Tom Cruise = Completely Insane (Proof)


Sep 15, 2005
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Mission Impossible star Cruise vows to eat placenta
after birth.

Tom Cruise yesterday revealed his latest bizarre eat his new baby's placenta. Cruise vowed
he would tuck in straight after girlfriend Katie
Holmes gives birth, saying he thought it would be
"very nutritious".

The Mission Impossible star, 43, said: "I'm gonna eat
the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very
nutritious. I'm gonna eat the cord and the placenta
right there." It is the latest in a series of
increasingly strange outbursts from Cruise in the
run-up to the birth.

He has claimed the baby, due any day, will be
delivered in total silence.

The Top Gun star also insisted he "sensed" fiancŽe
Katie was pregnant before she told him.

And he has blurted out details of the couple's sex
life, saying: "It's spectacular."

The actor, who recently also claimed he has the power
to cure drug addicts, has even been carrying out his
own medical scans on the foetus after buying himself
an ultrasound machine.

Silent birth is one of the rules of the cult of
Scientology, which Cruise is devoted to.

The cult - founded by the late sci-fi writer L Ron
Hubbard - claims that 75 million years ago aliens came
to earth and their spirits now infest our bodies.

Cruise told GQ magazine Hubbard had discovered making
a noise had a "negative spiritual effect" on someone
giving birth. He insisted that 27-year-old Katie would
be allowed to scream, adding cryptically: "It is
really about respecting the woman. It's not about her

"And scientifically it is proven. Now there are
medical research papers that say when a woman's giving
birth everyone should be quiet."

Cruise also revealed he and Katie have been preparing
for the birth by holding classes at their Beverly
Hills home.

He said: "We've been studying what a woman goes
through. What happens to her body. It's just kind of
becoming this fun game of learning."

Cruise said his sex life with Batman Begins star Katie
had made him realise one-night stands were "horrible".

He added: "Great sex is a by-product for me of a great
relationship, where you have communication. It's an
extension of that. If you're not in good communication
with your partner, it sucks."

Cruise, who has two adopted children with ex-wife
Nicole Kidman, will not be the first star to make a
meal out of his baby's placenta.

Rod Stewart and girlfriend Penny Lancaster took home
their baby's placenta, sprinkled it with tee tree oil
and buried it in the garden.

In 1998, Channel 4 chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
fried a placenta with shallots and garlic and served
it up to 20 guests, including the baby's mum and dad.

TV watchdogs later criticised the show, branding it

But placenta-eating is considered normal in some
cultures. Various recipes include one for placenta
lasagne. Some say eating it helps avoid post-natal
depression. "

By the way, Tom Cruise has some serious issues and it's not because of scientology...It's because he's insane.
Are there any sane people in Hollywood?
Batman333 said:
Mission Impossible star Cruise vows to eat placenta
after birth.

Tom Cruise yesterday revealed his latest bizarre eat his new baby's placenta. Cruise vowed
he would tuck in straight after girlfriend Katie
Holmes gives birth, saying he thought it would be
"very nutritious".

The Mission Impossible star, 43, said: "I'm gonna eat
the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very
nutritious. I'm gonna eat the cord and the placenta
right there." It is the latest in a series of
increasingly strange outbursts from Cruise in the
run-up to the birth.

He has claimed the baby, due any day, will be
delivered in total silence.

The Top Gun star also insisted he "sensed" fiancŽe
Katie was pregnant before she told him.

And he has blurted out details of the couple's sex
life, saying: "It's spectacular."

The actor, who recently also claimed he has the power
to cure drug addicts, has even been carrying out his
own medical scans on the foetus after buying himself
an ultrasound machine.

Silent birth is one of the rules of the cult of
Scientology, which Cruise is devoted to.

The cult - founded by the late sci-fi writer L Ron
Hubbard - claims that 75 million years ago aliens came
to earth and their spirits now infest our bodies.

Cruise told GQ magazine Hubbard had discovered making
a noise had a "negative spiritual effect" on someone
giving birth. He insisted that 27-year-old Katie would
be allowed to scream, adding cryptically: "It is
really about respecting the woman. It's not about her

"And scientifically it is proven. Now there are
medical research papers that say when a woman's giving
birth everyone should be quiet."

Cruise also revealed he and Katie have been preparing
for the birth by holding classes at their Beverly
Hills home.

He said: "We've been studying what a woman goes
through. What happens to her body. It's just kind of
becoming this fun game of learning."

Cruise said his sex life with Batman Begins star Katie
had made him realise one-night stands were "horrible".

He added: "Great sex is a by-product for me of a great
relationship, where you have communication. It's an
extension of that. If you're not in good communication
with your partner, it sucks."

Cruise, who has two adopted children with ex-wife
Nicole Kidman, will not be the first star to make a
meal out of his baby's placenta.

Rod Stewart and girlfriend Penny Lancaster took home
their baby's placenta, sprinkled it with tee tree oil
and buried it in the garden.

In 1998, Channel 4 chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
fried a placenta with shallots and garlic and served
it up to 20 guests, including the baby's mum and dad.

TV watchdogs later criticised the show, branding it

But placenta-eating is considered normal in some
cultures. Various recipes include one for placenta
lasagne. Some say eating it helps avoid post-natal
depression. "


Old and fake... I am hungry now though :(
Batman333 said:
By the way, Tom Cruise has some serious issues and it's not because of scientology...It's because he's insane.

But he became a Scientologist BECAUSE he's insane. And a repressed homosexual. And an electric dog.
How lame is Tom Cruise when even freakin' JOHN TRAVOLTA and his wife have realized that Scientology is totally insane mind-control bulls**t and have left the church? :rolleyes:
Batman333 said:
By the way, Tom Cruise has some serious issues and it's not because of scientology...It's because he's insane.

