The Dark Knight Rises Why no new batsuit?


May 11, 2012
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I was surprised Lucius did not make Bruce a new batsuit. It didn't take Lucius that much time to take Bruce's request last time. and this time, after 8 years, Lucius worked on a Batwing for him, just for kicks & thrills...

...well I'm sure it was much harder for Lucius to engineer a aircraft than to design a new batsuit, so why not start with that? I figured Batman would have needed it, seeing as how although he was faster and more flexible, he took a gunshot to the gut AND several stabs from Joker's knives.

Anyways, would you have like to have seen a new batsuit?
Bruce should have used the Begins suit when he returned to Gotham. It would have made more sense.

Bane destroyed the cowl on TDK suit and who knows what happened to the rest of the suit after Bruce was knocked out and sent to the pit.

I guess they couldn't do that because Talia wouldn't have been able to stab Bruce in the back.
I was kind of expecting Bruce's super-powered knee contraption to factor into a "new" suit. Bruce gets back to the manor and constructs those for each joint (elbows and knees). The suit would have looked identical, but he would have had those contraptions on joints underneath the suit for his last encounter with Bane, to sort of level the playing field. I have no real problem with him not getting a new suit though. I thought it looked great for the most part in TDKR.
I thought the knee contraption was for snapping his knee back into place. I didn't think it gave him any heightened strength. I figured that kick was supposed to an example of Bruce's own power.
Bruce should have used the Begins suit when he returned to Gotham. It would have made more sense.

Bane destroyed the cowl on TDK suit and who knows what happened to the rest of the suit after Bruce was knocked out and sent to the pit.

I guess they couldn't do that because Talia wouldn't have been able to stab Bruce in the back.
I think he has more than one TDK suit because the one from the Bat-Cave was destroyed and when he returned he used the one in the penthouse Bat-Cave.
Bruce should have used the Begins suit when he returned to Gotham. It would have made more sense.

Bane destroyed the cowl on TDK suit and who knows what happened to the rest of the suit after Bruce was knocked out and sent to the pit.

I guess they couldn't do that because Talia wouldn't have been able to stab Bruce in the back.

-Why would Bruce go a grade lower? He'd lose his agility with it's weight and won't be able to turn his neck.

-Bane would've broke the old mask anyway.

-Bruce didn't know Talia was gonna stab him.
I dunno, but either way the Batsuit looked damn cooler in this movie than it did in TDK, so I wasn't left feeling I needed anything else.
Maybe, but I would have liked some explanation for it. Are we just to assume that it came from a WE prototype project like everything else? lol

A "This knee brace Lucius designed for me works great" would have sufficed imo :funny:
I dunno, but either way the Batsuit looked damn cooler in this movie than it did in TDK, so I wasn't left feeling I needed anything else.

It sure as hell did, idk if it was the lighting or Bale filling in the suit more, but on screen Batman looked great.
I think it was something about how TDK was shot as a whole, really... for example I thought the Begins suit looked extra awful at the beginning of TDK when generally speaking I preferred Batman's look in Begins over TDK. TDKR though was the best of both worlds, and pretty much won me over on the TDK suit.

For me it's:
TDK (TDKR) Suit > Begins (BB) Suit> TDK (TDK) Suit > Begins (TDK) Suit.

Sorry for how confusing that is... :hehe:
Nah. TDK suit, I think has topped the BB suit for me.
I think Bruce might have made changes to the suit after so many years if it wasn't for the time constraints. He had to get himself together pretty quickly both times he went against Bane.
I know that from a technical standpoint the TDK suit is superior (especially for the practical effects), but the BB suit was my favorite. The way the cowl looks, especially the neck is fierce. Love the gauntlets for the suit as well. The TDK suit almost looks "too" practical with the nylon mesh and carbon fiber. I would have been content with seeing the BB suit throughout the entire trilogy.

As for TDKR, It would have been nice to see him in a new suit, especially in the third act. Then again, it may have been too Schumacher-ish to come out of nowhere with a new suit for the final battle.
Bruce should have used the Begins suit when he returned to Gotham. It would have made more sense.

Bane destroyed the cowl on TDK suit and who knows what happened to the rest of the suit after Bruce was knocked out and sent to the pit.

I guess they couldn't do that because Talia wouldn't have been able to stab Bruce in the back.
Yeah that's another thing I was wondering.. how did Bruce retrieve the batsuit and wear it like it was in perfect condition?

Plotholes, plotholes...
Me and my fiance both wondered why Bruce wouldn't revert back to the BB suit given that it was meant to be stronger.
Yeah that's another thing I was wondering.. how did Bruce retrieve the batsuit and wear it like it was in perfect condition?

Plotholes, plotholes...

Bruce had at least two suits. They showed separate suits in the Batcave armory and in the Bat-bunker armory.

Initially, I was disappointed in them not using a new suit. For one, I always thought they could improve on the TDK suit, and, well, I have my own action figure collection and I really didn't wanna have 2 of the same.

However, there was something about the way it looked in this film that completely sold me, particularly when the first part of the Batpod chase ended, with the searchlight beaming over him. The suit looked absolutely gorgeous this time around. Another thing was Bale's build. He looked bigger and fitter, filling out the suit a bit better. That, and they really made the neck thicker, which was something that sorta bugged me in TDK.
I've always thought of Bruce Wayne having access to many suits in the same way Tony Stark does. For example, in The Dark Knight, he has one stashed away at Dent's fundraiser when Joker arrives. If he's got one there, I'd guess he has a few back at his bunker or the Batcave.

I like the new suit, I'm glad they stuck with it.
Bruce had at least two suits. They showed separate suits in the Batcave armory and in the Bat-bunker armory.

Did they show the bunker in DKR? If they didn't then we're just leading on with assumptions that Bruce had separate suits.
They did show the Bunker. We see Wayne recovering his suit from there...
I think the 'no new batsuit' thing highlights the lack of Batman since 2008, the eight year absence. I was fine with seeing TDK suit again the whole time.
There's no need for a new batsuit. We've been treated by a new suit for every single Batfilm and it's refreshing that Nolan stayed away from that and kept the TDK suit.
A powered or "support" suit created by Fox would have been cool, but it probably would have made Batman look a little less resilient.

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