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Ultimate One Universe - Genesis: Sign-Up/OOC Thread

I tend to write out the dialogue of posts I have in mind and then write around them. It's helpful because I can write pretty far ahead, rely on the dialogue as a skeleton for the post of sorts, and then fill it in when I eventually get to it.

The only problem is that writing that way all but rules out interacting with people. As great as it is having everything planned out, it's sad when it comes at the cost of interaction.

Yea, interaction was my big thing with Supes. But I may have some ideas on how to fix that.

Aaaaaaaarrrrgh, now that I've dropped Doom I'm getting motivation to play him again. Is it cool if I un-drop him?

Because now I've got ideas that totally jive with me picking up a certain royal warrior-god.

Yea, keep Doom if you want. I'm not gonna say no. :woot:
JK about the Bats post today. First Batman/Joker confrontation needs some more time to cook.

But it's gonna snow all day tomorrow so plenty of time to work on it
Not exactly proud of that one, but I needed to get something down to hold myself to the coals and actually get moving with it.
Andy, god I am so glad you stuck with Doom. I cannot wait to get him and Batman together at some point.

Also, a post up. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I may be too hard on myself, but I really wanted something better for Batman/Joker's first meeting.
Thanks for the encouragement, guys-- I was worried that after so long, I wouldn't be able to capture the essence of Doom again.

That peace summit in Latveria is totally happening, by the by, so if anyone happens to be playing someone attached to government agencies, or I dunno, a billionaire industrialist, or maybe a mild-mannered reporter looking for a story, or whatever, Victor and Talia will gladly welcome you to their happy home.
"Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

These words were inscribed in ancient runes alongside the head of the great hammer Mjölnir. Forged of miraculous uru in the heart of a dying star, the hammer was a treasured gift by the master Dwarven blacksmiths Eitri, Buri, and Brok. One whom the hammer deems worthy of lifting it receives unbelievable power, not the least of which is command of thunder and lightning.

It is a weapon fit for a god, and gives itself only to a true protector and ally of all humankind.

In all the world, there is only one who wields the power of Mjölnir......

Ultimate One Universe
Character Application

Character Name: Wonder Woman/Diana of Themyscira

Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): Hero

Character Speech Font and Color: Palatino Lintotype, Bold, Red, size 3

Powers and Abilities:

Princess Diana is an Amazon, and as such, has spent her life training among the most elite warriors in all of history. She is a master martial artist both armed and bare-handed, and as royalty, she is expected to lead the Amazons, and has also become a master strategist. Due to her divine bloodline, she is also several orders of magnitude stronger and faster than any mortal, so much so that the true extent of her power is often locked away.

Boosting her impressive physical abilities is an array of devices and weapons, imbued with tremendous power by the gods themselves:

-The Aegis of Athena, reforged as a pair of silver bracelets, are made unbreakable, and can deflect even the most powerful of blows. These bracelets serve a double purpose, protecting Diana from the dangers of the world, as well as protecting the world around her from Diana's full power, which is suppressed unless the bracelets are removed.

-The Sandals of Hermes, a gift from the messenger of Olympus, increase her speed to faster than sound, and allow her to break the bonds of gravity itself.

-The Circlet of Pallas, given from the goddess of both wisdom and warfare, sharpens all of her senses and grants clarity of thought, and can be used as a fearsome thrown blade.

-The Lariat of Hestia, a rope spun from the Golden Girdle of Gaea, is all but indestructible, and compels whoever comes into contact with it to see and speak only the truth. This is Diana's preferred tool, but in truly desperate times, she resorts to the most powerful weapon known to mortals or gods.....

-Mjölnir, the hammer of the Norse thunder-god. In a contest between the gods and heroes of Asgard and Olympus, Diana stunned all of divinity by prizing the Thunderer's weapon away from him, and she now keeps it as her trophy. When she wields it, Mjölnir grants her control over thunder and lightning, mastery of electromagnetism, the ability to create unbreakable force fields, and a litany of other incredible powers she has yet to unlock. Being a tool of another pantheon, however, Diana rarely uses it, believing it would be a vulgar display of power.

Character Origin/Backstory:

There are those who say that God created Man in His image. Others say quite the opposite, that it was man who created the gods.

In their way, both are right.