Um, it has to do with Scientology AND the fact that he's insane. Let's give some equal credit here!
TheSumOfGod said:
How lame is Tom Cruise when even freakin' JOHN TRAVOLTA and his wife have realized that Scientology is totally insane mind-control bulls**t and have left the church? :rolleyes:

Where the 'f' did you here this? I haven't heard that at all... The only reason they might leave it is b/c Travolta wants to spend his tithing money on a new plane!
Prognosticator said:
Where the 'f' did you here this? I haven't heard that at all... The only reason they might leave it is b/c Travolta wants to spend his tithing money on a new plane!

I heard it on "Flash", the French-Canadian version of "Access Hollywood", essentially. They said that Travolta and his wife were leaving the church because one of their children is autistic, and according to the teachings of Scientology, children are born autistic as punishment, because they were bad persons in a past life. F***ing morons. :rolleyes:
TheSumOfGod said:
But he became a Scientologist BECAUSE he's insane. And a repressed homosexual. And an electric dog.

plus, i heard he has laser bones. sorry, i stole that from athf.
I've noticed that Tom Cruise isn't that popular on this forum! LOL!
Batman333 said:
Mission Impossible star Cruise vows to eat placenta
after birth.

Tom Cruise yesterday revealed his latest bizarre eat his new baby's placenta. Cruise vowed
he would tuck in straight after girlfriend Katie
Holmes gives birth, saying he thought it would be
"very nutritious".

The Mission Impossible star, 43, said: "I'm gonna eat
the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very
nutritious. I'm gonna eat the cord and the placenta
right there." It is the latest in a series of
increasingly strange outbursts from Cruise in the
run-up to the birth.

He has claimed the baby, due any day, will be
delivered in total silence.

The Top Gun star also insisted he "sensed" fiancŽe
Katie was pregnant before she told him.

And he has blurted out details of the couple's sex
life, saying: "It's spectacular."

The actor, who recently also claimed he has the power
to cure drug addicts, has even been carrying out his
own medical scans on the foetus after buying himself
an ultrasound machine.

Silent birth is one of the rules of the cult of
Scientology, which Cruise is devoted to.

The cult - founded by the late sci-fi writer L Ron
Hubbard - claims that 75 million years ago aliens came
to earth and their spirits now infest our bodies.

Cruise told GQ magazine Hubbard had discovered making
a noise had a "negative spiritual effect" on someone
giving birth. He insisted that 27-year-old Katie would
be allowed to scream, adding cryptically: "It is
really about respecting the woman. It's not about her

"And scientifically it is proven. Now there are
medical research papers that say when a woman's giving
birth everyone should be quiet."

Cruise also revealed he and Katie have been preparing
for the birth by holding classes at their Beverly
Hills home.

He said: "We've been studying what a woman goes
through. What happens to her body. It's just kind of
becoming this fun game of learning."

Cruise said his sex life with Batman Begins star Katie
had made him realise one-night stands were "horrible".

He added: "Great sex is a by-product for me of a great
relationship, where you have communication. It's an
extension of that. If you're not in good communication
with your partner, it sucks."

Cruise, who has two adopted children with ex-wife
Nicole Kidman, will not be the first star to make a
meal out of his baby's placenta.

Rod Stewart and girlfriend Penny Lancaster took home
their baby's placenta, sprinkled it with tee tree oil
and buried it in the garden.

In 1998, Channel 4 chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
fried a placenta with shallots and garlic and served
it up to 20 guests, including the baby's mum and dad.

TV watchdogs later criticised the show, branding it

But placenta-eating is considered normal in some
cultures. Various recipes include one for placenta
lasagne. Some say eating it helps avoid post-natal
depression. "


1 billion Chinese can't be wrong.
Okay. I have heard that the placenta is nutritious but it's still bizzare to eat it. Tom is insane.
britrogue said:
I've noticed that Tom Cruise isn't that popular on this forum! LOL!
I'm glad I'm not alone, even though some of these people are probably jumping on a bandwagon.
TheSumOfGod said:
I heard it on "Flash", the French-Canadian version of "Access Hollywood", essentially. They said that Travolta and his wife were leaving the church because one of their children is autistic, and according to the teachings of Scientology, children are born autistic as punishment, because they were bad persons in a past life. F***ing morons. :rolleyes:

Nice insider info then! Good for the Travolta's. I'd leave that cult if I were them too. I can't believe the bulls@$ Scientology pushes for its hard core members. No offense (if that's possible) but its as bad if not worse than extreme Mormonism.
Dude I just ate before reading that . . . . . . . . . .I'll be back.
I'm glad I'm not alone, even though some of these people are probably jumping on a bandwagon.

His 'movies' are popular on here. Heck, he might even be popular if he kept to himself. There's nothing worse than celebrities ranting and raving about their rediculous lifestyles!! People on places like this want their majority voices to be heard.

We're sick of celebrities acting like they rule the world and have EVERY answer to life's big questions! More important, when someone like Tom Cruise puts himself outthere looking like a complete jackass, with rants on Oprah and The Today Show, he deserves to be rediculed on here!
I just hate him because of his bad movies except for that movie with Jamie Foxx.
Prognosticator said:
His 'movies' are popular on here. Heck, he might even be popular if he kept to himself. There's nothing worse than celebrities ranting and raving about their rediculous lifestyles!! People on places like this want their majority voices to be heard.

We're sick of celebrities acting like they rule the world and have EVERY answer to life's big questions! More important, when someone like Tom Cruise puts himself outthere looking like a complete jackass, with rants on Oprah and The Today Show, he deserves to be rediculed on here!
I pretty much agree with you.

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