Snow White and the Huntsman: My review: 7/10 (Letter grade - C)
The movie starts off strong but loses momentum by the second act. By the third act, it felt strangely rushed; things just kinda happened. That being said, I give the film high marks for the visuals. The cinematography was awesome (I like the deep colors and lighten contrast) and the CG was almost seamless. That's from a big CG critic.
The cast was good but Kristen Stewart (who wasn't bad) didn't do a whole lot. So when she makes that rousing war speech in the film, she didn't earn it because it came out of no where. Chris Hesworth was serviceable, the dwarves are underused, and my Lord, Charlize was awesome. Scene chewer. And strangely, like Game of Thrones, there's a hints of incest so it's weird, especially for a film targeted towards kids.
That being said, the movie is very uneven, but entertaining. But it misses some marks on the story.