Your Favorite Comic Book Movie


The never-ending battle
Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
I know that Venom Jr. made a Best/Worst Movie Ever combo, which is odd that those aren't in the Misc. Films thread but whatever.

I just wanted to make a simple stripped down thread and see what everyone's favorite comic book movie is.

Because this is a community that's all about film adaptations of comic books.

Now this isn't a "which is better" or "rank them" situation. I'm really not up on starting threads that could potentially lead into b*tching contests over what's more whatever than the other...

Just wanna see what people's favorite comic book movies are and why.

If you're actually fond of Superman IV: The Quest For Peace...go for it. Because in the end we're all connected by our love of this sub-genre of cinema...bringing our favorite heroes and villains to life in a way the original medium can't. We're all friends here, so whichever CB Movie is your favorite, whether it's "Spiderman 2" or "Howard The Duck"...let's here it!


For me, it hinges on two things. Whether I'm looking at it as a student going to school for digital film and TV production or as a CB Movie fan.

For the former, it's gotta be Dick Donner's original "Superman: The Movie." It just captures the imagination and the work behind this mammoth undertaking just shows in the brilliance of how it all comes together. This is made even more so now with knowledge of how troubling that production was and the feud between Donner and the Salkinds.

For the latter, Tim Burton's original '89 'BATMAN.' That was the first comic book film I ever saw and I instantly fell in love with the movie and ultimately the character. From Anton Furst's Gotham City to Prince's soundtrack to Nicholson and Keaton's take on two of the greatest adversaries in comics, I totally immersed myself in the experiance of that film when I was a kid.

So how about everyone else?

My favorite comic book movie is Spider-Man 2.

Spider-Man 2's message of doing the what's right is not always easy, but needs to be done was great, and expressed very well. It took the great Spider-Man No More story, and made a very unique version of it. The battles between Ock and Spidey are the best comic fight scenes to date. The acting, especially Alfred Molina as Doc Ock was phenominal. I love the direction the characters went. It had a nice balance of action, heart, and comedy (great corny humor). I don't feel the movie dragged at all. It was perfectly paced.

Spider-Man 2 I feel is still the crown jewel of comic movies, and a standard that will be hard to reach again. Sam Raimi outdid himself with this movie.
Hellboy- good ole fun, and had a funnier comedy, cooler action, and a more well-paced romantic sub-plot than any other comic movie
I thought Hellboy was good . I'm tired of Hollywood ruining all the Marvel characters . I think Iron Man and Hulk might be a turnaround for Marvel.
Hellboy was brilliant, and I'm at a loss as to why there isn't more buzz for the sequel.
My favorite comic book movie is Spider-Man 2.

Spider-Man 2's message of doing the what's right is not always easy, but needs to be done was great, and expressed very well. It took the great Spider-Man No More story, and made a very unique version of it. The battles between Ock and Spidey are the best comic fight scenes to date. The acting, especially Alfred Molina as Doc Ock was phenominal. I love the direction the characters went. It had a nice balance of action, heart, and comedy (great corny humor). I don't feel the movie dragged at all. It was perfectly paced.

Spider-Man 2 I feel is still the crown jewel of comic movies, and a standard that will be hard to reach again. Sam Raimi outdid himself with this movie.

Did you prefer Spidey 2 or 2.1?
Spider-Man 2 and Batman Begins.
I have so many favourites in this genre, so many movies here I adore.

Batman. Mesmerising. I love the way the movie mixes the operatic, the gothic romance, the 30's gangsterisms, and it's dedication to the very earliest, the original Batman comics. The specific, unique version of the character Burton and Keaton created here is my very favourite incarnation of the Dark Knight. Wonderful film.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the 1990 original). My jaw almost drops every time I watch this. The fact that it brings the comics and the characters to life with so much atmosphere, and energy, drama, and believability....incredible.

