The Xavier monologue - why isn't it in the movie?????


High Evolutionary
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
The first two movies opened with Xavier's monologue about evolution etc...

Xavier did a brilliant monologue for the trailers - 'the battle between the better and worse angels of our very nature'... great hints at Angel and Phoenix for sure...

So why the hell can't they use that to open the movie? It would make so much sense.

:confused: :confused: :confused:
you have to see the movie first
I hope they have Cerebro's door in too.
What, did someone say it won't be in the movie?
Apparently not, for either. That really makes it inconsistant! That angers me more than corny dialogue. I want them to flow together, all 3 movies.
Reviewers all say the movie opens with shots of the cure, not DNA, and with no monologue.

It should open with that monologue and with some sort of similar DNA sequence to X1 and X2, the DNA being that of Leech (representing the cure storyline) or Phoenix from that with some sort of 'blacking-out effect' to indicate Leech's power-cancellation and Phoenix's darkness... With Xavier talking over it, saying 'last stand' as X3 The Last Stand comes on screen.

That would give consistency and it's such a small, but key, point...
I don't know. Is it confirmed that it's not in X3. The speech in the first teaser was great.

I don't know. It would be total crap if they didn't have it.
For all the writers talk of continuity and all the research they did excessively watching the first 2 films, to not have the monologue and cerebro door would be a big mistake!
Seriously according to a review, the credits are like after some scenes, like after young Jean and young Angel. At least that's how I understood it.
Mr Garak said:
Seriously according to a review, the credits are like after some scenes, like after young Jean and young Angel. At least that's how I understood it.
i hope there are intro credits
It seems like they were anxious to their 'own' take of the series. It's like how, for some odd reason, T3 didn't have the main theme until the credits. Stupid.
I hope so too...I hope they didn't even realize it when they watched the movie.
They go on about respect for Singers movies too and the opening monologue/credits sequence is a trademark of movies 1 and 2!
I just recently watched X2 and realized how great the monologue and the funky stuff at the beginning were. I'd be disappointed if they didn't continue with this. It's supposed to be a tradition. :o
That's like not including the trademark Bond walking and shooting the screen with blood pouring down. ... In a BOND movie of course... ...
Mr Garak said:
That's like not including the trademark Bond walking and shooting the screen with blood pouring down. ... In a BOND movie of course... ...
yeah true....

but then again its a trilogy....not an endless amount of episodes of bond
Octoberist said:
I don't know. Is it confirmed that it's not in X3. The speech in the first teaser was great.

I don't know. It would be total crap if they didn't have it.

You say that but if you actually listen to the words he says "the better and worse angels of our very nature"

Would anyone actaully say that? Does it even make perfect sense?
grey_jeanie said:
You say that but if you actually listen to the words he says "the better and worse angels of our very nature"

Would anyone actaully say that? Does it even make perfect sense?
Good point. I don't even understand that part.
It's like they were struggling to recreate that classic, profound Xavier monalogue but foresaking any ACTUAL real meaning.

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