away from the crowd. Once alone he punches both in the stomach and says, "Consider that your termination notice, and make sure you find another way home. The motorcade is for Presidental staff only. Maybe you can call Miss Spears and she can give you both a ride home."

He walks back to the crowd and begins shaking hands again.

J'onn turns, wasting no time in responding to my arrival, even with my greet. Something's obviously heavily troubling him. I could tell even before I landed. Crossing his arms, J'onn opens his eyes, having just done something involving his telepathy... something of which I still won't even begin to fathom.

"I am afraid, Kal, that we haven't the time for idle pleasantries,", He announces, gravely. "While you were incapacitated, our allies have been dealing with many different, and may I add seperate, problems of their own."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Such as?"

"Batman, as you can already guess, is currently in Gotham City. When I originally checked his status quo, he had given chase to Harvey Dent, Two-Face. But upon another look, as your condition was being treated, he seems to be dealing with a crisis involving The Joker."

I look away, trying to hide my obvious disgust at the name.

"The maniac. Bruce never did know how to keep him contained, of all of his other enemies...", I mention, before looking back towards J'onn. "What about the others?"

"I cannot gain a mental link with Diana, which only proves all the more worrisome. Alternatively, Black Canary is currently in a comatose state in Gotham City. Sinestro, along with members of the Justice Society, are currently heading there aswell. As are Green Arrow and Arsenal. And while I cannot, and refuse to delve into it any further, Aquaman is dealing with a crisis of a personal nature. They are all I can manage to assemble so far."

I can only nod, hearing the news about Canary and Diana. There's so little I can do, at this point, that I feel as powerless as when I was dead. But perhaps I'm mistaken, in this matter, and it's not too late to aide them.

"Alright. Then Gotham City seems to be where we need to go, if we're to help anyone at this point."

"My thoughts exactly, Kal. But..."

I pause.

"But what?"

He's... hesitant. Obviously trying not to tread on a ground he doesn't feel comfortable treading on anyway. I know that, because I've had the same expression, time and time again.

"I am... aware of your current anguish. Concerning the kidnapping of your wife. I even took the liberty of trying, without success, to find her for you, while you were unconcious.", He begins. "And I also know that I would share the same feelings, were I ever given the chance to save the loves of my life. So believe me when I say, Kal, that I would not blame you if you chose to persue that goal, rather than aide in reuniting the League once more."

I'm silent, for a moment.

I know what he's saying is true. And it cuts through me like a sword of Nth metal, with the thought of Lois being in any kind of danger. But... I can't turn my back on those who need me. And more importantly, I can't allow myself to discriminate against those who need me, either... even if I've already failed the one woman I made it a personal responsibility to protect.

Now isn't the time for personal gain. My friends, and the protectors of this world, need my power once again... more than I could ever.

"J'onn, I can't tell you how much I appreciate that suggestion, but...", I say, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No. I can't turn my back on the League at a time like this. It would be inhumane, and if there's anything about me you've ever understood, old friend, is that such a term is the very last thing I'd ever want to be."

J'onn seems uneasy, at that, beneath his sudden hopeful gaze.

"But what of your wife?"

I look away again.

"Listen to me, J'onn. I'd peel the universe apart with my bare hands, and change the course of time with every fiber of my power, just to make sure there was another day left for me to hold Lois in my arms. But if there's one thing that this marraige has taught me, throughout these years, it's the reason why I love Lois like I could never love another woman... it's because of her neverending strength. She has nerves and the will that I myself could only strive to possess, and whatever madman holds her in his grasp right now, if it's even that... I know that she's strong enough to hold on for me, no matter the danger. It's what's made her such a legend to Metropolis, and the very love of my life."

I hover into the air, and fly into the costume chamber at maximum super-speed. In seconds, I emerge, sporting a freshly cleaned and mended uniform, as I look over at J'onn, upon his own ascension.

"Right now, an entire team of heroes needs Superman probably more than ever. And I'm through with letting them, or anyone else down again. I'll save Lois, that I'm sure of..."

And with a push into forward flight, I'm gone.

Faster than a speeding bullet.


"But the world comes first. That's how my wife would want it."

Hub City Hell: Part III

So, let's sum up my tale of woe, shall we?

I'm now being followed by a faction of the meta-group Intergang, who have in possession something called the Crime Bible, which Tot has told me has some magical powers that will no doubt be used for evil purposes, and they've keyed and totalled the living hell out of my car. I could also mention that I hate my current television newscasting job and that I haven't gotten laid in a year and a half, but I think my current situation's somber enough.

Not to mention that I'm forced to take the goddamn bus. Luckilly the only other people out this time of night besides crimefighters are tripped-out junkies, so I only need to show them my faceless self and they leave me be.

I go to Tot's place so that I can borrow his old Beetle. When I called Triple A and waited for them to pick me up, they told me that it will take three to four days at least to fix all the damage to it, a week at most. It's never good for a reporter to be without a car, espicially one that moonlights as a crime-fighter. When I get there, Tot forces me to get out of my gear, shower and sleep before leaving. For once I won't argue with him.

In the morning I go to the bathroom and do my exercises. I meditate for a bit to get myself energized--finding one's center is almost as good as sweet caffene. Almost. I get dressed and use the computer in the guest bedroom to check my e-mail, both work and...hobbies. In my hobbie address I notice another e-mail from the mysterious "DetC."

You're not the only one being watched by Intergang. Not sure who, but it's definately someone who works with you at the television station. Find out who and protect them--you can defend yourself from these guys, she definately can't.

Well, this is a new development. Who else could be involved in this? This guy slipping with "she" at the end can narrow things down...Nora hasn't been around for a few days--what if she's been taken? Then again, she's been away from the office for a few days on assignments before, though not for this long. Also, why should I trust this "DetC," anyway? He could be part of Intergang, trying to distract me from their movements. Hell, he was the one who informed me of Intergang in the first place, the could have been setting me up. If so, why? Why would they put attention to the crime-fighter in the city? I type up a reply to him, telling him the only way I'll take his advise is if I see him personally.

Suddenly, my cell phone buzzes--a text message. I loathe text messages. The only one who knows that and does it anyway is Nora. I pick up the phone and slect the message.

Ive got THE story. You would not believe me on here, so meet me at Kidto and Valentine, next to the only phone booth left in the city.

I get my gear ready, grab a piece of toast from Tot's breakfast, and run into the Beetle to Kidto and Valentine.

I step out of the Beetle and seach for Nora. She isn't on this corner, maybe--


Suddenly it's all black around me and I'm tied up. Okay, I will now use my keen detective skills and assume I've been kidnapped. Really? Ya think? Shut up, try to remember what happened. Okay, I stepped out of the Beetle, looked around for Nora Wait. Someone shoved something black over my face, probably some piece of cloth. What else...pushing, I was shoved into some sort of vehicle, probably a gray, nondescript van like tradition dictates. Then I felt some slamming into my ribs and crotch as I tried to escape. I felt something hard hit my face and...nothing. I'm pretty sure that's it. Jesus, this sounds like Senior Prom all over again. Ha ha ha.

"He's awake."

Suddenly the black is lifted--yep, that was a cloth--and I'm in a dark room. Can't see much else, since my eyes were in the bag and it looks pretty dark naturally. All I see is a man standing in front of some sort of stone table. Something else is on the table...too dark, can't see it.

"Let me're the leader of this brand of Intergang, right?"

"Guilty as charged."

"You have no idea, buddy."

"Ah yes--Justice. The concept of Law and Order. You're going to be dealing with far worse then that..."

"If you're going to do the whole, 'I'm a super-villian and I'm going to reveal my motive' speech, just shoot me in the goddamn head right now. Just skip that and go to what you're actually going to do--if you have anything bigger then talking me to death, that is."

