Think positive True Believer!

Trevor Goodchild

Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Just an experimental thread. A response to certain negativity currently flying around.

So let us Spidey-Fans rejoice and remember why we love Spider-Man 2 so much.
Feel free to post here the moments of the film you like best and comment upon them.
But please refrain from judging the other posters by their opinion or any other such negativity. Don’t ruin the fun. You can disagree with others but this thread is all about being positive.
Please, do expand and fill in someone else’s comments with your own, if you feel the need.

Now let me start with one of the many film aspects I look forward talking about with you here:

Dr. Octopus is the best looking supervillain ever!
In my opinion he even surpasses anything the comic book artists ever created.
Each single time he appears in the movie, shivers run down my spine. I just feel the immense power of his tentacles and am mesmerized. And, every time I glace upon my Dock Ock poster, I just want to examine him for hours.
I mean there’s so much detail in it, tons! If they didn’t prove that they are actually real built tentacles, I would’ve dismissed them as merely very well done CGI. And the trench coat and glasses just complete the character.
I just can’t not appreciate the great work people put into him.
As for the character’s personality, this may come as late speculation but I’ve recently (about a month or so ago really) noticed quite a similarity he has with one other character’s persona, who at first was rumored to be in the sequel. And I began to think that to still have that important element of the character, which sadly didn’t make into the movie, Sam and Co spliced two different villains into one - the amazing might of Dr. Octopus and the pitiful (in good sense) personality of Dr. Connors. They are that much alike now that I look at them in the movie.
Maybe not as a final resort decision but perhaps that was the idea behind the character(s), don’t you think so?
A small detail thing I liked about Doc Ock in SM2, was that before he was "taken over" by the tentacles (which I still don't believe to be fully true), he slammed the s*** out of Spidey in the lab when Spidey tried to shutdown his machine. Classic Ock! :up:
Well I appreciate you finally starting a thread like this.

Nothing attracts me more to these movies than Tobey Maguire and his performance as Peter Parker/Spider-man. He truly nails the angst and pathos of the character and brought it to life. Maguire IMHO is the heart and soul of his movies. He grounds them and compels us to go on his journey as the character.
Doc Ock was wicked awesome!!
Speaking as a hopeless romantic, it was the drama and romance that I enjoyed the most. The drama and romance was the reason I fell in love with Spider-man in the first place, and this movie lived up to all the expectations I had. I especially loved the web-scene, and the whole running away from the wedding and everything. ( Saying this around all the guys here is risky!)
I loved Tobey Maguire's performance. I doubt there is another actor out there who could so throughly nail the role. It'll be a sad day when he moves on.
A small detail thing I liked about Doc Ock in SM2, was that before he was "taken over" by the tentacles (which I still don't believe to be fully true)…
Hmm, interesting. Care to explain your theory?
Just a guess - you believe that he allowed himself to be taken over?

Well I appreciate you finally starting a thread like this.
Thank you, I’m glad you do.

Nothing attracts me more to these movies than Tobey Maguire and his performance as Peter Parker/Spider-man. He truly nails the angst and pathos of the character and brought it to life.
Indeed, and it is one of the aspects of the movie I also wanted to mention.
His confession to Aunt May is my most favourite Peter Parker scene from SM2.

Maguire IMHO is the heart and soul of his movies. He grounds them and compels us to go on his journey as the character.
Hmm, you’re a fan of his work?

( Saying this around all the guys here is risky!)
Meh, even if I do partially disagree with your opinion I believe you have nothing to worry about in this particular thread. I am myself very loyal and passionate in matters concerning love. And Peter does eradiate a lot of loyalty in this film.

What are the speeches/quotes of SM2 you people were touched by?
By far the best thing in this movie is Doctor Octopus.I loved Alfred Molina as Ock,when he was playing it evil.He was so great with those sinister smiles,his little hand gestures "Let's talk" etc.And he was without a doubt the most visually stunning villain I've ever seen on screen.

Aunt May and Jonah Jameson were great too.My fav Aunt May scene was when she gave Peter the $20 on his birthday,then broke down into tears over Ben.Very touching moment.
The scene with Peter confessing May his blame over Ben's death was the first time I thought, 'Well well well, Raimi IS interested on the characters and not just the razzle dazzle".
Doc Ock said:
By far the best thing in this movie is Doctor Octopus.I loved Alfred Molina as Ock,when he was playing it evil.He was so great with those sinister smiles,his little hand gestures "Let's talk" etc.
Aunt May and Jonah Jameson were great too.My fav Aunt May scene was when she gave Peter the $20 on his birthday,then broke down into tears over Ben.Very touching moment.
Yes, of course, superb acting. All the actors brought the characters to life and developed them very well.
At least one scene of each character made me marvel their talent and I could just really feel their energy.
Besides Dock Ock and Peter, the characters I most certainly were impressed with the most were Franco’s misguided Harry and Simmons with his, without a doubt, Jameson, polished till crystal perfection.

