Before you read I wanted to post this real quick. There might be some spelling issues or something, ill come back tomorrow and fix them, its 3am here so im a bit tired. You can jump to the bottom portion if you wanna skip already known facts.
What they left us with:
Prof. X: Dead but got a new body. He still wont be able to walk but probably can fool the world he still looks the same (hey its the professor he can do anything).
Cyclopse: dead (would have been more satisfying to see him die. His character/actor was terrible. He couldnt even die in a fun satisfying way.) I know he is some favs. but he was doomed sense X1
Rogue/Magneto: Obviously their powers could return.
Iceman/Pyro: Good fight to watch
:Read Here:
Ok theres the facts now lets look at it for real.
Wolverine: Going solo, he's already filming
Storm: Up in the air. She wanted a bigger role and got it, so if she decides X4 (replacing the Prof./Cyc like she did in X3) is big enough she might be back as the mentor (perhaps the Prof. voice as an advisor to her)
Prof.: Possible but doubtful
Magneto: If they do ill be mad but they have showed no signs of a villian to replace him
Ok so if wolverine is gone, the prof is gone and no real bad guy, then no sequal right? WRONG!
Who were the main characters of X3 who could still have a story going for X4? Thats right Iceman/Pyro and Rogue/Kitty Pride. Good guy Bad Guy and 2 girls. hmm? I know what your thinking, they are small in the comic books and all. But lets face it, everyone else is either dead or going solo. This is something hollywood would do to us. Not to mention the solo movies are going to be more adult versions then the xmen movies. This would allow the producers to hit both markets. Teens for X4 adults comic fans Wolvering/Storm/Gambit.
Could I be wrong? Obviously. Do I want to be wrong? Obviously. If I had my way it be post apocolyptic w/ biforge sending them back to save the prof. and all the others from dying in order to restore balance. But I cant get my way. Im simply looking at is as how they producers would make the best money. Post what you think about both what I have said and what you think could be in X4
What they left us with:
Prof. X: Dead but got a new body. He still wont be able to walk but probably can fool the world he still looks the same (hey its the professor he can do anything).
Cyclopse: dead (would have been more satisfying to see him die. His character/actor was terrible. He couldnt even die in a fun satisfying way.) I know he is some favs. but he was doomed sense X1
Rogue/Magneto: Obviously their powers could return.
Iceman/Pyro: Good fight to watch
:Read Here:
Ok theres the facts now lets look at it for real.
Wolverine: Going solo, he's already filming
Storm: Up in the air. She wanted a bigger role and got it, so if she decides X4 (replacing the Prof./Cyc like she did in X3) is big enough she might be back as the mentor (perhaps the Prof. voice as an advisor to her)
Prof.: Possible but doubtful
Magneto: If they do ill be mad but they have showed no signs of a villian to replace him
Ok so if wolverine is gone, the prof is gone and no real bad guy, then no sequal right? WRONG!
Who were the main characters of X3 who could still have a story going for X4? Thats right Iceman/Pyro and Rogue/Kitty Pride. Good guy Bad Guy and 2 girls. hmm? I know what your thinking, they are small in the comic books and all. But lets face it, everyone else is either dead or going solo. This is something hollywood would do to us. Not to mention the solo movies are going to be more adult versions then the xmen movies. This would allow the producers to hit both markets. Teens for X4 adults comic fans Wolvering/Storm/Gambit.
Could I be wrong? Obviously. Do I want to be wrong? Obviously. If I had my way it be post apocolyptic w/ biforge sending them back to save the prof. and all the others from dying in order to restore balance. But I cant get my way. Im simply looking at is as how they producers would make the best money. Post what you think about both what I have said and what you think could be in X4