The 'World of Heroes: DC Style" RPG Season II

I arrive I Keystone city, I see the tons of people rebuilding what they had just lost, people sharing food with the hungry, tents, and rescue workers.
I move over to two firemen
"Can I lend a hand?"
they look up at me, startled and surprised I guess
They nod
I smile and work alongside these men, Im reminded what makes humanity great,
that greatness comes from their resistence to quit.

Ill miss ya Di.

OOC: last post for the season, cant wait to play as Kyle in the next season. I tried to make this post kinda touching as possible, as crappy a writer that I may be.
Everyone leaves to do their thing...and I take a walk around my city. Helping those who need helping when I come accross them.

...Well...I guess Keystone is saved...No...No, something still doesn't feel right...The threat is over but...I should have been here protecting it when instead as of late I've been everywhere BUT here...God, I sicken me.

Then I feel these little hands patting my leg.

":sighs: What now?"

Heh. It's that little girl again.

"...oh...Hey kiddo. What's that you got there?"

She holds up this crudely drawn pic of...Just what the hell is that?

"It's you."

" It' That's just great. Great detail you put in there with the...abnormaly long legs and humongous bolts."

"Take it."


"I want you to have it. I wanted to get you something and I didn't have any moneys so I drew you a picture."

"Aww...Thanks kid...It's going right on my wall."

I humor her and take the pic when I noticed a green...puddle with legs?

"What's that one?"

"That's the T-Rex you beat up. See? That's its teeth, and that's it's tongue, and those are the Xs people get on their eyes when they die."

"oohohoho...Umm...Right...I-I think I see it."

"Stop bugging the nice man Sandy." her father said as he walked over to us and took her by the hand.

"But I wasn't finished talking to Mr. Flash."

"Mr. Flash is a very busy person Sandy and he has to help more people. I'm sure we'll see him later...Right?"

A smile crept on my face. "...Right."

"...It's good to have you back."

"Thanks. I'm glad to be back."

He turns his attention back to his kid as they walk away. "Come on Sandy. If you be good we'll go to Baskin Robbins later."

"YAY! Daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy?"

"Yes Sandy?"

"I love you."

"I love you too Sandy."

I smile at them walking off into the sunset...And then I turn around to have a blue beam just miss me and freeze a car. I turn around and it's Captain Cold. Lightning strikes but I back up enough for it to miss me. Weather Wizard. The Top comes spinning into place, Abra Kadabra materializes, Trickster cartwheels in giggling like an idiot and behind them all appear a virtual army of Mirror Masters...This is gonna be fun.

My eyes glow and my bolts spark. Name's Wally West. You probably know the rest.

OOC: Can't wait till next season guys.:D
OOC: Holy ****... that was beautiful Savage... oh my god... I swear you're a different person than the guy who started... omg... most improved, I think...
lupus27 said:
I walk into the other room. I turn on my comunicator.

"We......we need pickup for Barbara Gordon."

I hear the Question's voice over my JLA communicator. Barbara? Damn, I didn't even think about how she was taking this? I get the coordinates from Question and rush there as fast as I can. (Which is FAST.)

lupus27 said:
Tot walks over to me.

"What isthe matter with you Charlie?"

"I........I always have questions. I never have answers."

"There you go again. You always do this. Whenever you don't know how to deal with something, you just retreat into your philisophical mumbo jumbo."

He's right. I don't know how to deal with peopel. I never have.

I walk ovfer to Barbara.

"I......I'm dorry. For what I did. And I'm sorry for your loss."

Then, the door bursts open. Superman.

I walk over to where Barbara is sitting. She looks terrible, the news must have hit her hard. And that's not the only thing. A red mark marred one side of her face. I try to ignore it as I kneel down next to her. Taking her hand in mine I whisper, "Barbara? I know how hard this must be for you, and believe me we're all hurting over Dinah's passing, but you need to get home and get some rest, ok? We can go as fast or as slow as you need to, whatever you want." I smile to her, trying to be comforting and hoping to not offend her with my forced happiness.
batnkevlar said:
OOC: Holy ****... that was beautiful Savage... oh my god... I swear you're a different person than the guy who started... omg... most improved, I think...
OOC: Thanks. :D
God I made alot of errors though. Wish there was spell check on this.
OOC: Hey guys I'm sorry but I can't post till Monday my computers messed up see ya till Monday
Savage said:
OOC: Thanks. :D
God I made alot of errors though. Wish there was spell check on this.
OOC: You could always type it in Word and paste in here ;)
*I sat in his apartment. I hadn't touched my booze in a couple of days. I actually shaved this morning. It was an actual morning, and for once I had a proper breakfast, at Denny's to be exact. My life had gone around in circles, and I felt I had come back to the Hal Jordan I once was. The happy one. The one with no worries. Though I had, maybe, atthe most, TWO.

I walked out the front gate and was greeted by the familiar scene of a mugging. Ripper's Cru, to be exact. I smiled. I was in my suit, ready to go for a job interview, and I had my ring in my pocket. I slipped the ring on and felt the warmth, not addictive like it was before, but the recognition of my soul's counterpart. Haha, no wonder I would never get married. i was married to my ring.

