If it was decieded that there would be a sidekick in one of the Batman Begins sequels, which one should it be?
Don't forget Ace, the Bat-Hound.Katsuro said:For at least two more movies, no one (unless you count Gordon and Harvey Dent). Eventually, I would like to see Nolan take on a serious approach to the Dick Grayson Robin. Other than that, no more sidekicks. We dont need to see Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, and Bat-mite all fighting crime side-by-side or anything.
Poetic Chaos said:I like how batgirl was done in The Batman.
JokerNick said:last time I checked, Batman didn't have this "crime fighting" thing down, he still was having trouble beating the bad guys, he doesn't need a side kick when he barely can handle doing stuff himself right now, he aint running a baby sitting service.......
if they eventually do Robin, this is how he should be done....
Robin doesn't fight crime the way Batman does, he's more of an undercover agent for Batman, who investigates matters in ways Batman can't... whether it's posing as a thug for the mob, or trying to infiltrate a drug ring by posing as a drug runner..... his codename is "Robin"
jimthecomicguy said:Lame. If there is a Robin, handle the subject matter seriously and it will be fine. Use a kid, not a man child like Chris O. Allow Bruce to face what he sees as his failure and see how that affects him and why he feels the need to take in another victim of sensless crime.