What if, if you are in marvel world?


Oct 10, 2005
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ok ok a better question ;if your are a marvel character wich one you will be? not wich one you want to be


First: is not what you want to be or you like to be, is more what you will be, by you real profile (mental or physical one) or a alien origin

Second: you have lab accident or cosmic ray or you are a mutant or your natural talent you choose (you choose is not really important)
You extrapolating your real self

Third: you take your real physical or mental aptitude and take count of you physical description your behaviour to choose a character

Is more difficult than you think you have to see yourself in mirror or a mental mirror

When you really count every aspect in yourself, you can discover you are a super villain or anti heroes because you are inner dark side is very strong.

Example :you athletic but not strong you run really fast, but your have a lack academic aptitude your are a hot head but you love to help people you are : quicksilver but if you like to steal or your are a little mean you can be the speed demon to.

Example two: your mean, smart but not to much, irresponsible, chubby and little traitor with your friends your are: hindsight lad

Example three : you are smart more than usual, you weak, people make fun of you and beat you and you have lot of anger inside yourself how want to explode your are the hulk.

The game
1 situation you have more power (no normal police can arrest you) than the law you choose if you are good or evil be honest with yourself
2 take count of your real mental aptitude or behaviour (if you are cocky, hot head, arrogant, simple, quiet, mean, generous or helpers
3 take count of your intellectual aptitude
4-take count physical aptitude (tall, small, strong, weak, lazy, fast or slow)
5-take count of you physical appearance (small, tall, build skinny ,fat or chubby)

Choose a existing character of marvel you may like the result or you may not like the result NOW IS YOUR TO ANALYSE YOURSELF

perphaps people dont like look himself in a mirror
I begin with myself

1-I don’t have hair

2-i am not really tall but I am not small 5.11

3-i am a strong guy type

4 -I am built 240lbs 19,5 inch arm but not bodybuilder type more power lifter type I have thick skin .

5- I am not cute I am more toughs face (I will admit I am a little ugly for some people)

6 – I am honest but I have a bad temper.
I love to brawl for a good cause and I help the old lady next door to take down is garbage, I don’t take crap from anybody(I have friend (smaller than me)make prank to me but is like little brother for me I take it from him. i like to take care of defenceless person

7-I am not easy impress physically by people, most of time its me I impress people i have a bleeding heart

8-i am not dumb but not a smart one to I don’t have university degree but I have college degree in chemical and physique.

9- some time I said sometime like every body I hate everybody I want to destroy the world and beat everybody to dead( is my little dark side in me I have my revolt moment some time)

My result: I am more Ben Grimm (the thing) character or because of my little dark side, I can be ironclad from u foes to ,because I am not perfectly good sometime I can be bad.

MMMmmm some are embarrassed to play they dont want to discover they are like hindsight lad
because they are small ,chubby ,full of pimple,they worth nothing outside the cyberwold

i am kidding i just want to push people

Isn't there a thread about living in the MU every couple of months?
The question is horrible. Lets take a look at it:

"What if, if you are in marvel world?"

You, would be I, as in myself. If I was in the Marvel world, I would be myself. So your question makes no sense from the get go. Making this thread an epic failure before you even created it.
ok ok a better question ;if your are a marvel character wich one you will be? not wich one you want to be

Wow, you guys are jerks. The guy just wants to play a little game. And he has a good point, people usually lie and pick the characters they like.

"Ohh I'm Johnny Storm, because I'm handsome and girls love me and I drive fast cars.."

Or you get the loser who pretends that he is a loner simply to cover the fact that he has no friends. So they say they're like Man-Thing or Wolverine or someone they consider "cool."

Pifpaf is asking you what type of character are you?

Personally, I'm a type of Deadpool.

-I love my hair. But I'm going to cut it all off soon. *cries* 9 inches out the window.

-I'm average height 5'8-5'9

-I'm not weak but not ridiculously strong. I'm more agile. I've taken martial arts, but I love weapons, especially ninja weapons.

