A Super Villain I Invented

Real Name: Anton Appus
Alias: Simian
Identity: Dual
Occupation: CEO of CosmeTech (former), two-bit criminal (former), super-villain (current)
Place of Birth: Rose City, USA
Known Relatives: Kelly Mare (fiance`, deceased). Neither he nor anyone else knows who his parents are.
Powers and Abilities: Super Strength, Animal-Keen Senses, able to climb walls
Origin: As a baby, Anton Appus was found on the doorstep of an orphanage with an adjacent card containing his name and best wishes. Growing up, he would read any book he could get his hands on, a source of ridicule from the other children. When he was seventeen, he ran away and got a job working as an assistant in a beauty shop. It was during this time that Anton invented a new product that he began to use on customers, with astounding results. This, combined with other successful products, swiftly moved him up the corporate ladder, and he used the profits to set up his own company, CosmeTech. He got engaged to a woman named Kelly Mare, lived in luxury, and was even famous for awhile. Then, a customer who had had a near-fatal reaction to a CosmeTech product sued the company and won. Afraid to lose anymore money, all of CosmeTech's financers backed out. To make matters worse, a disgruntled ex-employee leaked Appus' lack of formal education to the media, costing him thousands in possible buyers and investors now turned off. No longer facing the prospect of a huge inheritance, Mare dumped him. To top it off, the backlash from the incident locked him out of even a middle-class job.
Desperate for money, Appus turned to crime. He was a failure at even this, easily tripping an alarm on his first robbery. While running from the scene of the crime, Appus witnessed a crash-landing UFO. The creature inside, an alien resemling an ape, was mortally wounded and needed a human host to survive. Seeing Appus, the creature instinctively bit him on the hand, transferring its genetic patterns to him and creating an almost exact copy of its former state. With his new abilities, Appus, now calling himself "Simian", brutally killed Kelly Mare, the CosmeTech financers, and everyone else involved with his downfall. He also robbed an armored car and easily knocked out an intervening superheroine named Shooting Starr. Still not satisfied, he built a bomb and planned to blow up the orphange he spent his childhood in, no long er caring that innocent children might be killed. Before he could carry out this plan, however, Shooting Starr returned and used an animal tranquilizer dart to make him human again. He now resides in a prison cell specially designed for his "other personality".
Real Name: Anton Appus
Alias: Simian
Identity: Dual
Occupation: CEO of CosmeTech (former), two-bit criminal (former), super-villain (current)
Place of Birth: Rose City, USA
Known Relatives: Kelly Mare (fiance`, deceased). Neither he nor anyone else knows who his parents are.
Powers and Abilities: Super Strength, Animal-Keen Senses, able to climb walls
Origin: As a baby, Anton Appus was found on the doorstep of an orphanage with an adjacent card containing his name and best wishes. Growing up, he would read any book he could get his hands on, a source of ridicule from the other children. When he was seventeen, he ran away and got a job working as an assistant in a beauty shop. It was during this time that Anton invented a new product that he began to use on customers, with astounding results. This, combined with other successful products, swiftly moved him up the corporate ladder, and he used the profits to set up his own company, CosmeTech. He got engaged to a woman named Kelly Mare, lived in luxury, and was even famous for awhile. Then, a customer who had had a near-fatal reaction to a CosmeTech product sued the company and won. Afraid to lose anymore money, all of CosmeTech's financers backed out. To make matters worse, a disgruntled ex-employee leaked Appus' lack of formal education to the media, costing him thousands in possible buyers and investors now turned off. No longer facing the prospect of a huge inheritance, Mare dumped him. To top it off, the backlash from the incident locked him out of even a middle-class job.
Desperate for money, Appus turned to crime. He was a failure at even this, easily tripping an alarm on his first robbery. While running from the scene of the crime, Appus witnessed a crash-landing UFO. The creature inside, an alien resemling an ape, was mortally wounded and needed a human host to survive. Seeing Appus, the creature instinctively bit him on the hand, transferring its genetic patterns to him and creating an almost exact copy of its former state. With his new abilities, Appus, now calling himself "Simian", brutally killed Kelly Mare, the CosmeTech financers, and everyone else involved with his downfall. He also robbed an armored car and easily knocked out an intervening superheroine named Shooting Starr. Still not satisfied, he built a bomb and planned to blow up the orphange he spent his childhood in, no long er caring that innocent children might be killed. Before he could carry out this plan, however, Shooting Starr returned and used an animal tranquilizer dart to make him human again. He now resides in a prison cell specially designed for his "other personality".
I made a villian called the Reluctant Wizard. He was a guy growing up that hated wizard. Then what? He found a wizards magic necklace. Sales for the book are astronomical. Cause of the great story.


The hero that does battle with him is either I'm calling him Flexible Pete or Handsome greg. Either way he was the most flexible and handsome star of sports in his small home town of Heroton, AX. His book also sells well because of my clever stories and imagination-esque ideas.

^Okay, I did not understand one word of what you said. What you were describing didn't make much sense.
I said here is a villian i made called the Reluctant Wizard. He doesnt want to be a wizard but he found a magical necklace that forces him to do wizard style crimes (steal artifacts, touch kids, be generally creepy like wizards). The hero who he always feuds with is the talented and agile Handsome Greg. Using top-notch gymnastics and his luggage with rollers, he fights the Reluctant wizard and other enemies including probably the Red Stealer, another villian of my creation.

