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Would You Vote for a Presidential Candidate Solely Due to Their Political Party?


Half Monk, Half Hitman
Sep 27, 2005
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For example, if you identify and/or consider yourself a Republican and somehow, Sarah Palin won the nomination, would you vote for her over, say, Hillary Clinton because you don't prefer to have a Democrat in the White House?

Basically, if you believed that one candidate was more qualified to be a commander-in-chief of the US over the other candidate but the only catch was that they are a Republican while you identify as a Democrat, would you vote for the Democratic candidate anyway?

This is a clear cut question that demands a clear cut answer. There are no maybes.
I wouldnt vote for someone solely based on their party, but I would vote against someone based on their party if the party was extremely radical or racist.
I wouldnt vote for someone solely based on their party, but I would vote against someone based on their party if the party was extremely radical or racist.

I agree! Even though I am mostly Republican/Conservative I do read and watch to gather as much info for each major candidate on both sides of the fence when deciding on a vote. I'm also very careful in reading into the truth and not buying/believing slander ads, posts, and other BS things that may be posted by the media or competing party of either side. I tell you. For example, I've read some of the most ridiculous false things the media has put out about Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump (two opposing sides) it happens both ways.
I vote for whoever I think would do the best. I don't care about party. I'm Canadian though.
Yep, party means nothing to me. Washington was right when he said they were a crappy idea.
No. Almost hit yes, because my only presidential vote so far in life was cast AGAINST bipartisanship. Therefore I cast my vote for a non-democrat and a non-republican because I don't believe in the two-party system.
In certain situations yes I would. I'm supporting Bernie all the way, but if Hillary wins and it comes down to Hillary and Trump then I'm voting for Hillary. I don't like Hillary, but I'd vote for the democrat before I ever voted for Trump.
Voting party lines is why idiots are in office right now. Then again this country is full of idiots so they choose idiots to represent them...
No, I'm independent. But I will say that for the last 8 years or so I've been so disgusted with the way the Republican Party operates at national and my state level that I automatically vote AGAINST any Republican. If a dog were running on Democratic ticket against any Republican, I'll vote for the dog which is just a vote against the Republican. This is b/c IMO the Republicans are so determined to stay in power that they try to appease all groups currently falling under their umbrella: moderate Republicans (who I might agree with on a lot of things), tea party/libertarians, and Christian evangelicals, and also groups that tend to be racist and homophobic. I vote against their party b/c I think some day they need to get their act together and decide who they are instead of just trying to figure out what to say in order to appease all those groups.
In certain situations yes I would. I'm supporting Bernie all the way, but if Hillary wins and it comes down to Hillary and Trump then I'm voting for Hillary. I don't like Hillary, but I'd vote for the democrat before I ever voted for Trump.

Fair point here, I can agree but on the opposite side. There is no way Hilary would ever get my vote.
Fair point here, I can agree but on the opposite side. There is no way Hilary would ever get my vote.
Same here. She has so much scum and question marks attached to her that I could never vote for her.
No, I'm independent. But I will say that for the last 8 years or so I've been so disgusted with the way the Republican Party operates at national and my state level that I automatically vote AGAINST any Republican. If a dog were running on Democratic ticket against any Republican, I'll vote for the dog which is just a vote against the Republican. This is b/c IMO the Republicans are so determined to stay in power that they try to appease all groups currently falling under their umbrella: moderate Republicans (who I might agree with on a lot of things), tea party/libertarians, and Christian evangelicals, and also groups that tend to be racist and homophobic. I vote against their party b/c I think some day they need to get their act together and decide who they are instead of just trying to figure out what to say in order to appease all those groups.

McCain wasn't that bad (this is coming from a fellow left-leaning independent). But I absolutely agree regarding the Bushes, Mitt Romney, and every single circus act on the right this time around. Paul Rand is fairly reasonable I guess. Still, alienating every single "minority" in the process of appealing to your land-owning, god-fearing, white male voter-base kinda shoots yourself in the foot these days. Party is gonna die if they don't realize that soon.

All that being said, I dont think I would vote for Hillary. I think I'll write in Bernie before I do that.
The real options are "yes" and "not voting"
McCain wasn't that bad (this is coming from a fellow left-leaning independent).