"Oh, if you insist...and I had a particularly good one, too...but, in order to understand our plot, you must understand us. I'll just give you the short version--unlike the other sections of Intergang, who believes more in cold technology, we specialize in the magical aspects of this world and others. Unfortunately...the other sects did not believe in our cause--"

"So you were too f**king crazy for Intergang, so they kicked you out."

"Well, I suppose if you wanted to be rude about it, yes. However, you'll see that I'm far from 'f**king crazy.' You're aware of the Crime Bible, right? Of course, right. If you didn't you wouldn't even be here. Inside it is a special scripture, with a magical scripture, which will raise up from the pits of Hell--"

"Pixies and unicorns?"

"Close. An army of the Undead."

"...And this is supposed to make me think you're not crazy?"

"Yes, yes, act like the rest, why don't you? That's what all of Intergang said--the few that believed me, anyway. 'Where's the profit in it?' 'It's not what Intergang stands for!' F**K THAT! I am going to gain absolute power with my army of the Undead and I will DESTROY every single last one of them! Oh, I'll show 'em...I'll show 'em ALL..."

"Again, not helping your sanity plea."

"Okay, ass-hole, then I'll just get into the nitty-gritty of it. I've gone away from my good word of killing you so that I may prove--"

"You were paid off to keep my alive, weren't you?"

"F**k you."

"Okay, you were paid off. Thank you for answering my question."

"Stay silent, asswipe, you'll want to hear this: I am going to put in your hand a rather...unique herb. I found it in my findings of magical and outer-demension objects. I will use my sacrifice and bring forth the horde of Undead. Since you do not have the mark of me and my compatriots, you will be first to die--unless you take the herb. Actually, if the herb accepts you--it might not, and you might die anyway. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to kill your b***h."


"Wh...what?" A voice. From behind the ass-hole. Feminine. Familiar. "What's going on?"




The Ass-Hole stabs a long blade into Nora's throat. He starts chanting some creepy Satanic bulls**t chant. From her wound, some wierd green energy shoots out, into some sort of passage way.

I look at the herb the Ass-Hole put in my hand. He untied the thing just enough so that I could put it in my mouth. If he's not pulling my leg, I might have a chance to stop this and get some proper revenge on Ass-Hole. If he's lying, and the zombies eat me while I'm high or the drug does kill me, then...well, that's my punishment for not being there to save her.

I swallow the herb.

Everything goes black--
Inertia bobs and weaves as boomerang explode all around him.

"Come on, Captain. This isn't even fun. Where's the challenge?"

"Just stay still for one sec' and I'll show you a challenge." A dozen boomerangs lash out in various directions. But they might as well be standing still as Inertia runs through them.

"Oh pleeease. You're not even trying!" The young speedster grabs one of the weapons and feels it for balance. "Guess it's my turn." Sweat breaks out on Boomerang's face. Inertia smiles and lets the rang fly. Boomerang closes his eyes and...

...nothing. He opens one eye, but only sees Inertia standing there with a confused look on his face.

"What the-? Ok, so we do this the old fashioned way." Inertia runs at Boomerang, his fist pulled back, ready to pound the Captain's head into mulch at light speed when he trips over a leg stuck out into his path. "Holy shi-!!!"

Inertial bounces and rolls along the ground, eventually slamming into the side of a store half a block away. The bricks come tumbling down on top of him. He digs himself out, a little woozy and battered and pissed off.

"What the hell just happened?!"

"Guess you're just too slow," I say, leaning against a street lamp, smiling.


Five minutes ago...

"Mr. Garrick," Wonder Girl says to me, "We'll take care of Robin if know...want to stay with..."

I nod my head. "Thank you. I'm sure he'll be in good hands with his friends." I give Robin a reassuring pat on the shoulder, making sure it's not the one that is injured. Then I go back to Dinah's bed.

"There's something big brewing, so I need to get back to the Brownstone. But I'll be back as soon as I can. I am a Flash, after all," I say with a small smile. I brush those stubborn hairs off her forehead again before leaving.

Once out the door I dash off, making sure not to go too fast before I'm outside the hospital. Then I pour on the speed and make it to the Brownstone in no time. Inside I find Alan and, of all people, Sinestro.

"Well, this is a surprise."

Sinestro looks it me as if he's trying to figure out how a machine works. "You seem in better spirits..." he says cautiously.

The comment turns my mood sour. The last time we saw each other was during Darkseid's attack. Right after Ted...

"How's Dinah," Karen asks. I'm grateful she happened to change the subject.

"Physically better. The doctors says she's healing nicely. But she's still in the coma." This turns everyone's mood sour. "So what's been happening here? Any reaction from Luthor's attack?"

"Surprisingly, nothing bad. We've actually gotten support from a few nations. Seems like Kaznia didn't have as many friends as they thought. Especially in the light of helping Black-Thorn. And any friends they do have are probably too scared to come out and publicly denounce the U.S."

"And why are we here and not helping the Kaznian citizens?" I ask.

"Finally. Someone else using common sense. Power Girl and I were about to leave for that very purpose."

"No you weren't," Alan interrupts. "Without Kaznian approval we could be considered an invasion force."

"Political bull."

"Alan's right. We can't go rushing in."

Sinestro and Karen both roll their eyes. In a less serious situation, the sight would make me laugh. "So what are we doing in the mean time?"

"I'm scanning the various television and radio stations looking for any breaking news bulletins."

I watch for a few seconds as images from dozens of stations flicker on the screen, constantly flipping back and forth. "Wait. Go back."

"Go back where?"

"Screen 4. Back up seven,"
the screen changes, "make that eight stations." Terrific types into a keyboard. "Did anybody else see that?"

"See what?"

Terrific finds the station:
"Sources say that the Rogues started sometime in the last hour."

"Police are on the scene, but can do little good."

"Close to a quarter of Keystone is feeling the damage."

"Damn. I've got to go. Wally and Bart will need me."

"We'll all go," Alan says.

"No. Stay here in case we can help in Kaznia."

"I'm coming along," Sinestro says. It's not a request. "Anything is better than just standing here."

"Fine. Sinestro's with me. If we need help, we'll call." I turn to Sinestro. "Hope you can keep up." I run out of the building before the final word even reaches his ears.

"Damn he's fast." Sinestro takes to the air, trying his best to stay with me.


Eighteen seconds later...


"Yeah, me."

Inertia gets up. "Come on, old man. You really think you stand a chance against me? I'm young, fast, and damn good looking to boot."

"I'll give you the first one. The second two,"
I shrug my shoulders. "Well, everyone's entitled to their opinion."

"Opinion? Opinion! You wanna see my opinion?!" A green streak tears up the asphalt. Inertial sees me calmly brush my fingernails against my shirt right before he slams into the pole I was leaning against.

"I'm still waiting!"
I shout from the other side of the street on the roof of a building.

Inertia stumbles around for a few moments. But his accelerated healing kicks in. Too bad for him it can't do anything for his anger. In blind fury he runs right at me. As he reaches the side of the building he plants his foot and runs up it. Just as he gets to the roof, I reach out, grabbing the front of his costume, and add my own speed to his, flinging him into the air. I figure he'll be a dozen states away before he comes back down.

I look out over the chaos, trying to figure out where to go next. It looks like the Rouges are in an all out war with each other. But I don't know which side is the side to be on. Or if either side is one we should choose.

"I was almost hit by a flying green child on my way here," a voice says from above me.

"It happens."

Sinestro lands next to me. "Are there many flying children on your planet?"

"You'd be surprised,"
I say.

"So, where do we start?"

"I find Wally or Bart. See if they knows what's going on. You try to contain the situation. Keep everyone out of the line of fire until we come up with a plan."

Sinestro nods. He rubs his shoulder in grimaces. "You ok?" I ask, noticing for the first time that he really doesn't look ok.

"I'm fine. Just a little scrap. I've been hurt worse."

