"Batman & Robin"
Poison Ivy's entrance into the Botanical Gardens Auction.
Freeze carving an ice sculpture of Nora in Arkham.
Freeze's crying and his running tear freezing and cracking off.
ROBIN: I could've made that jump.
BATMAN: And you could've splattered your brains all over the side of the building.
ROBIN: Y'know in the circus, the Flying Graysons were a team...we had to trust each man to do his part, that's what being partners is all about...Sometimes, counting on someone else is the only way you win.
BATMAN: Your head wasn't even on the job, all you could think about was Poison Ivy.
ROBIN: You just couldn't stand that maybe she wanted me instead of you. I mean that's your idea of friendship isn't it Bruce...It's your house, it's your rules, I mean it's your way or the highway. And it's 'Batman and Robin' not 'Robin and Batman' and I'm sick of it.
BATMAN: Yes it's my rules...MY rules that keep us alive, and if you wanna stay in this house and on this team, you will abide by them.
ROBIN: This is no partnership...you're never gonna trust me."
FREEZE: Allow me to break the Ice...my name is Freeze...learn it well...for it is the chilling sound of your doom...
BRUCE: Alfred...am I pig headed? Is it always...'My way or the Highway'?
ALFRED: Why yes, actually...Death and chance stole your parents. But rather than become a victim, you have done everything in your power to control the fates...For what is Batman, if not an effort to master the chaos that sweeps our world? An attempt to control...death itself...
BRUCE: But I can't, can I?
ALFRED:...None of us can...
BRUCE: I've spent my entire life trying to beat back death...Everything I've done, everything I'm...capable of doing...but I can't save you.
ALFRED: There's no defeat in death, Master Bruce...Victory comes...in defending what we know is right...while we still live...
BRUCE:...I love you, old man...
ALFRED: And I love you to...
BATMAN: I'm taking you back...to Arkham Asylum...
FREEZE: Go on. Kill me to...just as you killed my wife.
BATMAN: I didn't kill your wife...
*Batman shows Video Recording of Ivy*
IVY: As I told Lady Freeze, when I pulled her plug...This is a one woman show...
BATMAN: But she's not dead...We found her, restored her...She's still frozen, alive...waiting for you to find a cure...
FREEZE: She lives?
BATMAN: Yes...
FREEZE: She lives...
BATMAN: But vengeance isn't power, anyone can take a life...But to give life...THAT's true power, a power you once had.
FREEZE: She's alive?
BATMAN: So I'm asking you...Victor Fries...help me save another life...Show me how to cure Macgregor's Syndrome Stage 1. And maybe you can also save the life of the man your wife once loved...He's still inside you Victor...Buried...deep...beneath the snow...Will you help me...Doctor?