Worst moments in Batman films.


Mar 4, 2006
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This is my first time starting a new thread, sorry if this is a lame thread but my brother and i were discussing the worst moments in batman and robin and we came up with quite a big list. Some are simply hilarious!I would love to hear all of your opinions and heres one for starters.

We see batman and robin for the first time. Robin asks why he doesnt get a car. Batmans reply, "This is why Superman works alone"


Offender- Batman and Robin :batman:
Any and all pointless humorous rubber butt shots.

Vicki Vale coming into the Bat-Cave in #1.
All the gay moments in B&R were terrible... heck, this means the movie was terrible from beginning till the end!!!!

Other thing is when Jason Woodrue died, cause he was John Glover, he could have save the whole movie alone!!!

Batman Returns : When Catwoman eats the yellow bird and Penguin menaces the black cat on bed, this was totally unuseful to me, but not enough to ruin that great film!
DeGenerate10 said:
When Batman pulls out a damn Batman Credit Card in B&R.

Holy crap...we have a winner!
DeGenerate10 said:
When Batman pulls out a damn Batman Credit Card in B&R.

Wow! I really don't think anything can beat that...

...omg, No matter how hard I try...I can't recall any worse than that...

...OKAY! I got one, it isn't worse. BUT, it is the worst "I'M BATMAN" ever.

**Batman (Clooney) descends through the cieling window: "Hi Freeze, I'm Batman."**

OH AND OMG!! I HATED!!! HAAAAAATED! Val Kilmer when he smiled in Batman Forever. After meeting with Dr. Chase, he turns around and let's a BIG SMILE go, like he just farted or something. BLA! WHY SCHUMACHER! WHY!?!?

darknight7 said:
**Batman (Clooney) descends through the cieling window: "Hi Freeze, I'm Batman."**


Damn you for reminding me of that. That was pretty bad but not as bad as the credit card thing.
The Riddler after a heist wearing a tiara and earings in Batman Forever
All of Batman and Robin.

Bob Kane's wife over acting...:"Oh, there's Bruce Wayne!"

Bob Kane missing his cameo in Batman 1989.

Joker dieing.

Joker being the Wayne's killer.

Two-Face over acting, and so out of character.

Riddler's orange hair or pink or whatever it was.

The Sonar suit.

The Clooney suit.

The ice suits.


Chris O'donnel as Robin.

Robin's suit in B&R.

If you're gonna' have Nightwing's suit let him be Nightwing instead of ruining the suit by adding that cape and red bird, it looks better the way it should be plus, Robin should've kept his classic suit, all that time I waited to see him brought to life on the big screen and he only wears the Robin suit for a little bit at the end of Forever.:mad:
darknight7 said:
OH AND OMG!! I HATED!!! HAAAAAATED! Val Kilmer when he smiled in Batman Forever. After meeting with Dr. Chase, he turns around and let's a BIG SMILE go, like he just farted or something. BLA! WHY SCHUMACHER! WHY!?!?


I read the script for Forever. There was really no saving it. Don't blame the Joel.
"You want to get nuts? Come On, Let's get nuts!"

And Whats wrong with Vicki Vale walking into the batcave? I'll tell ya, It makes it seems like someones at the front of the cave selling tickets for a batcave tour.
1 person tours?

I would have done better with the batcave.
marcofthebeast said:
"You want to get nuts? Come On, Let's get nuts!"

And Whats wrong with Vicki Vale walking into the batcave? I'll tell ya, It makes it seems like someones at the front of the cave selling tickets for a batcave tour.
I can live with the Vicki thing if the Joker wasn't the Wayne's killer. Considering once in a while some have found out who Batman is. :)
On that note, I just realized that Batman & Robin is the only film where Batman's girlfriend (Elle MacPherson) doesn't discover his true identity. Other than that, all other Batman films feature this, including Batman Begins.
marcofthebeast said:
"You want to get nuts? Come On, Let's get nuts!"

And Whats wrong with Vicki Vale walking into the batcave? I'll tell ya, It makes it seems like someones at the front of the cave selling tickets for a batcave tour.

oh come on... "you want to get nuts? come on , lets get nuts!" that line was great! it really showed bruce in a psycho stage...how could u not like that?
doggpoundcrip said:
oh come on... "you want to get nuts? come on , lets get nuts!" that line was great! it really showed bruce in a psycho stage...how could u not like that?
I liked it.
Dr. Fate said:
On that note, I just realized that Batman & Robin is the only film where Batman's girlfriend (Elle MacPherson) doesn't discover his true identity. Other than that, all other Batman films feature this, including Batman Begins.
Funny though how nothing came of her character, she just disappeared.
Morgoth said:
Funny though how nothing came of her character, she just disappeared.