"If you say so. See you in a few."
I run down the side of the building while Sinestro rises into the air.

I activate my comunicator. "Wally, it's Jay. What the hell is going on?"

Inertia bobs and weaves as boomerang explode all around him.

"Come on, Captain. This isn't even fun. Where's the challenge?"

"Just stay still for one sec' and I'll show you a challenge." A dozen boomerangs lash out in various directions. But they might as well be standing still as Inertia runs through them.

"Oh pleeease. You're not even trying!" The young speedster grabs one of the weapons and feels it for balance. "Guess it's my turn." Sweat breaks out on Boomerang's face. Inertia smiles and lets the rang fly. Boomerang closes his eyes and...

...nothing. He opens one eye, but only sees Inertia standing there with a confused look on his face.

"What the-? Ok, so we do this the old fashioned way." Inertia runs at Boomerang, his fist pulled back, ready to pound the Captain's head into mulch at light speed when he trips over a leg stuck out into his path. "Holy shi-!!!"

Inertial bounces and rolls along the ground, eventually slamming into the side of a store half a block away. The bricks come tumbling down on top of him. He digs himself out, a little woozy and battered and pissed off.

"What the hell just happened?!"

"Guess you're just too slow," I say, leaning against a street lamp, smiling.


Five minutes ago...

"Mr. Garrick," Wonder Girl says to me, "We'll take care of Robin if know...want to stay with..."

I nod my head. "Thank you. I'm sure he'll be in good hands with his friends." I give Robin a reassuring pat on the shoulder, making sure it's not the one that is injured. Then I go back to Dinah's bed.

"There's something big brewing, so I need to get back to the Brownstone. But I'll be back as soon as I can. I am a Flash, after all," I say with a small smile. I brush those stubborn hairs off her forehead again before leaving.

Once out the door I dash off, making sure not to go too fast before I'm outside the hospital. Then I pour on the speed and make it to the Brownstone in no time. Inside I find Alan and, of all people, Sinestro.

"Well, this is a surprise."

Sinestro looks it me as if he's trying to figure out how a machine works. "You seem in better spirits..." he says cautiously.

The comment turns my mood sour. The last time we saw each other was during Darkseid's attack. Right after Ted...

"How's Dinah," Karen asks. I'm grateful she happened to change the subject.

"Physically better. The doctors says she's healing nicely. But she's still in the coma." This turns everyone's mood sour. "So what's been happening here? Any reaction from Luthor's attack?"

"Surprisingly, nothing bad. We've actually gotten support from a few nations. Seems like Kaznia didn't have as many friends as they thought. Especially in the light of helping Black-Thorn. And any friends they do have are probably too scared to come out and publicly denounce the U.S."

"And why are we here and not helping the Kaznian citizens?" I ask.

"Finally. Someone else using common sense. Power Girl and I were about to leave for that very purpose."

"No you weren't," Alan interrupts. "Without Kaznian approval we could be considered an invasion force."

"Political bull."

"Alan's right. We can't go rushing in."

Sinestro and Karen both roll their eyes. In a less serious situation, the sight would make me laugh. "So what are we doing in the mean time?"

"I'm scanning the various television and radio stations looking for any breaking news bulletins."

I watch for a few seconds as images from dozens of stations flicker on the screen, constantly flipping back and forth. "Wait. Go back."

"Go back where?"

"Screen 4. Back up seven," the screen changes, "make that eight stations." Terrific types into a keyboard. "Did anybody else see that?"

"See what?"

Terrific finds the station:
"Sources say that the Rogues started sometime in the last hour."

"Police are on the scene, but can do little good."

"Close to a quarter of Keystone is feeling the damage."

"Damn. I've got to go. Wally and Bart will need me."

"We'll all go," Alan says.

"No. Stay here in case we can help in Kaznia."

"I'm coming along," Sinestro says. It's not a request. "Anything is better than just standing here."

"Fine. Sinestro's with me. If we need help, we'll call." I turn to Sinestro. "Hope you can keep up." I run out of the building before the final word even reaches his ears.

"Damn he's fast." Sinestro takes to the air, trying his best to stay with me.


Eighteen seconds later...


"Yeah, me."

Inertia gets up. "Come on, old man. You really think you stand a chance against me? I'm young, fast, and damn good looking to boot."

"I'll give you the first one. The second two," I shrug my shoulders. "Well, everyone's entitled to their opinion."

"Opinion? Opinion! You wanna see my opinion?!" A green streak tears up the asphalt. Inertial sees me calmly brush my fingernails against my shirt right before he slams into the pole I was leaning against.

"I'm still waiting!" I shout from the other side of the street on the roof of a building.

Inertia stumbles around for a few moments. But his accelerated healing kicks in. Too bad for him it can't do anything for his anger. In blind fury he runs right at me. As he reaches the side of the building he plants his foot and runs up it. Just as he gets to the roof, I reach out, grabbing the front of his costume, and add my own speed to his, flinging him into the air. I figure he'll be a dozen states away before he comes back down.

I look out over the chaos, trying to figure out where to go next. It looks like the Rouges are in an all out war with each other. But I don't know which side is the side to be on. Or if either side is one we should choose.

"I was almost hit by a flying green child on my way here," a voice says from above me.

"It happens."

Sinestro lands next to me. "Are there many flying children on your planet?"

"You'd be surprised," I say.

"So, where do we start?"

"I find Wally or Bart. See if they knows what's going on. You try to contain the situation. Keep everyone out of the line of fire until we come up with a plan."

Sinestro nods. He rubs his shoulder in grimaces. "You ok?" I ask, noticing for the first time that he really doesn't look ok.

"I'm fine. Just a little scrap. I've been hurt worse."

"If you say so. See you in a few." I run down the side of the building while Sinestro rises into the air.

I activate my comunicator. "Wally, it's Jay. What the hell is going on?"

I zip next to Jay.

"I'm not sure who's on what side, but I'm just kick all their asses."

I look up and see Sinestro floating next to Jay.

"I see you brought backup."

I scan the area, watching as the Rogues battle eachother.

"I'm going after Girder, Sinestro? See the guy with the funny mask? That's Murmur, He's always got a few booby traps on his suit so containing him with that power ring would be best."

Wow. I'm impressed, I sound like a leader.

"Jay, try to look for Cold, take him down and the rest of 'em will run."

In the blink of an eye I'm gone from Jay and Sinestro, heading towards Girder at full speed. He looks up just in time to see me barreling down on him.

"What the ****?"


"You look a little hot, Girder. You should cool off. Maybe take a dip."

I smash into Girder at close to full speed, I push him from the battle field and use my speed to push him into the Missouri.


Girder starts to sink into the water. He won't die, but he'll be even more rusty when they pull him out.

"Another one bites the dust."

I wipe the hair away from my eyes and smile.

Grandpa Barry would be proud.

Hub City Hell: Part IV
Silence. Black. See nothing hear nothing smell nothing FEEL nothing. Is this death? If so, either Heaven hasn't paid it's electric bill or I'm in Hell. I remember the girl who had her throat split open for evil purposes and I think I should be in Hell.

It starts as an inch in my brain, then a throb and then a burning--hot--hurt--brain melting--everything ripped apart--

Suddenly everything is loud and white. My vision is blurred and bright, like a TV set with it's brightness set on max. My ears are ringing. My fingers shift around the lether of my cloves.

Everything feels new, like my nerves were replaced with new ones.

I untie myself from the chair and notice the room is smouldering, as though there's a fire near. If those...zombies weren't in my imagination, I imagine all of Hub is burning right now.

I look over to Nora. The knife is still loged in her throat, so I toss it aside. Her eyes stare up at me, forever begging me to do something to save her life. I close her eyes and pick her up. She's going to get a proper burial, not burned to a crisp by fire or eaten by...them.

"I'm so sorry, Nora. I promise you...I will find the Ass-Hole who did this to you--and when I do..."