X-Men, the first, the purest, the most realistic, the most believable. This movie made me believe Logan (and the others) was a man who could exist, whereas the other films painted him as a more typical action hero (albeit a rounded one). The first movie also had him as a truly dangerous loner, not a loveable, cigar-chomping rebel. His hair is also much better in the first movie, it gets ridiculous by XIII.

Spider-Man 3
. Finally after three movies, we get to see Spider-Man the character, the wise-cracking, confident, out-going, talkative Spider-Man. I loved it for that reason alone. "I'm the sheriff in these parts." Bang, that's Spider-Man, finally. But also a thrilling, perfectly-paced, multi-faceted film; numerous story threads dovetailing into each other and strengthening one-another in a truly engaging and impressive manner. Peter's corruption was perfectly sinister and effective, and the scene in the church where he rids himself of the symbiote (and Brock finds it) is truly epic and powerful. It's all about sin, and Raimi finds perfect visual metaphors for the darkness inside us all. The Sandman is wonderfully handled and truly sympathetic.

On top of that, the action scenes are extraordinary even by today's standards, and have now without a doubt reached the level of superheroic mayhem the comic battles have always featured. Every fight scene looked like it cost atleast $40m. Amazing.

Even better, the climax is a worthy and thrilling finale, whereas the two previous films lacked them. I loved that Spidey actively and intelligently defeated Venom, whereas the Goblin doomed himself and Ock killed himself. Spidey conclusively beating Venom was a real highlight for me. And Spidey and the Sandman forgiving each other was refreshing and really heartfelt, by Raimi especially.

I could also vote for the majestic, poetic, magnificent Superman Returns. Certainly the most beautiful, subtle and elegant superhero movie ever made.

But my favourite, the one movie that inspires me most to this date and sends a shiver down my spine every single time, as soon as it starts, is Superman. It's the best superhero thing (movie, comic, story) ever. It's got the best superhero actor, the best superhero music, the greatest storyline, an epic feel that no other movie in the genre can favourite part in the film, and therefore in the superhero genre as a whole, is at the end. Lex is taken to a cell. The theme begins. The prison warden says, "This country is safe again Superman - thanks to you." And Superman replies, "Oh no sir, don't thank me warden - we're all part of the same team. Good night." And with that, he flies off, the warden salutes him and turns away.

I have so many different's hard to make a definative call for what I consider my favorite.

For an epic feel.....Superman the Movie. Just so well and classicly done. Great actors in many roles....a real science fiction feel with different worlds and people with fantastic abilities. The FX were well done for the time (most still stand up with todays technology). It stayed pretty much true to the comic book at the time. It's one of my favorites.

For hilarious fun....Hellboy. Ron Perlman was perfect. Full of action, humour, good special effects, and fine acting. I hadn't read any of the comics before hand....had no preconcieved ideas or prejudices....went in and had a grand old time.

For goofy fun.....Howard the Duck or Tank Girl. Both are not to be taken seriously....just sit back and enjoy the insanity. Whether it's a guitar playing, Quack-Fu practicing, condom in his wallet carrying duck.....or a squad of mutant kangaroo/human hybrids ninjaing their way through a futuristic wasteland while trying to get laid.....they're both just stupid fun. Now pass me some cajun sushi.....
I also love Superman, Supergirl, Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Rocketeer, Batman Returns, Blade, X-men, Blade II, X-Men 2, Batman Begins, Superman Returns and, if it counts as a comic book movie, Transformers. That being said, I still think that nothing can beat The Crow for me.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My jaw almost drops every time I watch this. The fact that it brings the comics and the characters to life with so much atmosphere, and energy, drama, and believability....incredible.

The original live action or the recent CGI movie?
I also love Superman, Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Rocketeer, Batman Returns, Blade, X-men, Blade II, X-Men 2, Batman Begins, Superman Returns and, if it counts as a comic book movie, Transformers. That being said, I still think that nothing can beat The Crow for me.

The Crow is extraordinarily emotional. The emotion of the movie feel completely genuine.
Batman Begins and Spider-Man are my top 2

Other faves include:
Spider-Man 2 & 3
Superman: The Movie

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