Where is Clark's newest power/ability for Season 5!?!

Ah! The elevator scene. That's precisely the scene I was thinking of when I made post #20. I think he did that a couple of more times, too. phoenixflight didn't mention it in the first post, either.

And thanks. I lurk far more than I post, Serene.
Joseph_Freefall said:
Ah! The elevator scene. That's precisely the scene I was thinking of when I made post #20. I think he did that a couple of more times, too. phoenixflight didn't mention it in the first post, either.

And thanks. I lurk far more than I post, Serene.

He also used it when he x-rayed Whitney's backpack in Season 1.

In the scene where Whitney has the heart medication in the paperbag in his bag as Whitney walks off down the corridor he focuses in on the label.

I guess it came with the x-ray vision and it just improved from there.

I recall them saying that he was going to get a power that he wouldnt use as an adult.
phoenixflight said:
We are now up to the 16th episode in Season 5, and we have yet to see which of Clark's newest abilities manifest themselves. In previous seasons we saw the development of his powers early on:

Season 1
Super Strength, Super Speed, Invulnerability
Episode 1.1 - Pilot

X-Ray Vision
Episode 1.4 - X-Ray

Season 2
Heat Vision
Episode 2.2 - Heat

Season 3
Super Hearing
Episode 3.10 - Whisper

Season 4
Episode 4.1 - Crusade
Many will dispute this, however, although Kal-El was the one who flew, Clark gained the ability and control over it. Since then he has done many "jump flights" showing he has gained some mastery over this skill.

Season 5
Hoping for Flash Freezing/Super Breath

What's going on? And what about the skills his father was teaching him in "Arrival" within the energy chamber in the Fortress of Solitude??

I think I remember Gough and Miles saying that they weren't gunna do the Super Breath, they said it was too cheesy. I would have liked to see it. Oh well.
What if the actual power had nothing to do with Clark?? What I mean is, what if it had something to do more with what he was wrapped up in when they found him? "Super" material perhaps, maybe Martha is cleaning out Jonathan's things and finds it and thinks Clark should have it? Tease of the suit?
Serene said:
It wasn't formally introduced, but he basically did a telescopic vision thing in Bound when he found that girls earring at the bottom of the elevator shaft.

He also used it in Slumber.
Joseph_Freefall said:
He was using his actual telescope.

But I do recall that scene being being questioned often: did he really use his telescope or did he use his eyes. I haven't seen the pilot in ages but I recall that after he stood up from the telescope, he looked out the window and the camera's POV switched to Lana in front of her window. I don't think the producers meant for that scene to mean he was using his eyes alone but that's just me.

Just watched it again. It is his vision. The way the structure the scene makes it rather obvious.
he already has the telescopic vision, watch the end of "Lucy" again. Lois look into the telescope and sees what we would, Clark looks in and can see planets up close and that comet...
He's had telescopic vision since the pilot, actually...

When he's looking at Lana through the telescope she's way closer than she'd appear with a telescope of that size...

The shot was from his point of view and he was using his telescopic vision to get a better look.

Said so in the script even.
triplet said:
Said so in the script even.
oh yea...I'm not sure if this was on here by you or over at Kryptonsite but now I am recalling you saying the script had this as well.
The show needs to introduce another power to help get Smallville back to its roots in some sense. I have loved season five, but I still miss the feel that the show used to have. One thing that always made each passing season great was the introduction of a new power. While super breath is not the most exciting power, it would probably be the most interesting for him to learn about out of x-ray/heat vision and super hearing.

What I am wondering is how they would introduce it. I thought it would have made for an awesome episode during the fourth season when he turned 18 for his parents to give him a cake, and then when he tried to blow out the candles, he accidentally blows the cake through the side of the house. Something comical like that would have been great. It also would have made a big deal out of him turning 18, when you technically become an adult. The interaction between Clark and his parents when he was learning his powers was always a great part of the show.

The heat vision training with JK is still one of my favorite moments from the show.

** In regards to the telescopic vision, you are forgetting Slumber when he saw through all the trees to see the guy about to light Lana on fire.
Joseph_Freefall said:
oh yea...I'm not sure if this was on here by you or over at Kryptonsite but now I am recalling you saying the script had this as well.

Yep, I think that was here... the subject has come up more than once before.

I could dig up the line from the script again, if you're really interested.

:D ;)
AllThingsComic said:
I guess no one liked my idea??
In a way, they kind of already teased the suit. I'm not talking about the scene in Hereafter, but that folded up piece of yellow material that Martha ran back for in Commencement. It looked like a blanket or towel. "I can't believe I almost forgot this," she said. So what's so important about that Martha, hmmm?


;) :D
He must have had a few cramps in his butt by the time he got out of that ship. Or were they going with the not feeling pain stuff. :confused:
AgentPat said:
In a way, they kind of already teased the suit. I'm not talking about the scene in Hereafter, but that folded up piece of yellow material that Martha ran back for in Commencement. It looked like a blanket or towel. "I can't believe I almost forgot this," she said. So what's so important about that Martha, hmmm?


;) :D
should have been a red blanket:(
AgentPat said:
In a way, they kind of already teased the suit. I'm not talking about the scene in Hereafter, but that folded up piece of yellow material that Martha ran back for in Commencement. It looked like a blanket or towel. "I can't believe I almost forgot this," she said. So what's so important about that Martha, hmmm?


;) :D

I see what you're saying Pat, but what I meant was, now that he's older and has to the best of my knowledge, never seen the material before. Perhaps he takes it with him to the FoS and it could undergo some sort of molecular change?? It would answer alot of peoples questions as to, why don't his clothes rip when he super speeds or enters the earths atmosphere(i'm speaking in the future of course). I think it could be a sort of cheat for the writers not actually giving Clark a new power, but still satisfying the fans. Just an opinion.
oh yeah, I think it also fits in nicely with the whole Jonathan passing and Martha cleaning out his things. I'm sure the writers can tie it all in nicely somehow.
his new power this season was the power to grow some balls and break it off with Lana.

Still impressed with that decision he made btw.
Mike_D202 said:
his new power this season was the power to grow some balls and break it off with Lana.

Still impressed with that decision he made btw.


I'm glad too . :up: :up:
is it me or are they not using hes powers in season 5 so much?
AgentPat said:
In a way, they kind of already teased the suit. I'm not talking about the scene in Hereafter, but that folded up piece of yellow material that Martha ran back for in Commencement. It looked like a blanket or towel. "I can't believe I almost forgot this," she said. So what's so important about that Martha, hmmm?


;) :D
i see a red arm a yellow blanket and a blue arm. this are the colours from hes suit. so you meant this as a tease?
or just the blanket?
Ok, I think the power I heard about that people may not cinsider a power was his ability to read Kryptonian.

As for his new power, what haven't they given him yet besides flying? He runs fast, his undestructable, laser vision, x-ray vision, super vision, super hearing, super strong, and jump high. And I think they'll keep the flying until the end of the show, probably the same with the super material his costume would be made of if they decide to do that.

What else is there?

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