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What 2017 Comic Book Movie are you looking forward to the most?

Wolverine 3 (The Wolverine is one of my favorite comic book movies).

I'm not going to see GotG or Thor, I still don't know about Homecoming (what's going on with MJ and Zendaya is a big factor), and unless Justice League gets better received than BvS, I'm likely to skip it. I'm optimistic about Wonder Woman, though.
I didn't particularly care for T:TDW, but I went with Ragnarock regardless. I absolutely love the casting, what's been revealed about the plot (excluding today's rumors) and the don't give a sh** attitude of the extremely talented director. I'm very much looking forward to a superhero road trip team-up.
1- GotG.
2- Thor.
3- Spider-Man
4- Wolverine. I don't expect too much since I didn't like Mangold's work with the last movie, but, it's the Wolverine after all.
5- Wonder Woman. I don't have much faith in the DCEU but the trailer looks promising.
6- JL. Lost interest and excitement after the BvS disaster. And it's an other Snyder movie.
I'm excited about all of them, except Wolverine.

I agree with the previous poster about sequels though - often they disappoint ( the Dark Knight, Winter Soldier and Civil War being the obvious exceptions).

GOTG was just so great, I really wonder if Gunn can pull off the magic a second time.

I really enjoyed Thor: TDW, but Ragnarok is my all-time favorite classic Thor story. Taika Waititi is a good director, although mostly for comedies. Can he really pull off a big budget action film ? No doubt there will be plenty of humour in it, but Ragnarok needs to have an epic feel.

Wonder Woman looks to be pretty good, from the trailer - although I was fooled by the final trailer for Batman v Superman.

I would love Justice League to be the stand-out film ( stand out for its greatness, rather than its crappiness), but I won't hold my breath.
I'm really excited for JL, and only slightly less so for Spidey. I"ll see all of these in the theaters except for Wonder Woman. I expect another great year for CBMs, just like this year was.:mnm:
Spider-Man: Homecoming - Spider-Man is my personal favorite super hero, and arguably the greatest super hero ever invented. I have high hopes and expectations for this movie, we will see if it delivers. But I would be thrilled to see Spidey return to his super hero cinematic throne.

Wonder Woman - I want to be excited for this one, and I place it here hoping it will be a suitable movie to take my young daughter to. The first major female super hero film should be an epic all ages adventure film. Going off the trailer, we may be heading that direction or WB will yet again pander to the older crowd that clutches their "mature" graphic novels. Which I think would be a mistake for this movie in particular. But for now I remain optimistic.

Wolverine III - Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman. Really enjoyed the last movie despite the comparatively boring finale. Can't miss the end of an era, if it does turn out to be Jackman's last! After a gratuitous cameo full of violence it will be nice to see more of a complete picture of Logan...his morality and struggle with that violence is what makes him interesting to me. The only Fox project I am anticipating.

Thor: Ragnarok - High hopes for this one as well. I like the previous two movies but would much appreciate a Thor film that is indisputably included in all of our MCU "Best" lists. Feige says that is what they are aiming for, sounds like the director is up to the challenge, and we have a cast that can deliver. Plus the Hulk and Thor together, off world, just sounds like a good time.

Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 - While I enjoyed the first movie it isn't one of my favorites. I just never cared for the Guardians that much before the movie, or after for that matter. I fully expect it to be a good film, and actually pretty stoked for Stallone and Russell.

Justice League - Haven't watched that last trailer. This movie is off my radar completely. I would like to be pleasantly surprised once it is released, but until then, Snyder doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.
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Spider-Man: Homecoming - Spider-Man is my personal favorite super hero, and arguably the greatest super hero ever invented. I have high hopes and expectations for this movie, we will see if it delivers. But I would be thrilled to see Spidey return to his super hero cinematic throne.
I chose Guardians. It was close between that and Ragnarok w/ Hulk.

I think the superhero movie I am excited for most is actually wolverine 3. I really liked the wolverine and think it's underrated, but the movie didn't quite stick the landing on "greatness." Hopefully third time is the charm.

I used to be really excited for justice league, but than I saw BvS........
Thor Ragnarok

Spider-Man Homecoming

Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2

Wonder Woman

Justice League

Wolverine 3
If 10 years ago some dude told me Guardians of the Galaxy is more anticipated than a friggin Justice League movie, i would've called him crazy and laugh in his face.
1. The Justice League. While I'm not a big fan of the DCEU so far, I grew up on the JL cartoons. Plus finally seeing the Flash on the big screen is going to be a big deal for me.

2. Spider-Man Homecoming. Spider-Man and the Flash are two of my favorite superheroes, but we've seen Spider-Man before and I didn't love him in Civil War like everyone else did. Plus there's a couple things about the movie I'm a little weary on.

3. Guardians 2

4. Wolverine 3

5. Thor: Ragnarok

6. Wonder Woman
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1) Spider-Man: Homecoming

2) Justice League

3) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

4) Thor: Ragnarok

5) Wonder Woman

6) Wolverine 3
1. Thor: Ragnarok - I'm so hyped for this movie that it's unreal. Taika Waititi is the most talented director that Marvel have ever hired and they've managed to compile (in my opinion) the best cast in the history of the MCU. We have the return of Thor, Loki, Odin, Heimdall, Sif and The Warriors Three and we've also gained Hulk, Hela, Valkyrie, Skurge, Surtur, Fenris and the Grandmaster. I'll be positively throwing my money at Marvel next November. Let's hope that this is the epic event movie that Thor deserves.