I walk out of the building, Nora cradled in my arms, and find the van our kidnappers used to...erm...kidnap us. I open the door to see a body slump to the ground. Looks like one of the zombies ate into his vital organs. I don't even want to know. I decide to place Nora on the passenger seat and put a seat belt over her. I start the van and head back for Kidto and Valentine.

When I pull up next to the only phone booth, I see the Bettle I used earlier, surprisingly intact, other than a dead body on top of it. I push the body to the pavement and open up the door to the Beetle. I grab my briefcase and take out my grappling hook and my weapons. I open the compartment in my belt and my mask falls into my hands.


I place Nora in the passenger seat of the Beetle and drive it into the underground parking lot on the other side of the street. Probably not the greatest idea of protection, but it should be enough.

As I start walking back to the street, I hear...something. Schuffling. Moaning. S**t, guess they've decided to come for me. I look up and see them.



I take out the .45 Automatics and start firing at them. One by one they fall but it seems as though more take their place. I fire and fire until both guns are out of ammo. To quote Thompson, "I knew then, I was f**ked." Until...

A large hovercraft swoops down the street, compartments opening to reveal energy weapons. The craft fires, scorching the zombies to ash. The hovercraft comes closer and lands, an opening shooting up, revealing a man in blue and grey spandex.


"Aww, don't tell me I left the oven on AGAIN!"

Ted Kord, aka, Blue Beetle, former Justice League member, part of the "Super-Buddies" (don't ask), and Hub City resident and my occasional partner in crime-fighting.

"I wish I could blame it on you, Ted, but no. Some Ass-Hole, formally part of Intergang, used a book called the Crime Bible and used it to rise an army of zombies."

"Kinda saw that last part, Q. Crime Bible, eh? Heard about that from Bar--I mean--Oracle told me about that mission. So, what's the plan?"

I open my mouth and suddenly something...shifts. I look at Ted and I see...words.

Ted Kord
Blue Beetle
Sometimes irrational
Once had uncomfortable dream about Booster Gold

It stops and I clutch my head. Ted asks me if I'm alright and I tell him about the herb I had to take in order to survive and I tell him about what I saw. He doesn't believe me until I tell him about the "uncomfortable dream."

"Alright, as I asked before, what's the plan, my faceless friend?"

"Well, I'm going to Town Hall to see if we can get reinforcements, then I'm going to find the Ass-Hole that killed a friend of mine to raise this stupid army, reverse the spell and...there might be an accident while arrest. You okay with that?"

"...Not sure if I like it, and I'll try to pursuade you not to, but I won't stop you."

"Alright, let's get in the Bug, go to Town Hall, and kick some ass."

A blaring wail of noise flooded the Atomic Skull's brain. He couldn't see and his jaw felt as if it shattered. An arm was locked around his neck and was quickly cutting off his air. Joe's efforts to put up a fight were almost laughable; it was like an infant fighting a heavyweight champion.

As one of the copies of Noble had the Skull in a headlock, two others were pummeling Martin's stomach and head. At some point, one of them must've used the Silver Banshee's scream against him, Joe concluded in a moment of clarity. He doubted that he'd ever be able to hear anything in his life ever again, as he couldn't regenerate from such a blast as Superman could. In his blindness, Joe couldn't tell if he had lost an eye or not through the searing pain in his head, but he certainly wouldn't have been surprised.

"You can't win." All of the Nobles dissipated into thin air, save one who strode swiftly and surely toward the Atomic Skull. Without being held up by his opponents any longer, Joe fell to his knees and almost flat onto his face before a slight hand reached through the flames licking around his head and grabbed Joe Martin's brown hair, extinguishing the flames instantly. Even without his sense of hearing, Joe could hear Oswald Loomis' words somehow echoing into his brain: "Look at you. You're a drug addict pretending to be Superman. Did you honestly believe that the Justice League would even consider taking on a mess like you as anything other than some behavioral case study?" Noble brought his other hand close to Joe's face, when suddenly the skin of his fingers split and revealed the brand new machinery underneath, shifting and twisting into various tools, coming viciously within a hair's width of Joe's remaining eye. "Yes, we know about your addiction and ambitions. We found the Terra-Man and he told us everything." His spidery metal fingers snapped back into place and retracted back into the artificial skin. "You're a D-lister, Martin. Only a select few of us were ever meant to break free from that mold, chum, and unfortunately you're not one of us."

"Y-You're insane, Loomis," stuttered the Atomic Skull.

Noble stifled a burst of laughter and looked with amused curiosity at the child on its knees before him.


"It's taken you that long to realize that?"

"All those changes to your body and mind..." Joe wheezed. "Whatever was *hack* -whatever was left of you before, your brain's mush now. I can see it in your eyes. You'll tear yourself apart within a week."

Noble looked at Joseph Martin and considered his words carefully. After a moment, Loomis rolled his eyes, grabbed Martin's neck, and snapped it like a twig. "You dunno what you're talking about, silly."

Hub City Hell: Part V

Lately, it seems like my life has turned into a movie. Well, it was already sort-of an action/mystery movie already, but things have turned for the Romero and by "lately," I mean about a few hours ago.

A former sect of Intergang, who's leader I have lovingly named Ass-Hole, has used a strange book called the Crime Bible that's chocked full of chaos magic and killed a good lady-friend of mine in order to create an army of zombies--thus, is the reason I've named him that.

I'm standing inside of a huge hovercraft next to it's owner, Ted Kord, also known as Blue Beetle. He's a fellow Hubian and occasional partner. I remember reading a while back, after our team-ups, a comic called "Watchmen" on a plane ride and saw a character eerily similar to me called Rorschach--even stranger was that he teamed up with a guy named Nite-Owl, who was a lot like Ted. I don't even know why I'm remembering this now, since I should be focusing on getting to Myra at Town Hall. Was creepy back then, though, like I've been watched. Hurm. Must investigate further. Heheh. Still get a kick out of that guy--even if emulating him nearly made me maggot food.


"Okay, Q--about a minute until contact."

"Alright--be sure to get some heavier heat on you, there might be...zombies inside."

"Uh...dude? I'm a SUPERHERO. I don't kill."

"Uh...dude? They're ZOMBIES. They're already dead."


We land on the roof of the high-rise building that's used for Town Hall. I start taking out my .45s as I walk down the ramp when I realize they're both out of bullets from my initial encounter with these undead bastards. I put them back in their holsters and put my hands inside my overcoat pocket--worst comes to worst, I still have some tricks up my sleeve.

We go down the staircase, Kord in front with his energy pistols out. "So, where's the Mayor's office?"

"Forth floor, take a left from the stairs and it's two doors to the right."

"Sneaked in here before, huh?"

"You forget I used to date the Mayor. ...Other then that, yes."

We get to the forth floor, and start going left...down a longer hallway then I remember. Why this bothers me, I don't know--probably 'cause I saw a big dead thing limping towards me with one of his eyeballs hanging out of his socket. I guess Ted sees my discomfort. "Don't worry, man--this is real life, not a horror movie--if it were, some zombie would be coming out of one of the doors and--"

Suddenly something crashes through one of the doors, growling and snarling, tackling into me. I put my arms up just before he slammed into me, putting my forearm where his neck is, which is probably why he isn't feasting on my faceless head right now. Suddenly a loud bang echoes through the halls. The zombie's head explodes, leaving cold blood splattering around me, and collapses onto me. I quickly roll the thing off of me and leap up. I check myself--no blood stains, no bites, then I see my hat, which is drenched.

"Thanks for saving me, Beetle, but...ew."

"What the F**K is that noise?!"

Suddenly a dozen men in black suits come through, along with more zombies. Probably Myra's bodyguards--dumbass', the last thing they should have done is get in a cramped hallway.

