two face pic

That's not bad at all.

I was hoping to see him incorporated for the series, but I don't know if they'll get another season to do it in.
As we speak I am making a printable petition(Like the teen titans one) to keep the show going and will have it up when I have time.
Very cool! I really hope he comes into play if the show returns.
In a interview you can see that they have future episodes planned.
it's very tas although harvey is cleary white in this pic and in tas he was black.

lol, as Lex proved in Superman TAS, thick lips and brown skin doesn't automatically mean black.:o
lex was black as well


they both soooo were,

and so was killer croc in batman and also the batman
There's not many negroes in Batman for some reason. Mostly Lucius Fox and I think that one black lady who helped Bruce in therapy after Bane broke his back.
there isn't many negroes in comic books either.
A bit too much hair on the left side of his head, but not bad at all...
I would be soooooooooooooooo happy if they had a two face story arc! That would be amazing!
Two-Face was black in the movies......well, the first one.
Uh, yeah, could you guys please not use the word "Negroes" on these boards? I think it should go without saying that goes for the term "coloreds" as well
I think the term Black is the term you folks should use do you say negroe in your daily conversations.?:whatever:
lex was black as well


they both soooo were,

and so was killer croc in batman and also the batman
Lex wasn't black neither was Harv. They were white. So what if their lips were drawn more pronounced. Timm said himself they had the same skin tone as other white characters. They are white characters and need to stay that way. Don't change races of characters that have been around for years. So stupid.
I think the term Black is the term you folks should use do you say negroe in your daily conversations.?:whatever:
Who cares. Nobody cares what is said about white people. They say honky and crap all the time,. It goes both ways. Shove the PC crap. Don't care.
people I thought you guys would like this photo but instead you say uncalled for racial terms. Please let's get it off the subject.

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