Well, we know DH and RH think it's Celestial or Galactus-level ... But to the majority of posters here: where would you put it? Obviously Hulk can win more often than not against the more physical Thor-class guys, but I think most of us see the ones like Surfer, who use more esoteric powers, as taking him the majority.
Barring occasional good/bad matchups for him, where do you generally see him fitting?
Personally, I always saw Iron Man as being at the top of the second tier, with Wonder Woman, Wonder Man, Barda, Zauriel, etc. close behind. However, I see Hulk taking a majority against each of these beings, and most at their power level. I was thinking Hulk may well merit his own power class, above the top of the second tier, but not really quite with the prominent Heralds. This is, of course, taking into account his healing factor and rage factor giving him the dynamic power advantage.
Barring occasional good/bad matchups for him, where do you generally see him fitting?
Personally, I always saw Iron Man as being at the top of the second tier, with Wonder Woman, Wonder Man, Barda, Zauriel, etc. close behind. However, I see Hulk taking a majority against each of these beings, and most at their power level. I was thinking Hulk may well merit his own power class, above the top of the second tier, but not really quite with the prominent Heralds. This is, of course, taking into account his healing factor and rage factor giving him the dynamic power advantage.