Star Wars
Episode VII
It has been almost three decades since the empire crumbled at the hands of the rebels. A new republic has spawned, dedicated to rebuilding the galaxy in the name of peace. Princess Leia solo has been the elected chancellor of the republic for the past 20 years, and working with her husband, ambassador Han Solo, they have created a force for working to unite the galaxy.
Vestiges of the empire still exist in isolated pockets throughout the galaxy. Former commanders who were designated to control their sectors in imperial times now operate like warlords, keeping local populations under brutal conditions. The new republic sends emissaries to these isolated imperial outposts, hoping diplomacy will convince these last relics of the empire to give up their controlled areas peacefully.
Most of these aging warlords surrender to the new republic after being contacted. However, word has reached the republic senate that several of these outposts are uniting under one banner. These are the last of these warlords, and they are amassing forces, and even taking over new areas not previously under their control. The republic has sent military forces to these areas, only to suffer stunning defeats by these warlords, this “new rebellion”. The senate demands action from chancellor Leia solo, but all of her diplomatic and military options have failed.
Desperate to keep the peace the galaxy has seen for years, she sends couriers to find the one person who may be able to keep the new republic together…
Absent from political and public view for over two decades, Jedi master Luke Skywalker has exiled himself to an isolated system in order to re-establish a Jedi training academy. He has taught many Jedi, and has amassed a squad of master Jedi instructors who both help him seek out and teach others who are strong with the force. After the events of episode VI, Skywalker has developed an aversion of all things political, and has allowed the new republic to both prosper and struggle without his influence or interference, vowing to never let the Jedi become a tool to be manipulated by politics or outside influences.