Yeah, I know what you mean ...... except then he put Sarah Palin on his ticket and I lost all respect for the poor guy. At that point I would NEVER vote for him b/c how did I know he wouldn't die in office and then we'd have had President Sarah Palin.
For example, if you identify and/or consider yourself a Republican and somehow, Sarah Palin won the nomination, would you vote for her over, say, Hillary Clinton because you don't prefer to have a Democrat in the White House?

Basically, if you believed that one candidate was more qualified to be a commander-in-chief of the US over the other candidate but the only catch was that they are a Republican while you identify as a Democrat, would you vote for the Democratic candidate anyway?

This is a clear cut question that demands a clear cut answer. There are no maybes.

No, I would not. Palin is dangerously stupid and such a person can not be President. If Palin won the nomination, I'd go 3rd party.

In fact I think John McCain hamstrung his chances by picking Palin as his VP.
Until the Democrats get someone on the ticket who is at the level of Trump, Cruz or Palin, I don't see myself voting for anything but their nominee in the general. I would argue that voting for party lines does matter for the selection Supreme Court Justices - the winning candidate will almost certainly pick new ones that fit into their party's values. And there is a measured difference between the two parties, the "it's all the same" argument is ********. I don't want a Republican president because they will almost certainly pick judges that will fall in line with the party views.

The primaries is where I plan on voting for my truly preferred candidate, which this time will probably be Bernie.
This thread has tons of potential if I had the energy for it.

Who are you going to vote for then since it would appear that Trump (way too unpolished), Cruz (way too conservative), Sanders (way too liberal) and Clinton (way too corrupt) are unelectable.
Then people will vote for the person that directly tackles an issue that are important to them. Is abortion a huge issue to you? College loans? Immigration? Vote for the candidate that tackles that issue in a way in which you agree with.
Single-issue voting is almost as bad as party-line voting imo.

Someone could spout racist xenophobia about Muslims and Mexicans and want to solidify off-shore tax havens for the wealthiest Americans, but as long as he screams that he's gonna protect Christianity in schools he supporters will vote for him.

No candidate is going to be the perfect choice for every voter. That's the problem. There isnt enough legitimate choice in two-party politics. That's my biggest gripe about US government.
Single-issue voting is almost as bad as party-line voting imo.

I am guessing most people are 2 or 3 issue voters. In all reality somebody's view on abortion or guns(I am just using these as examples) is not a deal breaker for most people.

Personally my 2 issues are defense(which I think both sides are bad but the republicans far worse) and social issues(Dems miles better). I actually might agree with moderate conservative/Republican views on many issues over the Democrats but until they get better on the 2 issues I listed no way in hell would I vote for them
All right I'll bite, I have a few issues. I'd say more than 3 are important to me. But you're right it's not like the entire spectrum of a candidates agenda affects my life directly or even indirectly.

- But primarily I am against big banking and campaign finance corruption. I feel like these two things negatively affect 95% of Americans whether they choose to believe it or not.
- I am pro-net neutrality. Love my freedom of internet.
- I am pro-planned parenthood. Due to events in the lives of my friends and family.
- VERY pro-secularism in government.
- Pro- environmental sustainability and clean energy
- Pro- ease of immigration. Again, because of friends and families I see whose lives can be so easily ruined because of the current state of things.
- Anti-institutional racism. Including issues of prison industry corruption and law enforcement accountability. Yet again, because of minorities in my family and closest circles of friends.

Guns and gay marriage and marijuana seem to be going in a direction I can live with so those really aren't my battles to fight. But they are still things i consider myself passionate about.
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I vote for whoever I agree with the most.

9 times out of 10 that happens to be a Democrat though I did like Gary Johnson in 2012.
I vote for whoever I agree with the most.

9 times out of 10 that happens to be a Democrat though I did like Gary Johnson in 2012.

I voted Gary too haha.

Again, I just wish these outliers had a more legitimate chance. It's super frustrating.
This thread has tons of potential if I had the energy for it.

Who are you going to vote for then since it would appear that Trump (way too unpolished), Cruz (way too conservative), Sanders (way too liberal) and Clinton (way too corrupt) are unelectable.

Who says Trump is too unpolished? He has 10X the negotiation and business experience in the real world. Clearly he's top notch here. I also like the fact that he's not bought or sold, and his word means something. If Elected Iran and other nations will have a new tone with the USA.

Sanders to me is very authentic, his ideas would not work in a nation our size unless the middle class who is near breaking point is ready to pay a lot more in taxes to support the lower 30%.

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