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The "World of Heroes" DC RPG Season VIII

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Dark Lord of the RPG's
Aug 4, 2005
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Welcome to the World of Heroes DC RPG Season VIII​

The world has slowly healed from the wounds caused by the Dark Alliance, but a greater threat looms in the distance.

On Earth, the heroes and villains continue their lives. Gotham's Caped Crusader returns to life as the Marine Marvel is wiped from existence and the memories of everyone on Earth. In Keystone City, the Flash Family play a deadly game with the speedster known as Savitar. This time, they have an unlikely alley in the form of the supervillain Zoom.

In space, an approaching War of Light rings in the prophecy of the Blackest Night. At the center of the conflict is the Green Lantern Corps. and the members of Sector 2814. Sides will be drawn and friends will fight to preserve order in the galaxy.

While all this goes on, the Man of Steel himself is lost in the Multiverse. Caught in his quest for redemption and desperate to return his cousin to life.

Heroes and villains will be forced to unite to battle the coming threat. Even now, the forces of darkness and Anti-Life rally. Their mission is the control and domination of the galaxy.

This season, war and chaos descend upon the galaxy and Earth, friends will become enemies, and the dead will rise.​

This RPG is based off of post-Crisis on Infinite Earths and pre-Identity/Infinite Crisis.

If you want to take part in this, just fill in the application at the bottom of this post and we'll put your name and character on the first post here. First come, first serve. Two characters are allowed.

  • You can choose to be any superhero or supervillain in the DC Universe, as long as they:
Are to be established on Earth, as in, if Lobo is to be involved, he has to reside in a DCU Earth city...

Are NOT deities, gods, or people such as Shazam the Wizard. People like Superman and Captain Marvel are okay, though...

Are true to the personality and abilities of the character, such as NO Pre-Crisis Superman, no moving planets, sneezing away the Milky Way, no amnesia kiss... EVERYTHING is set POST-Crisis, and Post-Zero Hour, in the current continuity of the character you are/wish to play/playing.
  • Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off inanimate victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM.
    Don't kill people without reason.
    Don't randomly kill NPC's.
  • You know your weaknesses and strengths, what you can do or can't. Black Canary will lose against Superman one on one, but may be able to use her allies to help her out or she can run away. (HA! Yeah ri-ght)
  • Don’t kill a PC unless you have a plan to bring them back.
    Don’t kill your character when you quit the RPG, this rob's a person from playing that character.
  • If there is a problem between you and another player,
    or if you have question's please talk to one of the Gamemasters The list of Game masters is at the top of this post.
  • There should be MINIMAL cussing and swearing in posts.
    There will be NO By-passing the censors. This is a Hype rule, and NO exceptions will be made for the RPG.
  • No obscene topics!

What to do in the RPG-
  • Act like your character; ASSUME their traits and personality...
  • You can form super villain gang’s superhero teams, alliances, the works.
  • There can be a number of stories (or arcs) going on at once, using different people.
  • There are endless places to go and endless things to do: ENDLESS possibilities so get creative...
People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED by the GM. If need be a Moderator will be called in.

For more of the ‘rules’ see- RPG Etiquette

For those who are new to Role-Playing...
For all your RPG needs!


One Month Ago

"Did you hear about Johnny Gobs?" the mugger asks his friend. Both men are on a rooftop in Gotham, dividing their spoils from the night's work.

"Yeah. He got ripped and took a walk off a roof. No big loss."

"That ain't what I heard...I heard...the bat got him."

"The bat? Give me a break, man."

"They said he fell five stories and there weren't no blood in the body."

"It was on the pavement! And besides, the bat died 'member? The chances of him coming back are slim to..." he tappers off as a shadow falls between the two men.


The fear in their eyes is all too familiar. Both men scramble across the roof's gravel top in an effort to get away as fast as possible. I toss out a batarang and knock one of the muggers unconscious. The other one I leave awake. Walking over to him, I lift him up by his shirt and pull the man over towards the building's ledge.

"Don't kill me, man," he pleads as he looks at the pavement ten stories below. "Don't kill me."

"I won't kill you. I need you to send a message. Tell them all, all of the criminals and scum in Gotham that their play time is over."


"I'm back."

My head crashes into his, knocking the man out. I let his limp body down on the rooftop and disappear into the shadows. I'll be long gone before he wakes up, but my work here is done. The message will spread.


The figure stalks through the shadows, trying desperately to escape the confines of the underground fortress. What he fails to realize is that I'm right behind him.

"Hey,"the young boy cries out as I grab him by his collar.

"Where is my mother?!" He screams. His name is Damian. He's my son.

"She's back in Asia with the rest of the League of Assassins."

"Why did you kidnap me?"

"I didn't. Through force, I was granted custody of you."

"So you are my father? The world's greatest detective?"

"Yes," I say as I let go of his collar.

"Why did you take me away from my mother?"

"She couldn't be trusted with you. If you stayed with the League, then Talia would warp your mind and turn you into a living weapon."

"Yes, and a grown man dressed as a flying rodent is the pillar of sanity!"

I throw Damian a hard glance, and then turn to leave the cave.

"Alfred," I mutter into the microphone in my hand.

"Yes, sir?"

"Could you bring Damian some sandwiches?

"Right away."

I turn back and look at the boy one last time before I leave. Give me Killer Croc, Joker, and Riddler all rolled into one. Compared to this, I'll take them any day of the week.

"Bruce," Barabara's voice comes through the cave.

"Oracle. What's going on?"

"Something's going down at City Hall. Looks like they might need you."

Sounds like someone is listening to my requests.

"On my way."
Space Sector 2814

The alien pilot whispers a silent prayer as his ship ventures towards the black hole. He's been battling against the singularity for close to an hour now, and it looks as though he'll soon join the darkness and compression inside.

He thinks about his family, about his wife and three children. The fact that he'll never see his children grow old pains him. As much as he loves his wife, his children are what really matters. He doesn't want to break their hearts.

Love is in danger. This is where I come in.

A violet energery wraps itself around the starship and pulls it out of the black hole's gravity. The stunned alien pilot looks through the ship's windows and sees me.


"You're safe now. Go home to your family."

"What are you," he asks in a low, monotone voice. "Green Lantern?"

"I was. Now I'm a member of the Star Sapphires. We protect just as much as the Green Lantern Corps. does."

"Thank you," he says with watery eyes.

"If you want to thank me, fly safe."

I see the pilot to safety all the way out of 2814. It makes me feel good to watch him leave safely. I'm back at what I'm doing best. I really do love this job, doesn't matter what side I'm on. Green or Violet, we're all trying to help people out.

<Star Sapphire 2814.2 Guy Gardner>

"Gardner, here."

<Your presence is required on Zamaron>

"I'm on my way."

I glide through space and finally hit trans-luminal speeds, disappearing in a flicker of purple light.
Tim looked down at the factory floor below him. Spoiler was strapped to an iron table, surrounded by Scarecrow and his thugs. The villain insered a syringe filled with brown liquid into the girl's arm, her mask long since removed. Tim took the grapnel line from his belt, throwing it around a support beam in the roof, before swinging into the scene below.

"Hey-" one thug started before Tim landed with both boots on the man, knocking him backward.

Red Robin span on the spot, cracking another thug under the jaw, hearing a satisfying crack. He dodged under the Scarecrow's heavy staff, drawing his own collapsable bo staff from his belt. The two traded a few blows with their weapons before Tim caught the villain with a shot to the head.

"I thought you were dead," Tim stated.

"I dOn'Y eVeN kNoW wHo YoU aRe," the Scarecrow responded. Tim briefly cursed his new costume, before punching the super-villain in the face.

"The name's Red Robin," he growled "Learn it,"

The hero ran to his friend, quickly undoing the straps on her ankles and wrists. Stephanie's eyes were bloodshot and wild, eyelids flickering open and shut. Sweat was pouring down her face and she was muttering incoherently under her breath. Tim picked her up with both arms, heading towards the exit.

"Get out of town Crane," Red Robin shouted, not bothering to look behind him "Or I'll be back,"

"DaMnEd MaSkS" Scarecrow muttered as the two heroes left.
Gotham City: Crime Alley


"On your knees, now!" He was helpless. The crowd into the alley. He could sense the evil inside all of them but he couldn't reach to touch their souls. One bigger than all of them lumbered out. He walked with crutches, there was cracks all along his face, and the giant looked like he was very weak.

"I try to reach for your soul but there is only darkness. I see an infintie void consuming all...father have you forsaken me..."

