The Dark Knight Rises Why is everyone slamming TDKR? - Part 1

In all honesty, going around the internets lately - I see alot of 'hate' and disdain for 'The Dark Knight Rises'. In forums, user comments on news articles and YouTube, IMDB, etc.

Even in today's article on 'SHH' about the new 'Iron Man III' poster, the top rated comment was about how "terrible" 'The Dark Knight Rises' is and a few others that echoed that sentiment were also the second and third most top rated.

I've noticed this internet-crapping on the film since maybe...October-ish? But I never said much about it. But now I feel like getting a discussion about it going.

I know many, many films get internet hate or a slamming in forums that actually did amazingly well or very good with critics/audiences and are quite loved - is this the case with 'The Dark Knight Rises'?

I've even seen it on 'Worst or Most Disappointing Sequels' lists or 'Worst of 2012', too. Not to mention I've seen many claim that "The film failed, nobody liked it and it ruined the trilogy" or "It wasn't very well received at all...critics only gave it high marks to avoid death threats."

Am I the only one baffled at how a well received film can attain this reputation on the internet amongst fans and forum users? Are they trying to buck the consensus against the film and brand it as a 'hated'/'terrible' sequel?

I've seen many films get this online stigma despite getting good/great reviews from critics and most people - in the end it doesn't matter because the internet forum-users are equal to such a small, minuscule voice that what they say is the ramblings of a vocal minority that 99.9% of the population doesn't hear or value - but still.

What gives? Is this a vocal minority internet bandwagon-hate or is this 'The Dark Knight Rises's reputation now?
I've come to accept it , everyone loves this movie so much that they cant stop discussing it. :woot:

You know its true Brain Damage . Nobody writes walls of text about a movie released a year ago if they don't love the hell of it :funny:
I think a lot of the frustration people have with the movie comes from wanting to love it or loving aspects of it but not being able to fully embrace it for X, Y or Z or some combination thereof.

And before anyone jumps on me for trying to "psychoanalyze" or tell people how they feel- I am basing this on nothing more than my own experiences with things that I have a mixed relationship with.
No ...they love it. If people can address Nolan's emotional attachment (?!) , then anyone can do the same just by reading a bunch of posts.
As regwec once said, fans criticize at length because they care. We have been invested in this franchise since 2005 with two spectacularly good movies, and then this fine high standard was dropped with the final movie. Why wouldn't they be so vocal about a movie series they care about? Star Wars fans, James Bond fans etc continually write essays on the movies in those franchises they dislike.
IMO some of the hardcore Star Wars prequel haters are really the ones who need to learn how to let go.

But that's neither here nor there.
As regwec once said, fans criticize at length because they care. We have been invested in this franchise since 2005 with two spectacularly good movies, and then this fine high standard was dropped with the final movie. Why wouldn't they be so vocal about a movie series they care about? Star Wars fans, James Bond fans etc continually write essays on the movies in those franchises they dislike.

For about 30 people on the internet. Don't act like it's fact.
For about 30 people on the internet. Don't act like it's fact.

Stop that, he never stated it was like that for everyone and you know it. He stated "we", as in the people that criticize the movie.

There are no statistics out there that prove if a majority or a minority or even a specific number like or dislike the movie.
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Stop that, he never stated it was like that for everyone and you know it. He stated "we", as in the people that criticize the movie.

There are no statistics out there that prove if a majority or a infirmity or even a number like or dislike the movie.

Ya, you're right. I got a little catty. It's just him and I have gotten into it twice already about things and we just clash.

Sorry about the snark.
I actually think TDKR is a much better movie than BB. However, BB feels more traditional to Batman tropes (working with Gordon, doing some detective work, fighting gangsters instead of terrorists, saving the city before things get TOO bad, bat-signal, batmobile, etc.).

TDKR's first hour is like that for the most part and it is the part fans complain the least. When it becomes an epic on the scale of Lean and turns into a story about Bruce Wayne learning to give up the Batman so he can stop Bane's Robespierre-like revolution...that is when fans get frustrated with it.

Also, TDK is clearly better. And since this movie is a step down from the second, that leads to inevitable disappointment for some. But it will hold up better than almost every other superhero movie ever released.
As regwec once said, fans criticize at length because they care.We have been invested in this franchise since 2005 with two spectacularly good movies, and then this fine high standard was dropped with the final movie. Why wouldn't they be so vocal about a movie series they care about? Star Wars fans, James Bond fans etc continually write essays on the movies in those franchises they dislike.

In other words, we hate because we love :yay:. As I always said.
You know its true Brain Damage . Nobody writes walls of text about a movie released a year ago if they don't love the hell of it :funny:

The people who constantly write about it may be in love with it...but that doesn't mean that everyone loves it. really need to go back and read your previous posts...not just in this thread, but all over the Hype. You defend TDKR like a mother defending her babies, taking any negative comment about the movie as a personal attack....and yet you have no problem going elsewhere and tearing other movies down and being more harsh to the likers of those films than anything said about yours (just saw where you said LOTR was garbage filmmaking for simpletons or some such nicety).
The people who constantly write about it may be in love with it...but that doesn't mean that everyone loves it. really need to go back and read your previous posts...not just in this thread, but all over the Hype. You defend TDKR like a mother defending her babies, taking any negative comment about the movie as a personal attack....and yet you have no problem going elsewhere and tearing other movies down and being more harsh to the likers of those films than anything said about yours (just saw where you said LOTR was garbage filmmaking for simpletons or some such nicety).

