Veronica Mars


Jan 10, 2004
Reaction score
Season one was great.Big ending shocker.I wonder how this season will play out.The previews keep suggesting a new mystery.

Also Charisma Carpenter will be appearing,and I even hear Joss Whedon may have a guest spot.
I cannot wait. This is such a fantastic show.

I REALLY hope Joss does an episode. He really seems to love the show.
hell yea this is a great show. and shes freaking HOT
Whens the premiere date?I hear sometime in October.
l watched most of the first season l think, l cant remember how it ended though.
I saw a few episodes of the first season here and there and they were pretty good. I'm definitely going to watch the second season just to see Charisma Carpenter, considering I think she's the hottest woman alive.
Anybody see it? I ended up working really late and didn't get too. :(
DBM said:
Anybody see it? I ended up working really late and didn't get too. :(

I couldn't. I don't get UPN. I have to wait for it to... come on... places... and then I can acquire it... legally...
So who was it that shot Veronica's friend Lilly last season? I watched the first like 7 episodes and got bored with the series but i'm still curious to know how that mystery ended? Could someone post it here and maybe just put it in spoiler tags? thanks.
Darthkush said:
So who was it that shot Veronica's friend Lilly last season? I watched the first like 7 episodes and got bored with the series but i'm still curious to know how that mystery ended? Could someone post it here and maybe just put it in spoiler tags? thanks.

Lilly was actually killed with an ashtray. She was having an affair with Logan's movie star father and she found out he had been videotaping the little sessions. She stole the tapes and he got angry and killed her by the pool. Duncan found her and had an episode and basically got soaked in her blood. When her parents showed up, they thought it was Duncan that killed her and attempted to cover it up.
my girlfriend though it was the best season opener she'd ever seen.

i thought it was "good" but not great.
Just saw the premiere, and wow, it was GREAT. Lots of in jokes, lots of humour, characters were all sharp, pretty good MOTW, and it was great to see Charisma back on tv.
Favourite moment:

Dick: Ms. Dumbass.

Dumas: It's Dumas, Dick.

Dick: Well, my name's pronounced Richarde, and it stinks back here.


So Lily in a way saved Veronica from dying. This show borders on mystery, comedy, drama and supernatura which is really interestingl. Naima's "The New Journalism Teacher" a.k.a Ms. Dumas acting was o.k.... I was so dissapointed when she won America's Next Top Model.


So Lily in a way saved Veronica from dying. This show borders on mystery, comedy, drama and supernatura which is really interestingl. Naima's "The New Journalism Teacher" a.k.a Ms. Dumas acting was o.k.... I was so dissapointed when she won America's Next Top Model.

It reminds me a lot of Buffy in the way it leaps between genres without missing a beat. And I'm pretty sure that wasn't Amanda Seyfried playing Lilly tonight:D
JLBats said:
It reminds me a lot of Buffy in the way it leaps between genres without missing a beat. And I'm pretty sure that wasn't Amanda Seyfried playing Lilly tonight:D

It sounded like her.
whose Charisma playing?Who was at the door?Tell me.:(
who was at the door? I missed the first 10 minutes of the show. was it Duncan?
It was Logan.

Veronica Mars was amazing. It was at the same amazing level as last season. When Gia said, "They're all dead", my heart skipped a beat.
Abaddon said:
whose Charisma playing?Who was at the door?Tell me.:(

Charisma is the mother of Dick and Beaver.

Logan was at the door with the **** beaten out of him.
JLBats said:
Charisma is the mother of Dick and Beaver.

Logan was at the door with the **** beaten out of him.

Then why was she smiling when she answered the door last season?I would think she might be upset to see him beaten up.:confused:

Whose Dick and Beaver,and why are there names so sexually suggestive? :confused:

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