"No one will answer your plea. He isn't there anymore, didn't you get the memo? There was a war in Heaven and I won."
The man in the purple suit produce a gun from his suit and placed it at the Spectre's forehead.

"I am the hole in all things. There is a black hole where my soul should be. God-killing bullets, Spectre....Desaad."
He nodded. Desaad fired off a shot and the Spectre fell.

Coast City: The Crime Scene- The murder sight of Orion of the New Gods. Green Lantern 2814.3 John Stewart reporting

A green light descended from the skies. They were once four, now they are two. The Guardians threw Guy and got rid of Hal out at the perfect time. New Lantern corps appearing at an alarming rate but now this, a dead god.

"Ring begin recording. This is Green Lantern 2814.3, current investigation: The death of Orion, inhabitant of the race known as the New Gods of New Genesis. Ring scan scan for any unique energy signatures."
A green light covered Orion.

Detection: Negative

"Nothing, damn. Some sign of physical trauma but I know for a fact that it takes a little bit more than that to take this guy out. Enemies? I could name a few but if it is who I think it is than I have to to warn the Justice League."

"That will not be necessary, John Stewart."
A strong green light covers the area.

"Not you."

"No one escapes the Alpha Lanterns," they did that creepy unison chant.

"Per Guardian request, the body is theirs to examine."

"No way. People have to know about this. With all the strange things happening this could be connected."

"No. Nothing is happening. There is no reason for panic."

"No reason, Boodikka? There is a dead god and a brand new Lantern corps springing up everyday. Hal..."

"Your insubordinate tone is troublesome and unwanted, Green Lantern John Stewart. So are your presumptions. I suggest you take your leave." Green light covered the body as the Alpha Lantern flew away with it.

John Stewart couldn't shake the feeling that something very bad was going to happened.
Gotham City

What was once an old factory back in the thirties was not desolated and used for a number of illegal activities. Detective John Donnaly has been on the trail of the so called "Religion of Crime" which sprang up around the time of the Prometheus Batman. They were linked to nearly all the crime of Gotham now, from child abduction to drug running. Donnaly was able to convince one of the top dealers to meet up with him. His name was Godfrey.

"Ah, last time I was here I had my head blown off."

Godfrey and two of his men entered the room. Godfrey place a briefcase on the table. Surrounding the building was Gordon and S.W.A.T.

"Well, is that it?"

"Is that it? It is." He smiled. Donnaly held up his briefcase and placed it on the table. He opened it up showing off rows of money.

"Believe me, your money is no good here."

"What? It's the amount we agreed to." Godfrey laughed.

"No...no...no. You do not understand at all. We sell a special time of drug here," he opened up his briefcase. There was nothing in it, "pure, uncut, mind-destruction. Do you understand, Officer? We sell ruin. My night churches should be at your house by now. Your family's minds will be scrapped out and they will be reborn anew. All to prepare for the new world."

"You son of a *****," he pulled out a gun. Outside, Gordon was ordering his men to move in.

"Kill him," bullets flew and Donnaly fell over in a pool of blood.

"Come, come." Godfrey and the two disappeared. All that was heard was a boom. The S.W.A.T burst it to find themselves pointing their guns at another group. Men in black armor with the word S.H.A.D.E written across it.

"Hold your fire," one of the SHADE agents yelled, "just cops."

"Who the hell are you?" One of the cops demanded.

"Top secret."

"Great, government spooks."

"Damn it what is happening up there? I have about fifty men in suits covering me in red tape." Gordon shouted over the walkie talkie. A noise was heard it the other room. It sounded like a copy machine. The two groups slowly made it into the other room where a lone faceless man was copying pages out of a book. He looked up grabbed some pages.


"No time. Only time for a question, What are you going to do to stop the apocalypse? The coming of two devils to Gotham, the return of the messiah of crime. Read a book some time." Gas filled the room and when it died down the man was gone.
Back on the streets Gordon was still yelling over the two-way. He didn't notice the man sneaking up on him.

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned."
Gordon turns around, gun drawn.

"And the rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born."

"That's Yeats," lowering his gun.

"I'm impressed, Commissioner."

"I took a few literature courses. Not to mention my daughter has her own personal library. You would be surprise how many psychopaths have some sort obsession with books."

"Not at all. Here take these," he hands him the pages of the Cult's "bible", "I think you know who to give it to." Gordon looked down on them and when he looked back up The Question was gone.

Crime Alley

It's the one location in Gotham that lives up to its name. Crime Alley has witnessed its fair share of tragedy, almost all of it related to me. This street was the death bed of my parents, as well as the birth place of Batman. This is the same location the Joker killed me, and it was here that I recovered from Talia's brainwashing. So much death and birth.

It's another death that brings me to the street again.


"The Spectre is dead."

"Come again."

"The Spectre is dead," I say into the microphone.

"You mean the Angel of Vegence Spectre?"

I walk around the body, inspecting the crime scene from as many angles as possible. A single gunshot to the robed figure's forehead.

"It's either him or someone appearing to be him."

"I don't think it's the Spectre. Isn't he an angel or something?"

"That's what the current speculation is."

I tap a button on my cowl, and the lenses over my eyes shine UV light.

"Are you plugged into the visual?"

"Yes, and it's recording. I'm catching audio as well."

"From the ultraviolent light, it appears the victim died from the single gunshot wound to the head. Strangely, there appears to be no blood from the wound to the head. Evidence at the mouth of the alley indicates there may have possibly been a struggle. A set of footprints I see do in fact match those of the victim. Several other footprints are around the victim's prints. That could indicate the struggle was many assailants against one....there appears to be a bullet lodged in the alley wall. The bullet's metal jacket appears to be made of some unorthodox metal. Bullet has been secured inside my utility belt pouch and will be processed for evidence later in the cave. That seems to be all the physical evidence present. End recording."

The UV light disappears and my vision is returned back to normal.

"Once you have the audio and visual ready, forward a copy of the report to the computer in the cave."

"Done. What about the bullet?"

"I'll return it to the cave later tonight when I begin to look over the evidence."

"Where are you headed now?

"I'm going to chase down a potential lead. Batman out."

I severe my connection with Oracle and shoot a grapnel line into the night.
Gotham City

Me and Barbara sit down quietly tucking into a nice Chinese while the television tells us the latest happenings around the city, for once it's quiet and no colourful villains seems to be doing anything ridiculous or disturbingly violent. While we eat Bab's head moves up quickly and then smiles as she finishes her mouthful.

"Ooh! I almost forgot, I was going through your stuff that you've kept throughout the years....and guess what I found!"

Her smile seems so sinister and cheeky that I almost blush and hind my face with my hand. "This can't be good...."

"Your first Nightwing costume...with the Titans!" She let's out a huge laugh and then I can't help but sending out a chuckle as well.

"Oh come on! I was eighteen, and to be honest...I was just glad to be out of those tights and pixie boots!"

"Look, I know Kory was naive but I'm surprised she didn't say anything about it, I mean your Robin costume was kind of cute....but that thing!"

"Hey come on, the other two costumes were much better. And Roy may give me crap about my Robin costume, but at least I didn't wear that stupid hat!"

"Okay..okay, Dick. You win, you win."

We both smile and stare at each other for a while, then all of a sudden we move closer to each other and start to kiss; my eyes close as her hand touches my cheeks when all of a sudden...

"This just in! A local bank robbery is happening in East Side Gotham, reports say that it could be Killer Moth coming back or perhaps an impersonator. More on the way..."


"You're not are you?"


"Oh Dick..."

"But...someone could..."

"It's Killer Moth!"

"I'll be back in ten miniutes I swear! Just let me get it out of my system, I swear to god it will be funny!"

She sighs; "...fine! But I've got surveillance cameras everywhere there, and if he lays even the slightest touch on you....I won't let it go till next week."

By the time she finishes her sentence I've already changed my clothes and got everything equipped.

"Come on...it's me? I've got this under control!"

I stand by the window and let go doing a quick summer salt before getting the glider and flying to the East Side.

I love my job.


East Side Gotham

I make it from the Clocktower in just under 20 minutes, hanging from the side of a lamppost just two blocks away I can see my quite brightly coloured target surrounded by two or three squad cars.



He gets out one of his weapons and attacks a police officer with it, he then shows a detonator. "I do not have the time not the patience officers....do not follow me or else I'll make sure this entire building blows up!!"

The other officers try to get the glue stuff off their partner's faces while I swing by throwing a wing-ding that immediately disarms Moth's detonator. He looks over to my direction as I come with my feet in open air and land my feet on his chest, landing him on the ground.

"You see? I know some people like to take on other super-criminal mantles that have notoriety or genuine fear to their names....but really? Killer Moth?"