2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: GotG is my favourite MCU movie, I really can't wait for this.

3. Wonder Woman: Purely because we're finally getting a Wonder Woman film on the big screen and that's exciting in itself. I just pray that it's actually decent. Cautiously optimistic.

4. Spider-Man: Homecoming: Eh... I'm struggling to get all that hyped about this. I'm sure I'll go see it, and I'm also sure it'll be good. I just don't care as much as I do for Thor 3 and GotG 2.

5. Wolverine 3: Definitely a rental, doubt I'll bother seeing it at the theatre.

6. Justice League: Meh. If it actually gets decent reviews I'll probably give it a shot, but I'm not really bothered at all at this stage.
1. The Justice League. While I'm not a big fan of the DCEU so far, I grew up on the JL cartoons. Plus finally seeing the Flash on the big screen is going to be a big deal for me.

2. Spider-Man Homecoming. Spider-Man and the Flash are two of my favorite superheroes, but we've seen Spider-Man before and I didn't love him in Civil War like everyone else did. Plus there's a couple things about the movie I'm a little weary on.

Will add the others once I get to my laptop.
Whaaatt??! I thought you loved him in Civil War??

Anyway, I think I'll vote Homecoming: solely because it still has a chance to be my favorite Spidey.
Whaaatt??! I thought you loved him in Civil War??

Anyway, I think I'll vote Homecoming: solely because it still has a chance to be my favorite Spidey.

I loved the Peter Parker we got, while his Spider-Man was good...it wasn't AMAZING like everyone else says
I would say I am most excited about Thor 3, GotG 2, and Spider-man, in that order. I like and anticipate all Marvel movies, but I am more a fan of Thor than average, and less a fan of Spider-man.

As for the rest. . . I suppose I anticipate, or dread, Wonder Woman the most. I don't expect it to be good, but I am most interested in how good, or how bad, it ends up being. The rest, I really don't care about.
I loved the Peter Parker we got, while his Spider-Man was good...it wasn't AMAZING like everyone else says
Yeah, I loved his Peter too. Reminded me of Ultimate comics Peter. I loved the mannerism and energy of his Spidey, just don't like his loyalty and submissiveness to Tony Stark and I hope they improve on this for Homecoming.
Wolverine 3
It's the only X-Men movie 100% sure on the horizon. The idea of getting more cameos/roles from original cast members make this very exciting for me.

Wonder Woman
This movie is coming out several decades too late, but I'm so ready for it. WW has to be the first truly good movie in the DCEU.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2
The first movie was very nice, so I'm hoping this one to be as entertaining. No big feelings about it, just hoping for a blockbuster.

Thor: Ragnarok
Cate Blanchett.

Justice League
In a perfect world this movie would be much much higher on my list. It isn't, and I absolutely refuse to get excited for this. If Snyder can actually manage it this time, it will be a positive surprise. Still there, opening night, for the cast and characters.

Spider-Man: Homecoming
I really liked Tom in Civil War, but I have never cared for the character. Definitely going to see it for the cast, but that's all I'm excited for so far. Hope the additional writers fixed whatever the Vacation hacks originally came up with.
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Yeah, I loved his Peter too. Reminded me of Ultimate comics Peter. I loved the mannerism and energy of his Spidey, just don't like his loyalty and submissiveness to Tony Stark and I hope they improve on this for Homecoming.

I liked his energy too and I still liked this version of Spider-Man, but didn't come out of the theater blown away like I was with Black Panther or even Ant-Man in Civil War.

Still not sure why people were comparing him to Spectacular Spider-Man. I didn't get those vibes at all.
1- GotG.
2- Thor.
3- Spider-Man
4- Wolverine. I don't expect too much since I didn't like Mangold's work with the last movie, but, it's the Wolverine after all.
5- Wonder Woman. I don't have much faith in the DCEU but the trailer looks promising.
6- JL. Lost interest and excitement after the BvS disaster. And it's an other Snyder movie.

I am literally excited about every one:

1) GOTG 2
2) Justice League
3) Thor Ragnorak (huge Hulk fan)
4) Logan
5) Wonder Woman
6) Spiderman: Homecoming.

You wouldn't think Spidey was my 2nd favourite comic book character ever from that list, but for some reason I am just not too excited about it, yet.
for me, Thor and Guardians are on top by quite a bit
1 Thor
2 Guardians
3 Logan
4 Spider-Man
5 Wonder Woman
doesn't even place: JL
Spider-man: Homecoming is easily the most excited I've ever been for a movie. Ever since the first Iron Man I've dreamed of their crown jewel returning home, and now he has. Civil War was the first time I saw my definitive Spider-man on the big screen, and I'm excited to see if they can meet that very high bar come next July. Happy to see him leading this poll, as it should be :up:
Spider-man: Homecoming is easily the most excited I've ever been for a movie. Ever since the first Iron Man I've dreamed of their crown jewel returning home, and now he has. Civil War was the first time I saw my definitive Spider-man on the big screen, and I'm excited to see if they can meet that very high bar come next July. Happy to see him reading this poll, as it should be :up:

I just can't get excited for it at the moment. Holland was awesome in CW, and Spidey will forever be one of my top 2 favourite characters and I loved the first 2 Raimi movies. Maybe it's The Vulture, for me he is Spideys worst villain. Even Keaton playing him can't get me on board.

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