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X4: Realist Takes A Look at the option

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Before you read I wanted to post this real quick. There might be some spelling issues or something, ill come back tomorrow and fix them, its 3am here so im a bit tired. You can jump to the bottom portion if you wanna skip already known facts.

What they left us with:
Prof. X: Dead but got a new body. He still wont be able to walk but probably can fool the world he still looks the same (hey its the professor he can do anything).

Cyclopse: dead (would have been more satisfying to see him die. His character/actor was terrible. He couldnt even die in a fun satisfying way.) I know he is some favs. but he was doomed sense X1

Rogue/Magneto: Obviously their powers could return.

Iceman/Pyro: Good fight to watch

:Read Here:
Ok theres the facts now lets look at it for real.

Wolverine: Going solo, he's already filming

Storm: Up in the air. She wanted a bigger role and got it, so if she decides X4 (replacing the Prof./Cyc like she did in X3) is big enough she might be back as the mentor (perhaps the Prof. voice as an advisor to her)

Prof.: Possible but doubtful

Magneto: If they do ill be mad but they have showed no signs of a villian to replace him

Ok so if wolverine is gone, the prof is gone and no real bad guy, then no sequal right? WRONG!

Who were the main characters of X3 who could still have a story going for X4? Thats right Iceman/Pyro and Rogue/Kitty Pride. Good guy Bad Guy and 2 girls. hmm? I know what your thinking, they are small in the comic books and all. But lets face it, everyone else is either dead or going solo. This is something hollywood would do to us. Not to mention the solo movies are going to be more adult versions then the xmen movies. This would allow the producers to hit both markets. Teens for X4 adults comic fans Wolvering/Storm/Gambit.

Could I be wrong? Obviously. Do I want to be wrong? Obviously. If I had my way it be post apocolyptic w/ biforge sending them back to save the prof. and all the others from dying in order to restore balance. But I cant get my way. Im simply looking at is as how they producers would make the best money. Post what you think about both what I have said and what you think could be in X4
There were too many loose ends and "closures" on too many characters in X3 for them to make a smooth and cohesive X4 with a complete story. There's not much else they could do with this current installment, IMO...

Hmm. I think you have quite alot to set up a new installment. I'm expecting on Monday to hear a little bit of a word on X4. :D
With all the main characters out of the way(Cyclops,Jean,Storm,Wolverine,Professor,Mystique,Magneto) we can have a fresh X-Movie where other characters can finally have the spot light,and where we can finally have a fresh new villain.

X-4 is a must.Make Beast the Professor replacement,make Gambit the Wolverine replacement,Make Iceman the Storm replacement.Colossus can get as much screentime as Iceman did in X-3.

X-4 can give us the Sentinels hunting down mutants,a Colossus vs Juggernaut fight,an ice-sliding Iceman,we can have a fresh new villain like Sinister,we can have Angel have some screen time as a good guy but he could have alot more of screen time when Sinister turns Angel into Archangel Sinister's right hand man.

So the bad guys could be Sinister,Archangel,Juggernaut,and maybe someone else.But we need some female heroes/villains in there somewhere too.Maybe Sinister turns Rogue into a villain to join his team while Kitty is on the X-Men side.
I dont see why X4 can be its on stand alone movie or movies. This one X universe has ended...another can start...just like the comics! but than again....ill just wait and see!
I think there needs to be an X4 because this movie left me with questions. X2 did not need to have a sequel, although I wanted one, because it didn't leave questions. I think that they have plenty to go on for X4. The cure could not be permentant and the mutants would deal with that. Professor would be in a new body. Sinister or Apocolypse could be the new baddie in case the cure was their plan all along. There are more reasons, but I can't think of them right now so i'll post later.
in all honesty, x3 was not a great movie, barely qualifies as a good movie. it was too fast, not enough character development and really was just a popcorn flick, which wouldn't have been too bad but x2 gave us soo many possibilites.. anyways .. thinking about somethings, this is how we can salvage what x3 had done

- phoenix not having the phoenix flame might mean something, phoenix is reborn after death. i could see jean rising from her grave surrounded in the phoenix flame, as sort of her rebirth, where the "phoenix persona" is dead but only jean remains. in the comics, it is jeans mind that keeps cyclops alive and maybe she didn't have him killed, much like she could demolecularize, she could also remolecularize cyclops.. or cyclops was never killed but in a hospital in canada.

remove all the villians from x1-3 and start off fresh, with a new villian such as sinister, apocalypse, etc.

take wolverine out, get gambit in

the "cure" turns out to be a disease for some (legacy virus), neutral for others (cure is only temporary), but in some cases, such as rougue, it mutates her even more and now we have rouge flying and with the strength.

for godsakes, give angel something to do and unite the original 5 x-men !
I just can't see an X film without Wolverine , Storm and Prof X.....I really can't .