Moth gets up starring at me with another one of the glue guns by his side. "Well....Batman's supposed to be scary! You just look like a preety boy in kevlar!!" He fires his gun and I jump out the way while he leaves a slurp of goo along the side walk. He then starts to fly away off his jet pack trying to escape.

"Oh no you don't!"

I grapple onto him and push him with force back down to Earth, he screams and lands on the road with an aching back. He tries to get up but stumbles to the ground with the suitcase full of money on the floor. I grab him by the shoulders and present him to the police. "There you go, officers."

I then grapple up into the city after that, and go home to my lovely girlfriend.

[BLACKOUT]Talk to me, Hal.[/BLACKOUT]

Shut up.

[BLACKOUT]Why don't you want to talk to me?[/BLACKOUT]

I'm not listening.

[BLACKOUT]You don't have much choice, do you?[/BLACKOUT]

Apparently not.

[BLACKOUT]Funny how things turn out, eh? You locked up in an Oan sciencell next to me.[/BLACKOUT]


[BLACKOUT]See, my powers are really limited, but they can just about reach out to nearby cells.[/BLACKOUT]

Good for you.

[BLACKOUT]Don't you feel like a failure?[/BLACKOUT]

Says Mr. Potato Head.

[BLACKOUT]The Guardians turned their back on you, took away your ring and locked you in here.[/BLACKOUT]

I'll make it right, I'll fix it...

[BLACKOUT]Oh, like you fixed Sinestro? He duped you, alright. Made you like like a fffffffool, didn't he?[/BLACKOUT]

Shut up.

[BLACKOUT]And because you fell for his lies, you have abandoned your family once mor[/BLACKOUT]e.

I told you to shut the hell up!

[BLACKOUT]With Carol off patrolling the universe in that... delicious Star Sapphire outfit, baby Martin could be all alone...[/BLACKOUT]

Get out of my head...

[BLACKOUT]Crying for his daddy...[/BLACKOUT]


[BLACKOUT]Why would I do that? You've got no ring to throw up barriers anymore. Now we can get really intimate, my dear Hal.[/BLACKOUT]

I'm going to sleep.

[BLACKOUT]No you're not. You haven't slept in weeks. I've made sure of that.[/BLACKOUT]

Go to hell.

[BLACKOUT]I'm already there, Hal. Every moment of every day, I'm there. It's time you felt just a fraction of that.[/BLACKOUT]

You're not going to break me, Hammond.

[BLACKOUT]Not today. Not tomorrow. You've still got all that willpower. But give it time, you'll crack.[/BLACKOUT]


[BLACKOUT]And we've got time. That's all we've got now. Nothing but time. Together.[/BLACKOUT]
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In the weeks I've been part of the Star Sapphire Corps, I've been keeping a running track of the pros and cons of being a member.

My list:

Purple outfit
Love not as cool as willpower
Partner is one time GLC enemy

7,199 half-naked women
Partner is one of the 7,199 half-naked women
Power ring's abilities a bit cooler.

After meeting the Zamarons inside their chambers, I can safely put them under my "pros" section.

"Star Sapphires Gardner and Ferris-Jordan," one of the blue babes says.

That's right. They're all blue, immortal, and super-hot. It's like I'm inside Captain Kirk's wet dream.

"You two will accompany us to Oa as envoys on a diplomatic mission to form an alliance with the Green Lantern Corps."

"Why us, your...uhh, blueness?"

"You two are the obvious choices, are you not? You, Guy Gardner, are former Green Lantern Honor Guardsman. And Carol Ferris-Jordan is the wife to former Green Lantern Hal Jordan."

I furrow my brow at the last part. John Stewart told me about the Guardians arresting Hal for Sinestro's wigging out. Ain't his damn fault for it. If Hal would have listened to me, this mess wouldn't have happened. I look over and see the worry on Carol's face. I forgot she and Hal have got a son.

"We'll do it," Carol says.

One of the Zamarons nods at her and manages a small smile.

"We will do our best to convince the Guardians to free your husband while we are on Oa."

Sympathy? Wow. In all my time as a GL, I ain't never seen that. I'm really starting to doubt that the Zamarons are related to the Guardians.

"When are we leaving?" I ask.

"Now, if it is alright for you two."


"Fine by me."

"Then let's prepare for our journey to Oa."

Sympathy and courtesy. Two more things to put down under "pros".

Space Sector 2814


Many years ago in Space Sector 666 they came. Monsters of metal. Cold and unfeeling, they exterminated all life without exception. Worlds died, whole planets and races were wiped out indiscriminately by their hand. The metal death they called Manhunters.

This is the legacy of The Guardians Of The Universe. The Manhunters were the greatest shame of the self imposed little overlords. Originally created by the Guardians as a universal peace keeping force, the machines came to the conclusion that the only way that peace would reign would be if all life was annihilated. Only five beings made it out of Space Sector 666 alive.

And now the last of those five stands over his army the crimson warmth of rage fed by memories
of countless victims of the Oans arrogance.

Across the blackness of space, a red ring whizzes through the darkness seeking its target. It finds it amongst a floating litter of debris and scrap. Whizzing amongst the ruins of scrapped ships and other flotilla, the ring slides itself onto the crooked finger of a partially constructed robot.



They call themselves the Religion of Crime. In my time away from Gotham, they've become a dominant force. They're as ruthless as the old Falcone and Maroni mob, but less business savvy. They seems to take pleasure in killing and torture. According to Jim Gordon and The Question, they worship something called a Crime Bible.

Because of that, they're my prime suspects in the murder of the Spectre. Right now, I'm waiting outside a club they own. I would go in by myself and take on whatever I face. That was how I used to do things. Dying has taught me that I do have limits...to a certain extent. That's why I've called in backup...extremely late backup.


"Kept you waiting?"

"When you say you'll be somewhere, you arrive on time," I growl.

"Sorry. You know how traffic is this time of night."

This will be the first time I've worked with Batwoman. According to Oracle, she has talent. Her raw skill doesn't make up for her lack of training. She's like Huntress, but not as blinded by her anger. She may very well have serious potential, and tonight will be her litmus test.

"How do we go about this?"

"Two guards are just inside the front door. From the looks of their jackets, both are carrying pistols. Probably machine pistols, semi-automatic at the least. Unknown number of people are inside the door. Best bet is that most, if not all, are carrying weapons."

"That all?"

"This is an information mission. We need to know who runs this place and what they know about this Religion of Crime. Most imporantly, we need a name for who runs this group and where they can be located. Feel free to knock out all the thugs, but the main guy we want conscious. Understood?"

"Might run that by me again, since my feeble female brain can't comprhend that information."

"This has nothing to do with you being a woman."

"What's it got to do with?"

I allow my mouth to show only the smallest bit of a smile.

"This is your initiation. This is hazing."

I pull a flash grenade from my belt and toss it through the club's window. The flash goes off inside and I leap through the window, Batwoman following closely on my heels.​
Space Sector 2816

The Red Lantern ring fired through space, intent on it's destination, not letting anything get in it's way. That didn't really fit with what me and John Stewart were planning.

"Reckon we can take this thing down?" John asked, flying by my side.

"Well, I'm hoping so. If not, then...well, we'll be in trouble," I reply, nearing the ring.

The ring was nearing a planet, hard to tell which one. If we were going to do something, then we better act now. I nodded to John and he instinctively acted. He formed a rifle in his hand, and looked through the scope. He flew by my side still, aiming, ready to take it down. He squeezed the trigger, and an emerald net fired out from the tip of the gun towards the red ring.

I let out a burst of speed and charged after the ring even faster, forming a huge baseball glove with my ring, hovering just in front of the ring. The green net hit into the ring, wrapping itself around it. The ring shifted inside, before it was smothered by the huge glove, holding it inside. A tiny red light could be seen, growing brighter and brighter. I struggled to hold the ring, before John came and supported it with a massive green cage throwing itself over the hand.

"That should hold it for long enough!" John nodded, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for your help with this one, John," I nodded to my colleague.

"Anytime. I better head on back to 2814. Make sure they lock that thing up tight!" he tells me as he glides off.

"Will do," I promised him, as I took control of the cage.

<Honor Guard Lantern Rayner. Your presence is required on Oa immediately.>

"Isn't it always? Tell them I'm en route, ring."

With the Zamarons in the rear, Carol and I take point through the blurring lights of trans-luminal space.

"We'll get Hal back," I say in my best reassuring voice.

"I know," Carol replies rather coldly.

"Are you still pissed at me? I said I was sorry. I know we got started off on the wrong foot..."