I never said that. Ever. I said the filmmaking was simpleton. Please quote me right. I never said anything about the audience. It's not a well composed , directed , acted , written , edited movie...where has that anything to do with the audience ?

And i also dont keep writing about stuff i disliked. I usually give my opinion and....that's that. I always respect the people who love discussing thoses movie , whether i enjoyed or not. I've made fun about some movies in this boards (avengers , this new iron man for instance)....could you give me ONE post i made about them in their sub-boards? Because you won't find them. Hell , check how many posts i have about the hobbit in its topic.

As for the personal attacks , i would love if you could give me some examples about least so i can change my behavior. I write a lot about this movie , because its one of the few movies people talk constantly about in this boards that i enjoy. That's normal right ?

EDIT: I actually went and count. After the movie was released i posted.....1 comment about the hobbit (a small one criticizing it ). One. Can you imagine some users who bash regularly tdkr , do the same ?
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Does it mean I love Spider-Man 3 even when I criticize the film in long wall-like text, Tequilla? :o

I'll say this...the talk continues about TDKR on here and the dislike and displeasure is greatly from certain fanboys and that's fine. I'm one of the fanboys that LOVES the film, just like the majority of the general audience. Not every film will garner the praise of the both sides. Hell, there are some fanboys on these forums that even disliked The Dark Knight even if some don't want to admit it.
Does it mean I love Spider-Man 3 even when I criticize the film in long wall-like text, Tequilla? :o

I'll say this...the talk continues about TDKR on here and the dislike and displeasure is greatly from certain fanboys and that's fine. I'm one of the fanboys that LOVES the film, just like the majority of the general audience. Not every film will garner the praise of the both sides. Hell, there are some fanboys on these forums that even disliked The Dark Knight even if some don't want to admit it.

Yes :yay: (i actually like Spider Man 3 , so....).

I think brain damage understood it was a cheeky comment.
You'd be delusional if you REALLY thought that.

And why mention if you like Spider-Man 3? That has nothing to do with what I ask, although I'm sorry you like it :cwink:
You'd be delusional if you REALLY thought that.

And why mention if you like Spider-Man 3? That has nothing to do with what I ask, although I'm sorry you like it :cwink:

Spidey 2 > Spidey 3 > Spider Man

It's a fun movie. What can i say ? Its not good a movie , its not even a good Spider Man story nor a well made adaptation of that storyline...but its a fun movie. I can't lie. I throughly enjoy watching it :oldrazz:
Does it mean I love Spider-Man 3 even when I criticize the film in long wall-like text, Tequilla? :o

I'll say this...the talk continues about TDKR on here and the dislike and displeasure is greatly from certain fanboys and that's fine. I'm one of the fanboys that LOVES the film, just like the majority of the general audience. Not every film will garner the praise of the both sides. Hell, there are some fanboys on these forums that even disliked The Dark Knight even if some don't want to admit it.

Amen to that. Before TDKR dropped, all the 'cool kids' were slagging TDK left and right. Praising BB over TDK was very in vogue, but the overall environment here was becoming increasingly hostile to the pro-Nolan crowd long before TDKR dropped. I think some of us saw the TDKR backlash coming a mile away to be honest. Though I could have never predicted who would have ended up loving the movie vs. who didn't. That part was wildly unpredictable for me.

First it was the generally underwhelmed reaction to the teaser. Then trailer 2 got a very good first reaction, but people quickly became bored of it and craved more. Then it was back to bashing Catwoman's costume and Hathaway. Hardy's size. Other things were being heavily questioned- rumors of the LOS returning, Batman most likely being retired for 8 years etc. Then months of "Y no marketing?" The only thing that really had the fans in uproar prior to TDK being released was Ledger's casting and no permawhite. But most of that went to rest after the first trailer dropped. It was just a different energy surrounding TDKR. It was still very exciting, and there were definitely plenty of fans pumped by everything they saw. But I was already sensing this disconnect where I felt everyone was hoping for a different movie.

That's why I guess always felt this one was going to be bit more divisive with the fanbase. Bold, controversial decisions just come with the territory when you're putting an end on the story of Batman- an enduring legend in pop culture. Luckily, for folks like us, all those risks paid off big time. :up:
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Great post.

You guys always manage to hit the nail on the head and save me the time and effort from trying to convey similar ideas.
Stop that, he never stated it was like that for everyone and you know it. He stated "we", as in the people that criticize the movie.

There are no statistics out there that prove if a majority or a minority or even a specific number like or dislike the movie.

Thank you, milost :up:

In other words, we hate because we love :yay:. As I always said.

Exactly. If we didn't care about this movie franchise we wouldn't be so passionate about it. I mean lets face it, Shikamaru, would you be here so regularly expressing and discussing your problems with TDKR if you didn't care for BB and TDK much?

I know I wouldn't.
Exactly. If we didn't care about this movie franchise we wouldn't be so passionate about it. I mean lets face it, Shikamaru, would you be here so regularly expressing and discussing your problems with TDKR if you didn't care for BB and TDK much?

I know I wouldn't.

Exactly. Take a look at Iron Man 3 for example. I still haven't been able to make time to see it (the wait is killing me btw) but I'm already aware of what they did to the Mandarin and it is far worse than what they did with Bane. Words can't even express the huge difference. However, I'm not in the Iron Man threads constantly discussing and arguing over this because I'm not a big Iron Man to begin with like I am with Batman and the last Iron Man movie already had a lot of problems.

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