Why didnt venom bond with Sandman


Jun 23, 2003
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I mean It makes logical sense. Sandman much stronger than any human and he can change his shape to what ever size he requires
Easiest answer to that would be:

Because it wasn't written in the script.
I mean It makes logical sense. Sandman much stronger than any human and he can change his shape to what ever size he requires

They both wanted to kill Spidey that was the only reason for even teaming up.
They probably never tought of that. Wow, so much fans would havec complained...heheheh

I guess it is fun to imagine what it would have looked like.
How is it going to bond with Sandman? He's just sand. There's nothing there for it to actually bond to.
One could argue sandman didn't have as much motivation to hate spidey as eddie did making his 'agression' fueled bond weaker.

sandman had no reason to go after spidey at all to be honest, he could have layed low and continued robbing money for his daughter since he was assumed dead.

heck what does it matter, there was nothing spidey could do in his power to stop sandman
I mean It makes logical sense. Sandman much stronger than any human and he can change his shape to what ever size he requires

Because it feeds off negative energy, and Peter's lust for revenge drew the symbiote to him (when they bonded) and to Eddie in the church (since he was right there and it wanted a new host).
actually this does bring up a point.

if the symbiote does indeed feed off negative energy and 'power'

why didn't it bond with harry when parker was fighting him in his appartment

harry has the greatest anger in the film and he also has goblin formula within him, enriched goblin formula which would potentially make him stronger than a normal spiderman.

the only real reason i see for this is that it doesn't separate from a host unless pressurised and then looks for the next best target.
Because it never had a chance to.

The symbiote bonded with Eddie because Eddie was there.
haha Tom, stealing my answer...I was just going to say, because Sandman was nowhere around when Peter peeled off the suit. That and what November and Spider-Fan said.
actually this does bring up a point.

if the symbiote does indeed feed off negative energy and 'power'

why didn't it bond with harry when parker was fighting him in his appartment

harry has the greatest anger in the film and he also has goblin formula within him, enriched goblin formula which would potentially make him stronger than a normal spiderman.

the only real reason i see for this is that it doesn't separate from a host unless pressurised and then looks for the next best target.

the symbiote liked Peter and since Harry wasnt strong enough to win any battle in SM3, the symbiote wanted the stronger host which is Peter.
the symbiote liked Peter and since Harry wasnt strong enough to win any battle in SM3, the symbiote wanted the stronger host which is Peter.

Since when is the symbiote attracted to physical strength? Eddie Brock was hardly a towering mass of muscle. It feeds off angry emotions. And, Harry was brimming with that.

And Harry was stronger than Brock thanks to the performance enhancers.

Sandman wasn't in the church and the symbiote needed a host?

Besides, it needed an individual that would embrace it and Marko would likely reject it like Parker when he found out what it was doing to him, then where would it be?
Since when is the symbiote attracted to physical strength? Eddie Brock was hardly a towering mass of muscle. It feeds off angry emotions. And, Harry was brimming with that.

And Harry was stronger than Brock thanks to the performance enhancers.

Peter was stronger still, and any debate about whether Harry was angrier than Pete (or vice versa) is entirely subjective.

The symbiote had no reason to leave Peter and join Harry, especially since Harry was getting his ass handed to him that entire fight.
How is it going to bond with Sandman? He's just sand. There's nothing there for it to actually bond to.

that would be my guess as well. the symbiote probably needs an organic host.
Peter was stronger still, and any debate about whether Harry was angrier than Pete (or vice versa) is entirely subjective.

The symbiote had no reason to leave Peter and join Harry, especially since Harry was getting his ass handed to him that entire fight.

I'm not disputing that.

I'm disputing the notion that the symbiote seeks out physically strong hosts. If that was true, it wouldn't have gone near Eddie Brock.
I always thought of Sandman as being a living, breathing host, just like the rest of us, but with the power to control particles/sand particles. I don't see why it (the symbiote)wouldn't be able to attatch to Flint Marko when he's not in sand form. But why would the symbiote want Marko? there's nothing there for it, his negative emotions towards Spidey don't compare to the feelings of hatred Brock and Harry had for Peter or for what Peter felt towards Sandman.
Spider-Girl™;13187560 said:
I always thought of Sandman as being a living, breathing host, just like the rest of us, but with the power to control particles/sand particles. I don't see why it (the symbiote)wouldn't be able to attatch to Flint Marko when he's not in sand form. But why would the symbiote want Marko? there's nothing there for it, his negative emotions towards Spidey don't compare to the feelings of hatred Brock and Harry had for Peter or for what Peter felt towards Sandman.

I admit, it would be pretty cool to see what would happen if the symbiote did bond with Sandman.
Spider-Girl™;13187560 said:
I always thought of Sandman as being a living, breathing host, just like the rest of us, but with the power to control particles/sand particles.

Except that we see the sand particles become fused to his DNA. He isn't a human being anymore, he's a pile of sand held together through sheer willpower.

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