"Within five minutes of meeting me you asked if I'd like to take a ride on the 'Guy Express' and you said you wanted to give it to me 'nightly and ever so rightly'."

"It's the uniform, what can I say? Like I said, I want to apologize. Past few weeks have shown me you're a quality partner despite.."

"Being a woman?"

"Despite being a former enemy."

"Yeah, well...I understand it must be difficult getting used to the Star Sapphires after being a Green Lantern so long."

"Yeah. Makes this little trip to Oa a bit tricky. From what John Stewart told me last week, I ain't the GLC's best friend right now."

"It'll work out, Guy,"
Carol says as she favors me with a smile. An actual one.

"Yeah. Same thing with Hal."

Our rings beep out a shrill tone and trans-luminal light gives way to regular space and the green planet.

"We've arrived," one of the Zamarons say as they pass by Carol and I and head towards the planet.

"Let's do it," I say more for myself than for Carol. She nods and I follow her down to the planet's surface.

Worlds tumble in and out of existence....or am I tumbling in and out of them?

Time speeds and slows, stretching out seconds for what feels like forever, then snapping through eons before I even realize it.

The laws of probability re-write themselves a million times over right in front of me.

I fall through the space between Multiverses--or rather, the lack of space, time, or any other quantifiable dimensions--my only thoughts being my mission at hand.


He's even more twisted than when I last encountered him. All that hate, all that anger, boiling just beneath the surface of that veneer of nobility. He'll destroy universe after universe, a thousand times over, if it means getting his revenge on me.

When I find him, I will stop him.

The only question is how many people in how many realities will be hurt while I search.

The rift finally re-opens, and I'm spit out into another world. Some version of Earth, by the looks of it. Atmosphere's right, gravity's the same. Not sure about the geography, though--I don't remember there being stretches of miles and miles of nothing but grassy plateaus.

Still, I might as well look for any traces of Zod in this world before the next rift opens.

I see a speck in the distance, one that grows larger and larger as it nears me. Someone's charging towards me at full-speed.

"Another invader!" he says, swirls of energy pulsing around him.

"Invader?!" I say, a little confused. "No, I think you're confused. I'm just passing through, so to speak. Looking for someone very dangerous--"

"That's just what the last one like you said, before he killed my friends! My son! I won't fall for it again!"

"The last one...like me? Who was--"

"Enough talking! I'm taking you down!"

"Wait! Please! I'm not here to fight! I just--"


Hoooo boy....


....here we go again.

I stand on the Vanguard Building which has one of the highest viewpoints in the city, second only to Wayne Enterprises' Headquarters. Of course I'm not one of the tourists up there at nine pm, I'm a few floors below on a gargoyle looking down over the city; maybe down town isn't the best place to look for muggings and small crime but if anything big happens- it's going to happen here.

Barbara just told me Bruce is helping train some other crime fighter, and weirder still I've heard that they might have found the dead body of the Spectre, the spirit of vengeance it's self. We're all on alert now and want to avoid apocalyptic nature- especially ones involving the New Gods. I try not to think about it and miss the times when I was Robin and all me and Bruce had to worry about was getting out of The Riddler's gimmicky death traps.

All of a sudden I hear a radio message being received "We've got another robbery, this time down South. Federal bank suspects include Killer Croc. Anyone in the area heading that way, be careful."

"This is Nightwing, on my way!" I jump out from the gargoyle and put a grapple line for support, I with I said goodbye but with Croc outside than things look like they'll get dangerous. And that raises suspicion on why there are two ban robberies in two days?First from a guy dressed like Killer Moth whom turned out to be a guy who was in the army for a while than turned to crime; but now Croc? I know neither of these guys make rational choices; but maybe they're getting paid to be that way.


I look over the scene, it's exactly like the one a few nights ago; cop cars outside with a super villain inside causing havoc. I'll have to act quick, Croc is one of the stronger villains in Gotham and doesn't make sense for him to be out of the sewers.

I enter the rooftop of the building making sure I'm not being seen, entering the air vents I crawl slowly through them and I can hear Croc's breathing from here and the panic that's happening below me.

"RAAAAAAARRRGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Croc then punches a hole through one of the wall's of the bank and sends shock wavesthrough the entire structure I brace myself for the impact and rush to the end of the air vent.

"IT'S....DOONNNEEEEEE!!!!!" I hear Croc say, another voice is on the speaker but I can't get close enough to hear it; the over grown lizard then starts sniffing for some reason. I knew this wasn't his own doing. I come to the end of the airvent and jump on top of it as it lands on the floor and as I land I see something looking down on me.



His jaws open wide with his tongue sticking out as he bend down and I jump a meter away as his jaw closes he stares at me. "Not today, big boy!"

He comes running at me quickly as I jump out of the way again looking through my gauntlets I can only find some flash bombs that I put onto Croc's body as he becomes misted in the smoke. I turn on the thermal mode in my mask so that I can a clear view of Croc and how long the smoke will last for, I then jump and lay out a kick to his jaw bone before laying a left hook to his eye. In a rage, he moves his arm with sheer force and pushes me to a wall as my back clicks as I hit it.

The smoke clears up as I look at him approaching me still in a rage he yells some brackish nonsense I can't make a word out of. "EEAAAT YOUR....BOOONEESS!!!" He comes charging with his mouth wide open again I then get my esticma stick and throw it towards his mouth. "Nah, you've had enough to eat Crocie boy! That's why you should keep your mouth shut..." the sick then gets stuck on Croc's jaw making it hard for him to close.

"...or open...." I've weakened him slightly so the chances of me making this ordeal in one piece have been
increased a whole lot. The S.W.A.T. officers than come inside with machines guns and start firing at Croc, most of the bullets just bruise him and make him angry..he forgets about me as he breaks my baton with his jaw and runs at them; this is your only chance Dick!

I grapple his chest, the rope won't be able to hold him for too long before it snaps, Bruce always told me that ropes are good weapons because you can always attach something to them they don't know about. "Hey Croc! Don't leave so soon, I've got something that'll shock the hell out of you!!" As soon as he tries to rip free I press the button and a serge of electricity goes through Croc's body as he screams before finally collapsing.

"Hey! Thanks a lot....." one of the officers say, thankfully as I look around the trashed building. One of the first things I noticed was that Croc had no money on him so this was obviously not a bank robbery;it could have been a distraction. My first hunch is proved wrong when I notice all the destroyed computers and electrical equipment around the office place.

"You might want to check out what's been going on with all these sudden bank jobs recently, looks like someone has something to hide."

I grapple up from the bank and press my com-link and get through to Barbara. "Hey...it's me again. Um, I think there might be a link between all these bank robberies. I just took care of Croc and he was defiantly paid for this job and looked like most of the data in there was deliberately destroyed. Also explains why that nut dressed as Killer Moth had explosives all over that bank."

"Hmm, you know I've been looking at a lot of cases like this not just in Gotham but all the way from here to Coast City."


"Yeah. I think with most of these, there were some scraps of data still left on their memory files that were shared. I could look through them because whoever this guy is, he's powerful and he doesn't just own places in Gotham."

"Defiantly. I'm going to head back to the East Side and check out their field, since I saved the building they'll probably let me look through some of the files there."

"That's alright. I'll look through it, just stay on patrol for now or hand back. You've got me interested in this."

"Well, I always tend to keep people entertained."

She chuckles. "Just give me a call when you're heading back. Oracle out."


In a mansion a phone is heard on a desk, quite well made and hand crafted so whomever owned this was quite well off in the world. He answered his phone and spoke into it. "Hello Noah." he said patiently the voice on the other end continued; "Nightwing again? Hmm, and here we thought the Bat would be our problem. Well you know he doesn't mind the number two; I'll inform him right away. Thank you for the information, your Intel will be rewarded." he hung up the phone only to dial one more number.

"Yes, this Mr. White again. Yes I do, tell him that the bigger bird has stopped the lizard this time and that we should take action. Phone me back his reply. Oh and please don't be so formal I prefer my more "popular" name...."


"...The Great White Shark!"

Last edited:

I catch a sea of dirty looks my way as Carol and I land on Oa's surface.


"Frakin' traitor-, is what he is-"

"Expect any less from an Earthman-"

"Always bucking the system-"

Isamot Kol and Vath Sarn, two damn rookies I helped to break in, give me the stink eye. It only gets worse as I hear the footsteps behind me.

"I had to see it to believe it...," I turn around and see the sad look in the big man's eyes.

"You're flying another flag now, poozer?"

"Don't look at me like that. The guardians turned their backs on me before I turned my back on them."

