Your thoughts on old St. Nick


My name is Stefan, sweet thang
Mar 8, 2004
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If you have kids, or younger family members, do you pretty much go ahead with the Santa thing, or are you one of those, "there is no Santa Claus" types? I pretty much ask the brats I know when Santa is coming, and all that there. I do know one girl at my job who basically told her kids at age 5 that there is no Santa, and to tell their little friends as well. :dry: I was like, this ***** is just ruining everyone's childhood because she wants to be a realist. Let the kids have their fun, damn.
There isnt a Santa? :dry:



Um...he had a cool forehead.
I'd totally let them believe. The look in their eyes is just priceless. Damn, I think I'm running a fever or something. :huh:
i say dont ever tell them and then when they are adults inform them that Yes there was a santa but there was a fire at the north pole due to a faulty toy machine and now we must continue the festival in honor of his legacy.
i'd rather that lie be accepted as the truth over any other explanation .xmas is fun for kids and then they find out you have deceived them , its never good .
Kids can still enjoy their childhood without having to believe in a fat guy with a fetish for cookies and milk, who enjoys breaking into people's homes at night through the chimney and leaving presents, the same presents that the children told their parents they wanted and then bought
Kids can still enjoy their childhood without having to believe in a fat guy with a fetish for cookies and milk, who enjoys breaking into people's homes at night through the chimney and leaving presents, the same presents that the children told their parents they wanted and then bought



Um...he had a cool forehead.

LOL at the forehead thing, but yes, this IS the real saint nicholas and he did none of the dumb things the "commericial" santa does. the real Saint nicholas is a great man, should look him up.
It has nothing to do with being a scrooge. I found out that 'santa' didn't exist when I was 4 years old when I heard something from the living room. I got up and snuck down the hallway and my dad was putting together the bike I asked for and my mom was placing presents underneath the tree. I then went back to bed, got up for breakfast and opening presents and the bike was labelled "to david from santa".

I rode that bike until I outgrew it and got a bigger one, and even though I knew santa didn't exist, there were plenty of things I enjoyed as a kid that I look back on as a 29 year old and think "I had a damn good childhood"
It has nothing to do with being a scrooge. I found out that 'santa' didn't exist when I was 4 years old when I heard something from the living room. I got up and snuck down the hallway and my dad was putting together the bike I asked for and my mom was placing presents underneath the tree. I then went back to bed, got up for breakfast and opening presents and the bike was labelled "to david from santa".

I rode that bike until I outgrew it and got a bigger one, and even though I knew santa didn't exist, there were plenty of things I enjoyed as a kid that I look back on as a 29 year old and think "I had a damn good childhood"

LOL sensitive issue I see
And my uncle put a red clown nose on his deer head that he hung up in the den of my grandparents house
did it look cool or creepy? could go either way-
well, we bought presents for the kids, then we wrapped them, then we put them under the tree by the chimney

**** it, I am santa claus
My little cousins and my friends' kids are all 8 and under, so yes, we're all into the Santa Claus thing. It's fun. I helped my cousin make his list this year (he's 5), and when he started to misbehave I told him that every time he acted up Santa would turn one of the toys on his list into a pair of socks.

It's fun, and it's not hurting anyone, so I don't see any need to spoil it for the kids because it makes them really happy. I have a friend who's already got plans for when his son finds out: he's going to have him pick out a toy at the store and donate it to Toys for Tots, and tell him that he got to be Santa Claus for another kid. I thought that was really sweet.
I belived in Santa until i was a teenager,Christmas cheer is very strong where i live.
It's fun, and it's not hurting anyone, so I don't see any need to spoil it for the kids because it makes them really happy. I have a friend who's already got plans for when his son finds out: he's going to have him pick out a toy at the store and donate it to Toys for Tots, and tell him that he got to be Santa Claus for another kid. I thought that was really sweet.

wow, i really like that idea!

i'm 24 years old, with no children in my life (there was a darling 6 year old daughter of some of my friends that i had moved in with, but the friendship was destroyed thanks to them, so the sweet 6 year old girl is no longer a part of my life :() so i don't do the whole santa thing. but, when i get out and am around my newphews, and have children of my own, i will definately be going along with the santa thing. i definately believed when i was a child. as i got older, i figured out for myself that santa didn't exist, and that was okay, but for the time that i did believe, it was very fun.
I belived in Santa until i was a teenager.

Wow. :dry:

I found out there was no Santa at age seven when I saw the presents under my parents' bed. I didn't care at all. I was never entertained by the thought of a fat old guy breaking and entering into my house.
I don't have kids (heck, I'm not even married yet), but if I ever do, I'll tell them about Jesus' birth, and the real St. Nicholas. As for the whole "Santa Claus" deal, I'll tell them the truth: that it's a legend based on Nicholas, told to entertain kids during Christmastime.
LOL at the forehead thing, but yes, this IS the real saint nicholas and he did none of the dumb things the "commericial" santa does. the real Saint nicholas is a great man, should look him up.

I think he actually did drop coins into a chimney for 3 sisters, so that they would land in their stockings hanging by the fireplace to dry. At least thats how I remember the story.
I don't have kids (heck, I'm not even married yet), but if I ever do, I'll tell them about Jesus' birth, and the real St. Nicholas. As for the whole "Santa Claus" deal, I'll tell them the truth: that it's a legend based on Nicholas, told to entertain kids during Christmastime.

But when would you tell them the truth? That's the question.

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