I guess one of the most important things for me, especially in an origin story, is his reason for donning the costume.
It should be because he simply can't just watch people get hurt when he can do something about it. It should be because using his gifts, the things that made him feel like a freak his whole life, to do something amazing like saving a life, gives him a feeling of purpose. It should be because he CARES about the world and every single person in it, and he can see how desperately unjust some people's lives are just because of a minority of selfish and greedy power hungry people. It should be because he wants to fight to change it, because he believes in the good in people and that all hope is NOT lost and we can bring hope and justice back (a reality we all share
The terrifying thing for me, is how easy it would be for them to miss that.
If they have him brooding in Alaska, with no intention of ever coming out of exile, and then only donning the costume as a reaction to Zod or because his hologram father told him to... then they'll have completely missed a huge part of what makes Superman a stronger hero than all the others.
I really really hope that's not the case though.
I mean, with BB and TDK, they managed to find the balance. Yes, Bruce's parent's death sent him on a journey to understand WHY it happened, what the criminal world is really all about etc. But his intentions are NOT just revenge. He is trying to change Gotham because he believes in the good in people just as his father did, and he thinks the city is worth fighting for.
Let's hope some of that transfers over into this script