"Blame game don't change the fact that things happened like they did."

"I know, big guy. I may fight for the purple now, but I'm still Green Lantern through and through."

"Tell that to them,"
Kilowog says with a finger pointed behind me. Seven floating blue men appear out of nowhere.

"Zamarons," one of the guardians says.

"State your purpose for this visit," another blue alien finishes.

"We are here to form an alliance with the Green Lantern Corps. By working together, we can prevent the Blackest Night."

A murmur ripples through the small crowd that's formed.

"Do not speak that word," a guardian hisses. "We will not believe that fairy tale of fear."

"But yet you constantly ignore the signs. The other colors coming forth. The red, the orange, indigo...even the yellow. We have followed suit with violet."

"Yes," one of the guardians says as he throws Carol and I a weary glance. "You corps is made up of Green Lantern rejects and concubines."

"You sons of *****es," I growl.

"I see Guy Gardner's brutish language hasn't changed. You may be of better service to the red, earthman."

"I'm done with this," Carol says with a sigh. "Where is my husband?"

"Hal Jordan is in Green Lantern custody, below ground in the sciencells."

"I want to see him."

"That cannot be allowed."

"You guardians cannot stand in the way of love."

"Only beings who feel such pathetic emotions are bound by them."

"You will allow Carol Ferris-Jordan to see her husband,"
one of the Zamarons says with a glint in her eye. "Or we will be forced to reveal the truth behind-"

"Enough," one of the blue men says with fear on his face.

"We will allow Carol Ferris-Jordan permission to visit her husband on the condition that she forfeit her power ring and will be escorted by a Green Lantern at all times."

"I want to go, too."

The guardians throw me a look that implies I might as well go stick my thumb up my ass.

"I'll go, Guy," Carol says, removing her power ring. Her Star Sapphire costume melts away and a t-shirt and pair of jeans are left.

She hands me her ring and the blue men's pet, Salaak, comes into view.

"Follow me, I will escort you."

I throw Salaak a wink and he rolls his eyes.

"Tell Hal I said hi."

"Will do."

Carol follows Salaak and the attention turns back to the two groups of immortal beings.

"We will hear your proposal," one of the blue men announce. "We will discuss it in private."

"Very well."

The Guardians and Zamarons disappear, leaving me with thousands of ex co-workers...more than some with a grudge.

"I know the Warrior's Bar better still be open," I growl.

"First round's on me."

It's been two nights since the last bank robbery where I had to stop Croc, since then Gotham's been quiet and no sign of any major disturbances for a while now. I even came home early last night, thinking that maybe Babs would like that but she's become pretty fascinated with this whole bank fiasco now as well. I don't know why I'm so concerned but this all seems to be pretty big and connected, with the world in the state as it is it's best just to leave things the way that they are.

I swing past a few buildings just trying to catch the sight of this part of Gotham which seems to be quite a nice environment and an actual pleasant place to be. If it weren't for the amount that goes down round this town it might actually be a nice place to live.


A mysterious figure watches over the sky line of the city as the masked vigilante swung by on a grapple line with a smile on his face while he rode on; the man just smiled and then pulled up a mask and placed it over his face.

"Here we go!"

I then land my self carefully on a rooftop and look around the city, no missed alerts on the com-link so I assume all is fine, when all of a sudden I see someone with their arm extended out and I all of a sudden hear a sudden loud bang a rise.

"Oh no..."

Without even thinking I jump out of the way as the building behind me collapses from the impact of the small missile the force sends me flying to the next building across it which is full of glass windows that I safely land in, despite a few cuts that shard through my skin. I shake my head trying to concentrate as my focus is completely on the building across, I'm worried about bystanders and if anyone was inside the building. My concern is then stopped by the sound of more gun fire and approaching bullets, I quickly run through this office for cover but whoever this guy is he's obviously not just some lunatic. He's after me.

I hide behind some boxes but I can't stay here long, as soon as he finds me he'll make sure I'm dead no matter what. Can't take any precautions, there are too many innocent people round these parts, so I do the only thing I can- lure this guy away. I run to the window where I landed in and start taunting him.

"Bet you can't catch me!"

Running like hell and away from the gunfire I make a close jump out the window and onto the street coming across a steet lamp and then graple past an alleyway when I suddenly hear a bang and my knee going numb.


Blood pours down and my landing goes out the window as I land on a rooftop in pain when I then hear the voice of my attacker coming towards me wearing a trench coat.

"I was excited when I head that The Bat came back to the town, knowing things would start getting exciting again....but when I heard that I got a contract on you...well, that just made things even better for me!"

As he walks nearer, I hear his voice I have an idea who it is. And whomever sent him, really doesn't like me. He keeps talking while I hold down my knee with blood pouring out of it.

"See, even though you're in the big leagues; you're still second best in your class. Me? I'm the best around. So when I heard these people came after you? I wondered why they would bother going after NIGHTWING! The first Robin, I mean, that'll make Batman go a bit crazy. But my employers made things simple for me.....people either stay out of their way...."

He comes over revealing two guns on each of his hands as I stare up at him.


"...or they can die!"


"Look ou-" the heavily armed man's warning is cut short by a boot heel to his face. Batwoman handsprings away from the crumpled gunman and tosses a batarang at another thug. Loud techno music rings through the night club, and the strobe lights from the dance floor thump in time with the beat.

"That makes four for me," she boasts. "And yourself?"

I leap over a knife-wielding assailant and grab the man by his neck, slamming him to the ground with violent force.

"Nine," I say bluntly.


A man with a shotgun steps into view. I wave my cape to the left to draw the man's attention while Batwoman grabs the shotgun and smacks the weapon into the man's face.


With the music and lights still coursing, Batwoman and I crash into the club's back room where a fat man holds a hand grenade.

"Take another step and we all go boom."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

I don't give the man the satisfaction of a response, leaping forward and disarming him in one swift move.

"It's a dummy grenade," I say as I toss it back to Batwoman. "The pin was removed and he wasn't holding the handle."

My focus shifts to the club owner.

"The Religion of Crime. What do you know?"

"**** you, Bats! Do your worst."

I grab the man by the collar and pull him in close.

"I thought you'd never ask...."


In the swank penthouse overlooking the Gotham skyscrapers, Turner "Buzz" Bronski sipped a martini and surveyed the city. Originally a Metropolis mobster, Buzz had come to Gotham during the power struggle that ensued after Batman's death. Not fooling with Intergang or that crazy-ass Cult of Crime, Buzz was strictly old school and was carving out a nice living here in Gotham.

Now that the bat was back, the real test of his staying power was coming. Buzz was confident in his ability to out-gun the son of a *****. He'd thrived under Superman's nose for so long, this Bat ******* should be a snap.

Taking another sip of his drink, Buzz turned towards a nose inside the darkened penthouse. Something creaking in the dark.

"Jake?" The called out, hoping it was one of his two bodyguards. "Dogan? That you, boys?"

"Buzz Bronski...," the monotone voice called out. Buzz's heart nearly stopped when the voice's owner came into view.


"Your angel of death awaits."
Oa, The Green Lantern Corps Hall of History:

Flying through the emerald planet that has been sort of my home for the past year or so, I can't help but feel my recruitment has started all this chaos against the Corps. First me and Lantern Jordan had to fight off Larzfleeze, then the Red Lanterns attacked, the Guardians installed me with the power of Ion, Sinestro became Parallax and through it all, this talk of "The Blackest Night" has been sweeping across the cosmos. As Lanterns it is required reading to look through the various laws mentioned in the Book of Oa, but there was one chapter in the "Cosmic Revelations" section that has always been ignored. Indeed the entire part of the Cosmic Revelations is not really important because the Guardians dismiss it as nonsense or fiction, but one chapter in there is named "The Blackest Night".

The Book of Oa is installed in all of the Lantern's rings but the only copies which features the Cosmic Revelations are the first and second, one is located with the Guardians and the other is kept here; in the Corps Museum and Memorial holding place. I fly past the various history stories and relics and intend to go straight to the main Book, right below the memorial of fallen Lanterns.

Flying past there and on my way to the book it's self one alien stops me and appears from out of no where.


"Stop! Who goes there!!"

Morro of Sector 666, nicknamed the Crypt keeper. This is the first time I've seen him in person but I've heard of his mysterious persona, apparently he's a lot like Saalak only more Gothic. I fly down on the ground and put my hand in the air showing my peace sign, though that should be apparent considering I'm in Corps uniform.

"I'm Lantern Sodam Yat, Sector 1760; the Guardians have gifted me with the power of Ion....you must know who I am!?"