People are saying take out Wolverine and replace him with Gambit which I can't see working.....the first three films have brought in so many more fans to the world of X and no small part of that was because of Wolverine.....
Judging from reviews, I think they should stop here and dont press their luck.. next time 20% more will dislike the film and on and on.

I would however like to see the Magneto and Wolverine spinoffs if a crew can maintain an attention span longer than a 5th grader. It has a shot but folks who insist on self sabotaging behavior shouldnt do it imo.
i have a tough time believing they are going to make a xmen movie without Wolverine

i did like the fast paced style of X3/ brett ratner (the style is alot different then singers as apposed to what many have said) i wish they're was a little more in some scenes though, but by no means did it ruin anything for me, but if an X4 is made and Ratner is the director my wish would be take everything down 2 notches...from 30 to 28(out of 10 lol) at least

i think this movie seguies perfectly into a sinister storyline

sinister finds the lifeless cyclops at alkali lake and revives him, and makes a clone of jean grey so he can make the mutant capable of defeating apacolypse (only hinted at, but pays off in a latter film like 5 or 6)

so sinister could be 1 storyline

i think with the magneto, a neat way to resolve that would be this...

the acolytes search long and hard for a way to get there once mighty idol back to full strength, when they find it...Scarlett Witch, his daugther could be brought in the fold, and i would like that

Gambit could be brought in, on like a Genoshia storyline, or as an Xmen with a dark past (wich gets payed off in the sinister encounter)

i dunno, i think the franchise is the most open ended of any franchise, i just saw X3 at the midnight showing, loved it, and of course, i want more
I dont see how xmen would work with out wolverine, cyclops, jean, magneto and of course Prof X. I just do not see it drawing enough interest without those characters. In addition, could you guys imagine how much ranting and bashing would break out if those characters were not in the next movie. I mean X3 had a lot of critizing since day 1. I would imagine the critizing would be much greater.

The only way I could see the sequel working is with those characters and with apocalypse and the legacy virus.

I truly hope in the next one they make Rogue actually like the real Rogue.
I'm not sure if anyone has written anything about it here but...Wolverine WOULD return for X4 since his movie is a prequel to the series. So if there's gonna be X4, I highly doubt they would cancel their most popular character.
Changer d'Elder said:
I'm not sure if anyone has written anything about it here but...Wolverine WOULD return for X4 since his movie is a prequel to the series. So if there's gonna be X4, I highly doubt they would cancel their most popular character.
But will they be willing to splash out all that money for him, if wolverine film does well. Hew wont be in X4, he will be in Wolverine 2:Sabertooths Revenge, or some other weird title
No. Rothman confirmed that making an X-movie without Logan would be suicide. X3 was standing and falling with Jackman's decision. Do you really think they would do something else in next?
They shoulda added a Dr. Essex giving Rogue the cure, just saying...
Changer d'Elder said:
No. Rothman confirmed that making an X-movie without Logan would be suicide. X3 was standing and falling with Jackman's decision. Do you really think they would do something else in next?
Yes. We dont know how well X3 is even going to do at the cinema. But im sure that if it doesnt do as well as expected, we will get an x-kids movie and not an X4
by what is seen in teh film, cyclops is proclaimed dead but no evidence of death is shown, only him without his visor, anything could have happened, he could have blasted jean, hence why she was on the floor unconcious.

Scott lives....

based on what we've been left with I would say magneto takes a seat for a while since his powers we can assume are not yet up to speed to deal with anything or then we could bring in the apocolytes who could aid in him getting his powers up to full speed.

sinister is out since jean is now out and since he wants the both of them, then it's not really going to be plausible.

well the government in the last film seem to be taking a relaxed view to mutants so i doubt there would be anything along the lines of sentinels being used in the films.

the inner circle haven't got a phoenix to manipulate anymore so that's out of the window...

