Why does 2007 feel like the worst year.


Oct 25, 2006
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I dont know its just Soooo much **** went down this year, both good and bad, but mostly bad... well for me atleast, it felt like one of the worst years because so many bad incidents came into play.

I don't know if its just me, or has this year been like this for anyone else as well.

Heres to hoping 2008 will be a better year. :dry:
Well, in all seriousness, quit being a dumbass and 2008 is going to better. :up:
I dont know...

I got a new place. Pretty good year for me.

Oh, and Rock Band came out. So far better than last year with its overrated Katrina...
2007, in a nutshell:
-Got a new apartment
-Mom divorced stepdad
-Mom gets ton of money from stepdad
-Got a PS3
-Sold a PS3
-Got a Wii
-Got DirecTV
-Got Rock Band
-Got a woman :up:
Whenever I feel that way i remember this quote for retrospect.

"The least pain in our little finger gives us more concern and uneasiness than the destruction of millions of our fellow-beings."

2007 for Spoons

-Graduated college
-Gave shrooms a try for the first time
-Danced next to a hairy gay man at a bar (No shame!)
-Weighed in at 230lbs(that's good for me, I'm trying to gain lbs)
Lets see...

-Got my own place
-Got married
-Met some people, did some things

Yep, great year. :up:
2007 was a VERY tough year for me.. still is...

I'm really glad its over....

Here's to 2008 :up:

- made it through the 1st year of married life w/o so much as a speed bump
- got a promotion and fat raise.
- promotion allows me to set my schedule and work from home when I want.
- wife just got a great promotion as well, which equals us easily paying off our debt.
- Missouri is number 1, never though I'd be able to say that.

Great Year!!!

Though if things go as planned, 2008 will be much better because there should be a lil' Badger running around. :up:
hmmm. 2007 wasn't anything spectacular. I'm still in college with the same major. I've lived at the same place all year. nothing has really stood out for me. I'm guessing 2008 will be the same.
Paying off those porn sites huh?
Fran™;13335268 said:
-Got a PS3
-Sold a PS3

Well, I liked this year. Saw a lot of good movies and played a lot of good video games and saw some good television. Plus, the last Harry Potter book came out. But I want 2008 to get here. "The Dark Knight" can't get here fast enough.
Well, I liked this year. Saw a lot of good movies and played a lot of good video games and saw some good television. Plus, the last Harry Potter book came out. But I want 2008 to get here. "The Dark Knight" can't get here fast enough.

TDK comes out on my B-day. :woot:
this year was good for me until august , from there its been a downward spiral . i hope to turn it around soon.
Fran™;13335419 said:
Paying off those porn sites huh?

I'm quessing that gem was pointed at me...

Who the hell pays for Porn in this day and age. :o

If you want me to show where there is free porn Fran, you only need ask. :up:

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