The scene with Peter confessing May his blame over Ben's death was the first time I thought, 'Well well well, Raimi IS interested on the characters and not just the razzle dazzle".
Cool, nice to hear he won your appreciation through that. And what a worthy scene that was indeed.

How did everyone enjoy the music?
Dock Ock’s heavy theme was cool and I personally loved the ‘Raindrops on my Head’, classical Peter, made me feel so warm inside.

Oh, and did anyone enjoy the surprise that came with the Goblin’s theme?
Completely unexpected, and when I saw Dafoe I simply melted.
I personally enjoy the crazy roles he plays and Norman was one of his best. His grin is indeed a Goblin’s grin.
If I dare say, his beats even Dock Ock’s, in my opinion.
Spider-X-Treme said:
What are the speeches/quotes of SM2 you people were touched by?

Really liked the Aunt May hero speech. And the truth coming out to her about Uncle Ben's death.
The most brilliant part of the movie was the Rain drops scene. I enjoyed it so much. The whole part where he was powerless was priceless cinema.
I am trying to determine if Wes up there is continually ****ing with us, or if his custom title is actually the truth ... :)

Feel free to post here the moments of the film you like best and comment upon them.

That 30 seconds with Ock multi-tasking in his lair, building reactor #2 was worth -all- the wriggly boredom I endured in the theatre as MJ refused to take Peter's phone-calls, etc. Thank God for DVDs and thier skip-feature; now I only have to watch the scenes I like.

Ock is the sole reason I own this film at all; without him it would be unwatchable. I liked many of the other characters, but not well enough for them to get me into the theatre, or to buy the DVD. the MJ thing took up way too much screen-time; I would rather have seen more at the Daily Bugle or something, than all that.
It's the truth, Symbotica. No need to question it. It's unfortunately who I am, and who I'll die as. But nevermind that.

That's a great choice. I loved Ock in this movie too because Alfred played him just like he should have. He had cool mechanical arms, he was a genius advancing his own tech and damn the rest of the world if it gets in the way, ha ha ha ha. It was bliss to see him done well. Yeah.
I can't vote, because the answer is "all of the above."

Take away ANY of those elements and you have a diminished movie. That's a fact.
Hey--Here's an answer that isnt on the poll....none.
Meh, I thought it serves no purpose to the goal of this thread.

take away NONE of those factors and you have a diminished movie.
And, if you have nothing to say that would honour that goal, please leave.

The most brilliant part of the movie was the Rain drops scene. I enjoyed it so much. The whole part where he was powerless was priceless cinema.
I’m not sure if the following would be a different way to state the same or a ‘rather’ comment instead but I enjoyed it for Peter’s geekyness and pathetism.

That 30 seconds with Ock multi-tasking in his lair, building reactor #2 was worth -all- the wriggly boredom I endured in the theatre as MJ refused to take Peter's phone-calls, etc. Thank God for DVDs and thier skip-feature; now I only have to watch the scenes I like.
Ock is the sole reason I own this film at all; without him it would be unwatchable. I liked many of the other characters, but not well enough for them to get me into the theatre, or to buy the DVD. the MJ thing took up way too much screen-time; I would rather have seen more at the Daily Bugle or something, than all that.
Play nice now.

I can't vote, because the answer is "all of the above."
Take away ANY of those elements and you have a diminished movie. That's a fact.
Of course, but the question isn’t what’s the most ‘important’ but what’s the ‘best’. There must be one or a couple that you take more at heart than the others, no? And, if you do find them all fabulous, then please, do tell the reasons for each of them to touch your spirit.
Spideyssuperfan said:
take away NONE of those factors and you have a diminished movie.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man:

Peter parker- Peter is too old. In the comic books, hes a student in highschool, meaning that he is 18 at max. Tobey Maguire is 31 years old, meaning he got his spider-powers when he was 29. Therefore, he is to old to be playing the role. One of the things that made spider-man so popular, and something that played a part in Stan Lee's creation of him, is his age. Spider-Man of the comics was the age of a side-kick, which would be odd and unique for the time.

Spider-Man- In the comics, Spider-Man is notorious for making fun of his enemies, i heard 4 maybe 5 jokes in the 2 movies, 3 of which were in the fight with Bonesaw...who should have been crusher hogan but thats ok too.

Dr. Octopus--Was insane in the comic books...was not insane in the movie. True, he was influenced by voices in his head, but he wasnt criminallyinsane, which was proven at the end of the movie, when he comes to his senses and 'saves the world.' True, they got his look down pat, but a villain is mainly personality...if it wasnt, we'd still be watching bad actors portray great villains, which in part we did. Alfred molina is a stage actor. I saw him in Fiddler in NY, and he was fantastic, but i dont think he has the makings for a super-villain.