The consciousness of the human race, who breathe life into ideas and make reality of fantasy, have spawned countless deities, afterlives, and realms of myth and magic. And so long as there are those who believe in them, these gods and monsters may yet find their way into the physical world.

Bubbling in the background of the Multiverse, humanity has its own orrery of worlds, each a product of collective imagination, yet each affecting the course of human history.

The order of Maat, home of the gods of the Nile Valley.

The seven layers of the universe as described by the Vedic Scriptures.

The Heaven, Hell, and Firmament of Yaweh and the people of Abraham.

These range from the inspirational to the obscene, the abstract to the all but concrete.

Two such realms of note are Olympus and Asgard.

These realms were home to the gods of two mighty civilizations, one composed of philosophers and inventors, the other of conquerors and adventurers. While both societies have waned, the influence they had over history still echoes in the world of modern man. Moreso than nearly any of the pantheons of the 'old world,' the Olympians and the Aesir still boast of their hand in shaping the fate of mortals.

Among the pantheon of Olympus are the Amazons, the fabled warrior women of the lost island of Themyscira. Once the captives of the 'hero' Heracles, they eventually won their freedom, and the gifts and protection of the goddesses, their island becoming home to the reborn spirits of unjustly slain women. While the Amazons could no longer interact with the world at large, their Queen saw the world of mortal men in grave peril, and wished to grant them a protector.

The exact nature of Princess Diana's creation is something of a point of contention among the Amazons. Many claim she was sculpted of clay, and given life by the goddesses. Others say she is a bastard, a half-breed of Queen Hippolyta and the capricious god-king Zeus. Still others say she is of otherworldly birth, having come to their island through a tunnel of light. Regardless of her true origin, the Princess quickly became regarded as the greatest of all Amazons, both in physical prowess and unbreakable morality. If there was any fit to watch over the mortal world, it would be the champion of champions, the 'Wonder Woman' of Themyscira.

The Amazons, however, were not the only divine sources intent on sending a defender from on high. The All-Father Odin, ruler of Asgard, had issued a decree to all of godhood that his son, the thunder-god Thor, would walk among mortal men once more, to fight the forces of evil that threaten Midgard. And gods, prideful beings that they are, could not stand to have two saviors walking the Earth at once.

A contest was decided, a tournament of heroes to decide who was most worthy of descending to the world of men. The gods and goddesses of Olympus and Asgard reveled in the magnificence of their spectacle, all but sure it was little more than circus, a show of good sport from Zeus that the Olympians would make way for Thor.

Diana of the Amazons, however, had other ideas. At the tournament's end, she stood alone against the resplendent Thunderer, and did not flinch as he brandished his legendary hammer, the mighty Mjölnir. All expected her to crumble under the might of the thunder-god's blow.....

....and all were shocked into silence when she plucked the hammer from Thor's hands, and struck him unconscious with it.

As outrage between the pantheons have begun boil, Princess Diana has come to Earth, carrying with her Mjölnir as both her most fearsome weapon and her proudest trophy. She has set out on a mission of mercy, to protect and serve the mortal world, and to destroy all who threaten it.

What Makes This Version "Ultimate":

Diana's origins are a little more murky in this incarnation-- maybe she's her classic DC self, maybe it's the New 52 origin, maybe it's something new that I totally made up, who knows? And she'll be interacting a lot with various mythological cosmologies of the DC and Marvel universes-- sooner or later, after all, someone's going to want that hammer back.

What can you bring to the RPG:

The same thing I always bring to any RPG: dat sweet ass.

Sample Post (provide a short post of at least 3 paragraphs and 1 line of dialogue for your character):

(Coming probably tomorrow-- shut up, it's late and I've got work in the morning)
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In short, Wonder Thor is APPROVED! I don't need to see the sample post.
Good news!

I'm getting back into the swing of things with Superman. Expect a post for him tomorrow.
Posts coming soon. Flash is nearly done, Cap is done (just needs to be typed up/formatted), then Star-Lord to keep things moving there then Spider-Man at last. I always think I'll be so productive on the weekends, but then I always end up writing posts during the week when I should be working on school stuff. Wonder what that says about me...
Superman's back, and he brought a friend with him.
So that Bat post was king of a epilogue to the Christmas Eve story. Expect a flurry of posts for my characters this weekend. I'm really feeling it
There's two. Carnage, you're my next priority. Sorry to keep you waiting on me like that.
Don't sweat it. I clearly have a lot on my plate as well.
I hadn't realised my most recently Daredevil post was that long. Hopefully the wall of text doesn't burn anyone's eyes and they're able to read it.