I grab my grappling gun from a pocket in my overcoat, aim towards the zombies and away from the Darwin-Award-winning bodyguards and shoot. It goes through the stomach of one of them and into the wall. I grab Ted by the arm and retract it, propelling us through the wall of zombies and onto the regular wall.

"Get back!" Blue Beetle yells out to the guards and they crash into one of the doors as Ted shoots through the other zombies. Suddenly I hear a growl and a loud crack, and turn to see Myra with a gun in her hand.




Suddenly there's another shift and I see around her...words.

Myra Connelly Fermin--Never wanted to be Mayor--Addicted to chocolate--She's moved on from you

I shake my head and they're gone. What the hell is that? I look at Myra and she seems as confused as I am--probably more, because she didn't see the same thing--and Ted looks concerned. I pull myself straight and look at Myra. "Got any more weapons I can use?"

"You really think I would allow an arsenal directly in my office?"

"This is Hub City."

"...Light or heavy caliber?"

"Mix of both would be preferable."

"Follow me."

She starts walking to her office and I follow. Her bodyguards start following until she raises her hand, and she backs down. I look at her, and I realize, even without those words, that while she didn't want the Mayor title at first, she gets a kick out of the small things, like the ability to command men twice her size. She closes the door and looks at me.

"Before I give you some weapons, would you kindly tell me what the hell is going on?"

I lay down the whole tale--searching for Intergang, finding out about the Crime Bible, my getting kidnapped, Nora being sacrificed, I only leave out the e-mail "DetC" gave and the space-drug; the former being a detail she and her gestapo can't handle and the latter would make her think I'm a psycho.

"So, what's your plan?"

"I'm thinking me and your guards go out there and start searching for Ass-Hole, while my hetero-life-mate, Blue Beetle gets in his Bug, flies about, searching for him in the air, taking out zombies and getting civilians to safety when we're able to. If either of us find him, either me or Beetle will call one of us through our handy-dandy JL communicators, intercept each other, take Ass-Hole down, have him reverse the spell. How's that for a slice of fried gold?"

"That's the best you can come up with?"

"I don't hear you making any good suggestions."

"All right, how about this--where am I in all of this?"

"Here, staying safe. If you die, we might as well just let the rest of the city go to anarchy."

"I appreciate the padded shivery, but what if more zombies get in?"

"Ah. can go with Beetle in the Bug. You'll be safer up there, and help in the effort. That a good compromise?"


"And they say democracy doesn't work here. HA!"

So I equip myself with some good artillery, go out with Myra and she lays out the plan. She walks off with Ted upstairs to the Bug while the guards follow me downstairs, leering at their new "leader," as their Mayor put it. We stick to the stair-case, taking out occasional zombies as we go. We get to the garage and find the armored car I was thinking of, and drive off, running over a mob of zombies--apparently they're really soft now that they're dead, 'cause they just smoosh without much damage, the only thing we had to do was activate the windshield wipers.

I look up at the sky, noticing something odd--there's a cloud formation moving circular, like a hurricane. Of course, Hub City can't get hurricanes, so it's either a freak of godly nature, or Ass-Hole is setting something up with the Crime Bible. I call Ted just as he was about to call me. We agree to get there by different sides--having to fight us on two different fronts.

As we drive to the location of the cloud, I think about these weird...shifts. That's the only way I've been able to describe them so far, but I think they're more..., truths. What is it? How far do these "truths" go? Hell, how did I get it? I realize--the space drug. Something in that herb Ass-Hole gave me, it must' my brain. Yeah, I kinda remember it--like my brain was being broken down, apparently so it could be put back together with this new...ability? I guess that's the way you describe it.

So, I have a super-power now? Sweet.

"Oh s**t."

"What?" One of the bodyguards points out and I see--a wall of zombies around a liquor store, and on top? Ass-Hole himself.

"Any ideas, 'boss?'"

"...Blast our way through?" They like this idea--like we had any others--so we crash through, one guy going up on the sky-roof with a M-60, turning the wall to zombie-paste, another throwing grenades out. We get the bulk down as we park on the curb. Two of the guards instantly step out and start taking care of the others, while the other four and I crash through the door and go up the stairs, meeting up with Ass-Hole once again, standing on a weird satanic symbol and chanting before seeing me.

"Ah, Sage. Pleasure to meet you again."

"Won't be in a few seconds if you don't stop your magic--unless you're into masochism, I guess."

"Really? I'd think you'd be more worried about that." Ass-Hole points out a few blocks away, as the ground starts to shake. Not as strange as hurricane clouds, but still irregular in Hub. Suddenly a building crumbles and out comes out...some evil devil vagina. I don't say it to be crude, but it's huge, red, a vertical mouth with razor-sharp teeth about the size of a Buick, with huge tentacles for legs. The demon who thought this one up must have been into hentai.

"...F**k, that's a huge monster."

Time marches on, like it always does.

Next thing I know, I'm in my office in Star sitting across the desk from the short fat man.

"Are you sure you want me?"

"Who else would we get? I mean, you have all the things that we need. You're loud, outspoken, liberal. Everything he isn't."

I bite my lip and look out the window. This decision will change my life, all depends on how I play it.

"......What the hell? I'm in."

I stand up and shake the fat man's hand, he smiles as we start to walk out my office together.

"Smart man, Mister Queen, smart man."

The next day, and I'm walking into the press confrence. I told Roy, Connor, and Mia to watch. I only wish Dinah was awake to see it.

I grip the podium and stand infront of the mic.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I suppose you all came here to hear me gab for a little while."

The crowd laughs as I press on.

"Well, today. I'm here to gab about something else. America, and the state it's in. Once the greatest country in the world, our country has become shambles of it's former self. One reason why, is our leadership. I believe the halls of Washington have become filled with corrupt criminals and crooks. The worst of these is our Commander-In-Theif, Lex Luthor."

I pause for a moment, I slowly rub my neck before looking into the cameras.

"I guess, what I'm here to say is this....I, Oliver Queen, being of sound mind and incredible body, intend to run for president. Starting now, we begin a new chapter in America."

I smile as people gasp and clap. I can almost hear Roy, Connor, and Mia's combine words....

"Dad, you..."

"Dumb son..."

"Of a *****..."

The flashblub of the cameras go off as I flash a peace sign and smile.

"I'm Oliver Queen and I'm on a mission to save America."

I get a standing ovation from the crowd as I leave the stage.

It's good to be the king.​
Roy watched the conference on TV, because Ollie had told him, verbatim: "Might want to keep your TV on CNN, kiddo... This old man's gonna drop a bomb on you."

Roy was for once stunned into silence. For several minutes he stared open jawed, wide eyed at the TV. He zoned out to the talking heads debating whether or not this would be a wise choice.

Once he finally regained composure he pulled out his cell phone. Already a missed call from Mia. Damn.

Roy scrolled through his address book, finally stopping on the entry labeled Methuselah. He hit send and before Ollie could even say hello, Roy started screaming.

"You egotistical, self centered, dumb twit of a man! Luther's not going to play nice, and you know it! There goes what little bit of a private life and secret identity you had! Did you even think to ask Dinah?!? Or Mia? Or Conner? OR ME?!? Yes, Luther needs a swift kick in the ass, but do it JLA style dude! You do know they want you back in right? F**KING CHRIST. Who will be their smartass liberal counter to Clark's midwest farmboy and Bruce's rich boy Republican? Don't even stop to think about Carter. He's going to rip you a new ass, and you know it! Who's gonna be stupid enough to be VP to what would be the most womanizing Prez in history if you COMBINED JFK and Clinton?!?"

"Are you about done?"

"Not even remotely."

Roy watched the conference on TV, because Ollie had told him, verbatim: "Might want to keep your TV on CNN, kiddo... This old man's gonna drop a bomb on you."

Roy was for once stunned into silence. For several minutes he stared open jawed, wide eyed at the TV. He zoned out to the talking heads debating whether or not this would be a wise choice.