The first mugger went down as i hit him with my fist. No power, no rage, just a fist. I kicked the second mugger and knocked him out instantly. The other mugger came at me with a gun. The I used the ring.

An emerald arm grabbed the gun and wrenched it from his grasp. With a punch to the nose, his nose began to bleed. I formed three guillotines with my ring and put the three mugger's heads through the slot.*

"Tell me where to find Ripper! It's time I ended this!"

"We won't tell you. You think we're stupid?"

"Naw, stupid is talking back to me and pissing me off while you have your heads stuck in my guillotine. Right?"

*The looked up and seeing the blade, fear filled their eyes.*

"Ok, he's at the Harbor!"


"Coast City Harbor!"

"Why Coast City? That's miles away!"

"You expected him to be standing here while do these things. You're stupid!"

*The guillotine blade dropped and, tuching their necks, disappeared from existence. Two guys fainted from shock. The other one, scared, threw up on my shoes. I through that one into a dumpster.

Looks like it's back to Coast City for me.*
Twelve boys got out of the van, each holding some type of weapon. One teenager took a large bat and hit Harley over the head.

“Thanks for the save, boys,”
I watched as Selina's "Back Alley Boys" were on the three rogues in seconds.

"You and me are going to have a little talk about this when this is over, Selina," I growled to her.
SuperFerret said:
I hear the Question's voice over my JLA communicator. Barbara? Damn, I didn't even think about how she was taking this? I get the coordinates from Question and rush there as fast as I can. (Which is FAST.)

I walk over to where Barbara is sitting. She looks terrible, the news must have hit her hard. And that's not the only thing. A red mark marred one side of her face. I try to ignore it as I kneel down next to her. Taking her hand in mine I whisper, "Barbara? I know how hard this must be for you, and believe me we're all hurting over Dinah's passing, but you need to get home and get some rest, ok? We can go as fast or as slow as you need to, whatever you want." I smile to her, trying to be comforting and hoping to not offend her with my forced happiness.

I am a little startled as Clark's anxious face comes into focus...he is sitting in front of me, holding my hands in his stronge large ones. He is talking..saying things that my reeling mind has perhaps refused to comprehend.

"...we're all hurting over Dinah's passing..."

The part which does penetrate my head is reverberating all over my mind...

"but you need to get home and get some rest, ok?"


My home was destroyed...

But I feel clark's gaze piercing me and I nod my head a little in agreement.What ever that meant.
Phantasm said:
I am a little startled as Clark's anxious face comes into focus...he is sitting in front of me, holding my hands in his stronge large ones. He is talking..saying things that my reeling mind has perhaps refused to comprehend.

"...we're all hurting over Dinah's passing..."

The part which does penetrate my head is reverberating all over my mind...

"but you need to get home and get some rest, ok?"


My home was destroyed...

But I feel clark's gaze piercing me and I nod my head a little in agreement.What ever that meant.

Superman flys off with Barbara.

I press the button on my belt buckle. My maske comes off. My clothes change from blue to brown. My hair changes from black to red. I sudenly realize that I have several broken bones and am in quite a bit of pain. Tot leads me over to an armchair.

"Charlie, I've said this to you a million times: You need to get some people skills."

I glare at him.

"Do you want me to get you something to drink?"

"Some tea. With honey. And some whiskey."

"It was that bad a day?"

"Tot, please?"

He walks into the kitchen. Moments later he's back with two mugs.

"You really aren't looking to good. Why don't you call that lady friend of yours. Hellena...."

"Bertinelli. Mabey later. Right now I'd just like to sit with an old friend and talk about books, politics, and whatever the hell crosses our minds. Cheers."

OOC: THE END (for now). See ya'll next season!!!!!
"The Back Alley Boys!? What, were The Backstreet Boys busy?"

Using Harley's mallet, The Joker smacked the teen who had just hit her with a bat. He hit him right under the chin, and laughed with twisted glee as the kid bit right through his own tongue. It flew up in the air as the unconscious kid fell back onto the ground.

"Fore!" shouted The Joker, "And that's what you get for hitting a girl!"

A second Back Alley Boy lunged at The Joker. The Clown Prince Of crime casually sidestepped him, before crushing his kneecap with a blow from the mallet. The second kid crumpled to the ground, screaming in agony.

"Two down," chuckled The Joker, "Ten to go..."

The joker swung the mallet over his head, before bringing it crashing down on a fire hydrant. As a jet of water sprayed out, drenching the Back Alley Boys, they all sighed in relief, and began approaching The Joker.

"That's it, come on," he whispered, "Like lambs to the slaughter."

He reached into his pocket. Batman was the first to realise what he was doing. he only had time to shout "NO!" But it was too late. The Joker threw his electric buzzer into the stream of water, sending a surge of electricity through it, frying all ten of the soaked gang members.

"And that's your chemistry lesson for today kiddos," laughed The Joker, helping Harley Quinn to his feet, "Toodles!"

While Batman and Catwoman ran to the fallen teens, The Joker and Harley Quinn made their escape in their car, leaving the hyenas behind. Once he was sure he'd lost the do-gooders, The Joker turned to Harley.

