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Comics X-Men: Emperor Vulcan

I've been wanting to check this out...Do i need to read Deadly Genesis and Rise and Fall of the Shiar Empire to really get into this? I sorta kept up with both through reviews, etc.

It looks interesting...is it any good? Were Deadly Genesis and Rise and Fall of the Shiar Empire good?
I've been wanting to check this out...Do i need to read Deadly Genesis and Rise and Fall of the Shiar Empire to really get into this? I sorta kept up with both through reviews, etc.

It looks interesting...is it any good? Were Deadly Genesis and Rise and Fall of the Shiar Empire good?
If you know the general idea of what happened during the events of "Deadly Genesis" and "Rise and Fall" you'll probably be fine.

Enjoy the story. It's looking pretty good.
Feel free to read Rise & Fall if you want to see 12 issues worth of set-up for this mini. Really, it's not worth it. It did serve to make Darwin a new favorite of mine, though.
"Rise and Fall" really wasn't that bad. Problems, yes, but not horrendous.
Anyone care to fill me in on exactly what might be going on with Darwin since rise and fall? I don't recall seeing him too much after that one, and he's not really showing up in any of the other comics that I've noticed... Any word on him?
He hasn't been used since Rise & Fall ended. Not even by Brubaker.
WWH: X-men...
That doesn't count. It featured Darwin shooting lasers from his hands. The man doesn't spontaneously develop new powers at will; his body adjusts according to the danger he's in for better survival.
Wow, what a crap ending!

Nothing was resolved.

- Havok, Polaris, and 2 Starjammers I don't care about get taken captive
- Korvus and Rachel are on the run with Lilandra
- Vulcan is coming to kill Charles

That feels like an issue before last, not a finale.

This whole thing gets a 6/10 :down:
Wow, what a crap ending!

Nothing was resolved.

- Havok, Polaris, and 2 Starjammers I don't care about get taken captive
- Korvus and Rachel are on the run with Lilandra
- Vulcan is coming to kill Charles

That feels like an issue before last, not a finale.

This whole thing gets a 6/10 :down:
are you for real? So pretty much it ends with teh same impact as Rise and Fall? This is supposed to just keep us on the edges of our seats for more? This storyline has been going on for nearly 2 damn years. Its way past time to resolve it already. My biggest problem with Rise and Fall was its ending. Good arc which was ruined by an ending which failed to resolve anything and it looked like that was done so this mini could take place and do that and now it hasnt. What a waste.
Seriously. The worst part is that it looks like Havok, Polaris, and Rachel are no closer to coming back to Earth for good :down:

In fact, when Vulcan calls Havok's bluff on killing him b/c the X-Men don't kill, he responds with "Didn't you hear, I quit" :(
Seriously. The worst part is that it looks like Havok, Polaris, and Rachel are no closer to coming back to Earth for good :down:

In fact, when Vulcan calls Havok's bluff on killing him b/c the X-Men don't kill, he responds with "Didn't you hear, I quit" :(
so pretty much, they will still be off being irrelvant. Ugh!
I'm still in shock that 5 months and $15 later, nothing was resolved. Fantastic
*reads issue*

Now waaaaiiiiitt a minute! You mean to tell me that after giving us a mini series continuing a story that should've ended a year ago, the only thing that's changed is that Alex & Lorna are prisoners? Really?

Chris Yost, you're officially back on notice.

Although, it might be interesting to see Vulcan and the IG fight with the Acolytes/Marauders for Charles.
I will give the mini this much: They made Ch'od witty, Havok more badass than he's been in years, and established that Rachel is back at the power level necessary to fly in space unaided.
Yeah, I noticed Rachel out there with only her powers to sustain her :up:

I think it's hilarious that Yost can kill kids who should have lived but can't seem to generate more than 1 meaningful death(Corsair) in a story that should have been a bloodbath. Either Havok or Vulcan should be dead right now.
Yeah, I noticed Rachel out there with only her powers to sustain her :up:

I think it's hilarious that Yost can kill kids who should have lived but can't seem to generate more than 1 meaningful death(Corsair) in a story that should have been a bloodbath. Either Havok or Vulcan should be dead right now.
It's my current belief that Yost is the "faceless masses" killer in the Yost/Kyle writing team. Notice in New X-Men, the numerous deaths started with a bus full of faceless kids, followed by individuals with names. Yost writes an entire mini by himself? We see a planet full of faceless masses die. That's it.
Haha, yeah. Kyle usually comes in after the Yost massacre and offs 2 or 3 big names like a ninja.
*sigh*...thats it..thats all i got for this
seriously nothing was accomplished - what the hell is going to happen to all these characters now? Just sit in space for a couple years while they think about including them elsewhere?
They're stalling till the next mini OR brewing an Imperial Guard vs Marauders/Acolytes brawl.

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