Once he finally regained composure he pulled out his cell phone. Already a missed call from Mia. Damn.

Roy scrolled through his address book, finally stopping on the entry labeled Methuselah. He hit send and before Ollie could even say hello, Roy started screaming.

"You egotistical, self centered, dumb twit of a man! Luther's not going to play nice, and you know it! There goes what little bit of a private life and secret identity you had! Did you even think to ask Dinah?!? Or Mia? Or Conner? OR ME?!? Yes, Luther needs a swift kick in the ass, but do it JLA style dude! You do know they want you back in right? F**KING CHRIST. Who will be their smartass liberal counter to Clark's midwest farmboy and Bruce's rich boy Republican? Don't even stop to think about Carter. He's going to rip you a new ass, and you know it! Who's gonna be stupid enough to be VP to what would be the most womanizing Prez in history if you COMBINED JFK and Clinton?!?"

"Are you about done?"

"Not even remotely."

"Well, if you'd shut up for one moment. I'd tell you why it's a good idea."

I walk down the halls of the mansion, passing past the doorways and empty rooms as I talk into the cell phone.

"I'm doing this because, let's face facts, I'm not as young as I used to be and I'm getting older as each day goes by. And, I realized something. The gangsters and drug pushers we stop, are victims too. Victims of a corrupt system. They're just symptoms of a greater diesease and ground zero is in Washington D.C. I want to cure the world of it's sickness. And, that's the only way I can do it."

I smirk as I inch closer to my bedroom.

"But, speaking of the JLA. When they come asking me about it, I'm going to turn them down. But, I will nominate someone in my stead...Roy Harper Jr."

I don't hear Roy speak. I can hear him breathing, but I'm not sure if he's speechless from happiness or rage.

"Ooohhh, Mister Queen..."

"Umm, Roy. I have to go. Miss October is calling. I've got to ahh make a
'contribution'. Vote Queen."

I hang up the phone and walk into the bedroom.

"JFK would be proud."


"Well, if you'd shut up for one moment. I'd tell you why it's a good idea."

I walk down the halls of the mansion, passing past the doorways and empty rooms as I talk into the cell phone.

"I'm doing this because, let's face facts, I'm not as young as I used to be and I'm getting older as each day goes by. And, I realized something. The gangsters and drug pushers we stop, are victims too. Victims of a corrupt system. They're just symptoms of a greater diesease and ground zero is in Washington D.C. I want to cure the world of it's sickness. And, that's the only way I can do it."

I smirk as I inch closer to my bedroom.

"But, speaking of the JLA. When they come asking me about it, I'm going to turn them down. But, I will nominate someone in my stead...Roy Harper Jr."

I don't hear Roy speak. I can hear him breathing, but I'm not sure if he's speechless from happiness or rage.

"Ooohhh, Mister Queen..."

"Umm, Roy. I have to go. Miss October is calling. I've got to ahh make a
'contribution'. Vote Queen."

I hang up the phone and walk into the bedroom.

"JFK would be proud."

Luthor sees the announcement and hears his phone ring. He turns off his TV.

If I had a gun I'd shoot the screen right now.

His press secretary Angela Chen says, "Mr. President the press corps is already asking questions about Oliver Queen's presidential bid. What do I tell them?"

Luthor pauses for a moment and says, "The usual Angela we welcome him to the competition it's up to the voters and all that usual crap we spout off, and no we do not have a debate set-up as of yet."

He hangs up the phone and fixes a drink.

The smell of blood is on me...they are sensing weakness...they should all know though...there's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal.

Keystone City

I walk down the crowded halls of the Garrick house with the phone in my hand. Linda and the twins are in the guest bedroom. Jenni is in my room, passed out on the bed. Joan's downstairs watching T.V. leaving me to pace the hallways with my ear stuck to the phone.​

"...Yeah...I know, I told Tim and Vic that, but they won't listen....."

I walk down the stairs and the living room with Joan. She turns around and looks at me.​

"Bart, look."​

I trail off from my conversation with Kara as I look at the T.V.​

"Sources say that the Rogues started sometime in the last hour."

"Police are on the scene, but can do little good."

"Close to a quarter of Keystone is feeling the damage."

"...Umm, Kara. I'm gonna have to let you go, babe. Talk to ya later."

I hang up the phone, reaching for the little ring that Wally gave me.​

"I better hurry up and get down there. Don't worry about Jenni, I can do this. But, if Wally or Jay come by, tell them where I've gone."

The ring pops open and in the blink of an eye, I'm gone from the house. Racing down the roads of Keystone at close the speed of light.​


I zip onto the scene and pause for only a millasecond to survey my surroundings.​

Chaos. That's the only word that describes it.​

I push that aside as I go to work, I grab both Tricksters and use the force to sling them into theirselves, they smash together and fall to the ground.​

"Kid Flash is here!"

I feel the area around me start to fill with static electricity, I move just in time to dodge the lightning bolt Weather Wizard sent my way.​

"That's right, Rogues."

I speed and leap into the air, pushing off of the scrapheap that is Girder to make myself get high enough to tackle Weather Wizard, I grab him around the waist and pull him down onto the ground, taking his wand in the process.​

"I'm back and better than ever!"
As Bart trailed off in midsentence, Kara strained her ears and listened for background noise from the receiver. She heard the news, and as Bart told her that he had to go, she was already hanging up the phone and heading for her closet. She within seconds had changed from her pink terrycloth robe into her Supergirl ensemble. By the time Bart took out the Tricksters she was already over Utah on her way to Keystone. As the sonic boom roared over Kansas, she touched down next to Bart after he took out Girder.

"Hey stud. Need any help?"

She winked at him with a slight smile.

As Bart trailed off in midsentence, Kara strained her ears and listened for background noise from the receiver. She heard the news, and as Bart told her that he had to go, she was already hanging up the phone and heading for her closet. She within seconds had changed from her pink terrycloth robe into her Supergirl ensemble. By the time Bart took out the Tricksters she was already over Utah on her way to Keystone. As the sonic boom roared over Kansas, she touched down next to Bart after he took out Girder.

"Hey stud. Need any help?"

She winked at him with a slight smile.

I crack my knuckles and lean against a sign post, nonchalantly.

"Who? Me? Naw. I'm fine."


Just then, Tar Pit comes crashing through the street. He tries to land ontop of me, but I vibrate my body and watch him fall through me and onto the street below. I stop vibrating, but I forget to step out of Tar Pit and find myself stuck in his sticky body.

"Yeeeah, about that help thing...Now would be a good time to help.....please?...Kara...darling?"

"Well, if you'd shut up for one moment. I'd tell you why it's a good idea."

I walk down the halls of the mansion, passing past the doorways and empty rooms as I talk into the cell phone.

"I'm doing this because, let's face facts, I'm not as young as I used to be and I'm getting older as each day goes by. And, I realized something. The gangsters and drug pushers we stop, are victims too. Victims of a corrupt system. They're just symptoms of a greater diesease and ground zero is in Washington D.C. I want to cure the world of it's sickness. And, that's the only way I can do it."

I smirk as I inch closer to my bedroom.

"But, speaking of the JLA. When they come asking me about it, I'm going to turn them down. But, I will nominate someone in my stead...Roy Harper Jr."

I don't hear Roy speak. I can hear him breathing, but I'm not sure if he's speechless from happiness or rage.

"Ooohhh, Mister Queen..."

"Umm, Roy. I have to go. Miss October is calling. I've got to ahh make a
'contribution'. Vote Queen."

I hang up the phone and walk into the bedroom.

"JFK would be proud."

As Roy hung up the phone, he remained wide eyed and silent.

Did he just say what I think he said? Turning down the League? Is he really serious about this presidency thing? S**t. Wait. WAIT. JUST WAIT A F**KING MINUTE! Did he... he... I'm gonna be a leaguer?

