Days of Future Past X-Men First Class Official Manip Thread - Part 1

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Majik1387 said:
I guess they're better than the silhouette ones from xM:FC, but I just find the ink ones decent fan manips.

I think it fits the feels of the movie they are trying to go with. I prefer those over the weirdly Photoshop MOS posters. Under whose art direction was it to make every single one of the posters for that film blurry?
The ink posters are stunning and by some margin, some of the best film posters this year and certainly the best involved in this franchise since X2.
You might have to move Havok. :cwink:

As well as Cyclops and Storm. :o
As much as we want to forget Origins, we gotta give their due.
this is until The Wolverine.

Once DOFP comes out, I'll have to update it and add new mutants, specially Bishop, since he's a pretty popular mutant on the x-men universe.
this is until The Wolverine.

Once DOFP comes out, I'll have to update it and add new mutants, specially Bishop, since he's a pretty popular mutant on the x-men universe.

What Majik1387 was saying is that Cyclops and Storm were in Origins, or at least Cyclops was, so that makes 4 movie appearances for him rather than 3.
What Majik1387 was saying is that Cyclops and Storm were in Origins, or at least Cyclops was, so that makes 4 movie appearances for him rather than 3.

yep storm was in first class as well I think.
I got it, I got it.

But with this panel I wanted to give a more representative feeling of the treatment the x-men have had to date.

Thats why I didnt include cameos like Charles on Origins, Kitty on first movies, same as Jubilee.

Since Cyclops had a small role on both X3 and Origins, this panel is more representative of the treatment he has recieved.

To put him on the 4 movies list would make it seem that he is one of the main leads of the franchise, something that sadly isnt the case. That was the reason

if she would have appeared, technically, both Storm and Cyclops would have appeared in all x-men movies lol.
glad u like it ;)

Now Im trying to add all the supporting villains and characters, but its getting too crowded, lol.

I like the simplicity of this one, but I'll finish it another day, I guess.
If you want to get technical shadowcat has never been In any films.The PreShadowcat Kitty Pryde has been In 3 and soon 4 films.
It's the same damn character. That's like saying Marvel Girl has never been in the films bc Jean didnt use that code name in the movies
Shadowcat has been in 3 movies.

I didnt count some cameos, including Kitty one, Charles on Origins, and other examples.

I wanted to show more or less a decent representation of the screentime of the x-men on the franchise.

Some exceptions I counted are Pyros cameo on X1 and Colossus on X2 (where he appeared a few times, had two lines and an action scene).

Pyros had a pretty decent arc on the trilogy, and Colossus had a good presentation on X2 with more stuff on X3.
glad u like it psylocke

Where did you get that pic of Gambit, Havok and Banshee?

I didnt count some cameos, including Kitty one, Charles on Origins, and other examples.

I wanted to show more or less a decent representation of the screentime of the x-men on the franchise.

Some exceptions I counted are Pyros cameo on X1 and Colossus on X2 (where he appeared a few times, had two lines and an action scene).

Pyros had a pretty decent arc on the trilogy, and Colossus had a good presentation on X2 with more stuff on X3.

For me, they all count.

The only one I disregard is the Emma Silverfox in Origins and the Beast cameo in X2.
If we include DoFP and TW...

Wolverine, Xavier - 6
Magneto, Mystique, Jean, Cyclops - 5
Storm, Rogue, Iceman, Kitty - 4
Colossus, Beast - 3

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