Hes red and steals stuff if context clues dont work for you.
Actually, when you first posted, what you wrote was poorly constructed and it didn't make sense when read. Your second post was better.
So when you say that the sales for the book are astronomical because of the great story, do you meen its gonna be reely expensive because its good? lol Well you havent told us anything reely about your story and the quality of a story doesnt exactly price the book itself.
I have just thought of another super villain. The Devestater.
I don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything but everytime you come up with someone you just announce that you have this idea for a character and leave it at that. Tell us something more ebesides a name!!
I have just thought of another super villain. The Devestater.

Weren't you going to post some of your writing a little while back? You keep on telling us you have all these ideas and have done all this writing. Yet, you have never demonstrated any of your writing skill. Whats up?
Weren't you going to post some of your writing a little while back? You keep on telling us you have all these ideas and have done all this writing. Yet, you have never demonstrated any of your writing skill. Whats up?

I am going to post the first appearnce of Longhorn soon. I still have to write it. I am almost done coloring a picture of my super hero.
You sure seem to spend a lot of time on the pictures of your characters and not the writing of the stories.
Real Name--Jason Bocks
Identity--Known to few
Place of Birth--Orlando, Florida
Known Relatives--Unknown
Group Affiliation--None
Education--4 years of biochemistry at Harvard University

Height--6'3, (7'0 when Poisinsting)
Weight--185 lbs, (200 lbs when Poisinsting)

Powers--Poisinsting has no mutant powers but due to his molecule suit that he invented, he is able to reduce his body into liquid and gas form and return to solid at will. He can cling to any surface he touches and can stretch any part of his anatomy to a great length. The substance that his suit is made of allows him to produce certain objects or weapons. He can split his body apart into multiple forms of himself. His suit allows him to survive for days to even weeks without any rest or nourishment. The suit is also capable of changing his appearence. His suit also enhances his strength, speed, endurance, agility, and senses to super human levels.

Abilities--Accomplished scientist and extremely high IQ.

Arch enemies--Blacksting.

Jason Bocks was orphaned at birth and sent to the Orlando Orphanage in Orlando, Florida. At a young age Jason took a liking to science and chemistry. He quickly passed through the grades and soon made his way to grade 10 at the age of 12 due to his genius intellect. Jason graduated at the age of 14 and with high honors earning him a scholarship to Harvard University where he studied in biochemistry. After graduation, Jason started researching into a biological suit that could help astronauts venture far into space without needing rest for a long period of time. When Jason finaly completed his biological suit, it was to be presented in front of Nasa and some of the largest companies in the world. During the presentation, some of the monitor's and computer's wires began to spark and caught fire sending all of the lab a blaze. Foretunatley, Blacksting had arrived and saved the Nasa and company representitives. The fire was interupted by a freak lightning storm, which lead to Jason being struck by a bolt of lightning fusing his molecules with the suit's molecules. Confused and brain damaged, Jason's first sight after being struck was Blacksting who had saved him from the fire, burning all of his work except for the suit. Jason lost all of his work and now no one would buy his project. Furious, Jason blamed Blacksting for what had happened at the lab and losing all his work and sponsers. He escaped from the hospital and wandered the streets, planning his way back to get his revenge on Blacksting for ruining his life. He adopted the name Poisinsting and look similar to Blacksting's so that perhaps he could make society think that Blacksting was more of a criminal than a hero.
The two have battled many times and have even worked together on certain occasions but have always remained enemies and perhaps always will.
Real Name--Jason Bocks
Identity--Known to few
Place of Birth--Orlando, Florida
Known Relatives--Unknown
Group Affiliation--None
Education--4 years of biochemistry at Harvard University

Height--6'3, (7'0 when Poisinsting)
Weight--185 lbs, (200 lbs when Poisinsting)

Powers--Poisinsting has no mutant powers but due to his molecule suit that he invented, he is able to reduce his body into liquid and gas form and return to solid at will. He can cling to any surface he touches and can stretch any part of his anatomy to a great length. The substance that his suit is made of allows him to produce certain objects or weapons. He can split his body apart into multiple forms of himself. His suit allows him to survive for days to even weeks without any rest or nourishment. The suit is also capable of changing his appearence. His suit also enhances his strength, speed, endurance, agility, and senses to super human levels.

Abilities--Accomplished scientist and extremely high IQ.

Arch enemies--Blacksting.

Jason Bocks was orphaned at birth and sent to the Orlando Orphanage in Orlando, Florida. At a young age Jason took a liking to science and chemistry. He quickly passed through the grades and soon made his way to grade 10 at the age of 12 due to his genius intellect. Jason graduated at the age of 14 and with high honors earning him a scholarship to Harvard University where he studied in biochemistry. After graduation, Jason started researching into a biological suit that could help astronauts venture far into space without needing rest for a long period of time. When Jason finaly completed his biological suit, it was to be presented in front of Nasa and some of the largest companies in the world. During the presentation, some of the monitor's and computer's wires began to spark and caught fire sending all of the lab a blaze. Foretunatley, Blacksting had arrived and saved the Nasa and company representitives. The fire was interupted by a freak lightning storm, which lead to Jason being struck by a bolt of lightning fusing his molecules with the suit's molecules. Confused and brain damaged, Jason's first sight after being struck was Blacksting who had saved him from the fire, burning all of his work except for the suit. Jason lost all of his work and now no one would buy his project. Furious, Jason blamed Blacksting for what had happened at the lab and losing all his work and sponsers. He escaped from the hospital and wandered the streets, planning his way back to get his revenge on Blacksting for ruining his life. He adopted the name Poisinsting and look similar to Blacksting's so that perhaps he could make society think that Blacksting was more of a criminal than a hero.
The two have battled many times and have even worked together on certain occasions but have always remained enemies and perhaps always will.

I finished the first appearnce of Longhorn. I will be posting it soon.

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