"I'm gonna be in the F**KING JUSTICE LEAGUE?!?"

He picked the phone back up, dialed Dick's number and when he got the voice mail, "Hi, this is Dick Grayson, I'm not in right now; please leave a message. Unless its Roy. Then I'm screening and don't want to talk to you."

"I'm gonna be in the JLA, SUCK IT, shortpants!"
"Y-You're insane, Loomis," stuttered the Atomic Skull.

Noble stifled a burst of laughter and looked with amused curiosity at the child on its knees before him.


"It's taken you that long to realize that?"

"All those changes to your body and mind..." Joe wheezed. "Whatever was *hack* -whatever was left of you before, your brain's mush now. I can see it in your eyes. You'll tear yourself apart within a week."

Noble looked at Joseph Martin and considered his words carefully. After a moment, Loomis rolled his eyes, grabbed Martin's neck, and snapped it like a twig. "You dunno what you're talking about, silly."



Am I dead?

Joseph Martin looked at the dark void around him. It was as if there was nothing and everything within arm's reach all at once.

"Not quite yet, amigo." A pair of eyes and a wide grin materialized in mid air in front of Joe. Next came the squiggly white hair and bowler hat, followed by the being's head and body.

Are you--

"Yes, I am Jean Luc Picard. Engage."

No, replied Martin. I mean, are you Mix-Yez-Pit-Lick?

"Hey, you actually pronounced it right... but you spelled it wrong." The 5th dimensional imp waved a finger at Joe disapprovingly,

The Atomic Skull's utter confusion was as plain as day in his facial expression. I spelled it...? What is this? Where am I?

Mxyzptlk shrugged his shoulders and held out his hands innocently. "Who knows? Maybe it's a drug-induced dream. Maybe that noble prankster really did kill you and you're stuck here with me for eternity."

Joe rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Please, he sighed, Just tell me what's going on.

"Well," said Mxy, rolling his eyes, "first of all, you're speaking without quotation marks."

Joe felt like he was going to have an aneurism, even during this out-of-body experience. I'm... what?

Ignoring the Skull, the imp continued, "I dunno; it could be an indicator that this is some sort of special spiritual event for you, or maybe the writer's just an idiot. Meh, it doesn't matter either way. The point is that Noble broke your neck, and I quote: "like a twig."" It was now that Joe Martin was finally taking Mxyzptlk seriously. "Now, you should know that Spike-underscore-ex-one has made some of you mamby-pambies do some pretty horrible things, like killing unborn kids, taking over the world, slaughtering indiscriminately, and worst of all; he made a big purple jerk pick up a random chick at a bar and not call her back the next day!!OMG!!1!1"

Joe could have sworn that he honestly felt his braincells dying as he listened to the imp's nonsense.

"But this is your chance to make up for some of that, and to prove that you're the better man. I mean, sure Noble tricked you, outmatched you, and then broke your neck (thereby paralyzing you). But who cares? You're not handicapped - You're handicapable! In a few seconds, you're going to wake up from this dream, and instead of pissing and moaning about how you can't feel your widdle fingers anymore, you're going to magnetize yourself to Noble's body, fly the both of you up into outer space, and then blow the b**ch up before he can react. I mean, sure you'll be wormfood when all is said and done, and nobody actually survived Noble's rampage who witnessed you at the scene, so you won't exactly be going down in the history books as the Flaming Head Guy Who Saved Metropolis, but... oh Nertz, that wasn't a very good sales pitch, was it? Can I start again?"

No, said Joe firmly. I'll do it. I can only hope that it will make up for my failure to act during the Stryker's Island breakout. I could've saved so many lives, but I was afraid.

After a moment, Mxy's obvious discomfort in awkward silences won out as he slapped Joe reassuringly on the back of the shoulder. "That'a boy! Way to take one for the team! Now it's time to get up, kiddo. Wakey-wakey! Eggs and Bakey!"


The Atomic Skull's eyes shot open at that instant, somehow aware of everything that had transpired; the injuries he'd sustained, the conversation with Mxyzptlk, every punch he'd taken. It was all clear as day in his memory. Joseph Martin knew at once what he had to do. In less than a microsecond, the Skull had created an electro-magnetic field around his limp body and was instantly and firmly attached to the metal components that were now hidden underneath Oswald Loomis' artificial skin. The two powerful beings were already above the Metropolis skyline by the time Noble's brain even registered what had happened.

"What are you doing, you..." The former Prankster's words were lost as The Atomic Skull carried the two of them out of Earth's atmosphere and half way to the moon before Martin finally let his inner power escape. The explosion vaporized both Oswald Loomis and Joseph Martin. Blunt, eh?

"I always wanted to be a hero."

I crack my knuckles and lean against a sign post, nonchalantly.

"Who? Me? Naw. I'm fine."


Just then, Tar Pit comes crashing through the street. He tries to land ontop of me, but I vibrate my body and watch him fall through me and onto the street below. I stop vibrating, but I forget to step out of Tar Pit and find myself stuck in his sticky body.

"Yeeeah, about that help thing...Now would be a good time to help.....please?...Kara...darling?"

Kara rolls her eyes as Bart starts begging for help.

"What happened to Mr. Manly Man? 'I don't need no help from nobody, man'? FINE.But you owe me, Mister. And its gonna get cold... On the count of three, start your vibrating thing again... and get your mind out of the gutter Allen."

She glares at him before he can make a snide remark.


With a gust of arctic breath, Tar Pit is solidified and Bart can get himself free. Once he's free Kara swoops in, and lifts Pit high into the air. She lands in the courtyard at Iron Heights.

"Next time, try not to let him out, thanks."




"Sorry boys, gotta run. Cities to save, villains to hurt, you know, all that jazz. You'll be seeing more of me around though, I'm sure. Especially if that boyfriend of mine can't keep himself out of trouble."

As she flew off, the three guards looked disappointed. "Boyfriend?"
I zip next to Jay.

"I'm not sure who's on what side, but I'm just kick all their asses."

I look up and see Sinestro floating next to Jay.

"I see you brought backup."

I scan the area, watching as the Rogues battle eachother.

"I'm going after Girder, Sinestro? See the guy with the funny mask? That's Murmur, He's always got a few booby traps on his suit so containing him with that power ring would be best."

Wow. I'm impressed, I sound like a leader.

"Jay, try to look for Cold, take him down and the rest of 'em will run."

In the blink of an eye I'm gone from Jay and Sinestro, heading towards Girder at full speed. He looks up just in time to see me barreling down on him.

"What the ****?"

"You look a little hot, Girder. You should cool off. Maybe take a dip."

I smash into Girder at close to full speed, I push him from the battle field and use my speed to push him into the Missouri.


Girder starts to sink into the water. He won't die, but he'll be even more rusty when they pull him out.

"Another one bites the dust."

I wipe the hair away from my eyes and smile.

Grandpa Barry would be proud.

I can't help but be impressed. Bart sounds like a leader.

"Sounds like a plan." I nod to Bart and he takes off.

"Booby traps. The whelp thinks he can relegate me to fighting someone who uses booby traps? Who does he think he is?"

The smile on my face says it all. "He's a Flash." Barry would be proud.

Sinestro harrumphs and takes off down the street after Murmur. I'm about to look for Cold when what feels like a bus slams into my face, launching me into the air.

"Yeah! That's what you frakking get, Grandpa!"
Inertia says, dropping the pipe that was in his hands.

Kara rolls her eyes as Bart starts begging for help.

"What happened to Mr. Manly Man? 'I don't need no help from nobody, man'? FINE.But you owe me, Mister. And its gonna get cold... On the count of three, start your vibrating thing again... and get your mind out of the gutter Allen."

She glares at him before he can make a snide remark.


With a gust of arctic breath, Tar Pit is solidified and Bart can get himself free. Once he's free Kara swoops in, and lifts Pit high into the air. She lands in the courtyard at Iron Heights.