Morro puts his stick down and upright and puts his hand in a peaceful gesture as well. "Yes! Of course, sorry...it's so rarely that we have visitors here who haven't lost fellow Corps members buried here, or loved ones. And to be honest, no one bothers to look at this copy of the Book of Oa...may I ask what troubles you to see it?"

"I'm curious to see the Cosmic Revelations section, on my home world I was a big fan of futuristic writings and just wanted to see what the ones in Oa offered..."
I tell Morro, he seems trust worthy but I would rather not many people know of my interest in the Blackest Night; the only other Lanterns whom took such a large interest in this were Abin Sur and Sinestro; so the Guardians would have doubt in me owning the power of Ion.

"Oh, of course...walk this way."

He signals me to enter the hall and I look up on the oldest known copy of the Book of Oa. I look at in awe for a few moments before using my ring to flick through the sections until I come on the Cosmic Revelations and then finally look through the sections and then see the "War of Light".

The War of Light:

For eons, the Corps will patrol the universe well alone in it's quest for order through the power of will. However, six other lights will come out of the cosmos and ignite the universe into a bright chaos, with the willpower in the middle. First, the Orange light of Avarice will shine it's ugly head after hiding for so long. Then the Blue Light of Hope will find one sole bearer to spread peace and security to it's planets. Only for the Red of Hate spread death and destruction in Sector 666 and beyond. The colour of fear, yellow will be freed and spread it's claws into the freedom of the universe once more. The Violet Light of Love from the Zammarons will burn brighter than it ever had during this time of chaos and fight side by side with the Indigo light of Compassion.

However, this War of Light will signal the dawn of eternal darkness from an unseen force, praying on all things living for one soul dark lord. This will signal- the Blackest Night.

One small verse summarises all my fears as I expected, all these other Corps coming together couldn't have been coincidence; someone is using this to their gain. Still, I read on to find out more of this prophecy.

The Coming of the Blackest Night:

Each Corps will fight for survival as this new dark age comes to the engulf the state of all that lives, the colour of Black will become the most powerful of all without any hope of retaliation as forces powerful enough to destroy universes come to obey the dark lord. One battle will determine the fate of all humanity, a member of the Green Lantern Corps, in an assault from another light he will inspire hope and confidence to many other Lanterns as the Guardians grant him the power to power suns, infinite willpower- he will be granted the power of Ion. But the soldiers of the Dark Lord will begin the Blackest Night, and target the young bearer where he will fall. His death will be the final sign of the Blackest Night.

My jaw drops as I read the final text before the entire explanation of the Blackest Night. I thought....I thought this power I had, it would help fight this darkness.....but, my entire life is just waiting for this darkness to defeat me.

I fall down to my knees in despair. What good is will, when you know will lose?



Mere milliseconds after my distress signal was sent, it didn't take long for Zoom to arrive at the Flash Museum, where I waited for him outside it's doors.

"Hunter. Thank god you're here. We have a problem..."


It's been a long couple of hours since Hunter and I began our search for Bart, and as you could imagine, time seems to go alot slower when you can scour the world in the matter of seconds...

Savitar's been doing a good job of staying two steps ahead of us. Shows me right for not being prepared for the day he woul return from his the Speed Force where I trapped him. And now Bart might be paying the price of my stupidity with his life... or worse.

But I can't think like that right now. Right now I have to concentrate on finding him, and praying he's alright.

While still running, once more I activated my earpiece.

"Zoom this is Flash. Still nothing. Meet me at the rendevous point. I'm gonna call Jay and see if he's back from Oa. Maybe he can help us find a lead."

:"Good idea. En route to the rendevous point now.":

"Good. Flash out."

* * *​

Outside of the Flash Museum, Zoom and I stood on the steps as I placed my fingers to the earpiece.

"Jay this is Wally. Come in. We need your help..."

It's been two nights since the last bank robbery where I had to stop Croc, since then Gotham's been quiet and no sign of any major disturbances for a while now. I even came home early last night, thinking that maybe Babs would like that but she's become pretty fascinated with this whole bank fiasco now as well. I don't know why I'm so concerned but this all seems to be pretty big and connected, with the world in the state as it is it's best just to leave things the way that they are.

I swing past a few buildings just trying to catch the sight of this part of Gotham which seems to be quite a nice environment and an actual pleasant place to be. If it weren't for the amount that goes down round this town it might actually be a nice place to live.


A mysterious figure watches over the sky line of the city as the masked vigilante swung by on a grapple line with a smile on his face while he rode on; the man just smiled and then pulled up a mask and placed it over his face.

"Here we go!"

I then land my self carefully on a rooftop and look around the city, no missed alerts on the com-link so I assume all is fine, when all of a sudden I see someone with their arm extended out and I all of a sudden hear a sudden loud bang a rise.

"Oh no..."

Without even thinking I jump out of the way as the building behind me collapses from the impact of the small missile the force sends me flying to the next building across it which is full of glass windows that I safely land in, despite a few cuts that shard through my skin. I shake my head trying to concentrate as my focus is completely on the building across, I'm worried about bystanders and if anyone was inside the building. My concern is then stopped by the sound of more gun fire and approaching bullets, I quickly run through this office for cover but whoever this guy is he's obviously not just some lunatic. He's after me.

I hide behind some boxes but I can't stay here long, as soon as he finds me he'll make sure I'm dead no matter what. Can't take any precautions, there are too many innocent people round these parts, so I do the only thing I can- lure this guy away. I run to the window where I landed in and start taunting him.

"Bet you can't catch me!"

Running like hell and away from the gunfire I make a close jump out the window and onto the street coming across a steet lamp and then graple past an alleyway when I suddenly hear a bang and my knee going numb.


Blood pours down and my landing goes out the window as I land on a rooftop in pain when I then hear the voice of my attacker coming towards me wearing a trench coat.

"I was excited when I head that The Bat came back to the town, knowing things would start getting exciting again....but when I heard that I got a contract on you...well, that just made things even better for me!"

As he walks nearer, I hear his voice I have an idea who it is. And whomever sent him, really doesn't like me. He keeps talking while I hold down my knee with blood pouring out of it.

"See, even though you're in the big leagues; you're still second best in your class. Me? I'm the best around. So when I heard these people came after you? I wondered why they would bother going after NIGHTWING! The first Robin, I mean, that'll make Batman go a bit crazy. But my employers made things simple for me.....people either stay out of their way...."

He comes over revealing two guns on each of his hands as I stare up at him.


"...or they can die!"

Deadshot.....who ever is after me just hired Floyd Lawton one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Perfect! He stares down at me with two twin desert eagles pointed at my face as my knee cap slowly loses more blood, those bullets must be powerful to go through the kevlar. I don't have enough time to examine the bullet wound, instead all I know is that I'm alive and need to get out of here.

"I'm not much of a talker, so I think I'll just end this job quickly and move on with my time..."

"Aw, just when we were getting along so well!!"

I throw some smoke bombs down on the ground as Deadshot's image just disappears and I use all the strength in my legs to move out the way as I hear the sound of gunfire hitting the trash can I was lying down in. I run like hell for a moment but my left leg is too weak to keep this going so I use my spare grapple and get high enough to the next street block. Deadshot won't be far behind, need to be quick and plan my next few moves in seconds.

"Oracle! This is Nightwing, I'm near central Gotham and I'm under attack and wounded....need backup NOW!" I then jump from the rooftop I was in and do a quick summer-salt to the next one and then fastly limp to the next. "Di...Nightwing! What's wrong? I'll send an alert as quickly as I can! What's the situation?"

I look behind me to see Deadshot still on my trail firing only a few shots but each is getting closer and closer to me. I find cover behind a building's heater as I groan in pain and quickly come up with a short plan that can maybe stall Deadshot longer than a few seconds.

"Deadshot's after me.....got a bullet to my leg; all I know is he's come after me and someone is paying him! I don't know how long I can keep this up, need back up urgently!!"

"Okay..I'll send someone over....please, be careful!" I can hear the worry in Barbara's voice and it makes me sigh. "I will...don't worry!"

"You can't run forever, there's no point. Face it, by the end of the night..you'll be dead in the state you're in. It's a shame really, after being trained by Batman, thought you'd be a bit more of a challenge...."

He comes up on top of me his gun in his hand starring down, I use his cockiness to my advantage jump up and grab his arm, throwing a batarang at the other hand with a gun on it, I then do a quick flip and use my dead leg to make contact with his face and give him a quick uppercut.