With that being said...

Ultimate One Universe
Character Application

Character Name: Alexander Joseph “Lex” Luthor.

Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): Villain.

Character Speech Font and Color: Yellow Green Tahoma. Bolded.

Powers and Abilities: None.

Character Origin/Backstory: Alexander Luthor was born to poverty in the Suicide Slum district of Metropolis. Driven by a desire not to live and die in the slums as his parents seemed destined to, Lex cut the brakes on his parents car and used the insurance money from the ensuing accident to get ahead. After graduating from MIT Lex would go on to form “LexCorp” and, alongside Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark, would become one of the richest men in the United States. LexCorp dedicated itself to theoretical science and solving many of the every day hardships that people faced on a daily basis by pushing the limits of science, for which he earned great esteem in the scientific community across the world. Each pursuit was grander than the next, each designed to appease Lex’s growing messiah complex, and soon Lex had lifted Metropolis from an afterthought into one of the most successful cities in America. His star was in ascendancy and seemed unlikely ever to dip or to be outshone. That was until he arrived.

Superman’s arrival changed everything. No longer was Lex the saviour, no longer was he the man that all of America admired, but an also-ran whose inventions garnered little attention next to Superman’s heroics. Superman’s very existence rendered Lex a non-entity, his power made him feel impotent, and Lex was determined to change that. On the surface LexCorp would still dedicate itself to helping the common man, but behind closed doors both the company and its CEO would be singularly focused on one thing: tearing Superman down from his pedestal.

What Makes This Version "Ultimate": In all honesty? Not that much. Hopefully I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes or bending anyone’s nose out of shape by retconning Lex back into Lex as opposed to Alexis, I presumed as MSTK’s run was pretty short and he’d not interacted with anyone it wouldn’t be a problem. But yeah, my version is as is but in a different universe and as such there’ll be knock-on effects. (Such as knowing Tony Stark, Norman Osborne, etc.)

What can you bring to the RPG: I think I’ve shown with Matt/Daredevil that I’m pretty committed to this RPG (perhaps too committed, if such a thing exists!) and given that a lot of the guys are shouldering quite a load, I thought it was time that I stepped up to the mark too. In all of my time RPGing both on here and over on The Guild (under about ten thousand different names on both) I’ve never played an out and out villain, Alan Scott and King Faraday most notably, so I’d like a crack at playing a villain.

Sample Post (provide a short post of at least 3 paragraphs and 1 line of dialogue for your character):


Lex Luthor sat restlessly on the edge of the plush leather seat in his office as he watched the latest example of Superman’s heroism flashing across his television screen. His eyes were fixed on him and watched his every movement, eyeing everything from his sculpted body and immaculate hair to his easy smile. Everything about Superman made Luthor envious of him. He wasn’t sure how Superman’s powers worked and he wasn’t sure where he’d come from, but he was certain that he’d find both out soon enough. They adored him and showered him with their praises in a way that they’d never done for Lex despite all he’d done for them. Not one of them seemed concerned by the power he wielded and the destruction he might cause were he to turn on them. Let them fawn over him, Lex thought. They would come back to him soon enough when their saviour showed his true colours.

From outside the footsteps of Lex’s bodyguard slash assistant sounded and she made her entrance into his office with a cordial nod. Her employer’s eyes stayed fixed on the screen and he seemed oblivious to her approach. As she reached his desk a line from Othello that seemed particularly relevant to his current predicament almost involuntarily came to Lex’s lips.

“He hath a daily beauty in his life that makes me ugly.”

Mercy smiled as if she recognised the quote.


It wasn’t until she spoke that Lex truly registered her presence. His eyes looked away from the screen for the first time since Superman had appeared on it and he turned the television off with a click of a button. Mercy stood before him, her rippling muscles almost visible through the formal clothes she was wearing. She was a specimen unlike any that Lex had ever seen before, deadly and beautiful, and she had averted more threats to his life than Lex cared to count. To think that Osborne had scoffed at him when he’d arrived t the last OsCorp gala with Mercy at his side. She was three times the bodyguard that any of the men Lex had hired before her had been.