"Next time, try not to let him out, thanks."




"Sorry boys, gotta run. Cities to save, villains to hurt, you know, all that jazz. You'll be seeing more of me around though, I'm sure. Especially if that boyfriend of mine can't keep himself out of trouble."

As she flew off, the three guards looked disappointed. "Boyfriend?"

Kara flys next to me as I run throught he streets.

"You know, seeing you beating the ass of a big tar monster made me fall in love with you that much more...I know that sounds kind of touchy feely, but I don't care dammit!"

I leap over Captain Boomerang and sweep Abra Kadabra's legs out from underneath of him, grabbing his wand in the process.

"First Weather Wizard, now you. I'm a regular Harry Potter."

"Yeah! That's what you frakking get, Grandpa!"

I look across the battlefield to see Thad smashing Jay's face in with a pipe. Kara touches down next to me with her arms crossed.

"Uhh, Kara. How about we split up. Take down all the biggest threats and be on the lookout for Cold, I know he's at the heart of all this. Be safe."

In the blink of an eye, I grab her by the waist and dip her down. Kissing her passionatley with my eyes closed. I break the kiss and look at Kara sheepishly.

"Sorry. I just always wanted to do something like that."

I speed off from her and crash into Inertia.

"Leave him alone!"

Thad flys through the air and crashes through about three diffrent buildings before coming to a stop.

"Well, well, well. I was wondering when you were gonna show up. Care to duke it out, Bro?"

I punch him dead in the jaw, the force breaks every window in the three block radius. I hope I broke his jaw with it.

" your brother!"
It was Inertia. I didn't see him, but I know it was him.

The pain in my face fades quickly as I heal. I know Thaddeus was trying to repay what I did to him. Probably trying to knock me across the country, if not into orbit. Luckily, I'm smarter than he is.

I use my arms to create vortexes and slow myself down. I land softly just outside Denver, but the moment I touch down, I'm already almost out of the state.

By the time I get back to the fight, Bart's already put Thaddeus down. And he's just getting back up.

"Ya brk y fu'n' jw!" Inertia tries to shout. His jaw pops back into place as he heals.

"Serves you right."

"How the hell did you get here so fast?!" he says, shocked.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I'm dead serious." There's a blur of green and I feel a dozen punches across my body. When I open my eyes, I'm across the street.

I wipe a trail of blood from my lip. "So am I, kid." With a blur of red I return the favor. Inertial picks himself up, wiping the blood from his eyes as the cut on his forehead heals.

"Oh, it's on!"

Inertia goes to super speed and I match him. The world slows down around us as we run at each other and collide in the middle of the street. We throw and block punches at, from our perspective, is normal speed. But to everyone else, red and green blurs of energy collide in the middle of the street as discharges of built up static bolt out in random directions.

"Face it, geezer, you've got nothing on me." And I know he's right. Thaddeus' youth makes him faster. But not by much.

Inertia gets in a couple of punches. "You may..." I swing and miss, but block a kick, "have the edge in speed." I get in a kick, but he grabs my legs and swings me into a building. I race back into the fight. "But I'm smarter!"

I run right at Inertia, and he pulls back his fist, ready to deliver a massive blow. But I stop at the last moment and his punch hits nothing but air. "Whaaa-?" His voice trails off as I plant my boot in his groin.

Thaddeus collapses on the ground in a heap. I phase my hand and put it into his head. His eyes roll up and his head crashes to the ground.

I fall to my knees, exhausted. "And stay down."
Jason Todd- 'The Answers Are In The Past'

I've been laying in my bed back in my old loft in Gotham City for the past few days; it's all I have been doing. Slowly and surely, hourly, feels like one more piece of me is withering away. I can barely get up to take a piss anymore, the sheer pain it causes me to hold up my body weight. I fear that by this time tomorrow, I will lose full mobility of my legs. So I am going to make the best of it, and take a stroll down Gotham park.

Karma is a crazy thing. I started to live a life full of angst and crime, always looking over my own back, and mine alone. I did whatever was needed and whatever was necessary to make sure numero uno was on top, even though I never really reached a top. But a time came when I thought I recieved a second chance.

After boosting the sweetest of rims from the infamous Batmobile, The Batman...THE Batman, took me under his wing to help prevent the continuance of the road I was going down. He wanted nothing more than to make sure I wasn't just another crime statistic to add to the pile of the magnificently corrupt Gotham City. And then it was all gone. My second chance, all gone. A madman by the name of The Joker became my maker, and I fell into forever darkness; or so it seemed.

I...damnit, hands are starting to feel numb. I cannot even feel the cold, smooth surface of the railings I dragged my hand against as I slowly glide down the side-walk heading towards one of the gaz
ebos. I already lost any control over my pinky in both hands and one of my index fingers just three days ago; one of my thumbs were the first to go when all of this started.

But I didn't stay in the darkness, for something happened. Something so...rejuvinating, so...unexplainable happened to me, that I cannot fully understand. And it is because of this, that I do not agree with the phrase 'Ignorance is bliss'. I came back to life. By what means and what measures, that I do not know. And how did I repay God, or whatever lies in the heavens? I shove my true second chance down the drain; a chance at a second life and I blow it.

I picked up where i left off before I ever even met Bruce. It was as if that gap in my life, had never existed, and I still didn't know the rights from the wrong. I would ponder and wonder, day after day, about what could have happened to me...but I have still not found the answer.

Perhaps the answer lies in the past. seems that is most of the time the case. But I cannot travel back to the past, and see what triggered these chain of events that came to pass. And while I still remember all of my training, I am in no means a master detective. My advantage always lied in my skill in combat; even Bruce and Dickie knew that. Dickie, for all of his efforts couldn't compare to my combative skills, but he had agility and endurance that I could have never dreamed of; he never gave up fighting the fight. Perhaps that is why I always compared myself to him. But with all that time wasting, neither of us grew to be the detective Bruce has always been known to be.

I stare out through one of the openings of the gazebo and I gaze upon the beautiful pond lying just ahead. And as my eyes trail off, I spot a bridge arcing just above it. So I begin to walk. The setting it's so...peaceful and tranquil, so...beautiful.

Beauty. I have seen many things in my short lifetimes, and I must say I never truly understood the meaning until recently. But I took advantage of that Beauty, and left myself staggering in the darkness. I begin to think about Helena. Back when I was in Metropolis, with Big Blue, I kept thinking about her but I never understood why. I didn't remain focused on what was at hand the entire time...but now as I think about it I understand. I understand what she represented...what she still could represent: happiness.

Perhaps I was confusing emotions and hormones for love, but I felt something there for sure. What exactly, I'll never know. But she made me happy, and I truly felt happy. But in my arrogance, and ignorance...I drove her away. I'm not a religious man, but every man in some sort of way is a philosophical man. And it is truly now, that I understand one of Socrates most famous of phrases: Ignorance is evil. And it is because of my own ignorance, that I am now facing my end. It takes a while, for was pretty far away, especially considering my physical condition, but I get there.'s all so beautiful: life. And I now have wasted two.

Now, I'm not dying...but if you ask me I may as well be. Because of what Crane did to miraculously save me life, I am on a fight with Father Time himself; I'm getting my ass handed to me by the way. My motor functions are soon to be all but dead, and to me...that's close enough to dying. And I shall not live in a world where I am forced to remain immobile, clinging onto life the best I can.

Giving up is for the weak...but I'm telling you Helena...right now? The water just below? It is looking pretty friendly right now. It is so...calm and soothing...perhaps it can bring me my desires and end this all; this thing I called a life. Helena...I'm feeling pretty weak. Perhaps the waters will do a better job leading me down its stream. I heard a saying once...a man was talking about drowning. He said it felt like going home
. Well, I'm way overdue..Goodbye.


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