-I can run pretty fast, but I think I'm more durable than anything. I caught the planet with my teeth once and only barely chipped it.

- I guess I'm handsome..Girls never said "ew" to me. I'd say I was average.

– I'm honest. But some people see it as mean. I just calls 'em as I see's 'em.

I'm sarcastic and witty. Though most of the time people don't get it. I seem insane a lot.

-I know what I need to know. Someone once said that being able to make people laugh requires intelligence. Maybe this is why a man like Batman is almost constantly defeated by a McDonald's reject in a purple zute suit.

- I pretty much hate everyone. But at the same time I have pitty for the world. I just do what I have to do to get by.

For these reasons: Deadpool. If I could pick out of leisure, then I'd pick Spidey or someone awesome like that to be. Not a red and black wearing, katanna toting, mean spirited jerk. But that's me..

Darthphere...dude....you're making fun of the speech of someone who's learning english. Not cool.
Wow, you guys are jerks. The guy just wants to play a little game. And he has a good point, people usually lie and pick the characters they like.

"Ohh I'm Johnny Storm, because I'm handsome and girls love me and I drive fast cars.."

Or you get the loser who pretends that he is a loner simply to cover the fact that he has no friends. So they say they're like Man-Thing or Wolverine or someone they consider "cool."

Pifpaf is asking you what type of character are you?

Personally, I'm a type of Deadpool.

-I love my hair. But I'm going to cut it all off soon. *cries* 9 inches out the window.

-I'm average height 5'8-5'9

-I'm not weak but not ridiculously strong. I'm more agile. I've taken martial arts, but I love weapons, especially ninja weapons.

-I can run pretty fast, but I think I'm more durable than anything. I caught the planet with my teeth once and only barely chipped it.

- I guess I'm handsome..Girls never said "ew" to me. I'd say I was average.

– I'm honest. But some people see it as mean. I just calls 'em as I see's 'em.

I'm sarcastic and witty. Though most of the time people don't get it. I seem insane a lot.

-I know what I need to know. Someone once said that being able to make people laugh requires intelligence. Maybe this is why a man like Batman is almost constantly defeated by a McDonald's reject in a purple zute suit.

- I pretty much hate everyone. But at the same time I have pitty for the world. I just do what I have to do to get by.

For these reasons: Deadpool. If I could pick out of leisure, then I'd pick Spidey or someone awesome like that to be. Not a red and black wearing, katanna toting, mean spirited jerk. But that's me..

Darthphere...dude....you're making fun of the speech of someone who's learning english. Not cool.

i think is not me the problem her. you know why? because you have understand 100% the question. and thank you very much.

i believe some people understands my question but they are to lazy to try
and they fear to discover they are only a hingsight lad character
you know what! chinesfood, some member choose cool name because they are lame in real world

i think i am like you for that i dont need a cool nickname to be cool . i am cool real life
you know what! i have take time to read you. post i find it very interesting to know you. for what character you really are not you want to be i find it awersome . in some way is cool to know each other

Hi! chinesefood Thank you, thanks you for your participation I think you can be very you are intimidating has your own manner
I discovered of you. You don’t need to hide behind a screen I applaud that
Please believe me I am not ashamed of myself I can be intimidating in person.
I do not laugh at people like some but I don’t fear to
I am not the most tall (5.11) but I am really $%?& big ( 240lbs) and @#$?& strong (I can bench 405lbs) this warning is not for you chinesfood) but for all arrogant which they hide behind their screen. (but i know i can do nothing)

hope some people will try to play Is good to discover himself Without lying about yourself. most will discover they are a blob or hindsight lad not superman , captain america or falcon


Too much work for me.

I've yet to read a geek/jock in the Marvel Universe with a bent toward Tinkering.

I'd have to choose from a lot of "Almost Me's"

Nice try on the thread though.

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