I heard she was stabbed to death by Poison Ivy. It wouldn't have matched the tone of the movie, so it was cut.
marcofthebeast said:
And Whats wrong with Vicki Vale walking into the batcave? I'll tell ya, It makes it seems like someones at the front of the cave selling tickets for a batcave tour.
On top of that, it contradicts Alfred's primary purpose of protecting Bruce's identity.
Dr. Fate said:
On top of that, it contradicts Alfred's primary purpose of protecting Bruce's identity.

When is this 'primary purpose' stated inside the movie?

All I remember is Alfred being uncomfortable and against the whole Batman idea and the way it is playing with Vicki's feelings and dooming Bruce into solitude (same happens in Returns when Alfred distrust Bruce's real intentions researching Penguin's roots.

Alfred threw the Batman stuff in Bruce's face throughout the whole the movie in different tones (from politeness to contained rage) and finally he thought Bruce was just procrastinating his obligations as a person and forced him to face Vicki AND Batman. Once Bruce did this, things felt better - at least there are no secrets anymore - between them even when fate made them apart.

Of course Bruce tried genuinely to tell Vicky he was Batman and it was ruined by the joker, but put in Alfred's shoes, that sounds like another excuse.

Of course it can contradict comics at some points, but what comic-movie hadn't yet?
El Payaso said:
When is this 'primary purpose' stated inside the movie?

It's dosen't have to be stated but one could assume that a man that is your butler/mentor/best friend/father figure/ the only person that knows your alter ego, wouldn't tell someone your dark secret. Not only that but irresponsibley letting that person into your base of operations.
B89 : 1. Joker killing the Waynes (though that scene was done masterfully, and better than Begins IMO.)
2. Joker dying.
........................... that's about it.
BR : 1. Penguin's dying.
2. Penguin biting the guy in the nose ( only b/c it used to creep me out as a kid).
......................... yeah, that's all.
BF : Dear God, here we go -
2. "I'll get drive through" - screwed up a perfectly intense intro.
3. The sparkly riddler suit.
4. The bright red riddler hair.
5. Two Face cracking jokes.
6. All the love scenes.
7. That annoying ass security guard. Just the way he said "my shoes are melting" made me want to thrash him. I'm sitting here like, damn, the guys only saving your life, yet you still feel compelled to ***** and moan?!
8. Two face was magically white again.
9. Much more.......

B&R : God help me -
1. The butt and cod piece close-ups
2. Dr. Isley being such a damn tight ass.
3. Bane being a dumbass.
4. Mr. Freezes wise cracks.
5. The hockey game.
6. When Robin busted through the wall with the bike and miraculously left the robin insignia in the wall.
7. Alicia Silverstone.
8. The batmobile
9. The bat credit card
10. Too much else...........

BB : Few minor issues.
1. "I'm Batman" then, immediately following, "Nice coat."
2. Though and awesome vehicle, I wish the Tumbler was more batified so to speak.
3. The way Scarecrow went out.
4. Ra's turning out to being white (although understandably so, seeing as though he would have been an Arabic terrorist - not a good trait for the times.)
5. Fat Flass (though I liked his performance). There was a guy in the tavern w/ Falcone that had red hair and two women with him. He looked just like the Flass from YO.
6. Commisioner Loeb - The guy they got to play him was a tall, clean cut, sophisticated looking guy. I always liked how the Loeb in the comics was a short, fat, hideous guy you'd love to hate.

......................... that's about it.
marcofthebeast said:
It's dosen't have to be stated but one could assume that a man that is your butler/mentor/best friend/father figure/ the only person that knows your alter ego, wouldn't tell someone your dark secret. Not only that but irresponsibley letting that person into your base of operations.

OR. Maybe a father figure would go the other way and say

"What? Having some mission of dressing as a bat every night, fight thieves in the most absolute solitude and not follow a normal healthy life is what you think you muust do for the rest of your life??? Ok, young man, as a butler; do as you please but as a father, mentor and specially best friend I'm not forced to agree with your (self-destructive) desicions but forced to make the best for you, to open your eyes because I have far more experience than you, but not support your ideas. My duty as father figure and friend is to make you face the consequences of your actions. Maybe I'm wrong? I'll take my chances because what I see you're doing with your life is gouing to lead you to ruin in every sense".

No, is not something you just assume. You assume it after reading the comics for years. Watching the movie tells different perspectives.

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