I say FULL OUT bring out apocalypse and cable from the future, cementing the fact that jean and cyclops MUST SURVIVE since they have an offspring....work rogue back into the fold (like how they used her in evolution)...

also with apocalypse could come the development of angel as one of his horsemen after perhaps a wing gets damaged in battle.

actually the more i think of that, the more of a genius idea i feel it is...

oh and bring back nightcrawler...
Changer d'Elder said:
No. Rothman confirmed that making an X-movie without Logan would be suicide. X3 was standing and falling with Jackman's decision. Do you really think they would do something else in next?
that's only because he was focussed on so much in the first few films...

but now he's left with no motivation what so ever...

his relationship with storm isn't a strong one..

no more xavier
no more supressed memories
no more scott to cheer up
no more rogue to look after
no more jean to lust over...

his involvement in the next film should be reduced to cameo only, he's not required, he's been milked as much as possible in the group situation...let him go into his own single project...
GoldGoblin said:
With all the main characters out of the way(Cyclops,Jean,Storm,Wolverine,Professor,Mystique,Magneto) we can have a fresh X-Movie where other characters can finally have the spot light,and where we can finally have a fresh new villain.

X-4 is a must.Make Beast the Professor replacement,make Gambit the Wolverine replacement,Make Iceman the Storm replacement.Colossus can get as much screentime as Iceman did in X-3.

X-4 can give us the Sentinels hunting down mutants,a Colossus vs Juggernaut fight,an ice-sliding Iceman,we can have a fresh new villain like Sinister,we can have Angel have some screen time as a good guy but he could have alot more of screen time when Sinister turns Angel into Archangel Sinister's right hand man.

So the bad guys could be Sinister,Archangel,Juggernaut,and maybe someone else.But we need some female heroes/villains in there somewhere too.Maybe Sinister turns Rogue into a villain to join his team while Kitty is on the X-Men side.

Beast was appointed to the UN. He's hardly likely to be an X-Men member.
A Apocolypse storyline with Cable would work. Not going in to Cables upbringing as to not bring up too much screen time.

Cable comes back, the whole 'Jean needs to live for m to exist and stop Apocolypse etc', it could work.Bishop could be thrown in, they could use the 'dude behind Magneto in the forest' as actually being Forge, who was spying on the brotherhood.

If they wanted to then, they could do a Cable/Bishop spin off. Alot more gritty with less special effects and less mutants. Just a soldier movie. Like what Terminator 3 SHOULD have been.
I was thinking of bishop but then he'd have to be from the same timeline as cable, ie them both being sent back at the same time as a two person unit, which could work but it takes the dynamic off cable...

cable's background doesn't need to be really explored, he's just back to do a job, he's got the virus, powers, the grit of wolverine, the no crap atitude (so wolverine can take a back seat) and best of all, HE'S PROOF THAT THE MAIN CHARACTER MUST NOT DIE. it doesn't mean he has to know about how or where they are in the future or how they actually survive nor does that have to be explored in teh film.

ps why would they need forge?
Odin's Lapdog said:
I was thinking of bishop but then he'd have to be from the same timeline as cable, ie them both being sent back at the same time as a two person unit, which could work but it takes the dynamic off cable...

cable's background doesn't need to be really explored, he's just back to do a job, he's got the virus, powers, the grit of wolverine, the no crap atitude (so wolverine can take a back seat) and best of all, HE'S PROOF THAT THE MAIN CHARACTER MUST NOT DIE. it doesn't mean he has to know about how or where they are in the future or how they actually survive nor does that have to be explored in teh film.
Exactly, people who say he wouldnt work in an Xfilm would be satisfied if he was just sent back, none of the Asgardian stuff mentioned. He is just doing his job.

ps why would they need forge?
It would shut the ****ers up *****ing about that guy behind mags in the forest being gambit.:o
Just a mention would be great, he built the time machine to send them back.

Hell, if they REALLY wanted sentinals, have them come through the portal with Cable and bishop. Cables base was being attacked and they jumped through, followed by a sentinal or two. Appear at the x mansion, and then have the Xmen take them down.
Odin's Lapdog said:
not just any sentinel, nimrod...

=beat nimrod=army finds parts of nimrod after investigating what the hell just happened= army backward engineers the future technology=sentinals in the present day.

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