"Well...I'm not going down anytime soon, Lawton!" he then aims his wrist mounted gun after taking off his trenchcoat, aiming to my face I instantly throw another small batarang to the eye socket of his mask. Rolling to the floor I throw my esticma stick to his chest to push his balance off and then tackle him to the roof's floor. Grabbing his right hand I then punch him in the face and remove his mask, grabbing his throat.

"Okay, Lawton- who's paying you and why are they coming after me!?"

"Oh please, kid...if Bats can't scare me, what makes you think you can do better!?"

I lay my fist pin-point on his nose as his head bounces off the concrete and blood comes pouring down his face. "Answer the question Lawton!"
He keeps his smug outlook on things with an irritating grin on his face as he looks down to my knee.

"Oooh..that's a lot of blood..." His distraction works for only a second but that's all it takes him as a discharge from his wrist comes down and my hand deliverances a major electric shock and let's go of both his wrists and he then hits me from the side and I go down quickly. My head hurts and I'm nautious in no state to fight, but have to keep going I open my eyes to see Lawton starring down at me with a smile on his face.

"Any last words bird boy?"

I look to the corner of Lawton and see someone's shadow in the distance as she swings down to my direction. I gather up enough energy to say one thing.

"...Behind you..."

"Oh come on, you didn't think I'm gonna fall for that..."
and then he falls to the ground as someone kicks him straight in the back he turns around.


"I have weapons too, creep!"

Huntress fires two arrows to Lawton's knees as he screams in pain. While she distracts him, I slowly get up as they brawl; thankfully Helena is coming out on top. I shake my head focusing on the conflict, Lawton's not a bad martial artist..he has to be good with his line of work but without fire arms he's not as dangerous. Still, I'd rather not have two Gotham vigilantes recovering from bullet wounds.

"Listen beautiful...I don't normally kill someone for free....but you've just made me mad!!"

He grabs her by the shoulder and kicks her stomach, forcing her back obviously to get a good aim to her head or anywhere in her body. She's on the ground but not for long, she throws another arrow straight to his wrist as he screams again.

"Well, take your anger out on something else and stop killing for money!!"

She runs to him and does a round house to the face and then lays her fist to his stomach, I come up from behind with my esticma and then lay out a really hard across his face as he lands on the ground unconscious.


I say limping down and then nearly falling over she quickly catches me and stand me upright. "Easy Dick, how are you feeling?" she says as we slowly walk away from the rooftop and down the fire scape.

"I've had better days.......what about, Lawton!?"

"Police will come for him soon. Oracle told me he still has government contracts, so he'll have to answer to someone about who he was taking out you for. Main thing is your safe...we'll get you to the Tower ASAP!"

She gets me on the back of the bike as I hold on to the back of it nearly passing out as she speaks into the microphone.

"Oracle! I've got Nightwing, we'll meet you back at the Clocktower; but he's in preener bad shape we'll need someone to help us out!"

"Okay..got that.Just bring him here quickly!!"


Warren White stood in his Gotham City penthouse near the south more secluded area of the richer Gothamites. Looking out to the city he was put in charge of, he looked at it quietly while slowly drinking a glass of whiskey imported from Scotland. All of a sudden one of his colleagues came into his office knocking on the door.

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Yes, Jack?"

"There was a problem, sir. With the contract on Nightwing....Lawton wasn't able to finish what he started.Apparantly, the Huntress came out of no where and injured him....and...."

The Shark sighed and wiped his forehead, he was a powerful man but whom he worked for was much more powerful and notorious, especially now. He didn't like breaking bad news to his boss because he wouldn't know how to take it.


"Yes sir?"


Warren walked over the dead man's corpse, he never believed in the "don't shoot the messenger" philosophy, especially if the messenger worked for you. He walked over to the telephone and dialled his number once again.

"Hello, Arkham Aslyum? Yes it is. No, can you pass me straight through to patient 1221...yes, thank you."

"Hey boss, I've got bad news....yeah; Lawton couldn't finish the job. I think the bird's got a lot of allies in that area. Okay...I will, goodbye."

He hung up the phone and spoke to the corpse while making himself another glass of scotch. "What do you know Jack? He took it quite well!"


Back at the cave, I go over the footage from the Spectre crime scene. There's very little in the way of physical evidence, save for the bullet I recovered. The computer confirms my beliefs on the bullet.

Materials Unknown, Manufacturer Unknown, Point of Origin Untraceable

The computer powers down and I swivel around in my chair.

"When will you teach me?"

I look up and see Damian standing by the row of costumes under glass. Dick, Jason, and Tim's Robin outfits along with Barbara's Batgirl suit and an old suit of my own.

"One day, maybe. But not right now."

"Why not?"

"You're too young."

"Oh, am I? From what the British man upstairs says, I'm just as young as your last three sidekicks when they started."

"That as different. Dick and Tim were your age...but they acted and behaved older than they were. They didn't treat it as a game."

"And this one? This Jason Todd? Did he treat it like a game?"

"He did. He treated it like a game, always with a chip on his shoulder. Because of those reasons he's in a mental institution, unable to remember anything."

Damian remains silent, staring at the costumes.

"It'd be different with me. I have been trained by mother and the league to take care of myself."

"That's why you're not ready yet, Damian. We protect, but not at the cost of losing lives. No matter how undeserving a person is, it's not for us to decide him they deserve their life or not."


"Hell of mess we got here," GCPD Detective Sarge Davies said to his partner, Detective Nelson Crowe.

"Indeed," came Crowe's aloof response. Both men were surveying the scene inside the Gotham City penthouse. The flashbulbs from the lab techs cameras lit the apartment, casting the body and the detectives in ghastly light.

"Who was the first officer?" Davies asked.

"Me," a uniformed officer responded, his fresh shaven face tinted a slight green. "I got a call about screams and came up as soon as possible, gun drawn. That's when I seen....this. So I radioed dispatch for a detective."

"Alright," Crowe said to the officer, "you can go to the bathroom now."

The scene before them is not for the weak of stomach. The former mobster Turner "Buzz" Bronski is impaled against a wall, every inch of his stomach and digestive system lays at his feet. He was pinned to the wall and then promptly disemboweled before bleeding to death on the penthouse's carpet.

"Anybody got something from the canvas crew?" Davies asked.

"Yeah," another uniformed officer says from behind the crime scene tape.

"Lady downstairs, the one who called 911, said she seen something fall down to the street after she heard the scream.

"What did the lady see?" Crowe inquired.

"She said she saw a dark figure leaping down to the street. Said the figure in question was masked with a cape. Said it looked a lot like Batman."


No answer

[BLACKOUT]Jordan...wake up! I think I found a way that we can have fun.[/BLACKOUT]


I belive I can lobotomize people from space. Cut out their minds from the stars. Did you hear me Jordan? Cut! ANd cut! and cut! CUT! Perhaps I should try it on your boy?
Hammond's lingering mind pick something strange up. A power source that he hasn't felt before. One single mind and a single voice.


What is this? I want it! Give it to me! All mine!
"don't you remember me Hammond? Maybe we had a team up. You want this? Of course you, you can have it. Then you will be a part of him."

[BLACKOUT]No, mine! All mine![/BLACKOUT]

"No, Darkseid's"

loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth

[BLACKOUT]No I don't want this![/BLACKOUT]

"Join him, Hammond!"


"How does it fell to have someone throw up in your mind?"


Hammond switch his mind off. He knew...they were already here. They have already won. No one knows but he has already won.
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Deadshot.....who ever is after me just hired Floyd Lawton one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Perfect! He stares down at me with two twin desert eagles pointed at my face as my knee cap slowly loses more blood, those bullets must be powerful to go through the kevlar. I don't have enough time to examine the bullet wound, instead all I know is that I'm alive and need to get out of here.

"I'm not much of a talker, so I think I'll just end this job quickly and move on with my time..."

"Aw, just when we were getting along so well!!"

I throw some smoke bombs down on the ground as Deadshot's image just disappears and I use all the strength in my legs to move out the way as I hear the sound of gunfire hitting the trash can I was lying down in. I run like hell for a moment but my left leg is too weak to keep this going so I use my spare grapple and get high enough to the next street block. Deadshot won't be far behind, need to be quick and plan my next few moves in seconds.

"Oracle! This is Nightwing, I'm near central Gotham and I'm under attack and wounded....need backup NOW!" I then jump from the rooftop I was in and do a quick summer-salt to the next one and then fastly limp to the next. "Di...Nightwing! What's wrong? I'll send an alert as quickly as I can! What's the situation?"

I look behind me to see Deadshot still on my trail firing only a few shots but each is getting closer and closer to me. I find cover behind a building's heater as I groan in pain and quickly come up with a short plan that can maybe stall Deadshot longer than a few seconds.

