Who would be the hardest character to translate on screen


Aug 27, 2007
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Which character from DBZ do you think would be the hardest to make look right on the big screen.

Now you can either judge on the appearence, personality, or species.

My vote goes to Kid Gohan, if a sequel is made on the saiyan saga how do you get a 5 year old boy to look like a serious trained fighter.

How can you have someone like this

Gohan - Random 5 yo


Fight this guy and smack him into rocks

Nappa - Nathan Jones

Gohan. I can't imagine it.
Gohan. It'd be harder.

Frieza I could see being like CGI or something.
for a realistic on screen translate, i guess, Frieza
would be hard to get the look just right for him to work
The other problem with kid Gohan is how violent film will be, if you look at the saiyan/Frieza sagas, the little guy gets the **** beat out of him
i'd like to see them do mr popo without being racist....

everyone else could really be adapted into a human esque form and have the same personality but not the look.
I'd say Gohan, but then I remembered that Majin Buu is pretty tricky. I mean, how do you make a pink bubble gum monster look realistic? (I'm a big Buu fan, but seriously...). Then I thought about Ginyu and his rediculous poses. And then Mr. Popo popped into mind and his relatively racist physical structure...and then Gohan looked rather realistic.
Why did people pick Buu?? he'd be much easier than Gohan...
because buu has no real motivations or anything, he's the worst villain ever...even garlic jnr had some proper motivation.
A pumped up 5-12 year old? I dont see how its even possible. Plus he has to do some serious fighting and has to pull off some good acting. Kid Gohan by far is the hardest.
i'd like to see them do mr popo without being racist....

everyone else could really be adapted into a human esque form and have the same personality but not the look.
only people who are racist think of stuff like that, to be honest it never pops into my mind that popo is black untill someone mentions it

im gonna have to go with the cooler, theres just too much to him i think it would be far too difficult to make him look good
Gohan, Frieza. I think most people in the thread understand why.
Kid Gohan is going to be the most diffucult. I mean if they really do plan on getting a real 4 or 5 year old kid to do this stuff it is going to be tricky. He has to act and learn to do this stuff. There probaly going to have to have some teen play him and have computer come into some major play here. Course kid Goku isn't going to be eazy to do either, but there some how managing to pull him off.


The cell saga will be the hardest to pull off. Ok the Freza saga will followed by the Cell saga. I feel sorry for the poor kid whoever has to play Gohan. I mean the kid had to do go through so much, nearly get killed more than once and blasted at thousands of times.
vern troyer should play garlic jr

Young Gohan, buff kid just doesn't look right in real life.
Yeah, proves my point of how wrong it is.

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