The development of other characters-- What characters were devloped? Peter and MJ's relationship got deeper, we learned harry was insane--which wasnt hard to tell. Sure, we learned the big bad doctor octopus is evil, but i think we coulda figured that out. I guess i just dont understand what characters were developed.

Drama- if i wanted to see a drama, i would have watched the sisterhood of the traveling pants.

Action- The fight scene was good. Please not that was in the singular. The train scene was good. I liked the mechanics of ock's arms and how they helped out a lot. But it was just boring. other than that.
Spideyssuperfan said:
Peter Parker/Spider-Man:

Peter parker- Peter is too old. In the comic books, hes a student in highschool, meaning that he is 18 at max. Tobey Maguire is 31 years old, meaning he got his spider-powers when he was 29. Therefore, he is to old to be playing the role. One of the things that made spider-man so popular, and something that played a part in Stan Lee's creation of him, is his age. Spider-Man of the comics was the age of a side-kick, which would be odd and unique for the time.

:D :D

Alfred molina is a stage actor. I saw him in Fiddler in NY, and he was fantastic, but i dont think he has the makings for a super-villain.

:D :D

The development of other characters-- What characters were devloped? Peter and MJ's relationship got deeper, we learned harry was insane--which wasnt hard to tell. Sure, we learned the big bad doctor octopus is evil, but i think we coulda figured that out. I guess i just dont understand what characters were developed.

Harry WAS developed. Aunt May WAS developed. I'm not going to even waste time explaining it, because it's a fact; it's there. Try looking.

Drama- if i wanted to see a drama, i would have watched the sisterhood of the traveling pants.

You could have said "soap opera" and I couldn't argue with your belief. But you chose the word DRAMA, so for that: :D
Spideyssuperfan said:
Peter Parker/Spider-Man:

Peter parker- Peter is too old. In the comic books, hes a student in highschool, meaning that he is 18 at max. Tobey Maguire is 31 years old, meaning he got his spider-powers when he was 29. Therefore, he is to old to be playing the role. One of the things that made spider-man so popular, and something that played a part in Stan Lee's creation of him, is his age. Spider-Man of the comics was the age of a side-kick, which would be odd and unique for the time.

Spider-Man- In the comics, Spider-Man is notorious for making fun of his enemies, i heard 4 maybe 5 jokes in the 2 movies, 3 of which were in the fight with Bonesaw...who should have been crusher hogan but thats ok too.

Dr. Octopus--Was insane in the comic books...was not insane in the movie. True, he was influenced by voices in his head, but he wasnt criminallyinsane, which was proven at the end of the movie, when he comes to his senses and 'saves the world.' True, they got his look down pat, but a villain is mainly personality...if it wasnt, we'd still be watching bad actors portray great villains, which in part we did. Alfred molina is a stage actor. I saw him in Fiddler in NY, and he was fantastic, but i dont think he has the makings for a super-villain.

The development of other characters-- What characters were devloped? Peter and MJ's relationship got deeper, we learned harry was insane--which wasnt hard to tell. Sure, we learned the big bad doctor octopus is evil, but i think we coulda figured that out. I guess i just dont understand what characters were developed.

Drama- if i wanted to see a drama, i would have watched the sisterhood of the traveling pants.

Action- The fight scene was good. Please not that was in the singular. The train scene was good. I liked the mechanics of ock's arms and how they helped out a lot. But it was just boring. other than that.

Apparently some people don't know the meaning of the word positive :rolleyes:

Take your criticisms to the other threads.This thread was created for the purpose of discussing the things people LIKED in SM-2.

Btw I think most of your criticisms are total BS.
Peter Parker was the best part.

I felt sorry for him....:(
Doc Ock said:
Apparently some people don't know the meaning of the word positive :rolleyes:
Take your criticisms to the other threads.This thread was created for the purpose of discussing the things people LIKED in SM-2.
Indeed, thank you, Ock.

I'll give you a final warning superfan.
Be off or I'll notify the moderators.
For what? the fact that i didnt like the movie doesnt make me a true believer!!! plus...story wasnt on the list. so i voted other.

and there isnt any reason to be mean because i posted a thread that disagrees with your opinions, in a thread that you started...HOWEVER...i will say that spider-man 2 had humor. I laughed a lot in that movie, and not out of spite--i swear! I liked when he dropped the tire out of the window--that was classic parker. As was the closet, and 'That guy stole his pizza!'...the pizza scene was good.

Also, although the raindrops scene wasn't my favorite, i did like when he tripped. So, also, i'd add that my vote goes with humility in terms of parker.

OH. and i do know the meaning of the word positive lol :)
It was like that whole scene leaped out of the shadows and ninja-kicked us with comedy gold.

The freeze-frame ending was a littles stupid though.

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