“Correct,” Lex said with a surprised smile. “You never fail to surprise me, Mercy.”

Mercy’s cheeks reddened at the compliment. She knew her employer well enough to know that he didn’t hand those out often.

“Thank you, sir.”

Lex noted her appreciation and took the folder from her with a cordial nod. He waited for her to leave the room before he began to thumb his way through it. Inside were plans that Luthor had asked to be made up for a theoretical hostile takeover both from and of all of his competitors. That decrepit old man Osborne was no threat to him, Wayne was more concerned with chasing after supermodels, but Stark seemed to pose a real threat to LexCorp. The past few years had been kinder to Stark Industries than Lex cared to admit and where once LexCorp had owned a near monopoly over theoretical science, Stark had made genuine inroads into the field. LexCorp was even beginning to lose some contracts with the government to them. Stark would be dealt with in time, Lex thought.

As much as he wanted to focus on business Lex couldn’t help but feel his mind drift back to the caped do-gooder on the front of every newspaper and on every television channel. Oh, how they fawned after him, how they adored him, all for talents that Lex could only assume he was born with. Were Lex’s talents God given? Did he luck into them? No, he had clawed his way up out of the dirt and made something out of nothing. Yet it was Superman they celebrated and not him.

Lex set the folder down and sat up from his seat, walking slowly over to his office window and leaning up against it. He could feel the warmth of the sun’s rays against his skin as he pressed his arm against the large pane of glass. They were down there, the ordinary people, living ordinary lives and worrying about ordinary things. How he pitied them. They doddered about concerning themselves about mortgages and which sporting team that was unaware of their existence would win an arbitrary competition whilst men like Lex were left to concern themselves with the real issues. No, not men like Lex. There were no men like Lex. Only me, Lex thought with a contented smile.

“What would you people do without me?”

Silence. Deathly silence. One day Lex wouldn’t need to ask that question, others would ask it. Once he’d rid the world of Superman they would greet him with rapturous applause and admiration. As Lex stood there staring out across the city that he helped to put back on the map there came a gentle knock from his office door and Mercy stuck her head round once more. This time, his attention undivided, Lex turned to face her with an unimpressed look.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you again, Mr. Luthor.”

Lex sighed.

“What is it this time? My meeting with Eiling isn’t for another fifteen minutes.”

Mercy shook her head.

“It’s not that,” she said nervously. “I have a Dr. Theo Adam from the Kahndaq division. I tried to tell him that you were busy but he insisted that you’d want to talk to him. He says there's been a breakthrough of some sort. Should I put him through? Or should I ask him to call back another time?”

A broad smile appeared on Lex’s face. Kahndaq. It could only mean one thing.

“From the sounds of it you had better put the man through.”
How can I say no to having an arch enemy?

Lex is approved.
So I realized I left something out of my last Batman post. I added a section regarding Bullseye's fate

X-Men post tomorrow
Sorry for the lack of activity this week. Work has been crazy. Will try to get some stuff up this weekend
Hopefully should have something up in the next few days.
Sorry for being such a bum lately. I'mma GL post and whatnot before I put in a second CS.
Xavier and Fantastic Four posts will be up tomorrow y'all. Superman/Batman shortly after that.
Yeah, I'm gonna be swamped this week between school responsibilities and visiting friends, but when I find time I'll work on Spider-Man, then cycle around to the rest.
So I know I said Batman and Superman would come later but I'll be damned if I'm not just having a great time writing those two together. Expect a few more posts with the World's Finest theme.
So... can anyone tell me how long until I can change my name to Nightrunner or something less notably stupid than the one I've chosen?

Also Jones, I'm interested in seeing where you're going to take your stories. Controlling both of the world's finest should make writing convenient. Like a 1x1 without freaky amorous circumstances.

EDIT: That's how we can bring MB back. Just take Andy's method and have Goatman be a Hype original batvillain.

One more thing, is Johny Blaze gonna play anything or did he just feel like saying he's not dead? (The real JB may answer for himself if he so wishes)
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