"My dear, I think it's time we said goodbye to Gotham City."
Selina looked over the fallen boys.

“Don’t worry Bruce, they won’t go far,” Catwoman said. You could hear a faint explosion in the distance.

“I used a small bomb in their car. They won’t be harmed. The car is though,”

Sounds of sirens start to approach. With a running leap and a little help from the whip, the feline swung to the top of the theater and vanished.
The bomb went off, and the car spun into the sidewalk.

"HA HA! My mechanic should be shot! Wait, I DID shoot him! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

THe Joker and Harley Quinn got out of the ruined car. The Joker looked around, and spotted two cyclists staring at them, dumbfounded.

"We're going to need your bikes," said The Joker, as he and Harley took their bikes away from them, shoving them to the ground.

The Joker was about to start cycling away, when he stopped.

"What am I thinking?" he gasped, before turning round and shooting both cyclists, "We can't go without helmets!"

Taking a helmet each, The Joker and Harley Quinn cycled the rest of the way to Gotham Harbour. Once there, they discarded the bikes and made for The Joker's speedboat.

"That was a lovely cycle, brings back childhood memories," chriped The Joker, throwing away his helmet, "But now it's time to take you to our new home!"

The Joker led Harley Quinn onto his speedboat, and they quickly drove away, leaving Gotham City for Liberty Island.
OOC: That was a great fight. But we're going to have to think about rounding up soon, so I say we leave it there. Plus, it's important that the location of my new base stays a secret for now, so I'd appreciate it if you don't follow us or anything like that. Hope we bump into each other again next season!
OOC: Sorry for ruining your driving plains. Also, I could just see Harley and Joker doing that.
OOC: It's no problem at all. The fight was god, I jsut think that now it's time to start rounding things up.
The Parasite had arrived in his office at the LexCorp Towers early that morning after paying a little trip to the real Lex Luthor’s body in Hob’s Bay for a recharge.

Rudy stepped out of the elevator and walked up to his secretary Patricia. “Good morning, Mr. Luthor,” she said with a pretty smile.

“Good morning Patricia. How are the kids?” The Parasite gave a charming smile.

“Just fine Mr. Luthor. Just fine.”

“Fantastic. Simply fantastic.” Rudy continued towards his office. “I’m sure you and your family will be pleasantly surprised by what we have planned for everyone here,” the Parasite said over his shoulder.

“Sir?” Patricia raised an eyebrow curiously.

“Just a little something myself and the senior partners have cooked up to give out to the people of the world.” The Parasite opened the door to his office and stepped inside, leaving his secretary alone. Just as Patricia was about to get back to work, her employer poked his head out his doorway, smiling to her. “We’ll touch the hearts of billions
Patricia could almost swear that she saw an eerie golden glow in Lex Luthor’s eyes as he spoke. It chilled her to her very soul. As soon as Mr. Luthor retracted his head into his office and she was out of his sight, Patricia chose to leave work to visit Lex Luthor Elementary School in order to check on her children. She felt anything but safe.


The Parasite stood at his floor to ceiling windows, watching the sun rise from the horizon over the skies of Metropolis. The City of Tomorrow. His city. Rudy Jones was amazed at what he had accomplished in his life. He had gone from a measly janitor in S.T.A.R. Labs to a feared supervillain. And now, he had control over every single resource any man could ever want. He virtually owned both Metropolis and Gotham City, and was now regarded without fear, but instead with adoration from almost every man, woman, and child on the planet. He had become more than any hero or villain could ever hope to achieve.

But the best is yet to come.

The monster known throughout the world as the Parasite, watched the sunrise and smiled.

“It’s a new day.”

OOC: That just sounded evil. Ever since Angel, the term "senior partners" has sounded evil to me.
OOC: Thanks guys :D. I really put alot of effort into those last few posts, but it was a blast. That's all for this season for me, I guess. See you all in Season III.
On the speed boat Harley felt a bit queasy.

"Oh puddin I think I'm sea sick".Harley held her mouth and ran to the edge of the boat and puked up.

"Ughhhhh I haven't felt sea sick since your laughing fish caper" Harley said as she flopped into the boat.

"Oh puddin we left the babies behind.The poor babies are gonna get put back in the zoo again.We'll get em back again.And I'm gonna make that cat b*tch pay.Her and the Bat".

Harley stood up and teetered over to the Joker."Say puddin I hope this new home of ours has a shower.I need to wash the cat stink off me.Not to metion the blood stains".

The Joker laughed gleefully as he took Harley's hands in his."Whatever you want pooh.This is our new palace to rule Gotham like the King and Queen we will be".

"Awww swell Mr J.You're the best there is.My special cuddly teddy bear" Harley said as she began pinching Joker's bottom.

"Ooooh not now pooh.Not while I'm driving.Hahahahaha plenty of time for that when we get home.I don't wanna crash this baby.Then you'll really be sleeping with the fishes hahahahahahahahaha!!!".

OOC: I hope you don't mind me bunnying you there Keyser Soze.If so I can edit.

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