"Deadshot's after me.....got a bullet to my leg; all I know is he's come after me and someone is paying him! I don't know how long I can keep this up, need back up urgently!!"

"Okay..I'll send someone over....please, be careful!" I can hear the worry in Barbara's voice and it makes me sigh. "I will...don't worry!"

"You can't run forever, there's no point. Face it, by the end of the night..you'll be dead in the state you're in. It's a shame really, after being trained by Batman, thought you'd be a bit more of a challenge...."

He comes up on top of me his gun in his hand starring down, I use his cockiness to my advantage jump up and grab his arm, throwing a batarang at the other hand with a gun on it, I then do a quick flip and use my dead leg to make contact with his face and give him a quick uppercut.

"Well...I'm not going down anytime soon, Lawton!" he then aims his wrist mounted gun after taking off his trenchcoat, aiming to my face I instantly throw another small batarang to the eye socket of his mask. Rolling to the floor I throw my esticma stick to his chest to push his balance off and then tackle him to the roof's floor. Grabbing his right hand I then punch him in the face and remove his mask, grabbing his throat.

"Okay, Lawton- who's paying you and why are they coming after me!?"

"Oh please, kid...if Bats can't scare me, what makes you think you can do better!?"

I lay my fist pin-point on his nose as his head bounces off the concrete and blood comes pouring down his face. "Answer the question Lawton!"
He keeps his smug outlook on things with an irritating grin on his face as he looks down to my knee.

"Oooh..that's a lot of blood..." His distraction works for only a second but that's all it takes him as a discharge from his wrist comes down and my hand deliverances a major electric shock and let's go of both his wrists and he then hits me from the side and I go down quickly. My head hurts and I'm nautious in no state to fight, but have to keep going I open my eyes to see Lawton starring down at me with a smile on his face.

"Any last words bird boy?"

I look to the corner of Lawton and see someone's shadow in the distance as she swings down to my direction. I gather up enough energy to say one thing.

"...Behind you..."

"Oh come on, you didn't think I'm gonna fall for that..."
and then he falls to the ground as someone kicks him straight in the back he turns around.


"I have weapons too, creep!"

Huntress fires two arrows to Lawton's knees as he screams in pain. While she distracts him, I slowly get up as they brawl; thankfully Helena is coming out on top. I shake my head focusing on the conflict, Lawton's not a bad martial artist..he has to be good with his line of work but without fire arms he's not as dangerous. Still, I'd rather not have two Gotham vigilantes recovering from bullet wounds.

"Listen beautiful...I don't normally kill someone for free....but you've just made me mad!!"

He grabs her by the shoulder and kicks her stomach, forcing her back obviously to get a good aim to her head or anywhere in her body. She's on the ground but not for long, she throws another arrow straight to his wrist as he screams again.

"Well, take your anger out on something else and stop killing for money!!"

She runs to him and does a round house to the face and then lays her fist to his stomach, I come up from behind with my esticma and then lay out a really hard across his face as he lands on the ground unconscious.


I say limping down and then nearly falling over she quickly catches me and stand me upright. "Easy Dick, how are you feeling?" she says as we slowly walk away from the rooftop and down the fire scape.

"I've had better days.......what about, Lawton!?"

"Police will come for him soon. Oracle told me he still has government contracts, so he'll have to answer to someone about who he was taking out you for. Main thing is your safe...we'll get you to the Tower ASAP!"

She gets me on the back of the bike as I hold on to the back of it nearly passing out as she speaks into the microphone.

"Oracle! I've got Nightwing, we'll meet you back at the Clocktower; but he's in preener bad shape we'll need someone to help us out!"

"Okay..got that.Just bring him here quickly!!"

Helena drives through Gotham on the bike while I cling to her like I'm clinging for my life, haven't felt like this since I was a child back when Mom and Dad were alive and we would swing in the air. Got to focus, need to stay focused. I realise that's she's taking me to the Clocktower, as much as I want to see Barbara I know the only person in Gotham who can help me now.

"...Helena!" it takes a lot for me to say something that doesn't sound like mumbling, hurts like hell to breath right now. I can handle a bullet and electrocution easily, but both in the space of five minutes? Next time I see Deadshot I'm going to give him a migraine. Huntress looks at me while she drives the bike surprised that I'm still talking.

"What is it Dick? Take it easy, we'll be at the clock tower soon!"

"..you...need...to take me to the cave!!"

"The cave? What cave, you mean the Batcave?"


"I can't go there! You know how Batman thinks of me, besides, I don't even know where it is!!"

"Yes you do.....don't pretend....Helena...pleaseeeeee...."

I rest my head on her back through sheer exhaustion and slowly the world goes to pitch black. The rest of the rise I only remember in fragments when I was concious and unconscious, I finally managed to remain awake when Huntress drives through the Manor's main gates in a hurry and smashes them. The noise wakes me up.

She parks right outside the Manor and carries me to the steps and lays me down, she then stares at the house and finally says something. "I'll tell Barbara you're here, she'll come visit you here pretty soon. I'm going now. Take care."


She turns around and looks at me. "I owe you one!" I smile and giver her a thumbs up and for once, I actually see her smile too, it's a rare sight but a nice one none the less. She gets on the bike and then drives away as I lay comfortably numb on the Manor's stairs and then hear the door open and see an old friend.

"Good Heavens! Master Richard, are you alright!?" He helps me up on my feet and slowly walks me to the Cave's entrance as he takes off my domino mask. "Hey Alfie...honestly? I've been a lot better....could really use some help right now though....Bruce won't mind if I..."

"Oh of course not! Master Bruce cares most of all of other's safety above all else. You know that!"

"Yeah....of course...." Alfred opens up the cave door and I see Damian walking through the hallway from the corner of my eye. Right now, I don't have time for the little brat, all I need is rest we walk down the stairs and Alfred lays me on the operating table while I just peacefully rest for now.

"Please, master, have mercy on your servant," the cult member was on his knees, both his hands clasped together. He was in front of a large oak desk in a dimly lit and highly ornate room.

"They took us by surprise. We were unprepared."

"Silence," another man walked out of the shadows. The torture expert. No one returns from Room 101, the lair of Desaad.

"Did you expect mercy? You are nothing more than a mere insect, a cog for us to turn. You know what must be done."

"Y-yes," he took out his gun, "to die is to die for you, master." He placed it to his forehead but before he could pull the trigger, Desaad grabbed his arm and pull the gun away.

"Oh, no, no, no. I've changed my mind." Two other men walked in and grabbed the man by the arms. They dragged him out of the room. He was screaming about the horror room and beg for his death.

"It seems that the Batman is on to us, my lord."

"Signal the Furies. Let them ride and burn Gotham in their wake. I want the Batman dragged back here and face the hells that I've created."

"Surely, you are not frightened by a man," the giant grabbed Desaad by the throat and lifted him out, pinning him to the wall.

"The lord of the dreamscape is not one for jest and games, Desaad. Since the occupation of this human host he has taunted me with the vision. Now we will be rid of the Batman once and for all. The Blacknest Night is nearly upon us and the crisis will happen by my hand. Now leave my sight." He dropped to the ground and Desaad sliped out of the room.
"Commissioner Gorden, thank you for coming on such short notice, Detective Renfield is just down the hall."

"He's been missing for over two weeks. Where did he pick him up?"

"We found him on the grounds. His clothes diry, his hair unkempt, and was babbling nonsense."

"It seems that nonsense is all I'm getting these days." Arkham and Gordon made it to the door of the cell.

"I must warn you, I am unaware of the state he will be in. He attacked an orderly and we had to sedate him." Arkham opened the door and let Gordon in. The detective was sitting on the bed and staring blankly into space.

"Robert? What happened? You've been gone for two weeks."

"Jim...they're here, we can't do anything."

"Whose here? Tell me."

"They are the ones that are causing all the bad things to happen...out there. They took me to Granny's house. They wanted to teach me about him. They wanted me to give in but I didn't Jim. I broke my mind, they're not getting in here. I had to save my family, Jim.

"What are you talking about?"

"The fish of Slaughter Swamp are eating their bodies, Jim. I won't let them take them. I saw the end of the world in the cabin in the woods." He shot up and started to shake him.

"Don't you see, they already won! Once they activate their messiah and take the spirit of willpower...the blackest night is here." Dr. Arkham ran in and gave the crazed detective another sedative.

"I'm sorry, Gordon but I'm afraid that Renfield won't be much help." Gordon left the Asylum. What the hell was happening to his town.

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